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Do you have any crocheted heirlooms?

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I have been talking to some of the ladies at the office about some of the family heirlooms that have been passed down to me for save keeping. I was surprised when they confided in me that they wish they could have things that their grandparents had made. Does anyone else have some family heirlooms that have been made by the family and passed down to another generation?

This is a small list of crocheted things:

- Baby bonnet and jacket my Great Grandmother made for me when I was born (I hope to pass on to another generation)

- Two jackets that my Great Grandmother made for Grandmother when she was a teenager

- A large rectangler tablecloth that my Great Grandmother made for my Grandmother after she was married (Grandma said she thought it was too pretty and she never put it on a table but kept it in the closet for save keeping)

- Several granny square blankets (my Great Grandmother made a lot of granny square blankets)

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That's so great to have. I wish I had things that were crocheted from the 2 family members that I so admired seeing crochet. (An Aunt & her Daughter who since passed on) They were from my adopted family.



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I unfortunately have nothing. My Mothers Mother did not sew or do needle work of any kind. My Fathers Mother did but when she died I was the youngest of all the Grandkids (only5)and all her stuff went to my aunts and cousins and my older brother and sister (they are 10 and 12 years older than me)


Actually I think my sister got the best stuff because she was the oldest but she is not a person who appreciates anything considered old. She sold it all in a garage sale. When I found out I was funing mad :rant how could she and not ask me if I wanted any of it! She said that it was all just junk and never thought I would want any of it.


Part of the junk she practically gave away was a complete dinner and beverage service for 12 in COLBALT BLUE glass ware. I asked how much she got for it. $25.00!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I then proceeded to tell her just how stupid she really was because just 1 goblet was worth over $100.00.


I have never forgiven her for her stupidity and especially for not asking me if I wanted any of it. I would have gladly bought it from her. And yes there were several quilts and afghans and doileys and tablecloths my Grandmother had made. All of them are gone.

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I have a dress that my grandmother crocheted out of thread for my mother about 50 years ago. My mother wore it, I wore it as a child and my daughter wore it about 4 years ago and I really regret that I didn't have a camera at the time to take a picture of my daughter wearing it :( She will be inhereting it when she has children.


I have pictures of it posted here in the thread show and tell forum somewhere and on my crochet journal (link in my sig)

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When I was 11 my mother tossed my baby blanket that had HUGE gaping holes from being well used since my birth till the day it "disappeared". But, I do have a christmas stocking that my great-grandmother made me the year I was born. And I have made them for my children, and neices. I also have a thread butterfly ornament, and snowflake that she made. I love them!

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I have nothing from my mothers side, her idea of hemming a school skirt was hitting the hem with fabric glue and an iron, and hope it would last a couple of washes before it got tooo stiff ROFL.


But my DH Grandmother has made some lovely things for our daughter, GG is 80 in march and can't see very well at all but she still managed to make abbie a blanket for her bed, coathanger covers, and a beautiful doll sitting in a hoop - doll itself is plastic, but she has made a pretty dress and knickers and shoes for the doll and the hoop has a crochet cover, it is lovely. And if abbie ever got her hands on it, it would be bye bye dolly lol.

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I am so blessed because quite literally every woman on both sides of my family were creative. I have crochet, knit, cross stitch, quilting, oil paintings, dolls and toys......too many to count. I have five brothers who didn't want any of it and any of the wives that want the heirlooms only want them so that they could sell the stuff. Double blessing, the men also were very creative....wood inlays, furniture, shelves and racks. One of my most prized possessions is a sewing box my grandfather made for my grandmother as an engagement present. Its made from cherry wood and he hand carved flowers on the top. It folds out, has drawers and secret compartments and when grandma passed on it came filled with everything from pearls (from broken necklaces I imagine) wooden buttons, silk threads for embrodiery, pin cushions made by aunts and my Mom when they were children. It also held birth and baptismal certificates and report cards and so much family history. Its about four feet high two feet wide and about four feet long. knitting needles crochet hooks a darning mushroom assorted sewing needle holders (some made by uncles when they were little) There a few things that are simply " there "....skate keys, door keys a screw driver with a wooden handle, a couple of fountain pens, so much history. Being the only girl I got everything......happy, happy me !!!!!!!!

