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make me stop buying!

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i have been buying yarn nonstop and in huge quantities lately and i need to STOP.


i usually try to keep my bank account above a certain dollar amount and well, let's just say it's gonna take a while to get back UP to that point, lol.


i just found a set of clover soft touch crochet hooks on ebay for just $28, and it's 8 hooks, so it comes out to almost half the price i'd pay buying them all separately.


i'm just declaring, to all of you and myself, that this is the last thing i'm buying until i finally get the patterns i've been working on into PDF files and up for sale. i've been using that as an excuse for buying so much and i need to actually go through with it lol.


i figure if i make this a post, maybe i'll actually be good and listen to myself. anybody else have this problem??

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Oh yes! I have the same problem. I have enough yarn to open a shop; but do I have what I need for a new project I think of??? Sigh. My poor tax refund is gone with the wind...or the wool I should say. Not to mention the cotton.

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I hate to say it, but I am afraid you came to the wrong place for help with this! :lol I made a New Year's resolution not to buy anymore yarn until I used up some of the stash...I am tired of being reminded of that one...next year I am keeping those resolutions to myself!

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Everyone stand up. Raise your right hand. Repeat after me. "I am a crochet addict and am proud of it. By being a crochet addict, I need to buy yarn.". There is no way out of it. I almost wish they would close the JoAnn's they opened five minutes from my house. I know I have been there too much when they look at me when I walk in and I see $$$'s in their eyes.


Sorry, can't help you with that problem. On my way out to buy more containers to keep yarn in as I didn't know I had as much as I do until I started trying to get it all sorted and stored in one place. That walk in closet isn't going to do it I am afraid!

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I'm not going to be much help either. I don't have a large stash by any means, but it's been growing in leaps and bounds over the last 2 months.


It doesn't help any that we got a deposit of £5,900 in the last month (so it's not like I can't afford it) or that it seems like everywhere I go, I find yarn on sale (why oh why couldn't I have found it on sale when I was on a limited budget? Huh? Can SOMEBODY explain that one to me?????).


And I'm planning another trip to my LYS tomorrow!!! :lol:hook

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.... I am a crochet addict and proud of it!!!


but i really need to stop buying. i sold all this yarn i didn't think i'd ever use here on crochetville, trying to free up some space. what do i do? i went out and bought a huge amount of yarn and i'm back where i started (except i'll actually use this yarn... eventually lol).


but i'm thinking... life is about being happy. yarn and crochet makes me happy. and it's good that such a simple thing brings me satisfaction. so i shouldn't feel guilty about indulging. right???


....acmoore has a 50% off coupon this week.

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I think I have the solution......you just keep buying the yarn, and I will take it off your hands, LOL! :lol I can't help but buy yarn too! It's all part of being a yarn-a-holic/stash-a-holic.....and loving it!

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You are right, time to admit it and be proud!

"I am a crochet addict and am proud of it. By being a crochet addict, I need to buy yarn.


My husband has accepted that I am incurable...we just took out a wall and combined rooms so that I could have a craft area/stash storage in our room. I need it close by.

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Everyone stand up. Raise your right hand. Repeat after me. "I am a crochet addict and am proud of it. By being a crochet addict, I need to buy yarn.". There is no way out of it. I almost wish they would close the JoAnn's they opened five minutes from my house. I know I have been there too much when they look at me when I walk in and I see $$$'s in their eyes.


Sorry, can't help you with that problem. On my way out to buy more containers to keep yarn in as I didn't know I had as much as I do until I started trying to get it all sorted and stored in one place. That walk in closet isn't going to do it I am afraid!




JoAnn's five minutes away? Oh no! You are in trouble!

I was told by a cashier there during a sale, "oh, another storage box?"



Thanks , everyone, for the laugh!:lol

I always tell people that if they want to go shopping , just come over here!

I went whale watching with a pair of binoculars with a string for a strap. A woman there showed me the strap I could buy. I said, "I have everything related to sewing or needlework, so I can just look in my collection, but the question is whether I will do it"

I have the added burden of "needing" more fabric for the 'mythical' things I don't make.


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I just found out that my JoAnn's is moving to another space in the same shopping center. They moved into their current spot just a few years ago. At that time, they brought in truckloads of merchandise to clear out. I bought a display fixture to put into my craft room. Now they're moving again! I certainly don't need any more yarn, but what great bargains will I miss if I don't go?

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If you haven't done so already, you should all join the Stah Busting CAL. We keep each other motivated to use up stash and not buy more yarn. Ther are also CALs for using scrap yarn up. Hope this helps.

Ellie 13

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LOL. I looked at the stash busting thread and decided not to join. I jsut bought 24 skeins of yarn at Smiley's.

A few yrs ago I was visiting my aunt and I bought a LOT of Caron One pounders because they were such a great price.

Then I found skeins of baby Homespun at the dollar store. I think I bought 300 skeins.

I have used most of the baby Homespun and I am working on the One pounders.

DH found purple Lion brand Chunky at the dollar store and bought a ton of it for me too. I am slowly using that up but now I have plans for most of it!!

I have made tons of blankets for Project Linus and the Dr. Laura foundation.

I have made a bunch of baby blankets for women I know on a board I belong to.

I have a huge stash of cotton balls too because I made dishcloths for a while!

So, I don't think you will find much help here. I think there are a lot of us yarnaholics on the board!!

I love my yarn. :hook

I really love making an afghan and finding a home for it though--that is my greatest pleasure.

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:jumpyay How many sneek yarn in the house so hubby doesn't know? :haha



Me :blush


On Monday I stopped at HL and picked up a few skeins of cotton for the "potholders I'm making for Christmas :lol " I realized that I'd been there at least 3 times last week for the same thing! I added the HL total to my grocery store bill so DH wouldn't know! :hook

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i just wait until the dh is gone and then i buy in cash... he goes camping once a month for a weekend. my 2 ds know that if they want anything extra they have to come thru me so they dont rat me out... but like you all have said finding someplace to put it is another story.

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I admit it..I have snuck yarn into the house. Then I usually feel so guilty I tell DH anyway. Like last night I needed to pick up some yarn for some projects that my co workers have ordered. Then I remembered that needed a birthday gift for next week, and I found some clearance yarn. So I got 3 skiens of Simply Soft(for a toddler sweater that a coworker ordered), 4 balls of kitched cotton (for the birthday gift), a skein of Red Heart verigated SS for another coworkers order) and a ball of this stuff off the clearance rack that I got for 0.25. I can't pass that up, I just cant. So much for stash busting.


The yarn is taking over my house. I can no longer put it all away, there just isn't room. It is starting to scare me. But I decided to put together enough stuff for a small booth this summer, so I need the yarn to make more stuff. I finally took all my completed stuff to work and hung it on my cubicle wall. My coworkers are pretty good customers anyway, so I figured why not? Plus it gives me more room at the house for yarn. I will get it all used up, I will, maybe next year.


Poor DH, he loves a clean house, he really does. :blush

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my name is Sian I am a stashaholic, I haven`t bought wool for 3 days. I keep telling myself no more wool but it somehow makes it way into the boot of my car, the longest i have gone without buying wool is 3 months. Good luck, just keep telling yourself that you can`t go into the wool shop fullstop and don`t look on ebay take care Sian xx

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