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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Yes, the one color is RHSS Lavender, the variegeted is RHSS Gemstone. The other colors I'm using are Dark Orchid and Real Teal.



I'm thinking that when I'm done with this I may try a rectangular granny for my see how many colors you can use ghan instead of the RR- I don't want mine to end up like my other one! I still have to :think about it!

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Oh it looks like I have to ask LeAnna a question too- or maybe not- but I will anyway!


What was it like living in Germany as compared to the US? I've never been to Europe and it intrigues me- My DH went to Germany on a business trip a few weeks ago and loved it.

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Okay, Judy...


Judy is an animal lover, friendly, welcoming and does great crochet work.

Awww...thank you


Question: If you could meet any one past or present for lunch, where would you like to go and what would you want to know about that person in the hour you have for the lunch date? And the person can be well known or not well known or fictional or real...your pick.

Hmmm....casual lunch place like TGI Friday's where they have high booths for privacy. Who with:Sir Arthur Conan Dole...in addition to being the author of Sherlock Holmes stories, he was a Doctor and a Spiritualist...I would love to pick his brain in all three categories.

Jude is a friend . Not just a good friend ,she is one of the best friends anyone could ask for .

She stands beside you ,no matter what,is a good listener and good advice giver . I am fortunate to have her for my friend .

Thank you, Jules...ditto...


Jude --

In high school ,what would you have been described as ?

( Such as Most studious,most quiet, friendliest , most athletic, etc ? )

Believe it or not: quiet...always trying to stay out of throuble in Catholic HS, so I never wanted to call attention to myself:lol

Thanks, Judy. What I'd like to do but am reluctant to try - painting. I haven't had to background to know what I'm doing with the paints, but it's something I'd like to do somewhere down the road.Give it a shot...doesn't have to be in a big way at first...


Judy: you do such beautiful graph ghans. They are all lovely. Question: What is your favorite type of music?

Thank you.

I have eclectic taste, and listen to everything from some classical to easy jazz but I always revert back to 60's music - early/mid 60's - my era:lol


Here's the ghan I have been working on for stepdaughter- it's getting there! It's about 43X43 right now. It's beautiful!! Love the colors.:cheer


Here's my RR so far :

Love how you organized the colors!! Great job:cheer


Judy- What can I say? It seems that each project you do is better than the next! You are so talented and I admire your work so much!!! :manyheart What a fun afghan with the glow in the dark yarn!!!


Hope everyone has a great night and weekend! Thanks to all of you for making this house a fun place to be!!!:manyheart

Thanks! I joined this place some time ago and my skill level has shot up so much ever since! I'm continuing to learn...

I'll have the ghan soaking up some light Monday before I give it to my friend - then I'll bring her in a dark room to show her the effect.:D

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LeAnna- Thanks, and the same goes for me -- I'd love to have you as my neighbor -- you sound like you have lots of fun stories to tell from living in another country, to living clear across the country. It'd be neat to hear about those places and to learn more crochet skills from you !


As for where else I'd want to live ? Well, it'd be a toss-up . Sometimes I think I'd like to live near enough to an ocean to hear the waves in the morning when I wake up .


Others, I'd like to move to someplace like south Dakotah where there is lots of land, but not very many people -- total peace and quiet, and kinda like back in the cowboy days .




You help to make this group so pleasant - you are a loyal visitor and drop in and post frequently and are always so kind to everyone and include everyone in your posts. You are GOOD at this stuff !!!



And for your answer - if I won the lottery - first, I'd donate money to Cam's school to buy more chairs. When we went up to his school program a few weeks ago, the gym room was packed and they had used all the chairs from their school and the other school in town and still had people standing up in the back,with no more chairs .


I'd probably also set up money for each of the grandkids in a bank account so they'd have some money when they grew up ,to either attend school buy a house ,or whatever else .

Then we'd go to the tiny little "village" where my grandma was born ,and buy the house that HER grandparents built .We lost it when she was put into a nursing home many years ago, so it would be wonderful to have it back in the family again . SO.. they guy that lives there could name his price and I'd pay it,whatever the cost .


Then I'd buy a really cool looking black shiny car .


