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Ashley Beaded Purse My Entry for The Bead Festival (Show update )


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This is my entry for the Puget Sound Bead Festival in July.

I call this one Ashley. It has taken 5 and a half weeks to get this one done. I used a total of over 35,000 beads to do this purse. It was done with size 13 charlottes. I used size 40 thread ecru and a size 12/1.0mm hook. The handle is a crocheted rope that I worked over a chain to give it added strength. It has what is called a gatetop frame that expands when opened. It measures 11 inches long from the top of the frame to the tassel on the bottom, but not including the tassel. The Big bead on the tassel is a crocheted bead. No matter how it does in the bead festival I am keeping this one.

So what do you think?

Oh and if you don't already know this is one of my original designs

Pictures are clickable.



Well folks, It's a good thing I have no expectations at this show. As I would have been sadly disappointed. I didn't place in my division at all. They were into the embroided necklaces again this year. I just wasn't what they were looking for. I did have a great time shopping and restocking some of my bead though.

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My goodness!! I'm speachless...and that takes so doing!!;) This is an absolutely beautiful piece of work and regardless of what happens in the festival, you had better be proud of creating this lovely handbag...so pretty and the fact that you did all that work by hand is just mind blowing to me...it's just priceless...:manyheart

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Just stunning. Perfect in every way. You have created yet another masterpiece Kathy...I am in utter amazement.

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:droolFirst Prize.............goes to Katchkan..........and her GORGEOUS purse. :nworthy Pretend I'm the judge and mail that to me..........promise I'll send it back. :blush
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Gorgeous doesn't even come close! If you don't win, I'd demand a recount!



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That is amazing! It's a beautiful beaded pattern and I love the shape of the bag. I don't know how you do it all. Any one of your projects would take me an eternity.

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Thanks everyone for your kind remarks. I enter this competition to challenge myself to make something extraordinary. I have have won before and I have lost before. Two years ago I took best of show and last year I didn't even place. So one never knows.

All in all it's the challenge of creating something that outshines my previous work that keeps me entering. It makes me stretch myself. :hook

This purse was definitely a challenge. It took longer to do than any of my other designs and I had to stay very focused to get it done in time. :sweat But it is in their hands now and It's just be patient till July now. :blush

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Wow, that's truly amazing... all your creations are exquisite pieces of art. (I just checked out your website... I've never seen anything like your work before). If you don't win then you're up against some VERY stiff competition. GOOD LUCK!! :cheer



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