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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Oh, my Julie- You did have a nightmare day and I wish I could come and be with you and help you get through this! There is NO excuse for what you went through in the lab! My biggest pet peeve is when nurses and doctors don't listen to the patient! And for them to totally ignore you when you told them that the saline wasn't in your vein is inexcusable!


I wish you luck with your course of action for today and please, please, please, hang in there- there are lots of us here that need you and are in your corner!!


I just looked at the clock and I have to get ready for work- sorry I can't respond to all your wonderful housemates now but I will be thinking of you all today and sending positive vibes your way.


Hugs, Hugs and more hugs!!!!!

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Good morning.


Julie~I am so sorry that you got stuck with those two again.....I would be blowing the roof off that place myself today. :yes And I am sorry that yoou feel so discouraged....don't get too discouraged....there are people out there that do know what they are doing and can help you. Keep your head up....we will get through this together. :hug:manyheart:hug

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Good morning. Its pouring down rain here, and has been all night. We're high on a hill, so we are dry. but I think there are probably some flooded basements around here.


Julie...I don't know what to say. I'm so sorry that you had such a terrrible experience. You are right, they sound incompetent. I think you do need to go knock a few heads together. I really doubt if they knew a diagnosis, it was likely what your dr wrote on the requisition, and they don't have the sense to think before they speak. Anyhow, I hope that today is a much better day. Just keep thinking about cake!


Tab, thinking about you and Doa, hope the diagnosis is something easily treated.


I don;t know what I'm going to do today. I ought to do some cleaning, but I feel like I did enough yesterday, even though it wasn't here.


I started a Mei-Mei jacket last night, just to see if I could do it. I've seen quite a bit of discussion about it in various places, and when you read the pattern it sounds pretty much impossible. However, last night I found a few notes about it on Ravelry, and it made it sound quite a bit easier. I'm still finding it sort of confusing, but I'm going to keep at it for a while. It would be a nice little sweater to wear with a summer dress.

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Julie :hug:hug:hug


Not being a medical person, I do have small veins though, could they not try going in someplace else like the top of the foot? Or is it a proximity thing?


Tab :hug Hope your wait today is short and as anxious free as possible


Hi everybody. Not a lot going on here today. I'm debating on mowing the grass or working on projects. The projects are winning at the moment. :)

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Good morning, my friends...



First, heads should roll for how you were treated and ignored! Start with your doctor and go fromt here.:angry


Second, when the doc orders tests they do have to put down what they're looking for/ruling out in order to hve areason for the test, so I wouldn't put any stock in what was said. Besides, the way they handled your needle stick proves they're not competent.:angry

Your poor hand must be so sore...:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Thanks for the complements on the RR.:hook


Hi, Marisa!:hook Have a good day!


Leanna, Take care of yourself...and enjoy the hummingbirds! I haven't seen any in our yard in years - last time was when it was hovering over a red flower on my pation - we have more red flowers this year, so I'm hoping to see them again.


Tam - it's good to see you here again!:hug Yup - go forward...:yes


Joanne, the Yankees did great last night! It was fun watching them. I hope your workday goes/went well.:hug


Tabby, thinking of you...and hugs for you and Doa... :hug:hug:hug

Jude- your new RR is SO pretty. I bet it's nice and squishy. What colors was the yarn called ?


Prairie Homespun was the main (variegated) color, then the Olive, deco (a soft white), and a smidge of Quartz. I just wanted it big enough - and me and hubby did snuggle under it together yesterday:c9

Good morning. Its pouring down rain here, and has been all night. We're high on a hill, so we are dry. but I think there are probably some flooded basements around here.

You're very lucky not to have to worry about flooding!


I started a Mei-Mei jacket last night, just to see if I could do it. I've seen quite a bit of discussion about it in various places, and when you read the pattern it sounds pretty much impossible. However, last night I found a few notes about it on Ravelry, and it made it sound quite a bit easier. I'm still finding it sort of confusing, but I'm going to keep at it for a while. It would be a nice little sweater to wear with a summer dress.

That's a beautiful pattern! I'm sure you'll figure it out. The picture is a good guide, IMO. Good luck with it!:cheer

Hi everybody. Not a lot going on here today. I'm debating on mowing the grass or working on projects. The projects are winning at the moment. :)

I vote for the projects:devil

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Well, I need to get started. Hubby is out till after lunch and I want to get the chores done with quickly so I can have some hook time!