Then I'd buy all you guys tickets to go on a trip someplace ,so we could all hang out together and yak til our throats were sore . :lol

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Julie- I love what you would do with your lottery winnings! Chairs for Cam's school would be nice , a black shiny car (what kind?), buying back the house you grandmas grandparents built :manyheart and what I like the best- a trip where we could all yak and crochet together in one RL place!!! How fun would that be? :yes


Cheeria- I'm sorry I forgot to say Hi to you before!! I'm with you and the RR frog pond! I think that is why I'm reluctant to try it again! A large granny is really easy- and is in the round!!! Hope you had a good day with your grandbaby today and that you are now getting a chance to relax.


I hope I didn't forget anyone else, but if I did, it'll come to me at the strangest time. I had gone outside to bring in the mail (which I forgot to get when I got home from work) and all of a sudden I thought to myself, I forgot to say hi to Cheeria!

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Oh it looks like I have to ask LeAnna a question too- or maybe not- but I will anyway!


What was it like living in Germany as compared to the US? I've never been to Europe and it intrigues me- My DH went to Germany on a business trip a few weeks ago and loved it.


Well many times I felt like Alice in Wonderland (or Through the Looking Glass...) Some things simply were opposite than here. Of course can I think of an example right now? No! Sorry 'bout that. In many ways it was very much like living here...the Black Forest reminded us of here in Washington State for example. The Germans (and actually many Europeans) were mad for french fries (pommes frites or pommes, pronounced "pom mess") and the Germans actually have a fast food joint devoted to nothing but fries...with a variety of toppings. Where we tend to like ketchup on our fries here in the states, they like mayo...and in fact when I first went to McDonald's in Heidelberg, you could get all the mayo you wanted for free, but you had to pay for ketchup for your fries...but by the time I left, the ketchup was free too.


I remember going to a brew pub (gast haus) and I don't really drink beer example to sample Hub-E's from time to time (think like in wine tasting...) and the brew master wanted to know why I didn't drink beer...and said if I was pregnant (and I wasn't) he had a beer he brews for pregnant women...I declined...


Drinking age is 16 in Germany, but you know, they have hard core drinking and driving laws in Germany...one of our neighbors got caught drinking and driving and it's like an immediate lose of license for something like 2 years, visits to a psychitrist to determine why one drinks to excess and fines up the whazoo and driving classes.


Oh and you guys will love this...there are yarn shops EVERYWHERE...I lived next door to a yarn shop when I lived there. It's easier to find a yarn shop than a fabric store.


I loved living in Germany and touring Europe, but after 9 years, I'm very happy to be home...and having the opportunity to travel across this country for a week (even with the near tornado, snow, fog, rain, high winds, etc.)

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Oh wait, thought of an "opposite..." Birthdays...here if you have a birthday, it's more like other people will do the party for you...(although I've always gone against that grain...not that I don't want people to throw a party for me, just that it rarely happens...) But in Germany, if you have a birthday, you, the birthday person, throws the party to the point that it's expected of others...and it's not just in Germany, but according to one of my friends in Holland, it's like that there too (which annoys her...)


I had no problem throwing me a party...presents were nice, but not expected...I still had cake and so on, and I would actually make it a party to celebrate my birthday, my cat's birthday (her's is a week before mine) and my friend's birthday too...we would have a great time.

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Just checking in to say g'nite to my friends here...


And LeAnna, it's great how - through all your upheavals - you've stayed in touch here on the ville....


Have a wonderful night, everybody.:hug:manyheart

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Tab- I must ask because of your name Queen of Crochet- do you live in Queens?


No, definitely not a city gal. I have queen in my naame because I am the QUEEN of EVERYTHING! :lol


Have you ever seen the Mary Engelbreit collection? That is where the quuen of everything originated. It started when I was a teen within my family and it just stuck. :yes

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It certainly sounds like you have had some really interesting experiences !

It'll be memories that will last a lifetime !


Are the German people friendly ? Are they welcoming to outsiders, or do you always feel like you don't fit in ?


And do most of them talk English or German ?

and what types food do they like besides french Fries with mayo ( YEK)

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No, definitely not a city gal. I have queen in my naame because I am the QUEEN of EVERYTHING! :lol






You funny thing, you !!!


Well guys, I'm heading off for the night to rest my brain . :tired:headache:sleep


Thanks for a good day in the house and we'll see you in the morning .:)

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Good night Judy- Good night Julie- Good night House!


LeAnna- Living in Germany sounds fascinating- and wow- living next door to a yarn shop- I'd be broke for sure!!! You surely have some wonderful memories with your travels!! Thank you for sharing!!!