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that is soooo sad, i am so so sorry for you, i have several things my granmothers made for me, including a matching top and skirt my maternal grandmother sewed for me and crocheted and embroidered things. thats just sad, your sister sounds like she could have used a swift kick in the rear:angry:angry:angry i am truly sorry for you, make sure you make enough stuff for your grandkids to have and remember you from rhh

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Well I suppose you could say I have one thing. My aunt`s confirmation dress. My (paternal) grandmother made it by hand (no crochet or embroidery or anything like that... but lots of sewing). Unfortunately she then had a brain fart and washed it in hot water... and it shrank. It fits a 4-5 year old now. :lol

My oldest wore it for the same aunt`s wedding in 2001, and now it`s hanging up in her closet. It`s too nice to give to my 4 year old (unless there was a special occasion like another wedding), but I don`t want to get rid of it either.


As for crocheted heirlooms... nada. My maternal grandmother was the one that taught me how to crochet, but unfortunately when I was about 10 or so we lost contact with her (I was raised by my paternal grandmother). By the time we "found" her again, she`d had a stroke and was pretty much mentally gone. I don`t know what happened to any of her crocheted things. Heck... I don`t even know where she`s buried.


All the more reason for ME to create crocheted heirlooms for my OWN children!!! :hook

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I have a rug my grandmother made. She was really into that and most every one that got them has used them up. She had one that was beside her bed that I really loved. About a year after her death my Aunt showed up at my house with it. I love it. It is wool and has been pretty beat up but I keep it stashed. My GM also :knit but I don't have any of that and I don't know of anyone that does. Which really isn't saying much since I left home years ago to join the Navy so I lost touch with most of my relatives. I also have some doilies my MIL made but that is it.


I am the crocheter in my generation and everyone comes to me for items. I am working on my granddaughter right now trying to get her interested. She putters a bit with it but nothing serious so far. I will not give up!:sigh

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OOO...I do!! One of my best friends in Illinois had an estate sale on her family's property, and she sent me a bunch of old partially crocheted motiffs, a toke, and a bunch of tatted flowers,,,patterns, AND the thred that was used with the flowers,,,,all of it is WELL over 50 years old! I also got a tatting shuttle in the lot, but I have no idea on hot to tat.

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I have an Afghan my grandmother made when my hubby and I were first married, it's a ripple afghan, she made it in the colors of our sofa at the time. It's been well loved and needs repair, so it is packed away in the cedar chest. I also have a dress made out of thread that my great grandmother made me when I was a very young child. She must not have worked real fast on it or I grew to fast, she kept having to add onto it. When she finally sent it, it was too short for me so my parent had me sit on the fireplace hearth and curl my legs underneath and behind so they could take a picture. In 2005 when my granddaughter was just abt 2 months old I put it on her and took a few pics, it was way to big for her, looked more like a baptism gown but she got to wear it. It's also packed away. I also have a couple set of pillow cases that my mother embroidered on and then my grandmother crocheted edgings. Last thing I can think of that I have is this pull over top thing that was 2 giant granny squares with tank top straps, you wore it over a blouse in the 70's, my great grandmother made it for me but it was waaaaay to big, by the time I could wear it, it was waaaay out style, LOL, but I have it packed away.


My mother has a few doilies and things that have been passed through the family that one day she said she will send home to me.



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I have a granny square blanket that my grandmother made me just before i was born (never got to meet her!) 29 yrs ago.


im sure there are other/older things around, but my mom tends to stash stuff away

and no one knows about it LOL

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I have a pineapple doily and two pansy ones that my Great Aunt made. She had a lot of doilies made up and let me pick the ones I liked the best. That was many years ago when I was in grade :school school! I also have a small quilt that my Grandmother made out of Grandpa's ties. :sew The most valued thing I have is my Grandmother's Grandma's Bible! :heart It's one of those big table top ones. I would really like to get it restored but don't have the money to have it done properly at this time.

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I have a beautiful round table cloth crocheted by my great grandmother (I think?). And, probably about 30 doilies, mostly pineapple styles, all in ecru, done in a very find thread. My favorite is a little plastic box of grandma's "patterns", they are just little snips cut off of various style edgings, a few little bitty motifs, a little bird filet and a little butterfly filet. I also had 2 or 3 styles of little crochet crosses, a little crochet basket and a crocheted white high heeled shoe - but I can't find them, they are probably at parent's home - now my brother's home.


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I come from a long line of crocheters. Some of the special things that I have are: a pair of high heeled crochet shoes in variegated purple that are 4 inches long, many doilies, dresser scarves, afghans. I have a box of my ponchos, sweaters, shawls and etc. that I wore in the 70's that were made by my grandmothers and my mother.


The crochet shoes are beautiful and I keep them in my china hutch with my other breakable things. My doilies ... I use them. My mom believes in using doilies, so I do too.


I have kept my children's afghans that were made by my grandmother-in-law, who I was very close to before she died. I got her by marriage but she also crocheted and always told me that I could do it. I wish she could see how much I've been able to do.

