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STASH BUSTING crochet-along GAME!! ****CLOSED FOR 2007 ****


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Ok I have been doing a bunch of itty bitty stuff thats not doing much bustin!!! Some of these little argimi (sp?) critters are so darn cute but they dont use much yarn.

How many points can I get for using up a bag of fiberfill??? lol

Anyhow now I am negotiating some trades and hope to go- this week lol that will be the first time since the game started for me so dont give me that look!!

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I missed the deadline, but I finished 2 afghans - 1 with 20 and 1 with 25 of my mom's squares, 1 1/2 skeins + 3. I had 19 squares left (she made 84), so I put 5 end to end and made a scarf, 1/2 (+/-) skein +1. I'll just add them to this weeks score. Is that ok? This week: 1 doll dress - 1 ball, started another doll - 2 balls. I'll update my score and try to get it in on time.

Ellie 13

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Great job everyone....this does sound like a better week so far. :cheer


I got to add 4 to my score for 1 skein and 2 balls I used up making hats. Still trying to get my YTD to 0 by this week so I may have to start another 2 or 3 strand afghan :hook (while I dig around in the stash looking for some more bright blue to finish the one that is already almost done)

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I got 3 in today... lovin' my stripey afghan!! I have actually been frogging old WIPS/UFO's and balling up the yarn to use for the afghan. BUT at least it's not sitting there in a heap in my room anymore! LOL

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OK...I wasn't on the Ville at all yesterday!! I think that's the first time that has happened since I was in the hospital in Novemeber....I have to add my points from Tuesday & yesterday...Tuesday I used 7 balls of yarn up, so that's 7 points...and yesterday I used up 5 skeins, gave away 3 skeins to a friend, and donated 11 balls of thread...so that's 27 points for yesterday...so I'm off to add 34 points to my total for the week!!! And once I get DD off to school, I'm going to get back to busting!!!



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I've crocheted my heart out this week, but will only have 2 points to show for it, and I had to buy 6 skeins of Homespun for a commission job....:( I don't think I'll be on my 'puter this weekend, so I'll post my score early.

Have a great weekend, y'all!!!

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I have turned 3 skeins into balls on the comfortghan(almost two rows complete), so +3 pts. Made suede purse which is two fulls skeins and two skeins turned into balls(hands hurt again), so +6pts. And I accidentally scored myself one ball too many on my 3-strand yesterday so -1 for that. A total of +8 for the yesterday.


I have been forgetting to count the skeins from the "other" projects besides my 3-strand ghan and comfortghan. I will just start counting those from this point on. There are too many to go back and catch up on.


Everybodies scores are great! Keep up the good work!



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Just finished another skein on my "cleaning break"! I made a hat with one skein of Lion Boucle and a HUGE hook. (I think it's a M or a P):clap

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Well I broke down and bought 12 skeins...that's -24 points for me. However, they are all for projects that have already been started and I ran out of yarn for. I actually still need another 3 skeins but Walmart didn't have them. At least I'm very close to using up another 3 skeins right now. Hopefully by tomorrow.

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