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STASH BUSTING crochet-along GAME!! ****CLOSED FOR 2007 ****


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So the rest of my auctions finished today... hafta send out a BUNCH of stuff tomorrow, but will account for it when it actually leaves my possession. Have been really down lately... life has just kicked me right in the rear. SO... after work today, I bought shoes & yarn :woo

34 skeins for a -68 :blush

Gonna go update my score & then sit in the corner

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I sent back 5 skeins that were the wrong color I wanted from joanns. The gal I was making a blanket for, didn't like them. So that's +10 for those.


I used up 5 skeins in various things this week. Mostly for my swap partner, so have to keep it a secret. +10


So a decent +20 for the week so far.

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Today's shipment consisted of 60 skeins of Dream yarn, 66 new balls of thread & 49 partials... which makes for +301

Somehow, that just seems like it should be the other way :lol

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It's been really slow going for me this week....but I did use up one more skein of yarn and I should be finishing about 3 more as soon as I log off and pick up my hook....so +2 for now, more to come.

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Well my wonderful score... is gone!


I got my yarn in the mail yesterday for my huge commission project. *A spa in Austin Texas asked me to make them 5 blankets BY CHRISTMAS but will pay me quite nicely per lapghan. So I had to order required yarn! *


So last night I got 6 bags of red heart classic in 6 colors *2 of the other colors were on back order and shall get them next week* . So that's 36 skeins at 2 points a piece.... :opps


Score before this yarn: +20

Score AFTER this yarn: -52


I'm going to start on the blanket tonight and a few other small projects... so hopefully I can get a few more POSITIVE points by tomorrow evening.

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I've used 13 balls of yarn in the last 24 hours or so. I'm on a marathon to finish a blanket by the end of this weekend. We'll see what i can get before I leave for dinner!

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-18 for yarn that I received today from ebay (But I HADDA!) :blush

+4 for 2 more skeins used on blankie for DH... should be finished with it fairly soon :xfin

+40 for 20 more skeins sent out today

+26 total to my score... will update if anything changes before 8


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I'm crocheting turkeys and have been working from whole skeins and big balls so no points this week (at least it's not negative LOL). Next week I'll finish something, because a lady ordered 5 turkeys. I hope to get 10+ before Thanks Giving.

Ellie 13

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I just realize I'd forgotten to clear last week's score off on Sunday!


I hardly even touched those new skeins I bought that put me in the hole last week...not even enough for 1 point (yet--I am working on a scarf with 1 skein) but I did manage to finish off 1 small ball working on my elf gift pouches.


So, +1 for this week. And hopes for a better score next. After all, the year's almost up!



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