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I found my CAT reading my doily book!!!!

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So today, I had to go to the dentist, to remove two teeth, at leaste they were two together on the bottom, they could have been saved, but it woud have cost more than my car!! Oh my goodness, I swear the dentistry businness is a racket!! It cost me $180 today for TWO teeth to get pulled out, okay, and that was MY half, insurance paid the other $180, so the way I see it, that is OVER $300 for ONE HOUR of work, of course I KNOW they have overhead and whatnot, but honestly, that is insane, oh, they could fix the teeth, for $700 EACH, my share of course, and the insurance would pay $700, their half...OMG, so anyways, I come home, and I was working on a doily, the wind must have blown the booklett on the floor, and here sits the cat, doesn't it just look like she is reading the instructions?!?!? I am wondering if she is going to make me a doily.....roflbo!!!! Sorry the pic is poor quality, but I had to hurry to get the pic...

th_100_0774.jpg clickable

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Your cat looks as if it is saying "Don't just stand there, are you gonna get me some yarn and a hook, or do I need to ask for the car keys!" :lol Don't be surprised if you find a new doily on your dresser!

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Both of my cats seem to find my pattern books irresistable. They would rather use them for beds than "reading matter". My white guy, Boo, is particularly fond of plopping down on patterns just when I need to read the next row. ;) He stays a while too. When he is in the mood, he'll be there for over an hour.


It's a joke in the house that if you want a cat on your lap you have to start working on an afghan. My brown tabbly, Fidget, comes flying into my lap within a couple of minutes after I start. Fortunantly he is called Fidget for a reason. The longest he has stayed is about 30 minutes. Five is more usual. He comes back frequently though. :lol

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How Cute! Guess you need to make some for your kitty to lounge around on, or play with.

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Amy, there's afghans all over the house. :shrug They are more than welcome to use any of them, :D, and do. I think they figure if I am crocheting they are not getting the attention they deserve.:rolleyes


They drive my husband nuts whn he is trying to work on the computer too.

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LOL, this is too cute! It looks like she put a post it note to let her know where she's at in the pattern! I get dibs on her first completed doily :lol :lol

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Somewhere I have a picture of siamese cat as a kitten trying to surf the internet for information at the time I think it was crochet. If you can tell me how to post it I will share it with the village. By the way I have a Apple Computer with Mac 10.4.9 on it.


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that is OVER $300 for ONE HOUR of work, of course I KNOW they have overhead and whatnot, but honestly, that is insane, oh, they could fix the teeth, for $700 EACH, my share of course, and the insurance would pay $700,


So sorry you had the hassle.. boy oh boy.. but what a cutey reading!!!


Dentist - love em - but having worked most of my *working* life for them and oralmaxio surgens - yes the prices are way out of bounds. Part because most states do not host or recognize any form of decent dental plan. Most are payment plans.

Also - dental supplies are not that much - but the way the offices are structered because dentist have to carry as much insurance as physicians - education etc - they have to make up the cost somewhere. This again goes back to government not helping create a better plan for dental care like the do with lets say vision - cancer treatment - elderly care etc.

Feel bad for dentists yes, but I feel worse for consumers because it all trickles down to us!!


Remember no drinking through straws!!!



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Jo, I hope you feel better soon from your trip to the dentist!! I hate going to see my dentist........

I have a cocker/beagle who thinks he's a cat. He sits on the back of the couch behind me, and looks over my shoulder while I'm crocheting. Every now and then, I get a cold, wet nose in my ear, just so I remember he's back there!!

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AWWW! She wants to make herself a dainty lil pretty place to lounge.. she may not need a hook though, if she still has claws. those would be about the right size for a lovely doily! :lol

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lol....I'm thinking her thoughts are, "Mom, I want THIS one so get started." (and we ALL know cats think they are royalty, so would be ordering it...lol)




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Oh my goodness, that's too funny! My cat does that sometimes, laying on top of whatever I'm reading. Although her looks are more like, "As if you think this is more important than me. Hmph!"


And I feel your pain about the dentist, although less so on the money front - my dad's insurance still covers me, and so we don't pay anything up front for our routine dental work/repairs, except for my daughter who's not covered. I hate going though, and I have an appointment next Friday - just a cleaning, but I'll be back for fillings sometime after that.

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