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really underappreciated

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Usually my crochet items go over very well. Every coments on how they wish they knew how, or had time.


Everytime a new baby is born with friends or family, I either crochet, or quilt a baby blanket. One friend always uses her baby quilts as wall hangings. Which is fine.


But last week I went to anouther friends house, to find the baby afgan that I crocheted, being used as a curtain in the garage, just draped over nails, and being stretched out like crazy. >:


I expect the things I make to get damaged. Thats what happens when you use something alot. And if its ruined because you used it alot thats great!


Sorry...Was just hurt, :cry because with 3 kids, I have to really make the time to crochet.


Good news is even the little boys liked their crochet Christmas gifts this year. Didn't mean to be such a bummer



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I would have said something like, "It's good to see you're making good use of my creation"!


I can relate. Most people treasure my gifts, but those who don't appreciate them, well...they just won't be getting another one.:box



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That really stinks! Once you give a gift to someone, you can't control what they do with it. I know it was a lot of time and effort to make the blanket, some people just never will appreciate this aspect of handmade gifts.


I know it's heartbreaking, but it's their loss, not yours!!

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I'm so sorry that happened to you. It IS heartbreaking. Cause not only time was set aside, but love was woven into it! I would have ran out and bought curtains for the garage and taken the blanket laundered it and gave it back, but to the kid, not the parent. Some people don't know the value, skill or heart that's put into a handmade gift! Harumph! *hugs to you*

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It's almost like a slap in the face when someone does something like that. Years ago I crocheted a granny square baby afghan for my cousins' baby. Well I heard it from a relative later, when they went to see the baby, the afghan was on the floor, and the cat was laying on it. (Grrrr...) She could have put the baby on it, on the floor, but the cat laying on it..... :irk

I think it happens to us all, sometime or another. :(


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Guest kitchwitch

Hi all. I know I haven't posted in ages - so it's time to start.

I can't believe that someone would use an afghan as a drop cloth! Obviously, they have no idea how much time and effort is put into a project like that.

I have the exact opposite problem with the crochet items i give away as gifts. Especially my sister. She puts everything away and never uses it because she doesn't want it to get ruined.

DUH - I know she has 2 boys and 2 dogs. Everything I make for her is washable and fairly sturdy. Please, if you get something, please use it!



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That's just horrible. I physically felt your pain as I read this. I would have said something to her like, "gee, I see that afghan I spent 12 hours on is being put to good use." :box but I'm like that!:nana

Sorry this happened to you!

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Guest Yarnentangled

Well, I have a temper and my feelers get hurt really easily. I would have been devastated.My first reaction would would be to rip it off the garage window and take it home with me.


Then again, one has to detach from the creations one gives away. One always has to consider that there are people who don't understand the art,skill,love whathaveyou in these creations.


If you're emotionally attatched to an object only give it away if you know 100% that the recipient will love it.

OR kiss it goodbye and move on. Remember its only string.

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I am sorry this happened to you!!!! I would definitely NOT be making them anything else!! I would have asked if they needed actual curtains instead of a beautiful thoughtful handmade gift.......but I can be rather blunt sometimes



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How terribly rude of them! Can you sneak into the garage and remove it? I made a blanket for a christmas gift, so the person could take it to football and basketball games. In other words I want her to use it, and use it, and use it. Her parents said it's to nice for her to use. What is she supposed to do with it? Look at it???????? Sheesh, people don't understand that the gifts we make for them we intend for them to use, or we wouldn't have bothered to begin with!




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Guest Hyddyn Ajenda

Thats horrible! I must admit that before I watched my mother crochet and until I tried it I really didn't put much thought into the work that was put into it. I still have crocheted baby blankets that people made for me when I was born. Now I understand why my mother tried so hard to keep us, refering to me and my two younger siblings, from playing rough with it and tried to keep it clean and cared about. Now I understand and I appreciate those blankets so much more even now that I'm grown.

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i have sympathy and empathy for ya honey. i am finding myself being selective in who i give things to. i made a hat for my mother and thought that she was just amusing me when she said that she liked the hat. it was my third hat that i have made since learning to crochet a little over a month ago. she really does like it. she came home from work the other day and was wearing the hat. she said that it is very warm. that was great to hear. In the words of the singer Erykah Badu " Don't forget, I'm an artist and I'm sensitive about my sh**"

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  • 2 months later...

