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Recent Spate of Troublemakers

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I'll also pass my thanks on to Amy for picking this up and fixing it. I hadn't noticed any problems, but I'm glad that Amy's 'on the ball' so to speak and nipped it in the bud.


Why on earth anyone would want to create this sort of trouble is beyond me.

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I'm another one who missed all the "excitement." But, as usual, Amy, you are on top of things within minutes of their occurence! Thank you!


I rarely read introductions (there are so many of them and my time online [as is everyone else I'm sure] is limited). I suspect the numerous disruptions (overload) at the same time were designed to attempt to crash the site.

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It was a group of a dozen or so people, the best I can tell. They were all mainly interacting with each other, but in an utterly nonsensical way, poking fun at crocheters by the names they selected and their little "digs."


The first couple of them registered yesterday afternoon/evening, with all the rest of their buddies joining in today.

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Thank you Amy. I did see the one in the accessories show and tell and it did offend me.


Thank you so much for all of the hard work you do for us here and taking care of it so quickly!

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It was a group of a dozen or so people, the best I can tell. They were all mainly interacting with each other, but in an utterly nonsensical way, poking fun at crocheters by the names they selected and their little "digs."


The first couple of them registered yesterday afternoon/evening, with all the rest of their buddies joining in today.


Were they all from the same IP address? Or from multiple IP's?

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I'm not sure I caught everything they posted, so if anybody notices anything that is "off" or offensive, PLEASE use the report post button and let me know about it. I promise to clean stuff up quickly!

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I have to admit I did not notice the "problem"I can understand the need to act quickly. I like the friendly and supportive environment here and am grateful that someone is looking out for those of us who are oblivious to the problems in our quest for friendly support


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I didn't notice anything either - I've been in off topic for the last couple of days - but sure want to add my Thank you! to Amy for your dedication to our cherished forum!

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:hug Thank you Amy!


I also missed the excitement but I'm glad to see this is one spot on the net that is so carefully monitored. It's a shame that the almost anonymity of the internet can create people that feel the need to be intrusive. Hopefully, this kind of thing won't happen again because I like our happy home the way it is.


Hugs and Cookies

Auntie K

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By the sounds of it I glad I missed it. I'm just so happy that you caught it before it got so bad that every one saw it. It just sickens me to think that people would try to corrupt this wonderfull group.

Thank you so much for looking out for us all!!! :hug Keep up the great work!!!

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I'm gonna add my thanks. I noticed the ridiculousness and responses and wondered myself, but by the time I figured it should be reported you had already noticed it. Nice work, and I'm sure you don't get many thank you's so, THANK YOU!



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Well I have totally missed all of the stupidity! Not complaining about that at all. Thank you Amy for being so vigilant and keeping this a friendly place to be. I know it is a lot of work for you and want you to know that you are truly appreciated.

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The only thing I noticed that was a little off was someone's introduction mentioning something about a croquet set or something. Thanks though Amy for putting a stop to the silliness. I've seen when chat rooms or message boards disintegrate into name calling, insults and nastiness, and I'm glad you are quick to act to keep this the great place we all love to visit! :hook

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The only thing I noticed that was a little off was someone's introduction mentioning something about a croquet set or something. Thanks though Amy for putting a stop to the silliness. I've seen when chat rooms or message boards disintegrate into name calling, insults and nastiness, and I'm glad you are quick to act to keep this the great place we all love to visit! :hook


Yes, that thread was part of this problem. It was a whole slew of them who obviously knew each other from another place. Maybe they thought they were being "cute" or something, but it was really just disruptive to the general atmosphere.

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Thanks for handling it Amy!! :cheer I've enjoyed the sweet spirit that lives here at Crochetville, and was really surprised to see the stuff that got posted.......

Some people just have way too much time on their hands.....maybe we should sit them down and teach them how to crochet?!?! At least then they could be productive!

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Thanks for handling it Amy!! :cheer I've enjoyed the sweet spirit that lives here at Crochetville, and was really surprised to see the stuff that got posted.......


Some people just have way too much time on their hands.....maybe we should sit them down and teach them how to crochet?!?! At least then they could be productive!


And it will give them something to do when they are locked in their cells after lights out... that is generally where that sort of attitude and behavior takes you. :wlol

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It was a group of a dozen or so people, the best I can tell. They were all mainly interacting with each other, but in an utterly nonsensical way, poking fun at crocheters by the names they selected and their little "digs."
Maybe they're knitters!


Just kidding :P I knit too.



Thanks, Amy, for dealing with this. And thanks for letting us know what you meant, since I also missed the offending posts and was confused. :)

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I forgot to say Thanks Amy! But the knitter comment caused me to lose my composure! Sorry, no offense to knitters anywhere.


Some others can't understand it that we have come together to be a part of something bigger than ourselves, a community of crochet lovers! Hehehe

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As usual I missed what happened, but I am sure it was nothing that I wanted to read. I have only short bursts that I can get on here, since my DH went back to school and I have been doing alot of single parenting at night. Oh well, thank you so much for your quick work Amy. Keep up the good work.

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Thank you So much Amy, I know that everyone has already said that, but each and everyone of us means it!!! We would be in such a mess without you!!! I do not know what I would do without Crochetville, and it is thanks to you and our other Mods that I can continue to come here, and learn and share crocheting skills, I also so missed this bit of trouble, but I am so happy you caught it! Please know that your efforts are VERY much appreciated!

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Well, being that I spend all most all my time in CAL forum, I missed the posts as well. Thankfully we have Amy to protect this site from annoying and abusive posters as these ladies were. As LadyCrochat stated: Your efforts are VERY Much appreciated.

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You see this stuff over and over on every forum out there.... I have my own board for Arabian horse interests and I bet I've banned / kicked / rejected close to 100 members in 2006 due to just silliness like that. You would think adults would have better things to do with their time, but nooo.. apparently they have no life and thus have to make life a pain for anyone else.


Thanks Amy for being diligent.. I know it's alot of work but it makes it nice for the regulars that are the true addicts. ;)

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