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Join the Crochet Olympics

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My friend T and I were at a bookstore this afternoon, and I sais "Oh, I have to go check out this vintage crochet and knit book, because this lady on my crochet forum is making this incredibly gorgeous cardigan out of it." My friend took one look at the cover and bought it! At least I know I can borrow her copy. LeAnna, your cardigan came out perfect, and everyone else, your progress is inspiring! Have I started? Not yet. :blush


I agree, Michelle Kwan is the most gorgeous, graceful skater ever. My grandfather used to watch Sonja Henie skate between quarters at hockey shows in NY. But nobody is the graceful swan this lady is. I don't care how many double and triple axles you can do, it's nothing without the beauty.



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Progress update! Well, I finished the back panel of my sweater yesterday, and today (as feared) I ran out of yarn 20 rows up the front panel. I *knew* this would happen, augh! :grumpy

Hopefully, Bernat Satin is in fact no dye lot as they claim; I ordered more on Friday so ideally it will get here in time. I'm going to take the time to make a hat & scarf set, and finish up some UFOs I've got going. Once the yarn gets here, it should take a day or two to finsish up the sweater. :hook

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My olympic event is to crochet 100 granny squares for Project Linus afghans. Well, drum roll please, I have crocheted 50 so far. And I must honestly say that I don't think I will want to make granny squares for a very long time after the olympics. I am getting all "grannied" out. But I will continue. I promised Jimmie Lu that Afghans for Amigoes could have anything over 100. I know that I can't keep this pace up because I'm sure you all know how life has a way of interfering with crocheting. But I am pleased that I've really made alot of progress. I love what everyone has been posting. Keep on crocheting!!!:yay :yay :yay


Oh, I just have to post that the first two events in the Olympics were won by Germans. My mother is on cloud nine! (I grew up in a divided household- Dad is American, Mom is German. Us children never knew who to cheer on, the Germans or the Americans.)



YAHOOOOOO!!! Karen I am sooooo excited for you I too am breaking records and surprizing myself I have 70 sq done as of tonight ButI have to work on something different tonight or I will hang myself!I pledged 250 and anything over 200 to Karen for her project Linus!!! At this rate Ill be sending you a hundred sq.. Yipeee !!!

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It sounds like everyone is making wonderful progress! :clap


Well, I've got 6 squares done out of 20 - 12" squares. Also I have 2 cradle purses and 2 boy's backpacks done out of 10 total that I'm doing. The squares are going to Drew for Heartmade Blessings and the other items are for the young kids at our next archery shoot in March. The kids will get to shoot some balloons and walk away with a prize just for playing.


I think I've got a good start on it so far. Of course, it will go quicker when hubby is at work tomorrow and the boys are in school. :lol

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Man...seems like everyone is doing well ahead of schedule. :cheer


Me...I'm a little ahead of schedule, but not by much. I've just completed row 38 (out of 90). Took Mary Ann back to college today. Hubby drove both ways, so I sat in the back and crocheted all the way. Got about 10 rows done during the trip (appx 150 miles round trip).


I hope to get a few more rows done tonight. I've complete the more complex rows...the rows with a lot of color changes. Now I'm done to rows with only about 10 color changes. Yeah, I know that seems like a lot..but one row..I think row 19...had about 27 color changes.


By the way, here's a pix of my progress thus far:




(Remember, after the graph is completed, I have to add a number of rows to increase the size. I want to allow a good week for that. I'm aiming to finish the graph by next Friday.)

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Lady BeBop, how fortunate you are to not get car sick while traveling and crocheting. Sometimes I can get away with it but the road must be relatively straight and flat (not much of that in WV).


Sounds like you're making real progress!


Oh...I forgot to tell you...yeah, I did get a little car sick towards the end, that's why I did quit about a half hour before we got home. I'm now drinking pop to soothe my stomach.


Actually, I get motion sickness quite easily. I need the patch whenever we go on cruises...and sometimes, that doesn't help.

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Oh...I forgot to tell you...yeah, I did get a little car sick towards the end, that's why I did quit about a half hour before we got home. I'm now drinking pop to soothe my stomach.


Actually, I get motion sickness quite easily. I need the patch whenever we go on cruises...and sometimes, that doesn't help.


An awful feeling, isn't it? :yuck I used to get "car" sick on the bus every morning on the way to school. :angry

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I'm halfway done with the back of my shrug. It's looking pretty cute but I'm wondering if I was blind when I picked the color. LoL I'll get a pic of my progress tomorrow.


I also got a bit bored yesterday so I stopped by an LYS that I just discovered, and picked up the most lush yarn for a baby blanket. :c9 I'm about a quarter of the way done with that. LoL So I guess I did find a filler project. Tomorrow I'm going to get started with my shrug again...I'm expecting to be finished by the middle of the week. :cheer

Goooooo Crocheters!

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Hello Kitty Backpack progress report.


I am so very depressed :(:cry. I was on row 28 of 28 when my pattern didn't match on the top of the backpack. I looked at the backpack and saw instantly that I had lost one stitch per row since row 8. UHH, I did 20 rows without catching myself :eek. But I am a reasonable person, first I cursed and swore then I spoke to my hubby. He said "well can't you leave it that way, it looks good enough" and of course my answer was "NO, I can't!". Now I have unraveled all the rows down to row 8 and I am starting row 8 again. So I frogged, but its fixable :D.


