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cathedral window pattern on ebay

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Check this out:




Right now it is only 29.99 and comes with the pattern.



This afghan was created from a pattern by Annie's Attic as part of the Award-Winning Afghans set. This is also from the Annie's Crochet Quilt & Afghan Club.

Auction includes the original instructions for creation. "

I thought it might be helpful to those still looking for the pattern.


Isn't the original creator of this pattern selling finished afghans for 750.00? I would think that it costs more than 29.99 for the yarn, or am I just overthinking? :think

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The piece is beautifully done. The pricing is indeed ?'able.


My knowledge of ebay is limited. Memory indicates there having been a reserve.

Is this still in effect?


There's 2 more days so it will be interesting to see if the piece is bought.


:-) 's

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When I see stuff like this I get really angry. The person has no reserve on their auction, and so, it's possible that someone is going to buy it for the $32 that it's at right now. It is so upsetting when someone places no value on their craft. $32 only covers the price of the yarn if it was on sale!


This is a big reason why I've never done craft shows or sold my stuff. I feel that crochet is an art form and I truly would be insulted to have to sell an item so cheaply. People who do sell items of this quality for such a little price merely make it impossible for people to actually get paid what an item is truly worth.


$32!!!! I'm making this afghan right now, I've been working on it for almost 3 weeks... and I know the amount of time it takes to make this.

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It is quite possible that they didn't actually make the afghan themselves. It might have been given to them or "left" to them and they don't like it, and have absolutely no idea as to the amount of work that went into it. So sad.

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If you take a look at the seller's other items, you'll notice they're pretty random. My guess is that this person acquires estates and the like and auctions them off for the highest price, regardless of the actual value. For someone like this, reselling this item is a business, not a representation of the craft.


That said - the bid's at $32 now, which is way too low IMO.

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It'll go up I bet. I've seen the pattern alone sell for more that $32. Hopefully someone who knows what it's worth will see it.

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She sure hasn't done her homework, has she? She doesn't have any idea what she has there!:angry



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I found the exact same pattern here at this link for $9.95:


I could be reading it wrong though.

It is midway down the page.


The patterns there aren't for sale; they're what she has in her personal collection. Reading further, you'll see that $9.95 is the *printed* price - she actually acquired her copy on eBay for $29.50.

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I bought the pattern only for $60 on Ebay! The person selling this afghan must not have made it themself otherwise they would know the amount of time, aggravation & yarn it takes to make it. It's an incredible afghan. It's sad to see it go for so little.

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I've done a LOT of eBay buying - a great place to get deals on yarns and also find unusual and original patterns... that said, I cannot imagine that this lovely afghan would be sold for such a low price by the person who made it... I often see absolutely gorgeous pieces - quilts, afghans, etc. - for auction on eBay and the seller has no idea. I assume they must have acquired these items in a 'lot' from an estate sale. That is also what has kept me from attempting to sell any of my creations on eBay - you couldn't even recoup the cost of the yarn, let alone will someone appreciate the love and care that goes into this craft.

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We have a business similar to ISoldIt nearby. Basically, it is a consignment shop that sells items through Ebay rather than directly to the public. They list your item, watch the auction, collect the money at the end, and you get a portion of the proceeds. Pretty cool concept for those who are too intimidated or don't want the hassle of dealing with Ebay!



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I disagree with the idea that the person doesn't know what they have. The description even says that it's an Annie's Attic pattern. I think that the person who made it is the one selling it through the Isoldit place.



It's up to $55.... still a complete crime.

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we have one of those too, i have thought about using them sometimes, but i figure they would take a huge profit:P

Most of the ones I know of take a flat fee for listing plus a percentage of the final sale -- but then again, if you're too busy to list your items yourself or just don't want the hassle, it's probably worthwhile. It's like listing items with an auction house; even after their cut you're going to make more than you would have by NOT selling the item or selling it at a garage sale ;)

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I was thinking of bidding too...but they don't ship to Canada. So I would have to pay double shipping (once to a friend in the US and then to Canada). Guess I will just have to finish mine, lol. Great deal for whoever wins it.

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Congratulations Drew! I am so glad to know that beauty will be in the hands of someone who will love it!




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