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Men ARE from Mars.

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That is TOO funny!


I am strange though - I will sit down and figure out how many stitches in a pattern, approximately - but AFTER I finish. And when I'm working on projects I count as I go - right now I'm working on a rectangular granny afghan and I count up to 48 over and over again through the row, lol. The row I just finished had 9 groups of 48 and one group of 12 - isn't that fascinating? :lol


I'm crazy!

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I just keep thinking of the scene in the movie Fever Pitch with Drew Barrymore and Jimmy Fallon where he's bought some of his math students on a field trip to her office, as she works with math in her job...and she asks the kids if any of them notice phone numbers and license numbers and whether they add those numbers up and so on...one kid remarks, "She knows my secret shame..." She continues with, "Well welcome to the Church of Numbers, where every day is Sunday..."


This must be your husband...

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Man, that is hilarious! My husband would have been asking all those questions not to come up with the total stitch count, but to calculate how much yarn it would take and how much MONEY it would cost. :)


He'd put up quite a fight if I tried to undertake a project like that! :) Men are so weird.



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Sounds like something I would do... and definitely something my dad would do. He taught me to square numbers in my head when I was in 8th grade... talk about official nerd-dom at that point. His thing now is figuring out what day of the week any given date was... *sigh*


I wish I took after mom more!

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I don't think that is a man thing, I think it is a math person thing. I must confess that I find myself doing things like that with crochet. I often find myself quantifying weird things in my head.


I agree with you. I usually find myself doing stuff like that. But, I use excel since I have a spread sheet set up for doing that work. And, I was never fast at doing Arithmetic in my head... Now mathmatics is a differnt story. . .

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  • 3 weeks later...

LOL you just made my day with that story, my husband would be the type of guy to say, you know dear, it's a whole lot faster just to go to the store and buy it ! this from a professional hot rod builder where he has to literally make all his components.


Keep at it sweetie, my thoughts, bengay and prrayers are with you


p.s. bengay for those sore fingers and wrists, LOL 80 699, 80 698 .....:c9

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I do that all the time. I don't know why, because really it can be discouraging. I just can't help doing it. I'm always working out numbers in my head without meaning to.

He taught me to square numbers in my head when I was in 8th grade... talk about official nerd-dom at that point.
That's one of the things I do to shut my brain off if I can't sleep at night. Once I get past the point where I have them memorized, I can figure out the next one because of the pattern between them.


Yes. I'm a geek. I can't help it :D

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Hee. That's something I used to do, and then I stopped, because it made it about a million times less enjoyable. I try to only drag out the mental math/number sense/mathlete stuff when I'm doing chores or need to kill time in line (e.g., if the line at the DMV continues at this pace, with the same number of windows open, how many more seconds will I be standing her grinding my teeth? Actually, now that I have an iPod and a cell phone with games on it, my math skills are rusting.) Anyway, I find if I crochet in front of the TV then I don't care the least bit about how many stitches I'm doing because at least I'm not just staring at the tube, and I do so very much like my TV.


(I come from a family of mathematicians: one accountant, one microeconomics professor specializing in stats, one doctorate in applied mathematics, and a father who would have preferred engineering to medicine had it been a viable choice for him. When we ate in restaurants, the family "game," and I use the term loosely, was to remove the decimal from the total and reward a prize to the first kid who could prove whether the resulting four- or five-digit number was prime.)


I married an engineer (who, despite other failings, is supportive of all my crafting, though I'm pretty sure he thinks this return to crochet is a reaction to my recent unemployment and will settle down as soon as I figure out what I'm going to do for the next couple of years), and my eight-year old son has clearly got the math chip installed from both sides of the family. He indulges in this kind of calculation for his craft stuff all the time -- "Wow, I'll need 250 more tiny stitches to complete my PacMan pattern on this Gameboy case." (The kid loves to embroider. You all have to promise not to tell.) But for him, it's not self-defeating -- he's pretty proud of his ability to do math AND do the 250 stitches to finish up the PacMan family.



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OK, I can't resist.

My wife takes a very different view of my crafts. It goes someting like counting all of the other things I could have been doing that needed doing over the past century. Her math is just as good and her memory is significantly longer than mine.



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