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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Hi C4J --


Would you mind if I shorten your name to CJ ?


Anyhow, good luck with your knitted cardigan-- we'll all like to see it when you get it done . We have Photo Fridays in here, which is when you can show the photos of what you are working on,or what you completed this past week .


The Variegated Game is something new we just started . The way it works is this :

You make 8 inch sc squares out of any VARIEGATED yarn . You can make as many or as few as you want .

For each square you make, we will put your name in the bucket for a drawing .Whoever gets their name drawn is the one who wins all the squares that everyone made .

So, the more you make, the better chance you could win .

Then you can either keep the squares to make your own afghan, or donate them to the charity of your choice .

If you want to take part all you need to do is make 8 inch sc squares from any variegated yarn .

The deadline for this is June 10th .

You are welcome to join if you want, but don't have to --:)


Sure, CJ is totally fine! :D


I'll be sure to put pictures of projects!:D


Hmm, the game sounds fun!:D I have TONS of verigated yarn. I'll think about it! :hook

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Tam sorry to hear about the little one didnt make it but glad to hear that you can help out another one..

The kids dumped some dog food out the back door last night and one of the pigeons came to feast it was hobbling around so I was watching it poor thing was missing a foot so named it peg footed pete the pigeon..I was chasing one around month or so ago trying to corner it so DH could get the plastic bag off its leg for it.But it flew to the roof.

:lol you guys should have seen me when I had one in my house :lol The kids got a huge laugh out of me .Think that movie the birds play in my head :lol

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Good morning ladies,


Tab, I hope you feel better after the doctor appt.


Marisa, I hope your headache goes away soon.


Sherri, Baxter has a nice blanket.


C4J, :welcome


Cindy, thats a cute shrug. Enjoy your 4 1/2 days off.


Mary, nice to see you.


Cheeria & Judy, I hope your hands are feeling better.


Sheila, glad hubby got a new job, ouch on the pay cut.


I have laundry going. It's been to hot here to do it and today it's cooling down a few degrees.

Hubby and I got the dock in then Maya and I spent a few hours in the lake. The water is really warm. I'm trying to teach her to float on both sides. We seen a water snake and that was the end of the water for me.

I was sitting on the dock swinging my legs and it was right there by me. Hubby wears a hearing aid and didn't have it in and couldn't hear me screaming. I sent Maya to get him while I kept an eye on the snake. He came and killed it. A few houses down some guys were getting ready to go fishing and seen a snake down there and I think they scared one up or the same one.

I would like to play to. I have a shades of purple for starters.

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Hey Marisa !!


Hope your headache goes away - them things are no fun .



Hey Miss Tam

You sound like you are in a holly-jolly mood today and it aint even Christmas . I MAY have to take up coffee drinking .




Jude- that cake sounds absolutely wonderful .

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Sherri - thanks fir the extra photos of Baxter. Sorry, I am such a dingbat sometimes ..He was in the picture you posted before, I just tend to run through posts and try to remember what to ask everyone, and that was a dumb one, when he was IN the picture you posted .

He is cute-- is he old ? He looks like he has old man whiskers .




Linda- wow, so sorry about the quilt -- I hope you'll be able to think of a trick to do to cover it up somehow. I know nothing about quilting ,so I'd be no help at all .




Cheeria- hope you get out to get your uarn today for a little bit ,and get your blankie done-- you will be needing it shortly !



Sheila- glad your husband found a job. Sorry it wasn't better, but you are right ..Any job is better than none at all . Hope he can keep on looking while he's working and maybe something better will turn up .




Morning Mary - it is good to see you today !!




Morning CJ-- what are you taking in school ?

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Great to have you join in the V squares game .


And YEK -- snakes in the water ? I'd be outta there too .


When we were kids, we used to camp at a state park that had a small river through it,and they had water snakes .I swam in there all the time then, but not a chance I'd try it again !!


It's either "When you get older ,you get wiser " , or when you get older you turn into more of a chicken , with me anyhow .

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Marlene...thanks. My hands, ankles, etc are bothering me. I'm wondering if it's the humidity. My hands usually recover quicker than this when I've been on a crochet marathon.


here are some that are more recent. The first is me interrupting his favorite pastime. The next one shows what that happens to be.

He's too cute!! Sparkie chases birds out of our yard:lol
Goodmorning All. DH got a job yesterday but he is making almost half of what he did before but atleast its something.That is ok with me he is atleast OUT OF THE HOUSE for some of the day. The rope was getting pretty tight around here with the changes of him being at home all the time.

Haven't heard anything from Kmart yet.

I hope now I can get into the mood of crocheting.Hate that feeling when you want to do something but just dont feel like doing anything.

Hope everyone has a good day and the sun is shining!!:sun

I'm sorry you haven;t heard from Kmart....maybe soon:xfin


...and at least hubby is working....something more will come along...and it's nice when they are out of the house. My hubby is semi retired and there are times I need to get out and be by myself.

Cludy day here and a possibility of T/storms later. At least it's about 25 degrees cooler than yesterday - I was able to take Sparkie for a walk.


