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yarn store experience

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hello everyone


went here yesterday. om my, how nieve i have been. i did not realize there were so many different yarns out there. i am used to shopping at walmart, michaels and ac moore, not that there is any thing wrong with that but i was blown away with what was in there. they seem to cater more to knitting than crocheting all there samples were knitted and they had a small section of hooks. did not stay long as i had my husband and two kids with me and they just don't get it but wow! did not buy anything either they did not have what i wanted, oh well maybe next time.

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OH YES! A petting zoo!...and if you're accustomed to Michaels...be sure to have extra cash in your pocket. Cuz the skeins cost way more and there is way less yarn than what you get in acrylic...BUT...oh what a feeling. I had my virgin experience about a week ago, and I walked around touching everything...the plus side is...the "cheaper" stuff is easier to work with a crochet hook.


So...the big question is...WHY is it that the LYSs are primarily owned by knitters?

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WHY is it that the LYSs are primarily owned by knitters?

I don't know! I'd love to know the answer to that one myself!


I can tell you, though... my "dream job" would be to own my own LYS/Craft store. I've told Hubby many times that if we ever win the lottery (:rofl), that's what I'm doing. Then I can crochet whenever the heck I want!:hook:yes

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aaawwwww! My dream to be able to open my own LYS. That way I could pet and play with all the beautiful expensive yarns all day long. I too have told my DH that if the lottery gods were kind to us I would be opening my own shop. I even have the building all picked out. Of course I would have to move the gift store thats in there now out!

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I went to a LYS shop yesterday, the yarns they had were so amazing, I've never seen anything like it. I wanted to buy yarn for every pattern I have, but whoa, we're talking serious MONEY here. I kept thinking about everyone here saying how they "pet" the yarn, and so that's just what I did, and I had the BEST time! While I can see that they lean more toward knitters, they couldn't have been nicer or more helpful to me, I enjoyed every moment of being there. And actually can't wait to go back-when I've saved up and can buy something really scrumptious.:yarn

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I had my virgin lys experience yesterday too! Wow, talk about kid in a candy store. It was so much fun...petting the yarn. I totally agree with everyone about being geared toward knitting, but they did have a few books on crochet and hooks. When asked if they had crochet classes....they said call before, but "the crochet ladies" come in a few mornings a week. Very nice ....I will be back.

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I've said it before, Michaels/Joann's etc are the grocery store where you get the every day stuff and the LYS the the gourmet store you go to when you want to indulge yourself or someone special with a real treat. Yarn buying is always a tactile experience for me, even at the big box stores....

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I'm with y'all. My dream is to open a LYS, and to carry all types, cheapy cheap to super pricey....and roll around in it all day!:devil I have a theory that knitters own more LYS because, as most know, knitting takes less yarn. Therefore, they can spend the same amount of $$$ on a project using more expensive yarn....maybe. Just my :2c .

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aaawwwww! My dream to be able to open my own LYS. That way I could pet and play with all the beautiful expensive yarns all day long. I too have told my DH that if the lottery gods were kind to us I would be opening my own shop. I even have the building all picked out. Of course I would have to move the gift store thats in there now out!

The problem I would see if I opened a yarn shop I wouldn`t let any of the wool go without a fight lol. I would ask them what they would use it for, would they look after it, I would end up saying no thats mine.

If I won the lottery I would have a huge house with my own yarn stash room lol xxxxx

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Oh ladies you have been missing it! I go to the LYS every now and again just to be able to touch stuff. When ever DH and I go off on a vacation he knows I am going to look up the LYS too. It is amazing how different they are in the different areas. Sometimes I buy, not a lot but it has cost me quite a chunk but it is planned in the grand scheme of the vacation! He has his play money and mine usually goes for special yarns!


And this crocheter is planning on a yarn shop! My DH wants to retire in about 5 years. We have purchased the property for the retirement home and will have the house built when ever we get to that point and sell this one. We checked out the local area that we are going to in NC and there is no yarn shop, sooooo that is my plan. He can take care of home and I will sit with yarn and maybe sell some.......

