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Van Gogh's Closet


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KnicKnac, I'm not repeating on this one. I did buy some black though so I can add an extra 4 rounds if it's not quite big enough. With the RHSS and the P hook I'm getting rows that are an inch or a little more wide. Soooo, it should end up about 4 foot wide when I'm done and that should be about right for a lapghan.:)

Morning, everyone. I didn't get a lot of crocheting done yesterday, but hope to finish this project up today or tomorrow. Can't believe how fast it's going. And it is soooo soft and poofy. Love the effect.:hook

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I am beginning to believe that I just don't have what it takes for these things. I will continue with the Nosegay for a bit more and walk over to the other side of the room to see if that improves it. I just can't seem to make the colours work AT ALL!


i think it is because I try to stay in one colour. I also don't have too many options for colours as WM is my supplier and RH is my weapon of choice. I will go a bit further but I would be interested in hearing from others who try the Nosegay in this method. :sigh

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Don't feel bad Darski :no I had to put this one aside for now as well :sigh Just can't seem to get it to work. Gonna participate in the Sky CAL and hope that clears my head some then I'll be back on this one. Maybe I'll get some Divine Inspiration along the way :lol

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As posted in the LUITS CAL, I am officially retiring the Nosegay pattern as a Van Gogh. the post there will give all the sordid details.:eek


I am going to finish the bunting that I started with and colour this CAL done. I just do not have the touch to make this process work.:blush


I love this technique and maybe some day if the good Lord's willing, I can make something in this method.:hook

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For squearky hooks I rub them down with a peice of wax paper.

I never thought of that! Thanks for the tip:hug

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I am going to get my yarn to finish up my projects in here. Hopefully by the end of this week I'll get them all finished so I can concentrate on some others for the sky CAL.

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We used to sit on a piece of waxed paper and slide down the slide - at what seemed like the speed of light! :) Would never have thought of using it on a dragging crochet hook. Just proves what I've always said. Individually we are smart, but collectively we are brilliant!!

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Two more rows to go and my RR is done!!! Wheeeeee!! This is the fastest I've completed a project in a long time. :yay:devil:yay

Can't wait to see a pic!!:yay

I love the rr too...When I'm caught up again...and being good...I'll make more - though my charity work needs more stuff made...:think

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I can't wait to see the round ripple!!!!! They're my favorites!


I'm glad I could be helpful with the wax paper idea.


Thanks Darski I love red roses - who woulda thought lol. did you ever see the doily I finished. Thank you sooooooooooo much for helping me out with that. I was hopelessly stuck. You're AWESOME!


The round ripple I'm finishing up doesn't go here but I just love the whole idea of this cal. I've spent the last few days going thru every page. I didn't read a lot of it but I looked at all the pics I could find and a bunch of links to pics. My mind is just overflowing with ideas at all of the beautiful things I've seen here!!!!!

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I just need to put the border on my green ghan and it's done. One down lol.


that is going to be an all time award winner in my book. :2magic I love how you did that one.

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