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10,000 Members!

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Well, we have hit/will hit the 10,000 member mark today! Confusing, huh? Let me explain. :)


When a new member registers, they are given a unique member number, in chronological order from the very first member (Donna, #1).


At the bottom of the main forum index page, it lists our total number of members. This number does not match up to the chronological numbers, however. Quite a few accounts have been deleted because they were nasty spammers, and once an account is deleted it no longer shows up in the member count, although that chronological user # is not reassigned to anyone else.


So, we will have two different 10,000th members. Chronological member 10,000 registered on January 6: Tingoat! So, welcome, Tingoat, as member #10,000.


We are currently at member 9,992 according to the main index page. So, just 8 more people to register, and we'll be at 10,000 according to that list! With past registration data, we should get that 2nd 10,000th member sometime today!


Can you believe we're up to 10,000 members when we only had 778 members on March 18, 2005, and right at 4,800 on March 1, 2006?

So about 4,000 from 03/05 to 03/06, and 6,000+ from 03/06 to 01/07? I wonder what the actual total for 03/06 to 03/07 will be? Probably closer to 7,000!!!


This growth is phenomenal!

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Wow, that's amazing! I just stumbled in here while pattern-surfing, but you must have had some good advertisement somewhere. :D


Well, we've been mentioned in a couple magazine issues and at least a couple of books, which spiked our numbers temporarily. But for the last 4 months of 2006, we averaged nearly 500 new members each month! With no advertising/promotional campaign on our part!

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Word of mouth gets around quick when you have such a fantastic site! You have all done such a great job! I don't get much crocheting done since I was introduced to the site but that is ok gives my wrists a break :yes Once again fantastic work :yay:c9:clap

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Word of mouth gets around quick when you have such a fantastic site! You have all done such a great job! I don't get much crocheting done since I was introduced to the site but that is ok gives my wrists a break :yes Once again fantastic work :yay:c9:clap


:lol No, I don't get as much actual crocheting done since joining less than a year ago, but my crochet horizons have broadened:lol


And I've referred probably 20 people to Crochetville since my husband stumbled upon the site and "thought I'd like it"... why yes, I do:yes

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Congratulations on reaching 10,000! :cheer

This is by far the simplest-to-use and friendliest needlework site I have encountered, and there are many out there! Your hard work & dedication have created more than just a crochet web space - it's a welcoming global community; 99% kind folks who want to learn, share and praise each other's successes and personal growth, as well as empathize and pray with those going through hard times.....maybe it's the meditative quality of crochet - it's such a grounding force and a comfort for us - but without your tenacious and thoughtful stewardship, there wouldn't be 10,000 of us - thank you!

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If I had not been tryin gto find a crochet magazine may never hav efound you so wish I did as this web site was advertised in th emagazine.


Borders opened a new store in Dundee so went for a visit with a friend and the coffee not bad either.

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We're now just 2 members away from seeing the number 10,000 on the index page.


And 20,000 members is a distinct possibility by the end of 2007 if registration trends continue. :clap

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I found Crochetville while looking for an easy shrug pattern - go :google


I am always encouraging others to come here.


It isn't just the crochet, it is the community and I appreciate that the tone and temperament is PG. I don't like to have my eyes assaulted all the time.


A great big:ty :angel


:ty :ty :ty :ty :ty

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Welcome Brina!!!!!!


I know I was very happy to stumble upon this site whilst in search of an easy pineapple shawl to do. I found the pattern, inspiration and great people to chat with about something I love. This site has it all.


Hugs and Cookies

Auntie K

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i find this is more like a sisterhood--excuse me guys---a place for encourgement, support. It is a wonderful place for all to come who are looking for a growth in the knowledge of their craft. and it is alot of fun.

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  • 1 month later...

I love this place, I have to say i was feeling very depressed and alone until i came here. I go to an engineering school... 80% guys and 16% guy like girls (no offence to rugby chicks, but they just don't click with me...) Here i have people with simmilar interests who i can talk to and get help from, and who seem to genuinly care about each other. This is a wonderful place!


Thanks So Much!!!

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I typed crochet into a search engine. That is how I got here. I told a friend about crochetville, she told a friend. I think it is great that there is a place for people to post ideas and finished projects. 10,000 members is quite impressive way to go.

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