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STASH BUSTING crochet-along GAME!! ****CLOSED FOR 2007 ****


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Just mailed out some yarn that I sold to Vicki (mythunderbird), so that gives me 8 points!! Which is great because last night, I ordered 3 Peaches & Cream 1 lb cones for a rug I'm planning to make. So +8 points for Vicki's new yarn, -6 points for the Peaches & Cream and I'm still in the positive numbers!!! :devil Off to update my sig.

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Good golly, guess what I did last night? I killed my plastic I hook I was using to make my PL blanket! I'd just grabbed one of the plastic ones I have for travel these days to use, and was crocheting along just fine for 3 nights with it, when last night, it snapped in half! See this for the sad remains: http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a383/DesertCrocheter/Ihookmurder.jpg


Does this affect my stash-busting score?? :lol Patty


guess the only way it would effect your score is if bought yarn when you replaced your hook. lol

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I love reading about everyone's progressin de-stashing! i am slowly working on mine. I sat down the other night to count how many full skeins of yarn that i have, I had just hit the 60 mark when my darling son told me"Mom, don't forget about that other box of yarn over there". Such a helpful boy! I did find 12 skeins of Tahki Capri in white that I have had for over a year. it works up really fast! I will have to update my Stash score tomorrow.

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I love reading about everyone's progressin de-stashing! i am slowly working on mine. I sat down the other night to count how many full skeins of yarn that i have, I had just hit the 60 mark when my darling son told me"Mom, don't forget about that other box of yarn over there". Such a helpful boy! I did find 12 skeins of Tahki Capri in white that I have had for over a year. it works up really fast! I will have to update my Stash score tomorrow.


Now that would be a daunting task...:eek please tell me I don't have to count and confess the stash total... :lol

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Krystal -- You have 300 SKEINS?!?! :eek :eek I want to come play at your house. I thought I had alot of yarn and I only have 2 plastic tubs full (and one is mostly balls). I'm so jealous......


Haven't made much progress today. I just started another afghan, but I frogged it 3 times trying to figure out what I wanted to do with it. So that's not using up yarn very quickly. I have 5 balls that need to be crocheted onto my "stripey" afghan and then I will have more points. :cheer

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I finished a kind of wonky kitty blanket, and used up 2 balls, and half of a skein! Go me, three points... I have four big drawers full of yarn, so I think I'm going to make myself finish off two drawers before I can start my dream hoodie! Maybe I'll make myself a cute hat as motivation: http://members.aol.com/sbaycgoa/patberet.htm

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Well....I have some good news and some bad news. First the good news...here are some of the pics of what I have been working on to destash. Pics are clickable.


th_loomedhats.jpg a few loomed hats


th_purplehat.jpg one crochet hat


th_squares.jpg a couple 10" squares


th_afghan.jpg double-stranded afghan with N hook - getting close to being done.


I figure just because we are destashing doesn't mean we have to work on just one thing right. :lol


And now for the bad news.....my box o' yarn came that I had got on ebay BEFORE this started but had forgotten about when I signed up and it has now arrived AFTER I started destashing so I have to count it. I think I am going to be in the negative numbers for a little while. :eek Oh well, a lot of them were sugar & cream so at least they are small skeins. :hook I think for a little while my goal is going to be just to get back to 0.

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Oh heck I'm in. I thought about it and I thought I really didn't have that big of a stash(only 4 or 5 skeins) we are on a tight budget right now, cause I am a stay at home mom and my husband just switched jobs but anyway. Then I noticed my basket full of little balls of yarn that I've been saving for my scrap-ghan. so I am in.:clap

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here is what i worked on yesterday

it has earned me 12 points so far :yay just using all the little balls that i have found in my stash

i am using 3 strands of 8ply(which i think is worsted:think ) and a size 10mm hook


so i am off to update my score:clap





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Clare: I love your afghan that is Beautiful :) And a great way to use up leftover yarn.


I Finished up my Fat bottom purse today, I just need to weave in the ends and attach the handles. I only used a little bit of the new skien of yarn that I had to buy to finish it. Not even enough to get me 1 point :( Oh well Guess I better keep crocheting :lol You can check out my Blog to see a picture of it close to done :) the link is in my siggy

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Yesterday my puppy ate his dog bed from his kennel...he really loves polyfil. So This morning I had to start a snuggle for his kennel. I used a ball of misc. yarns that I called my yugly yarn ball and 20 more odd balls and five skeins of rug yarn before I finshed. It is 30 x 50 and crocheted with two strands throughout. I took a picture of my youngest laying in the kennel to give you an idea of the size...she is four yrs old.comfortghan012.jpg


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All I can say is I'm so so glad the two yarn distributor warehouse sales I hit were BEFORE this started (october & December) 'cause they caused a major increase in stash! Oh my I just checked the blog posts where I counted the purchases! AGH! :eek


Here's the stash post before the sale (not including random single skeins of various acrylics and a few other UFOs & WIPs)... and here's the 132 skein (+3 giant cones) october haul and the 140 skein December haul... I need to start hooking faster...

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WOW!! You ladies are all doing some magnificent work! I love the idea of the yugly yarn ball. LOL!


Ginny - my stash has increased a little at a time.... and a few Ebay Boxes at a time... If I bought 132 skeins at once, I'd have a heart attack!


I finished my daisy quilt!!!! :cheer


I got nearly ALL the way around the border and my one pounder puttered out. I had to hit my stash bag for another small ball I was pretty sure was there. (it was). :( But I didn't finish off the ball. There wasn't enough for another round, so it goes back in the bag without another point.


Tomorrow I start back on my Blue Star (see CAL). This is the first afghan I've made for ME!!!!


NOW, don't forget to figure out when your LOCAL time is for EST. I think 8PM EST is a better time for me. Post THIS WEEKS' scores only. Then you can change your sig to read YTD: (keep your old score there) and THIS WEEK: and start new there... That way new people will have a chance of receiving one of the following titles (to be flaunted proudly on your SIG for a WEEK!)


GOLD MEDAL Stashbuster

SILVER MEDAL Stashbuster

BRONZE MEDAL Stashbuster



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