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Christmas Present Reactions

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Since I know you all will understand and appreciate this, I had to share this little story with you:


This is the first year that I have really gotten back into crocheting in a while and so I decided to make Christmas presents for my parents, my brother and my sister. I started working on them around the end of September and made an afghan for each (I've posted the finished items in Home Decor Show-and-Tell if you're interested).


I was excited to give them their presents but also a little apprehensive about what their reactions would be. However, I couldn't have been happier with how they reacted :c9 Everyone loved their gifts! My 16 year old brother opened his first (it was an Irish flag afghan) and said, "Oh, wow, that is so cool." After all of them were opened, my dad said how special they were and that he knew how much time it took to make and gifts like this were the best kind because they're made with love and can't be bought in a store.


Seeing the joy on people's faces when you give them any gift is a great feeling, but this feeling of hearing how happy they were with my crocheted gifts was a hundred times better. :)

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That is so wonderful! I love knowing that people were pleased with their gifts, and what a sweet comment from your dad. That just makes all the time and effort sooo worth it! You'll be crocheting on cloud 9 for a while, I'm sure :)

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I am so glad the reactions were good ones. You have a special family, who appreciates your hard work and time! You are very lucky!



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Well, everything was appreciated but I didn't quite expect the reaction from my Grams... I had sent her two packages, one was a beautiful wrap done in TLC essentials in a beautiful lavendar ( her fav color).. the pattern was the cross stitch pattern... and the 2nd package contained 2 crocheted dishcloths...when I called her she just started gushing about how wonderful the present was... how did I know what she needed... she was going to have to go shopping and buy one.....I thought she was talking about the wrap... uh... no.... the dishcloths... she is one of those that uses something until it falls apart and she was going to have to go to the dollar store and buy one and I saved her the trip ~ sheesh~


...I know what she's getting next year!:(

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My favorite part is the oh wow u made this? Every time I make something for a present and then give it to the person and i get that reaction i all excited :) its the best feeling ... I'm glad ur presents were greatly appreciated

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Yay for people who appreciate things! I made 3 wrist bags for my daughter and 2 nieces. When the 11 year old found out I'd made them, she said they were even prettier because of it. I was sooo touched.

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Isn't that a great feeling! I gave my niece a afghan for Christmas, not knowing what she would think about that but oh my she really loved it and now other family members want one! Sure does make a person feel good doesn't it!!

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My sister-in-law the knitter loved the fat bottomed bag I made her from gold glitterspun and a long, soft, swirly turquoise scarf I made for her. I think other crafters really appreciate our efforts.

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It always feels good to get compliments on your work. This year's favorite gift were the plastic bag totes that I made. I think I made 8 of them. Used them as gift bags. Everyone was astonished that something so nice could come out of something that they usually throw in the garbage.

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That is so great that everyone was so please with you gifts. I was relieved this year too. I really wasn't sure what my sister would want but I guessed right. She likes scarves. I made her one, my own design and she loves it! She said I could make more;) My dad and his wife liked the doily and bookmarks I made them. I will being handing out gifts to a few of my nieces and in-laws this weekend so we shall see how I did there. I made my mom a crocheted hemp tote which I think she liked it but my mom doesn't tend to be very big with the compliments.

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It's so great to hear about all the positive reactions. The two afghans I gave out were appreciated, especially the one I sent my friend in California. She said her and her husband's jaws dropped when they saw it. She won't let him curl up in it until he's had a shower because she's afraid of wearing it out through a lot of washings, and she won't let the dogs go near it. Bless her heart. If she wears it out I'll just make her another. She and I used to always exchange handmade gifts, even when we weren't very good at crafts, so I always know she'll appreciate whatever I make for her. The other afghan was for my sister who has also tried crocheting and knows how much effort goes into it. Everybody liked the little Sweetie Snowflake ornaments I used as package decorations, too. Yay! :jumpyay

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Wow! It is so great to read the positive reactions everyone here received for their handmade gifts. I belong to a Yahoo group called Knitting Novices, and you wouldn't believe some of the horror stories they are reporting about the reception their gifts received. They range from no reaction when the gift was opened to one lady who actually found her handmade sweaters and mittens in the trash when she had to go back for her purse. How cruel is that!

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How wonderful your gifts were so well received! What a sweetie your Dear Dad is . . . .


My grand daughter loved her two shrugs, alternated the two all day and evening, and asked for a scarf in her high school colors for her birthday in March - my SIL's gushed over their doilies as did my DIL.

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:cheer I love happy stories.


The two afghans I gave out for presents were well recieved as well. My eldest DH snuggled up into her's right away and it matched all the Tinkerbell stuff she's been collecting. My DH's grandmother adored the one I made for her. She said it was the perfect gift since she gets cold easily now.


I belong to a Yahoo group called Knitting Novices, and you wouldn't believe some of the horror stories they are reporting about the reception their gifts received. They range from no reaction when the gift was opened to one lady who actually found her handmade sweaters and mittens in the trash when she had to go back for her purse. How cruel is that!


That is just appalling! If I ever found one of my handmade items in the trash, I would've given the reciever of the gift a large chunk of my mind. A gift made by hand is always one that is made with love. To just toss it away without a thought to how much time and love went into it is worse then a slap in the face. I hope the woman who made the thrown away gifts gave the reciever a piece of her mind.


Hugs and Cookies

Auntie K

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I am happy to hear everyone's great stories. I gave my mom one of my hats as well as a scarf. She is gushing about finally getting something that I crocheted and has worn them everyday since.


My MIL saw my purses that I have made (still wips since sans lining) and strongly hinted that she could sure use a tote for her crochet work. So- that is now on my list for valentine's day!

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I've always made baby gifts, and those get great reception. I made a doily for MIL years ago, and she seemed to enjoy it.


This was the first year I decided to go into crocheting for gifts big time, though. I made a number of hats, two scarves, and a felted purse. My sister, who normally doesn't appreciate the effort that goes into handmade gifts, was all, you MADE this scarf? I was so tickled :) I should get the pics posted over at show and tell.


Still waiting for the reaction on the fingerless gloves/convertible mittens I sent to a friend in the UK (shipping delay). I so hope they'll be appreciated!

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