More hugs to everyone who needs them.:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:manyheart:manyheart



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'Morning, everyone. :) Today is going to be making the rounds to plant nurseries...we have several things to replace after the rough winter. (I'd rather be crocheting. :lol)


Sherri ~ Hi and welcome back! Moving is so much work...hope you're able to do some crocheting. :hook


LeAnna ~ Enjoy the hummers!


Marisa ~ I hope your yarn gets there soon. It's hard to wait, isn't it? ;)


Cindy ~ Beautiful pattern. :) What color are you using?


Tabby ~ :hug from me, too. :hug


Hi to Tam and Linda. :)


Julie ~ I am so sorry you had to go through all that. :( I hope today is a better one. :manyheart

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Good Morning Ladies :coffee


Julie - It looks like you didn't sleep at all last night! :tired Maybe you should just ask for the referral to CC so you don't have to deal with all that incompetence!! :( They never listen to me either (rarely anyway) and I agree with making a stink about the whole situation because if you don't, the director doesn't know there's a problem. And, if this is going on with you, guaranteed it's going on with others as well. Unfortunately, they probably will just get a little slap on the wrist and nothing will change because of such high demand, they are not as able to filter through the great vs. the clueless :( But, put yesterday behind you and we'll all pray that they were able to see what they're looking at without that dye :think Hang in there, you're doing great and enjoy that CAKE!!!!!! Boy, do I wish I had some too :D


Julie and Mary - It is hard to wait for the yarn and according to my tracking number, shouldn't get it until Monday!!! :( Last night I finished the squares I could so now my plan is to have as much of the rest done that I can by the time I get my yarn. Each octagon and sqaure uses 3 colors. The first round is only 8 clusters and the 2nd round is 16 clusters for both. So I am at least getting each one started that I can with the colors I have if they are the inner ones. (Does that make sense the way I wrote it). After I get to a stopping point there I will work on my lapghan and/or knitting in the meantime. :hook


Cindy - You are a cleaning fool!!! :lol If you lived closer, I'd offer to pay you to be my cleaning lady :yes But, you're right although you did a lot yesterday, yours still needs to get done. However, it will still be there tomorrow :devil


Sherri - I vote for the projects :devil


Judy - Good luck getting your chores done before hubby returns....and hopefully you'll get that hooking time in :hook


Have a great day everyone and I'll see y'all later :hug :hug :hug

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Julie~Sorry your test was a nightmare. :hug :hug :hug



We did not get home until 9:30. :eek I had to wait in the waiting room for over two hours not knowing anything.....I got so tense that I pulled a muscle in my jaw. They gave us a disc but I cannot tell what is what....plus it is suppose to be for the doc :devil I just had to. :yes Anywhoo, we will know tomorrow at 9 a.m. what is going on.....I will let ya'll know.


Thanks for going through this with me.....I am a wreck. :ghug

Tabby - I'd have looked at the disc too. Hang in there. You should know something soon and hopefully it won't be that serious. And it should be treatable in any case.


Julie - You poor dear. What happened yesterday is inexcusable. They should lose their jobs for such behavior. Patients know what they are talking about as far as their veins and a lot of other things are concerned. You should definitely raise cane with both the doctor and the hospital. Get a patient advocate at the hospital if you don't get satisfaction. :hug :hug :hug :hug

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'Morning, everyone. :) Today is going to be making the rounds to plant nurseries...we have several things to replace after the rough winter. (I'd rather be crocheting. :lol)



Cindy ~ Beautiful pattern. :) What color are you using?


I love going to plant nurseries!!


I'm using black simply soft because I had some of it handy. I don't know if its enough for the pattern, and I don't know if I will actually finish one in black anyhow. I'd rather have it in white.

I really just wanted to know if I could figure it out. Doris Chan's pattern writing method seems quite confusing to me, but her patterns are really pretty. On Ravelry, people said it was an easy pattern once you figured it out and a few people said they completed it in one day.

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Hi ladies! It's another rainy day here. This morning on one of Maya's cartoons there were singing "rain, rain go away" song. Quite fitting for the day.

Julie sorry you had a nightmare yesterday. I would be going to the head of the hospital not only there boss. There's no excuse for this.


Linda I hope John's dad recovers soon. To bad his parents can't come for the visit. You did a good job getting your yarn and material all organized.


Shiela I totally understand about hubby being around all the time. I look forward to mondays as hubby works 1 day a week. We are retired.


Tab I hope you get good results today. On the monkey pod, could you use yarn like a sock monkey and trim in red and make a monkey hat?


Cindy you and your daughter accomplished a lot yesterday. That sweater is really cute.


Mary congrats on finishing your rr.


Judy your rr is beautiful!


