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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Wow, Sherri- I LOVE that doggie blanket. It is so cute ! Good idea to make them go in opposite directions . It adds a lot to the design .


Thanks, Julie. Baxter loves it too. He's so funny. Somehow he knew I was making the blocks for him (how do animals know these things?) and he sat and watched me crochet them together. By the time I was putting the border on he was jumping around trying to hurry me up.

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Well House Peeps, except for the square I made first thing this morning there has been no crafting today. I cleaned, I cooked, I shampooed the carpet. Now it is time to put my feet up and start working on another square.


Have a good night. :)

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Good morning!!!


Well, I did it- finally got an 8 inch square- 23 chains works for me- 28 rows! I made it in "Gemstone"- with the little bit I had left over from the ghan I made for step-daughter!


I'll make a few more this evening after work in a different variegeted-it is called Artist Print.


Hope everyone has a great day- I'm running late so gotta scoot, but not without saying to Judy- How bout them Yankees??? 2 wins in one day!!!!!!

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Morning ladies

Another day ,another dollar (spent on yarn )


How are you all today ?


I'm still kicking and trying to get my brain in gear and turned on . Still asleep,so I'll post later once I wake up more .

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Hey Sherri

Do you have a photo of Baxter ? He sounds like a funny dog .




Hi Joy ! How are you -- excited to see your mom, I can tell. Too bad you guys can't live closer ,but I understand how that is sometimes. Life sometimes takes people in different directions, due to jobs, spouses, kids, etc .

At one time ,most of my immediate family lived in our town, but we are the only ones left except our x- dil and our grandson .

Everyone else moved .

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Joanne -

Great job, finding the count that will work for your square size ! That's why I didnt want to give you exact numbers-- what might work for one, might not for others. I think everyone's starting chain would be somewhere in the 20's ,but since we each crochet to different gauges ,use different hooks, etc, it'd be hard to give an exact number to follow .


I have to finish my second one today,then will be starting on the color with the bright pink and blue in it. Forgot the name -- too lazy to look it up.but you probably know which one it is -- it's sorta new from RH -- maybe within the last year or 2 ?


PS- I'm a little worried about baseball .Doesn't your team play Cleveland this weekend ?

I thought I heard that on a commercial,but we rarely ever watch baseball . I don

t hear much about the Indians doing great,so it must be another mediocre year in Cleveland . Seems like all their pro-teams are about the same -- just so-so .. they get to a certain level, then mess up .

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Good morning everyone. Another half day of teaching today, and then I have 4 1/2 days off.


Joanne, just two more days! I bedt you're tired. I don't know how you do 12 days in a row. Its all I can do to get myself up and going two or three days a week!

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Good morning, Jules, Cindy, Joanne and everyone!


I made a square last night...but it was barely 7 inches:lol

I decided to save it for a future lapghan using that colorway.

It was TLC yarn. I thought it would come out bigger, since I added more chains, but it wasn't enough. I'll stick to RHSS or Caron pounders from now on!:hook


I am feeling better now, but still tired. I think it is because I had counseling this a.m. and I tend to have a lot of anxiety the rest of the day. :yes I did work a bit on the mokey this p.m. and have fully finished the cocoon and hat (sewing and all). All I have left is the tail and they want a light brown oval on the tummy. I also want to make a bonus banana toy if I get motivated enough. :hook

I hope today is better:hug

I can't wait to see your monkey!!:cheer:clap

Thanks, Julie. Baxter loves it too. He's so funny. Somehow he knew I was making the blocks for him (how do animals know these things?) and he sat and watched me crochet them together. By the time I was putting the border on he was jumping around trying to hurry me up.

They sure do read us, don't they?:yes I remember seeing that picture before. The colors and pattern are great and the edging is perfect!:clap

Only 9 more days... The count down started awhile ago... can you tell I'm excited for my Mom to get here? :lol

You are all going to have a blast!

Well, I did it- finally got an 8 inch square- 23 chains works for me- 28 rows! I made it in "Gemstone"- with the little bit I had left over from the ghan I made for step-daughter!


I'll make a few more this evening after work in a different variegeted-it is called Artist Print.


Hope everyone has a great day- I'm running late so gotta scoot, but not without saying to Judy- How bout them Yankees??? 2 wins in one day!!!!!!