I gave up on the quilt last night after realizing that I had used a permanent marker on it yesterday instead of the one that disappears in 48 hours. I just was sooooo bummed out. I think I've figured out a fix for it, but still feel down. Oh, well, I'll think of something. :(


Looking forward to my trip North next week. I can't imagine how much Ayden will have grown in the last year.

When I'm in a rush I ALWAYS do something to sabotage a project. :P I'm sure it'll look fine once you make the adjustments.

And I can only imagine how excited you are about seeing Ayden!:)

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Time to get ready for my hair appointment. I have 2+ months of roots that can probably be seen from the Space Station:lol And no hair cut this time - just maybe the ends, if that much.

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Morning House-ers.


Hope you all have a great day ahead of you. I steam cleaned the carpet last night so I will taking a day of recovery.


Julie the link to the blog post yesterday, shows Baxter sitting atop his blanet with a doofy grin. But here are some that are more recent. The first is me interrupting his favorite pastime. The next one shows what that happens to be.


Baxter is really cute.


Sophie likes to watch birds, but she likes chasing them even better. So what if they are 30 feet above her head all the time. A dog can dream, right? It could be that one of those pesky birds will land right in front of her nose!

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Good morning Housemates. It's sunshiny and warm today. Birds are chirping. I gave up on the quilt last night after realizing that I had used a permanent marker on it yesterday instead of the one that disappears in 48 hours. I just was sooooo bummed out. I think I've figured out a fix for it, but still feel down. Oh, well, I'll think of something. :(




Oh Linda, what a bummer. Hope your fix works. Is the marker on the backing or on the pieced top?


Just ignore me...I should read to the end before I start asking questions. I have now read all the posts, and realize that you answered this later. Glad you have figured out a way to fix it.

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Goodmorning All. DH got a job yesterday but he is making almost half of what he did before but atleast its something.That is ok with me he is atleast OUT OF THE HOUSE for some of the day. The rope was getting pretty tight around here with the changes of him being at home all the time.

Haven't heard anything from Kmart yet.


Sheila, hope you hear something soon. And WTG to hubby, getting another job so quickly!

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Oh.. do I know about the birds chirping ......... LOL


After a sad morning yesterday of the little birdie my son David found didnt make it... he found yet another baby that needed his love. Well......... this morning we were pleased to find that the second birdie was still with us .... and yes.......... another birdie was left needing aid.

So ......... chirping is well known here at my house today...LOL



Meet Peepers and Jr.










Is David going to be a veterinarian when he grows up? Sounds like he has the aptitude for it.

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I had grand ideas that I would read the posts and then wait to comment on them later while remembering what I read. Nope not happening. :P Thanks for the aww's regarding Baxter. He's a little Scottish man in a dog suit. MIL is still looking for the zipper. In 7 years she hasn't managed to find one. :lol He loves the smaller birds and will chase off doves and robins. On a later outing yesterday he chased off a rabbit.


Crocheting is going rather slow today, but I'm halfway through the watercolor square.


I do remember Linda having issue with a permanent marker. :eek Glad you figured out a fix.


:yay for the person who got a job.

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I'm working on a scarf for charity this afternoon. My joints hurt today so it's slow going. At least they still work, if slower than usual.

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Hi house, yes I did get to go to the Lys today and they did not have a great choice of varigrated yarn that made me say "that's the one," so I stood there picking up one after the other and none called out to me. I decided to go with Rh varigated called Primary. I guess it's called that because it consist of all the primary colors except black and all the other colors made up by primary colors. I just went to look at it in the sun light and I'm starting to like it. You got to love what yarn you crochet with. :hook I also brought two skeins of Bernant Bamboo yarn for my 7" weaving loom. I wanted to try a Clover Soft Touch Crochet Hook so I brought one in size G which I will be needing for a Raverly CAL on a market bag that I will be crocheting in June.


Sherri - cute fur baby. One day I will get a fur baby, just a little one.


Linda - Aw sorry that happen but I'm glad to hear that you already planned a way to fix it.


Shelia - that's so good that your DH got a job, we all been there one way or another, but we just keep pushing on and pray for the best.


Marlene - a water snake, I would have been screaming also.


Judy - hope you feel better soon. Have fun getting your hair done.


To the rest of the house Hi. :cheer BBL

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Is David going to be a veterinarian when he grows up? Sounds like he has the aptitude for it.


I'm not sure what he will be when he grows up... he keeps talking about being an entomologist. He is somethin' else! :U







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Hi house, yes I did get to go to the Lys today and they did not have a great choice of varigrated yarn that made me say "that's the one," so I stood there picking up one after the other and none called out to me. I decided to go with Rh varigated called Primary. I guess it's called that because it consist of all the primary colors except black and all the other colors made up by primary colors. I just went to look at it in the sun light and I'm starting to like it. You got to love what yarn you crochet with. :hook I also brought two skeins of Bernant Bamboo yarn for my 7" weaving loom. I wanted to try a Clover Soft Touch Crochet Hook so I brought one in size G which I will be needing for a Raverly CAL on a market bag that I will be crocheting in June.