I bounce :bounce back like a super ball (very small, very bounce little ball from quarter machines). I am a little sad that I can't report that the bag part is finished, but thats life; oh well. I just do the 20 row tonight, no biggie. Then I'll be up to what I would have been if I hadn't frogged up.



:cheerSo I send you all my best crochet wishies! :cheer



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Don't Feel too bad Mamahooks, I just had to frog also. Only 1 row but my rows are starting to get just a little bit long. 120 blocks per row at this point. Thats 360 stitches. But it had to be done. :oops I miscounted my increase blocks and was one shy. :yell That is what I get for trying to work in a little extra crocheting this afternoon, I know better.......


From Eurolyons You know, I'm going to be home on Vashon Island in April for one month...maybe we can do a phone date?

Pm me when you get into town, I am in Gig Harbor, Maybe we could get together for lunch


Well I will probably be lucky to get this row back in and maybe one or two more tonight. Been working at a pretty steady clip. Going to try and get to bed early tonight:sleep and be refreshed for this tomorrow.

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From the sounds of it everyone is moving along at a pretty good clip. A few of us have had set backs but are recovering.

Over all though we seem to be holding our own and then some. Good going everyone...........:cheer:clap:yay :yay :clap:cheer Go Teams Go...... :hug

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I'm so glad everybody's projects are going so well! Go Crocheteers! :hook


I posted some "action" shots over on my crochet blog, including one of the "coach". LOL


Oh - somebody emailed me about adding a count down counter to the site - any good suggestions on where I can find/make one? I've seen some really cool ones on some Cville crocheters blogs, but a quick search of the internet turned up diddly. Well, nothing simple anyway. I appreciate the help. :hug

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My quick update before heading off for a well-deserved rest...


I'm running behind, but I expected that. I'm hoping the further in I go the faster I will be able to work these rows. I'm not real pleased with how the back side is turning out, have to study that tomorrow and figure out why. I also discovered an error that will require I start tomorrow with a frogging session - only a little over 1 row, but I hate losing ground! Can't be helped though. Here's a shot of my afghan at 25 rows in:



A bit more can be learned from my blog post on this update, here.


Everyone is doing great - keep it up! Here's hoping we all meet our goal by the deadline!

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Wow,i must say that everyone is doing so great and some of these colors are amazing.


goldie-that design is really great looking,love the way its 2 defferent looks,how big will it be??


For those that are done or allmost done,are you going to start another pattern??


My up date on the long vest-

didnt get as much done today as i wanted but had to do the town thing with my dear hubby,got stuck in traffic and had a panic attack(im a homaphopic and clasterphopic)so my day was not so good to begain with,felt drug out the rest of the day.

Enyway..i got another 6 inches done for a total of 14 inches so far,not 2 bad i guess,will update tommorw with new photos,im heading to bed now so i can get this day over with.In the morning i will be like a new woman :think



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Okay...I got 8 straight hours of sleep and I truly feel refreshed and raring to go.


Katchkan...I'll pm you when I get to Vashon and see what we can set up...

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Progress report from Somerset UK.


The yarn I had been gifted was 200g dk weight(in skeins with no labels,just my guesswork):think .I wound it into balls. I thought this would be enough fot the basis of the Mrs Who Shrug. However 50g done, and only 7 1/2" inches! :eek Will have to be short sleeved! The joys of creativity and the "pattern" I'd chosen!:lol

Am off for a short trip to Venice today, so will pack crochet in my main luggage as I've heard that if they think my hook is a weapon they confiscate & DON'T RETURN IT:angry That would really set me back!

Happy hooking


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Only 1 row but my rows are starting to get just a little bit long. 120 blocks per row at this point. Thats 360 stitches. But it had to be done. :oops I miscounted my increase blocks and was one shy. :yell That is what I get for trying to work in a little extra crocheting this afternoon, I know better.......


Katchkan, I am sorry to hear that you frogged too :(. I'm glad that you will be albe to fix it w/o having to start completely over :D.


Everyone should give themselves a pat on the back. Personally I have redone 10 of my rows. I am now on row 17 again :cheer and this time I have been checking my stitch count every two rows. No more frogging for me on this part :wink.



Write to you all later, its 12:52am :tired here and I am finally hitting the hay:night.




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Good morning! Wow! Everyone has been making some great progress (setbacks and all) how wonderful this is cheering each other on!! Go teams go!


I spent most of yesterday sitting on the floor in front of my TV crocheting and knitting and watching the Olympics. (Okay, have to say it - Chad Hedrick - WOW!!! Talented and good looking!)

Progress Updates (going to do both, just because I can!)

Crocheting: I am now onto round 10 of my doily - not a whole lot done on it, I know. 30 more rows or so to complete! It is looking nice - I am crocheting it in DMC Babylon size 10.....not my favorite thread, but it was what I had on hand! Tonight is to be dedicated to making at least another 5 rows around - I decided if I tackle it in peices, and slowly decrease the rows I am making I will not get too burned out on the pattern (happens often) and start making stoooooopid mistakes!

Knitting: I am half way done with the bottom of the bag - about 7 inches of stockinette stitch and I need to make it almost 13 before I start knitting in the round on my handy dandy circulars - first time using circulars, but I don't think I should have a problem!

Have a great day everyone! Happy Crocheting & Olympic Watching!

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