I love both those colorways!:cheer


The Yankees were wonderful!! Pettitte was great getting out of a huge jam in the 8th...and what a HR by Swisher!!!!:cheer:clap:cheer


I hope your day goes well.:hug

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Good morning.


I feel much better today...have a Dr.'s appt. this a.m.....oh fun.


My square will be done in Marrakesh, which is a pink, orange, yellow, & brown mix. http://www.shopredheart.com/default.aspx?PageID=75


Gotta jet....time for Jaden to catch the bus. BBL. :manyheart

The link didn't work - but I found it - I like that colorway!

Good luck this morning:hug


I'm off to the food store, BBL.

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Morning Cindy - A long weekend coming up ! Good for you, I hope you enjoy your days off !




Hey there Jude--- don't forget the CAKE when you go to the store .





Tab- Good luck at the Dr -- hope it goes ok .

( I saw the color you mentioned at the store- it's really pretty .Can't wait to see what it looks like in a square . These V. yarns fool you,they look one way in the store, then totally different in a pattern .


I have a few more colors to pull out and try -- square 3 .

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Good morning housemate :coffee


I woke up with a pounding headache today :( I took some sinus medication and decided to check in while waiting for my coffee to finish brewing. Then am going to sit on the couch to wait for these meds to kick in. It's usually alleregy/sinus related when I get headaches bc I don't usually get them.


I stated my first square last night, but think I'm going to take it out and start over. I feel like I'm pulling it way too tight :( I'm using my leftover yarn from my lapghan and am hoping to get 8" out of it, but no guaratees yet :think I'm also about to finish my 11th octagon for my ghan :)


Sherri - Baxter's blanket is great!!! I love the colors and I love seeing him with it ;) Dogs are very intuitive.


Julie - I had to laugh when you said Another Day, Another Dollar :lol That was the Dennis the Mennace comic in yesterday's paper, his dad said that when he left for work and then Dennis said to his mom "Dad should ask for a raise" :lol So, you made me think of it.


Cindy - I hope your class goes well, then wow, 4 1/2 days off!!!! that's great :D Enjoy your time. I do get the 3 day weekend, which I'm siked about :D


Joanne - You're almost at the end of your work marathon....only 2 days left!!!! :cheer


Tab - I hope your Dr. appt goes well today. The link didn't work :( But, I also looked it up and love the yarn :) Good choice.


Going to pour my coffee and sit on the couch for a few before I have to shower and get ready.

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:sun ..... Good Morning kids ..... :mug

I'll be working on my square today. I had other commitments to finish yesterday and mail out!

This is going to be fun seeing everyones squares and waiting to see who the winner of them will be! :hook

Well... just wanted to pop in and say :hi HI / Good Morning!

I need to get a refill on my coffee.......... start a load of laundry and I'll be back to play and crochet!






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Marisa, those sinus headaches are a doozy, aren't they? The caffeine should help, too:hug


Hey there Jude--- don't forget the CAKE when you go to the store .

I forgot to tell you!


After seeing DS yesterday we walked down 2 storefronts and went into a bakery and walked out with one of those 7 layer cakes (Not huge, but decent sized). It's a yellow cake with dark chocolate frosting:drool:drool


Okay - now I'm off to the food store.



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Morning House-ers.


Hope you all have a great day ahead of you. I steam cleaned the carpet last night so I will taking a day of recovery.


Julie the link to the blog post yesterday, shows Baxter sitting atop his blanet with a doofy grin. But here are some that are more recent. The first is me interrupting his favorite pastime. The next one shows what that happens to be.



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Good morning Housemates. It's sunshiny and warm today. Birds are chirping. I gave up on the quilt last night after realizing that I had used a permanent marker on it yesterday instead of the one that disappears in 48 hours. I just was sooooo bummed out. I think I've figured out a fix for it, but still feel down. Oh, well, I'll think of something. :(


Looking forward to my trip North next week. I can't imagine how much Ayden will have grown in the last year.


Sherri, Baxter looks like a real sweetie. Trouble like to watch the birds, too, but she usually barks up a storm while looking. And if a squirrel dares to come on the back porch she goes absolutely nuts!


Joanne, you're in the home stretch now. The weekend is almost here!