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I've also been able to "rescue" doilies from thrift stores. Some are just gorgeous and I like to think that the people who made them would be proud to know that I have them now. I've not mastered doilies yet, so I've been given them or bought them from thrift stores.

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I enjoy the heirlooms often times more than the new items because it is something that my family had made many years ago.

I forgot to include doilies my Great Grandmother made and a very interesting afghan (I can't figure out how GG did it, Grandma said she used hoops or big "U" shaped rods from what she can remember). My Grandma didn't pickup her mother's enjoyment for crochet but she loved to sew and make quilts. So, I have a few quilts that she made and when she couldn't see well enough anymore, she gave me all her fabric from her closet. I asked a few ladies that quilt what can I make with "old" fabric but they weren't much help except to ask if I would sell the material to them. Most of the fabrics are from the 30's, 40's, 50's and 60's so it would be hard (unless I went to someplace that re-creates vintage materials) to find fabrics to go with what I have. I'll keep looking and hopefully my quilting skills will be up to the task when I finally find the right project.

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This is an interesting thread. I have a crocheted bedspread made by an Aunt, another one made by my MIL. Numerous enbroidered dishtowels and dresser scarves. Doileys. The long double pointed steel knitting needles that came from one grandmother. A bone crochet hook given to me a long time ago by my MIL. It was her first hook. Several darning "eggs" including a tiny one for glove fingers. Several old quilts.The oldest thing I have is a little moth eaten, knit bootie made for my Great Grandfather by his Irish mother. He was born in 1852!

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My great grandmother crocheted a lot and left many of her doilies and a couple afghans behind. My paternal grandmother made a few afghans, but I only have one and probably won't get any of the other when she passes because no one else in the family respects or realizes that I am more like her than they are and would actually respet her crocheted items.

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After reading this thread I started thinking. :think I have more than I thought.


The first thing I thought of was a table cloth that my grandmother made when she was pregnant with my Mom. She asked me years ago to fix it because it got a hole in it, but I had no idea how. So, I've kept it put up every since.


From my maternal grandmother: an afghan with roses, crocheted cat pot holders, the table cloth, a sweat shirt cut down the middle with crocheted trim, a Santa Clause door handle cover, a Santa Clause christmas wall hanging.....I'm sure there are others that I'm not thinking of, but those are a few.


From my paternal grandmother: a filet crochet piece with my married name in it. I matted and framed this and it's hanging in my living room. An afghan that she made when I got married. A clown that is crocheted onto a slinky. His head is plastic and his feet are plastic. It's really pretty cool! I was grown and married when she gave it to me. :) She had made one for my sister and my cousin (who are 11 years younger) and I begged for one too. :lol


When I was little my Mom painted some wooden Christmas ornaments. I always though those were the ugliest things, but I won't part with them for anything.

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I don't know if it would be considered an "heirloom", but I have an afghan my grandma crocheted for me. It was a high school graduation gift (I graduated in 1975), so it's not *that* old. :2blush


I'll have to take a picture of it, it's very pretty!

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wow, from my maternal grandmother a baby quilt hand knotted and embroidered with my birthdate (each of the three kids have one), and from my paternal grandmother (died just 2 years ago) i brought home a truckload of things...i never knew she crocheted!!!! a very old basket with about a dozen spools of thread she used and her #11 and #14 hooks (I've never attempted anything that fine!)...several dozen dresser scarves with crochet borders, many still starched because they were still in use when we cleaned out her house....a full-sized bead spread with flower embroidery all over the center (hours and hours of work!!) a few doilies - my sister took most, promised them to a friend who collects them, at least i know they're loved even if not in my home...i also have several cookbooks and canning books from the 20's - 50's, what fun to look thru those...and a giant granny square afghan. there were also some things for projects not started, mostly embroidery, yellowed linnen and huck towling, so i guess you can say she had a stash...ahhh the sisterhood i never knew we had. LOL :-)

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When I was 11 my mother tossed my baby blanket that had HUGE gaping holes from being well used since my birth till the day it "disappeared". But, I do have a christmas stocking that my great-grandmother made me the year I was born. And I have made them for my children, and neices. I also have a thread butterfly ornament, and snowflake that she made. I love them!


My daughter had a special "blanky" that seemed to have disappeared around the time we moved to a townhouse from an apartment. She never said anything and I never asked. She was about 13 and prior to that, it was kind of just in her bedroom. I assumed she threw it out herself in the move. But... in clearing out her things after college and when she moved to Taiwan, I pulled apart her bed to sell it. Tucked under the mattress was a small square of her blanky.


I mailed it to Taiwan.

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