I feel so sorry for you. It's just terrible how some people are.

A couple of years ago I made my cousin an extra large afghan in her favorite color. She didn't waste no time in letting me know that she keeps it in the trunk of her car for whatever. The funny part is that she's a new crocheter herself and has made a couple of afghans, so she knows how much goes into making one. I still can't believe what she did. The afghan came out really cute.

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I'm so sorry to hear that this happened. Although, look on the bright side, it's out somewhere where people can see it. Even though it's getting stretched out, and used to cover a window, it's still out there. I made a baby blanket for my boyfriends sister in law when she had her baby. He's now 1 1/2 years old and I saw it for the first time the other day. IN THE CLOSET!!! I asked her about it and she said she had TOO MANY and can't use them all. I wanted to take it back and give it to someone who would appreciate it. She was using blankets done by friends. i'm practically family, so that kind of stung :( But, I won't make anything for them ever again. Lesson learned.

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I made a baby blanket for my boyfriends sister in law when she had her baby. He's now 1 1/2 years old and I saw it for the first time the other day. IN THE CLOSET!!! I asked her about it and she said she had TOO MANY and can't use them all.

Sometimes I think people are afraid to use nice handmade afghans with babies-- because they tend to get dirty with various things and they'd rather keep it as a family heirloom than possibly ruin it.


In your case, that might be what it is...

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I made an afghan for my neighbors 7 year old. She loved it and kept it on her bed. One day she was using sissors where she wasn't supposed to :eek and cut thru the afghan in several places.:cry She has been so upset, but she had to come tell me what happened. I promised to see what I can do with it, so now its been :2frog, and she picked out some more purple yarn (it was purple, purple varigated and yellow). Soon I will have it reassembled. Luckily it was just lots of HDC, in bands of various colors and bordered with the yellow. At least I know how much she :manyheart it.


Kathy in NC

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I really feel for you and understand how frustrating and hurt you feel to see your gift being tossed aside. My own story is that I made a special table runner for my SIL to match her Pfaltzgraff pattern and special ordered the thread. I thought she could use it for her coffee table. I gave it to her for Christmas many years ago. One day I asked her husband how she liked it and all he said was that, "Oh, you made it too small for the coffee table." Not a thank you or anything. Just that I made it too small. At that moment I vowed not tomake her anything more handmade. I spent a lot of hours on it and money to be informed it was useless because of the size.


~ Lori


P.S. I'd probably have made a comment to the person saying that if they had no use for the afghan that you know someone who could use it.

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Oh yeah, been there, felt that! this is why i am very selective now of who of my friends/family i will invest hours and hours on a project for.


i made a time consuming blankie for a friend's little girl. well, she had a dog and the dog kept taking the blanket, and she'd wash it. she washed it and washed it. after many repeated washing and dog stealings, she told me that one of the joinings of the squares was coming undone. i told her mail the blanket to me, i'll fix it for you. she said 'no, my aunt can fix it.' her daughter was little and crying for the blankie.


well, i asked her later 'how did the blankie repair go do you still need me to do it?" and she said "no, **** (child's name) ended up pulling the squares apart."




why would you let your child destroy something like that? i have a picture of the kid cuddling the blanket but i can't bear to look at it now! lesson learned.


i would much rather donate the blanket to a child in a hospital who is going to snuggle and be grateful for it. i know that a lot of times people want to get gifts they can return for the money and so if you didn't get it from their registry, they don't appreciate it. what ever has happened to gratitude? :blink


oh, and you'd think that your friends would have at least taken it down if they knew you were coming to the house!

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I can totally relate. I have a long post I could share, but to save bandwidth I will just sum it up and say -- I've stopped making gifts for people outside my immediate family. Period. I do, however, still give to charities -- I'm sure the recipients there truly appreciate what is given.


I think it is like a slap in the face when you give something you worked so hard to make to someone and they don't appreciate it. So sorry this happened to you. :hug

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