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Ok, I started out wanting to make a shrug, actually ordered a book with shrug patterns in it . Then I found a easy cardigan to do, can't remember the website. Did it on Friday night, went to put it together and it doesn't match up. Argh!!! Pulled it all out on Friday night-2am. Started it back up on Saturday am, pulled it all back out on Saturday afternoon. Ican't figure out what I'm doing wrong. My left front and right front aren't matching up to the back?


So I pulled out the Leisure Arts- 4 stunning crochet shrugs book, and have started the blue shrug in pink instead. Got to row 7 and realized I missed some stitches, argh!! Frogged out 6 rows and have started over , will count my stitches every row from now on. LOL.



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Oh no Jennifer! I'm sorry you are having to frog a lot. Good luck with the rest of the shrug you're doing. I think it is the same one I am doing! Blue One in LA 4 Crochet Shrugs. I am doing it in a lighter weight SS though. Our VA spring is too warm for the chenille one. I am up to the sleeve part & so far it's been an easy pattern but I also had to frog a bit in the early part --because of gauge though---Good Luck with your shrug, I can't wait to see it!

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I am worried that I may have to frog a few rows on the cutaway...I'll keep you posted...it's almost 1:00 a.m. and I'm about ready to crash...I hope everyone has a wonderful evening...take care...


Thank you so much for the compliments kazily...I love wearing the sweater, but I'm still not comfortable with the color...

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i tried working on my top last night...but I had to watch the snowboarders on do their half-pipe routines...they are amazing...so i only got like a row done last night...anyways...made more progress today. i have about 10 more rows left on the shell stitch...some shaping on the top of the top and attaching the straps...

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I got the back of my shrug finished, now I'm on row 5 of the second sleeve. I had to extend the arms as I mentioned before- problem is, I didn't count how many extra rows I added. :eek So I guess I'll have to work it as I go, comparing it to the other side. I'm guessing I added about eight.


I have to go get my screaming baby, so I think I'm done until bedtime. ;)

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My UpDate,


OK I have hit a :bang here with my sweater:thair!! I am to the point to start working the neck line and it WON"T work!!

I have called the company and of course they will get back to me! :yell


so now I have my back piece that Iam still working on, and both front pieces are now at the same point and a stand still!!!



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:dance Oh I'm so happy...I've completed the graph portion.


There's a picture of the finished product in my blog.


Now all I have to do is the border. (However, it's going to be a big border...I want to at least double the size of the present afghan).


Still undecided on what kind of border I'll use. I want to do it in granny stitches, but the last time I attempted it on an afghan, it didn't turn out. I ended up doing single crochet all around.


However, it's going to be much easier...whoever said you can't crochet and watch figure skating...well it depends. I can't follow a graph very well, but I can do mindless single crochet.


I'll sleep on it, and decide in the morning. I'm going to bed. :sleep

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Update...I think Serenghetti was trying to get a headstart on the frogging of the cutaway. DH found her wrapped up in it and apparantly had some of the yarn wrapped around her tail...DH said it looked like the yarn was gonna cut her tail off! Oh my...I need to secure my work better. She's been a real kitten delinquent the past few days...kitten is almost a misnomer...she's 9 months old, but an 8 pound cat physically...

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Update...I think Serenghetti was trying to get a headstart on the frogging of the cutaway. DH found her wrapped up in it and apparantly had some of the yarn wrapped around her tail...DH said it looked like the yarn was gonna cut her tail off! Oh my...I need to secure my work better. She's been a real kitten delinquent the past few days...kitten is almost a misnomer...she's 9 months old, but an 8 pound cat physically...
LeAnna - I am sure that Serenghetti is sitting there thinking 'Awww Mom - I just want to help! - its not my fault I don't have any thumbs! How come you get all the fun of playing with the yarn???' :lol
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I'm telling you Kimberly, I swear she's a true fiber cat (and a water cat...loves playing in the water...) and is trying to be creative in her own right. I keep saying she's trying to learn how to crochet (and make the bed, and do the laundry and iron and sew...in short, everything I do, she wants to do...)

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Hi Everybody! I didn't have much time yesterday or this morning to catch up on everybody's project, but I hope everythings going okay. :)


I posted a progress report on my crochet blog last night. I also added another 5 yarn-letes to the list! Woo hoo!


Okay, gotta go off to work. Have a great crochet day!

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I feel so guilty for not having posted any updates. Things are crazy around here with dh in Germany for the second week in a row. I'll be so glad when he gets home Friday night.


Anyway, I've updated my blog with pics of my progress on my bolero jacket. The back is finished, and I have one sleeve almost halfway done.


I've also added pics for the free goodie basket I'm giving away in honor of my one-year blogiversary. Today is the last day to leave me a comment and get an entry in the drawing for the basket. One entry per day for each day you leave a comment. It's not too late to visit, leave a comment, and get your entry in! Winner will be announced tomorrow; package will ship Tuesday, February 21. Pics of items in goodie basket are also on my blog.

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Anyway, I've updated my blog with pics of my progress on my bolero jacket. The back is finished, and I have one sleeve almost halfway done.


