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Do you hate it when..........

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I guess I watch too much CSI but that happens to me all the time too, and I always think...hmmmm thats my DNA in there:lol ...

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I just tell everyone that all my afghans are "Cat Approved". :P Both my guys ( Boo and Fidget) express their opinions of my ghans by climbing into my lap when I'm crocheting. I wash every ghan I do and still find cat hair. Oh well, no complaints so far. :blush

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Ha! Yeah, I hate that... But I hate it worse when I crochet in a hair that is still attached to my head... Maybe it's time for a trim!

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Well, there is the story that you bind someone to you if you weave one of your hairs into the cloth. I think I'll stick with that every time there is a hair I just cannot extricate from my work... ;)

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YESSSSSSS! I HATE:irk that too! So now I usually wear a scarf ( I actually crocheted one to wear while crocheting!:lol )or pull my hair back in a pony tail or a chignon(see photo!) .....still happens but not as often.

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Well, there is the story that you bind someone to you if you weave one of your hairs into the cloth. I think I'll stick with that every time there is a hair I just cannot extricate from my work... ;)


One of the reasons I put my hair up while crocheting - especially if it's for someone that I don't want stuck to me. :eeklol

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I have actually gotten to the point of pulling my hair back when I crochet, it's just a habit, but I don't find NEAR the amount in my work as I did before I started doing that.

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Well, there is the story that you bind someone to you if you weave one of your hairs into the cloth. I think I'll stick with that every time there is a hair I just cannot extricate from my work... ;)


I do this when I am working on something for family. I usally work it into the beginning.


My mom who cross stitches does it too.

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Wow, I knew when I started this post it had to be common. I am going to pull my hair back, that's a wonderful Idea. Maybe I should lint roll my bedspread too since I am doing all my projects there for now.

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Yeah, I get hair stuck in mine and have to frog it or carefully extract through numerous cuts and tugs. You just can't pull on it and it comes out. :( On the flip side, have you ever heard of those mourning objects (jewelry, pictures, etc) made of a deceased loved one's hair? I know, it sounds morbid, but used to be quite common.

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If it's not my own hair getting tangled up in my work, then it's some of my Sheltie's hair, or a couple of my Siamese cat's hairs getting stuck in it...


That's why I got a hairless cat!

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Especially in the 1600s-1800s, hair was a very common momento. (Ever hear of "The Rape of the Lock?") I just read Charlotte Bronte's novel "Villette" and a young bride braided a lock of her hair, her father's and her bridegroom's as an amulet against family discord.


My hair is long, dark, wavy, and everywhere. It's long ceased to bother me.:rock

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