Tabitha- LOL- Ok, you are the Queen of Everything- I love Mary Englebreigt- but just had to ask since you live in NY- LOL Thank you for your humor!

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Now do I have this right.....you started a granny this a.m. without finishing the RR? Uh-uh-uh.....:eek:lol:P Just bustin' on ya. :hug I have about 3,507, 489 hidden projects.....although 3,507,488 are YOUR fault. :rofl



Joanne - I love all the purples in that ghan of yours. It's gorgeous.


Julie - Your RR is glorious.


"If I was stuck on a desert island and could only have 1 thing or person -- who or what would it be?" Yikes! :eek:eek:eek Only one?!?! If it was a person it would have to be my former partner, now dead. If it was a thing - - - a complete set of the Great Books of Literature. :lol :lol :lol


John should get in about 11:00 tonight. Kim is wired up waiting for him to appear. I have a feeling she's going to fight sleep until he gets here. :D

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Hi every-one. DD and I just got home, but I'm too tired to really read all the posts I missed. I did see all the pictures and they all look great.


I'm going to say good night, because we have to be up early, DD's graduation starts at 10, and then there is a "pinning ceremony" (whatever that is) at 2. I hope to check in tomorrow evening. I expect that we will have to get there early in order to get a decent seat, since there are several thousand graduates.

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It certainly sounds like you have had some really interesting experiences !

It'll be memories that will last a lifetime !


Are the German people friendly ? Are they welcoming to outsiders, or do you always feel like you don't fit in ?


And do most of them talk English or German ?

and what types food do they like besides french Fries with mayo ( YEK)


I had less culture shock with the German people than with the military community (now dealing with the military installations/community, that was Alice Through the Looking Glass...) but I had a run in or two with some shockingly rude Germans on a train once and in a laundromat, but over all, the friends I made there, I'm sure I'll be in touch with them the rest of my life...they can be slow to get to know, but once you do, they're forever...but like any other place, like here in the states, there are nice people and people who are not nice...Germany's no different in that regard.


One thing I did notice is that overall, they want to do things one way...they don't like alternatives necessarily (like if you go into a restaurant, any more, our culture is like Burger King, "Have it Your Way...") for example we watched an American do a whole Meg Ryan in When Harry Met Sally" routine in ordering some food...total high maintence and at a peak time with just one waitress trying to deal with it all and other customers coming in...this American was the son of a friend of our neighbor and they had just moved to Germany to work a civilian job (with our government) and the son was going to college in Mannheim...we all were shocked...he was rude to begin with and by the end of the ordering, the poor waitress looked like she wanted to hit him with the menu (and I wouldn't have blamed her...) We explained that the average german restaurant doesn't really like substitutions...and the mom said, "Well, we're paying, so we should get what we want..." It was truly one of those Ugly American moments...we went on to explain that the prevailing attitude (at that time anyway) was, "Here's what I have to offer, if you don't like, go somewhere else..." (and fyi, it's worse in Holland...)


Anyway, we never really had problems with the locals...in a pecking order of what immigrants the Germans would rather deal with, Americans come first (usually) The ones they don't really like are the Russians and the Turks...seriously. My landlord got annoyed with some Turks celebrating after a soccer match and threw eggs at their cars from his balcony...meanwhile, Hub-E and I were hanging out our living room window at that time and when the Turks turned around to see who was throwing the eggs, they thought it was us...eek...


New Year's Eve is the best...fireworks for hours...don't have to leave your home to enjoy the celebration...


Oh language...the official language is German, but English is a requirement class in school, starting practically from Kindergatern...but, that requirement started in the 70's, so not everyone speaks English...and even if they do, they may not feel comfortable speaking English (which I totally get because my German is not the best...even after 9 years...)


What types of food? Number 1 would probably be pork...in fact in their culture the pig is considered good luck. And they know how to cook it without it becoming tough and dry...


I was surprised at how much of their food was similar to what we have in the states...they like beef, salmon, pork, chicken...potatoes...


We lived around the corner from a chinese restaurant, across the block from a couple of Italian places, a few german places...greek, Thai, and I'm sure I'm missing some.


While they do like saurekraut, it's not on every German menu...oh and they do like venison (deer) and spaetzel (which is a rough cut noodle...) Lots of sauces...and the sauces are great with the fries.