I've also added pics for the free goodie basket I'm giving away in honor of my one-year blogiversary. Today is the last day to leave me a comment and get an entry in the drawing for the basket. One entry per day for each day you leave a comment. It's not too late to visit, leave a comment, and get your entry in! Winner will be announced tomorrow; package will ship Tuesday, February 21. Pics of items in goodie basket are also on my blog.


Hey Amy,


I've been trying to comment on your blog, but when I click the link it just defaults back to the Feb. 10th entry. I even typed the url in.. still the same. I don't really want to clear my cache.. lost a lot of good links once doing that.. so I don't know what the solution is.


I can't see your pics or the goodie basket either. :cry

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Well thanks be to God...I didn't have to frog at all...just had to catch up the 1/2 row that Serenghetti frogged by herself...silly kitty...am working on the body of the jacket now...

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:dance Oh I'm so happy...I've completed the graph portion.



However, it's going to be much easier...whoever said you can't crochet and watch figure skating...well it depends. I can't follow a graph very well, but I can do mindless single crochet.


Hey LadyBeBop! The graphed ghan looks good! And it was me that said the two things were mutually exclusive. If I was doing mindless sc, it would work a lot better. LOL. However my pattern is a 5-7 row repeat, so I have to kind of keep track of where I am. I did manage to get a bit of crocheting done last night though, but during the skating it was much slower. I think I'm getting to the point where the repeats are almost second nature, so I'm hoping that it'll go smoother by the time the men's long program is on Thursday. :):hook

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I didn't post a progress report last night So sorry, But it was Valentine's Day and our 33rd Wedding Anniversary. I think I had a good excuse for playing hookie. :manyheart


I now have 65 rows done though and only 40 more to go. Though they are decidedly getting longer. Each row is now taking almost 45 minutes to do. And it's only going to get worse. I will post pictures tonight when I am done for the day. I am very pleased with how it is turning out though. I still haven't decided exactly what I am going to do for an edging. Whether to fringe or not and if so what type. Decision, decisions, decisions. Oh how I hate decisions. I think in this case it's a matter of trying a few things and deciding what I like best. :scrachin

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Got little more then half a sleeve done..


Going to play hookie today. Today and tomorrow are going to be in the 80s, so I really need to trim my roses... Friday and Saturday the high is 46 and rainy. SOOOOOOO..

LadyBeBop, your ghan is turning out great...

Kathy, Happy Anniversary!!!

Leanne, Glad that kitty was some help to you...

I got a beautiful bouquet of flowers from DH yesterday. Roses, carnations, lillies, just beautiful. I got DH a ice cream cake and Miss Kittie, Maggie and Oso gave him some candy...He was happy...

Flyinghooks, the pattern is Cheery Sweater from Crochet with Heart-October 2001

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My goodness...this cutaway is hurting my brain...what should be written simple is not...have to read real carefully and pay attention...took me 30 minutes to figure out exactly what they wanted me to do on one row of the body. I've figured it out...but man, it was like a bad math problem...


12 more rows and I'll be done with the body...

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My first progress report for the Olympics! I'm crocheting a baby sacque, bonnet and booties. I'll be posting some pics later today. On Friday I finished just two rows of the yoke after fighting to get the starting chain the correct length. You'd never know I did a swatch for gauge ahead of time!


Saturday I finished the yoke (all sc). On Sunday and Monday I did the body (box stitch) and had to frog a few rows when some of my boxes had too few stitches in them. Today I'm working on the contrast edging and hope to start the sleeves.


This is my first wearable (I've done mostly afghans), so I'm pleased with my progress. It's so exciting to see everyone's work coming together.



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progress on my shrug so far is going pretty well. i'm doing the trim around the body, and it's a bit of a hassle turning it around all the time. i've been getting about 5 rows a night done on it. and then i have to do the trim on the sleeves and it will be done.


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Oh no Jennifer! I'm sorry you are having to frog a lot. Good luck with the rest of the shrug you're doing. I think it is the same one I am doing! Blue One in LA 4 Crochet Shrugs. I am doing it in a lighter weight SS though. Our VA spring is too warm for the chenille one. I am up to the sleeve part & so far it's been an easy pattern but I also had to frog a bit in the early part --because of gauge though---Good Luck with your shrug, I can't wait to see it!


It's okay, I'm sure it's going to work out. You are doing the same one. How have you found it? I'm now up to the back, have about 10 rows left on that. Then onward!! Wish me luck. I'm doing in worsted weight.

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progress on my shrug so far is going pretty well. i'm doing the trim around the body, and it's a bit of a hassle turning it around all the time. i've been getting about 5 rows a night done on it. and then i have to do the trim on the sleeves and it will be done.


Wow it's gorgeous!!!:cheer
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eurolyons-That turned out beautifull,i cant wait to make one of those.I even like the color you used and im glad you didnt leave us you are a big suport around here.


Dazy-one word-gorgeous,love the color.


Sissie-did they call you back yet??


Katchkan-That has got to be the most stunning shawl i have ever seen,did you make the pattern up??


Everyone is doing so great,i feel like i am going in slow motion,its growing but so slow.Im up to 18 inches now and will be so glad when im done with this repeating stitch of rows 2 through 5 :P

You can see the update on my bog,im to lazy to add it here to :lol




Keep up the great work everyone :cheer:cheer

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