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My LYS also seems to cater to knitters also, but I did get an afghan hook from them Saturday that was unavailable from the bigbox stores. I deliberately DID NOT LOOK at the yarns. It's just too tempting.

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I don't know! I'd love to know the answer to that one myself!


I can tell you, though... my "dream job" would be to own my own LYS/Craft store. I've told Hubby many times that if we ever win the lottery (:rofl), that's what I'm doing. Then I can crochet whenever the heck I want!:hook:yes


i have always wanted to open a pet store, we only have a couple around her and some are not so nice to go into...but lately i have been thinking of opening a crafty kind of store because i can't always find what i am looking for and i am not an online shopper. but this too will only hapeen in my dreams...who knows lottery jackpot is over $300 million this week, say some extra prayes that it comes this way, yeah right!!!!!!!

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i did not "pet the yarn", having two kids with me who always want to touch things while shopping and mommy always saying hands down or don't touch, how could i?

i would not even know where to begin when buying somthing, so many differnt textures so many different colors so many different patterns whats a girl to do????? walk around aimlessly and gawk(sp).

it looked like people could actually spin their own yarn their two, i did not realize they still did it that way...would have loved to see that and take some home.

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hello everyone


went here yesterday. om my, how nieve i have been. i did not realize there were so many different yarns out there. i am used to shopping at walmart, michaels and ac moore, not that there is any thing wrong with that but i was blown away with what was in there. they seem to cater more to knitting than crocheting all there samples were knitted and they had a small section of hooks. did not stay long as i had my husband and two kids with me and they just don't get it but wow! did not buy anything either they did not have what i wanted, oh well maybe next time.


I was in Amherst last summer for a job interview, and on my way to the airport, I stopped for a few hours in WEBS and really loved it! But it's nice to go in and just see all the wonderful yarns out there. I did buy some Debbie Bliss Pure Silk (which I still need to find a good use for).

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My DH writes grants for all sorts of people.....I just keep wondering when he is going to write one for me and get me money to open my own LYS/craft store. He doesn't get why I want to do this so badly. I would be like going to have fun all day instead of going to work. hehe O, what fun it would be.....

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I find it odd, too, that usually LYSs cater to knitters and not crocheters. There are many patterns and books out there now for crocheting that call for more expensive yarns...not to mention the fact that, on average, we use more yarn. You'd think they'd be falling all over us.


Yes, the prices are a bit steeper, but there are some brands that aren't bad. Cascade 200 for one (they also have a superwash). Also, my LYS carries Plymouth Encore, which is perfect for many crocheting needs.

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Just a friendly word of cuation... You might find that working in a yarn store and dealing with people, and their complaints and bills, and testy suppliers, etc. takes all the enjoyment out of it! My mom's first job here in the US was at a candy factory on Long Island which sounds great to me, and she has never eaten a piece of that candy since because she got so sick of the smell. I understand people who work at bakeries may face the same thing--you think it'll be heaven, but the reality is different. Of course, I worked in a bookstore for 11 years and know all about the problems and would still love to own one, but the reality is... On the other hand, you'd be pulling crocheters in, trying to get them to buy all that extra yardage the knitting store owners don't seem to realize we need. And then someone would insist on bringing their stinking double grande latte in and spill it all over the yarn and refuse to pay for it... Nope, I'd rather my *best friend* own the yarn store so I could get all the perks without the headaches! :lol:hook Patty

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I'm new to the craft and have been relying on Michaels, JoAnns, etc. I plan on taking my first trip to the LYS this weekend. I picked up the hobby, because I figured it's not as expensive as some others ... then I realized how many kinds of yarns were out there. Better have my plastic handy!

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I knit as well as crochet and love visiting LYSs. Sometimes I buy and sometimes I just drink in the colors and textures and drool alot. One that I frequent has an odds and ends sale basket. What's in it always varies. Sometimes its skeins of something that didn't sell, other times a few "damaged" skeins ( you know the ones that have some strands pulled out or a torn label that just don't look so nice, but are totally useable) or a couple of leftover skiens that are deemed too few for projects. Alot of the WW and cottons are nice for crochet. Now that you've pointed it out I don't think I've ever seen a crocheted sample or swatch either. Very weird.

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