Oh and they like curry wurst (which can basically be a hot dog cut up and cooked and then doused with ketchup and sprinkled with curry powder...it is a staple at the festivals...another staple are crepes...


I could go on...


Yeah, we have stories to tell. I can't remember what all I told about the latter part of our trip...did I tell about the tail end of a tornado, of snow, of winds, rain and fog??? Of having a horrible melt down with Hub-E? My goodness, we bickered and snapped at each other more this last week than our entire relationship and marriage...but yesterday and today we seem to be back to normal...

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Good night Judy- Good night Julie- Good night House!


LeAnna- Living in Germany sounds fascinating- and wow- living next door to a yarn shop- I'd be broke for sure!!! You surely have some wonderful memories with your travels!! Thank you for sharing!!!




Tabitha- LOL- Ok, you are the Queen of Everything- I love Mary Englebreigt- but just had to ask since you live in NY- LOL Thank you for your humor!



Oh I spent some serious money in that shop...glad you like the stories.

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Cindy- Have fun at graduation- the pinning ceremony is really nice- your DD is becoming a nurse, right? The pinning ceremony commemorates the student becoming a nurse- steeped in tradition- Usually involves carrying a "florence nightingale" sort of lamp with candle- the light symbolizes the passing of the flame from florence to each nurse. I remember my pinning ceremony as being very special.


Linda- I'm sure Kim is anxious to see John. So did you get the Kentucky Derby hats done? And thanks for the compliments on the ghan- it's so simple compared to the beautiful work you do!!

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LeAnna- Glad to hear that you and Hub-E are getting along now! I can't imagine what it must have been like to not have seen each other in so long and then have to be in such close quarters (car) for a week. When my youngest was 18 b/4 college, she decided she "had" to follow her BF (who had joined the marines ) out to California- well she lasted about 10 days and I had to fly out to Nevada to meet her and drive back with her to NJ. It was non-stop driving- except to sleep- my rule was I wasn't driving when it got dark in case we broke down) We had some heated arguments and then when we got home, we were ok again! And thankfully she had taken my advice and not told Rutgers that she wouldn't be attending and we got home the day before the first day of class. Needless to say, she met another guy, she finished her BSN and then 2 years ago this June got married. And I must say I love my SIL!! Everything happens for a reason....

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Well ladies,


I had a chance to check in before bed so was able to catch up with the posts.


Joanne and Julie - I love both of your afghans!!!! they're great!!!!


It seems like everyone had a wonderful day and I hope it happens again tomorrow.


Not sure if I'll get in tomorrow, but will play it by ear.


Good night ladies

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Good morning and Happy Saturday!!!


Coffee is in hand, laundry is going and I plan to get all my cleaning done nice and early. Supposed to be a beautiful day here!!


Julie- hope the headache is gone and that you can BREATHE easier today!!


To EVERYONE- Hope that your Saturday is all you want it to be!!!!



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Good morning, House mates!

It's going to be 90 today:2eek:sweat:faint

A 20 degree jump in one day isn't my idea of fun....

ANyway, we'll probably go out - browse in a Mall if I can convince hubby - and then hibernate.

The Yankees are playing in NY now, so their 1 PM game will be a scorcher...I'll be in the air conditioning in my comfy chair.


I'm going to say good night, because we have to be up early, DD's graduation starts at 10, and then there is a "pinning ceremony" (whatever that is) at 2. I hope to check in tomorrow evening. I expect that we will have to get there early in order to get a decent seat, since there are several thousand graduates.

Oh, that'll be wonderful! Enjoy....and congrats to DD on such a momentous day!:hug

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I know it's Saturday- but c'mon all- RISE AND SHINE!!! :lol The day's a'wasting!:lol:


Second load of laundry is in the dryer, the 2 bathrooms and kitchen are clean! :tup


Taking a quick little break with another cup of coffee:coffee


It is BEAUTIFUL:sun outside!!!!

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I know it's Saturday- but c'mon all- RISE AND SHINE!!! :lol The day's a'wasting!:lol:


Second load of laundry is in the dryer, the 2 bathrooms and kitchen are clean! :tup


Taking a quick little break with another cup of coffee:coffee


It is BEAUTIFUL:sun outside!!!!

Isn't it amazing what a dose of caffeine will do for your mood?:lol:lol:lol

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