Judy - hope you feel better soon. Have fun getting your hair done.

I like the CLover hooks...and Primary is a cute colorway! I definitely have to love the colors I'm using. I've made gifts using colors that were requested and took forever to finish them!


I think my body is reacting to the humidity...oh, well:P


...and I like the natural color my hairdresser figured out for me! Red oxidizes so fast that I walk around Brassy instead of Red most of the time...and my roots...oh boy, she had her work cut out for her! I can definitley live with this color.:yes

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I picked up my book club's latest pick at the library: "Brave New World". Just started it and it's quite interesting.



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howdy neighbors.


Sorry for the rudeness but I cannot catch up on all the posts. :eek


The doctors went well except for the weight gain, ughh..:eek :eek :eek

I have to be patient...I just quit the soda as of yesterday after I drank the last one....just water and crystal light for me now. :yes I also have to watch my chocolate intake. EEK! :eek :eek :eek :eek


Anywhoo, I only have the monkey's tail left. :cheer


Sorry that I haven't been on much, but I have been busy with appts., walking, playing with the boys......I am beat & my body is feeling the effects of all of the exercise. :yes


I'll try to check in later before bed.

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HI everyone!

Only one more day till 3 days off!!!:clap:clap:clap


Sheila- glad to hear that DH got a job- 1/2 of his former salary is sure better than no salary! :yesHope you hear something from K Mart.


Linda- As I was reading through the day's activities, I was saddened to hear about the permanent marker mishap- but SO HAPPY when I read that you figured out what to do!! I'll bet you are getting so excited to see your family!:manyheart


Julie- Yes, the Yankees are playing the Cleveland Indians this weekend- and the Yankees should win-:cheer You are right about the Cleveland teams- they seem to have no luck- between the Cleveland Browns (football), Cleveland CAvs (Basketball- I don't think LeBron James will be back next year) and the Indians, the Cleveland area fans have had a lot of disappointment!


Judy- Glad that you can live with your color- it'd be a shame if you couldn't!!!:lol Hope that the body aches calm down- maybe with the impending cooler temps after the rain (if it comes) will help!


Cindy, Marlene, Tab, Jennifer, Marisa, Cheeria, Mary, Diane, Tammy,LeAnna and anyone I may have forgotten- have a great evening.:hug

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howdy neighbors.


Sorry for the rudeness but I cannot catch up on all the posts. :eek


The doctors went well except for the weight gain, ughh..:eek :eek :eek

I have to be patient...I just quit the soda as of yesterday after I drank the last one....just water and crystal light for me now. :yes I also have to watch my chocolate intake. EEK! :eek :eek :eek :eek


Anywhoo, I only have the monkey's tail left. :cheer


Sorry that I haven't been on much, but I have been busy with appts., walking, playing with the boys......I am beat & my body is feeling the effects of all of the exercise. :yes


I'll try to check in later before bed.

No chocolate!:eek:eek:eek


Take it easy with the exercise...slowly your body will get stronger and healthier.

Are you going to make the monkey a banana?


off for tonight - see you all in the morning.



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Hello Housemates,


Well, the sinus meds helped my headache this morning (at least eased it considerably) and started to wear off in the afternoon, so took more sinus meds and had the other chiro adjust me (twice actually within a half hour) and wahlah....feeling much better ever since and it's beyond the point when the meds would have worn off. :clap I don't get them often, so am thankful for that :D


I won't have enough of the yarn leftover from my lapghan, so will have to start a new square. I only got a little strip out of it :lol I have to check my stash to see what I have :think If nothing, I'll go buy some this weekend :yes

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Tam - that's sooo nice of David to care for the little birdie's :) Sounds like he loves animals.


Linda - I'm so glad you can fix your problem with the marker, sounds like it shouldn't be too much trouble :hug Hope your joints are feeling better.


CJ - what are you going to school for?


Sheila - Too funny about the pigeon's and I like the name you gave Pete :rofl


Marlene - I don't know what I would've done about the water snake, but surely probably would not have been calm enough to sit and wait for hubby to get there :cheer for you


Julie - don't even think about taking up that coffee!!! It's a whole new lifestyle :yes


Judy - Glad you love your new color :yay did you end up getting it cut at all?


Sherri - I always take notes (unless I'm in a hurry)....there is no way to remember everything...esp when you keep hitting that next page button and just keeps going and going and going :eek:lol


Cheeria - I'm glad your new yarn grew on you as you're working with it :clap You're right, it is important to like the color your looking at :yes


Tab - I also need to watch my chocolate intake.....and I do....I watch myself intake it :devil:rofl but for real, I give it up every year for lent, I find that it helps get me back in check with it.


Joanne - Only 1 day left....it seems to have went quickly, but then again, I wasn't the one doing it :think Your 3 day weekend will be well deserved. Be sure to relax while you can :hug


And to everyone else, I hope you had a great day!!!

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Hi, everyone. John finally made it home from work. I've been working on this scarf and now it looks like I don't have enough of the color to finish it. Drat! Now I'll have to frog it at least partway and work another color into the pattern. Can I start this day over again? :P

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