I think I need a big mug of tea. Talk more later. Have a good day everyone. Hope all those under the weather feel better soon. :hug

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Morning, Got up early for I want to run to the Lys to pick up a skein of varigated yarn the yarn I had in my stash wasn't varigated, but it's okay I want to get out to get some air and maybe get another ball of yarn beside the varigated yarn. I haven't open the door to see what type of weather it is today for my home is nice and comfy. I did a lot of knitting on the blanket last night and can't wait to finish it so I will be mostly working on that today and my 8" squares. I guess I'm tired now of working on the same knitted blanket for months, but I know I will probably do another one in the distant future. :lol:lol Have a great day everyone. BBL :hug :hug

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Goodmorning All. DH got a job yesterday but he is making almost half of what he did before but atleast its something.That is ok with me he is atleast OUT OF THE HOUSE for some of the day. The rope was getting pretty tight around here with the changes of him being at home all the time.

Haven't heard anything from Kmart yet.

The sprinklers in my front yard area (live in townhouse)are broken so now my front yard is flooded but it feels good with the light breeze coming through the door this morning before it starts to warm up.Only 99 today.

I hope now I can get into the mood of crocheting.Hate that feeling when you want to do something but just dont feel like doing anything.

Hope everyone has a good day and the sun is shining!!:sun

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Good Morning! :) I feel so virtuous ;)...lots of cleaning and laundry done, took Gracie for a walk and it's only 9 a.m. :lol I get to stay home for a change and am definitely going to crochet later.


Welcome to C4J! We're glad you're here. :manyheart


Sheila ~ Oh, that's good news about DH getting a job. I know it's so stressful right now...we went through that many years ago. :hug


Sherri ~ Baxter is just too cute. :) MIL had a Scottie for 14 years and they have a personality all their own, don't they? :lol


Hi Joy!


Linda ~ OH NO! I am so sorry about the quilt! I hope you're able to fix it. :hug


Hi to the rest of the House ladies, too. :manyheart 'Hope everyone has a good day.

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Linda - that's a bummer about the marker :( What about the tide pen? I'm not sure if that would work, but it's the first thing I thought of. I hope your fix works!!!!!!! :hug


Sheila - Great news about hubby getting a new job. At least it's something even if it pays less and he can always keep looking for something better. It's a step in the right direction though :) Keeping my fingers crossed for you to hear back from kmart. Maybe you should try one of the craft stores :devil


Cheeria - happy yarn shopping :D


Gotta run, have to make a pit stop on the way to work so need to motor. Catch y'all later.

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Oh.. do I know about the birds chirping ......... LOL


After a sad morning yesterday of the little birdie my son David found didnt make it... he found yet another baby that needed his love. Well......... this morning we were pleased to find that the second birdie was still with us .... and yes.......... another birdie was left needing aid.

So ......... chirping is well known here at my house today...LOL



Meet Peepers and Jr.









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Goodmorning All. DH got a job yesterday but he is making almost half of what he did before but atleast its something.That is ok with me he is atleast OUT OF THE HOUSE for some of the day. The rope was getting pretty tight around here with the changes of him being at home all the time.

Haven't heard anything from Kmart yet.

The sprinklers in my front yard area (live in townhouse)are broken so now my front yard is flooded but it feels good with the light breeze coming through the door this morning before it starts to warm up.Only 99 today.

I hope now I can get into the mood of crocheting.Hate that feeling when you want to do something but just dont feel like doing anything.

Hope everyone has a good day and the sun is shining!!:sun

Sheila - Glad hubby found something to keep him busy even if it's less pay. Maybe it will lead to something better down the road.


Tammy - To bad about the one baby, but at least the second is doing okay. Baby birds can be hard to keep alive sometimes. If it had fallen from the nest it may have hurt itself internally. Good for your son for trying.


I think that I'll just remove the part that has the marker on it and splice in a new piece. I have more of the fabric. Thank goodness! It's just frustrating to have messed it up at the last minute. But thank goodness I didn't use it for marking the quilting lines. That would have been much, much more serious. Not to mention harder to fix. :lol :lol :lol So it could have been worse.

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So glad that you can fix it Linda!! My mother was working on a quilt for me before she took to sick to finish the whole thing so one of these days when the kids get older I am going to finish it.She finished embroidering all the squares of butterflies just need to sew patchwork around them :lol

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Thanks everyone for the warm welcome! :manyheart


Sherri, Baxter is cute! What kind of dog is he? Oh, he's a scottie? My mom had a scottie when she was younger! :D They are cute dogs! :D


Well, back to school! I'll pop in later! :D

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