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Van Gogh's Closet


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thanks guys... I think I'll do about 6 more rows. I hate the thought of blocking it. I HATE blocking.. but with this I won't be able to not do it...

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I'm in!

I started last night. Using a super simple square pattern. I figured this would be a great stashbuster for all my baby yarn.

It's fun and it's going quickly!

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I know it isn't Friday but I just had to show you all what I've got done so far. Hopefully I'll have it done by Friday.



This is so AWSOME!!! great job. What colors did you use in it?



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Tiger Mom, your star ripple is amazing looking.

I have now finished 5 rows on my ripple for nephew's graduation in 2 1/2 weeks, Hope I can complete it.

I can not believe how fast some of you girls are..

I will post a pic tomorrow if I get more progress...I am now blending navy into purple..:eek

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Christi, those are gorgeous! The effect is really addicting!! I have another one I want to make for Project Linus...


Deb - try washing the rr and putting it in the dryer - that's the ONLY way I block these things!:hook

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Good morning, everyone. I've got a dilema. :think Do I work on one of my RRs today or my quiltghan? I can't decide!! Maybe I'll have to work on BOTH! But which one first & for how long? Yech! I can't make up my mind!!! I think I'll get some tea first. Maybe then I can decide.:laughroll

Christi - Wow!! Those are simply gorgeous!! Great job!! :yay:cheer:yay

Welcome, Sandy & Worm!! Glad to have you here!! :welcome Worm, I simply can't call you that. Do you have a first name we can use? :yes Please. Pretty please.

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ohhh I love the ripple ghans in bright and the ones in pastels. That baby blanket (I think) in a rectangular shape looks like a pastel rainbow, really beautiful!!


OK.. so I started my pet bed, but it turned into a granny square, and I was so excited how the lilac cream purple dk. purple colors looked I think I am going to go back to Joanne fabrics and get enough yarn and finish this afghan. (like I have room for more yarn :lol ) I usually make gifts or at least have someone in mind when I do an afghan or quilt.. but this just evolved into this blanket. (maybe I get to keep one finally!!) I love the double strand thickness. It was an experiment and I just went for color, so grabbed some Caron .. it's easy to work and feels really soft. Guess the dog has to wait for her bed :yes

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This is so AWSOME!!! great job. What colors did you use in it?




Sandy these are the colors I used


tlc...baby yellow

rh...light coral

rh...baby pink


tlc...lilac heather

rh... light blue

rh... dusty teal

tlc... light thyme

and the last rows will be

rh...light sage.


It has been fun to do. Hope to finish it tonight.

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Christi, those are gorgeous! The effect is really addicting!! I have another one I want to make for Project Linus...


Deb - try washing the rr and putting it in the dryer - that's the ONLY way I block these things!:hook

Thanks for the tip on just washing it. I hate to block and I'm not very good at it....

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I'm about a month late, but I am SO in!


I have this shell that my Grammy made me when I was about.. oh, 10? I'm 23 now. My favorite thing to do in crochet is to revamp old items, so I've been unraveling it and just making a ball of yarn out of it. It was 2 rows each of about 15-20 colors. I was going to make a scarf out of it, probably for a cousin of mine who lrecently started college in NY, but I couldn't decide if I wanted to just do stripes, or do something fun with it. This works out well, because since it was a shell, there's two rows of every color, one from the front and one from the back. So I don't have to deal with separating or cutting my yarn, I'll be able to just use each one separately.


I'm SO excited!


I'll post, tomorrow, a picure of the shell (what's left of it, at least) and the yarn. I think I'll just do dc in rows on this one.

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