Sherri nice to see you here. I wish are weather would improve so we could think about doing flowers.


JoAnne you and Judy bring back memories at my grandma's. Being from Michigan we are tiger fans. Grandma always had the game on tv or the radio. I sat and watched or listened to many games with her.


LeAnna nice to see you. Enjoy the hummingbirds! We do see them around here. We use to feed them, but when we did the addition and new deck we didn't add a roof over the deck. Now all you can find is hanging feeders. They do stop and eat off some of the flowers. One of are neighbors has as many as 8 eating at a time (wish they lived next door I love to watch them).


Tam nice to see you again. Hang in there and remember were all for you.

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:cheer:cheer Morning housemates, just wanting to stop in before going for my blood works today. I still looking thru patterns to crochet and I haven't found one yet that has my heart racing with anticipation but I will keep looking.


Julie - sending you a hug :hug I'm so sorry that you had to go through that yesterday. Hang in there and I hope your hand don't hurt and is not swollen today.


To the rest of the house, BBL :manyheart

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Judy your rr is beautiful!


JoAnne you and Judy bring back memories at my grandma's. Being from Michigan we are tiger fans. Grandma always had the game on tv or the radio. I sat and watched or listened to many games with her.

When I was very young I would visit and stay with my godmother/Aunt (a big trip - from Queens to Brooklyn:lol) She was a Brooklyn Dodger fan (does that date me?:lol) and always had the game on TV...How I became a Yankee fan I have no idea...but I started following the team around 1961 or so, the days of Micky Mantle...so maybe it was the home run race going on at that time that attracted me.

Hubby was a fan of the Yankees, too, and as a teen actually had a tryout at the Stadium. He's not as rabid a fan as I am, though, but he knows he had better have the YES network set for quick flips back and forth if we're watching TV together:lol

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Thanks guys for all your support -:manyheart


Just got home a little bit ago and got right in to see the head of the radiology Department . He was very kind and pretty distressed about all their mistakes . He has a meeting scheduled with THEIR boss ( the one under him ) ,and both of them ,on the next day they are all working which is Monday I think he said .

Anyhow, he also said if I EVER have to get a scan again, to call and HE will do it for me, plus get the little lab girl to start the IV .

So I have his card handy in case .



To all of you -thanks for all the good thoughts and backup support .


I think I'm gonna go take a little nap -- didnt sleep well last night and was up WAY too early ,so I am tired already .


Will check back in when I get up .

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Julie - I'm so glad that this is going to be taken care of. If they did it to you they've probably done it to a lot of others as well. :hug :hug :hug


John's going hunting again this weekend. It's the last days of the turkey hunting season so if he doesn't get one this weekend he'll have to wait until next year to try again. Kim and I are staying put here at home. I made a big batch of cinnamon rolls and we've eaten about a fourth of them already. Yummy. :D John Sr. is doing better, but it looks like he won't get out of the hospital until Friday. Linda and John are overruling his wishes to go to the reunion which is probably a good thing. At his age (mid 80's) pneumonia is nothing to mess around with.


Good morning to everyone. :)

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:sun Good Afternoon........... :mug

How is everyone today? I'm doing okay!

I'm keepin' busy today with knitting some coasters and crocheting some friendship squares.

I love all the projects everyone has been working on!

I need to get pictures of some of the stuff I've been working on and get them posted on my blog!

I havent really gotten a whole lot done... due to DRAMA.... and what I have gotten done seem to take so long to do. But I did accomplish some.

Well........ I'm off to have a little lunch and get more things done ... then go get my two younger boys from school.... run to the store ... pick up the older one from track practice... get home .. everyone change to go to a concert of the younger two... home to get homework done and maybe find time to take a nap. :whew




You all have a GREAT day!



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Thanks guys for all your support -:manyheart


Just got home a little bit ago and got right in to see the head of the radiology Department . He was very kind and pretty distressed about all their mistakes . He has a meeting scheduled with THEIR boss ( the one under him ) ,and both of them ,on the next day they are all working which is Monday I think he said .

Anyhow, he also said if I EVER have to get a scan again, to call and HE will do it for me, plus get the little lab girl to start the IV .

So I have his card handy in case .



To all of you -thanks for all the good thoughts and backup support .


I think I'm gonna go take a little nap -- didnt sleep well last night and was up WAY too early ,so I am tired already .


Will check back in when I get up .

Oh sweetie...........:hug:hug:hug






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Hi, Linda and SHeila!


Well, back to some hooking. I have a chicken on the stove making soup stock, so not much to do till that's nearly done...


Later, gators:hug

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