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Stitch 'n Bitch Crochet: The Happy Hooker


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I've had this book pre ordered at Amazon since last October, and when I got it, I was disappointed at first. I looked through it for the 3rd time today, after reading this entire thread, and thought if I would have had a book like this 30 some years ago when I first started to crochet, I would have been in crochet heaven!

I only paid $10 something with free shipping, and this book is definitely worth way more than that. There is so much in this book that I wish I had known then.

I'm one of those grandmothers most of you don't want to crochet like! Why is it that grandmothers have such a bad rap? LOL! Over the years I have crocheted some clunkers, and I posted them in my pic album right along with good stuff!


From the beginning, I wanted to crochet wearables for kids and adults that were cute, easy to crochet and looked good being worn. Thirty some years later, I have over 200 crochet books, 36 3 ring binders of patterns and 17 magazine holders of leaftlets and magazines. I have the Cosh and Walters books, Glorious Crocheted Sweaters, the Mon Tricot publications, collections by Family Circle and Woman's Day of their magazine patterns, the entire Stitch by Stitch volumes which have fantastic crocheted clothing and numerous other books and patterns for everything imaginable that can be crocheted. There might even be a leaflet of toilet tissue toppers in there someplace!


I'm still glad I got this book. I love the sweater on the back cover, and that's the one I would make first. But the hats are adorable, too, I love them! Especially Dot's hat and the Spring in Winter set.


I guess sometimes I feel out of place here! After reading the age thread, the average age here seems to be 30 something, and I'm 30 years beyond that! Some people have made it sound like us Grandmas are only crocheting granny squares! And I do some of those! My main focus through the years has always been crocheted clothing and how to make it better, crocheted fabric that drapes more like knit (which I don't do at all. The sound of needles clicking together is like fingernails on blackboard to me!) I crocheted ponchos the first time around, and now I've crocheted them again!


The one thing that bothers me is that we seem to have to be validated by the knitters! Why is that? There are approximately 3 times as many crocheters as knitters, why is it we have to have their approval that crochet is an art, that what we make is just as good, different, but still as good as knitting. And it took a person known mainly for knitting to cause all this hoopla over one book!


As for the condition of the book, mine is perfect, no broken spine, no missing pages. That has happened to me already with Donna Kooler's Crochet Encyclopedia, I ended up buying a 2nd one to replace the one that fell apart the first time I opened it. I have almost every Crochet Fantasy ever published, and they regularily have errors and corrections in a good share of the issues. It happens, and I think is a constant problem with any book or magazine of patterns. Not a big deal to me. I would love it if it were spiral bound. Just bought SweaterBabe.com's Fabulous and Flirty Crochet, that is spiral bound, and I love that. So easy to keep your place, since I don't make copies and always crochet right from my books.


Worth it to me? Definitely! I can see my 25 yr. old daughter wearing some of the things in the book, and some I would make for myself. Actually the fact that Debbie puts a symbol by each pattern for the type of yarn used is something I've wanted to see for years in every pattern book. I had to laugh at the back cover where it says Debbie lives in Brooklyn with a closet full of yarn! That's me, only older, I live in WI with a closet full of yarn! And I mean it IS full!

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Thirty some years later, I have over 200 crochet books, 36 3 ring binders of patterns and 17 magazine holders of leaftlets and magazines.
Wow, I thought I had a lot! You could open your own store.:ebay I bet some of those are real collectors' items.


I guess sometimes I feel out of place here! After reading the age thread, the average age here seems to be 30 something, and I'm 30 years beyond that
Don't feel alone; I'm a good 20 years past that, and besides, less experienced crocheters of any age appreciate your experience. :nworthy You have tons to contribute; don't ever sell yourself short.


The sound of needles clicking together is like fingernails on blackboard to me!)
Have you ever tried wooden or bamboo or plastic needles? They don't click!:applause


The one thing that bothers me is that we seem to have to be validated by the knitters! Why is that?
I have no idea; maybe they're jealous that crochet is much faster! :nahnah


I live in WI with a closet full of yarn! And I mean it IS full!
Note my signature...need I say more?:hook
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I've never tried wooden needles, and that might be an option if I ever get the urge to learn to knit. Once in awhile, I think it might be nice to at least know how to knit a ribbing for a sweater.


At first I was surprised to see that some people wrote, there have never been patterns like this before. I guess if you're 30 and have never seen some of the books that I have, you would think that. Every pattern is a new take on something that was in fashion at sometime in history. That's what fashion is, a constantly changing of what has gone before. We add to it, bring it up to date and make it our own for our times.


I just bought a book from Amazon for around $3 called Crocheting Fashion Sweaters for Women from 1986. There is a short cropped jacket in bulky yarn that could be brought totally up to date in a different color, maybe lengthened into a sweater coat or shortened to a bolero type. There's a cable pullover and a zippered sweater jacket. Change the colors, use up to date yarns, and no one would know the pattern was from the 80s.


My favorite books of all time are Sylvia Cosh's Crochet Sweater Book, Crochet Your Way by Tracy and Levin and Donna Kooler's Encyclopedia of Crochet. S&B, The Happy Hooker does rate up there, I think. If I find a stitch in there that I haven't seen before, I may rate it a lot higher!

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Yes, I remember the late 60's and 70's quite well; that's when I learned to crochet but didn't do much of it. Some of the "new" things I see are those same designs, the flared sleeves, the "spider" look, the macrame-look belts, and who could (ever) forget those ponchos, with fringe, orange and brown I think were the rage back then. Or orange and yellow. Or yellow and brown with pea green. Not too many yarn choices then; thank goodness we've had progress in fiber production!!


I remember also being very surprised when my mother told me, in 1968 or so, that huaraches (those leather strappy Mexican sandals) were in style when she was in high school, in the late 40's. I was very surprised she even knew the word huaraches. We think everything is new when we're hearing about it for the first time, eh? Silly youth. :lol

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I got the book and started working on the Knot Ugly Shrug and then went into a panic because I forgot to look at the corrections that some folks were talking about in this topic.


So I went thru my book and denoted the corrections (in pencil just in case :wink ) and I have to say, there really isn't that many corrections. It just seems like a lot because when you print it out it goes to 2 pages. Also, there were no corrections to the pattern I was working on so I paniced for nothing! :blush

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I'd been counting the days till this book hit the shelfs, and was not at all disappointed after I brought it home & read it from cover to cover. Even though the price was a little higher at my local Barnes & Noble ($15), I feel it's more than worth it. Right now I'm making the Exchange Bag in nylon cord & so far I'm really pleased with the results. And even though I'm a little older than the so-called "targeted" audience (just turned 40!) I'm looking forward to making & wearing a number of the garments (1st on my list, the Go For Baroque jacket.)


But I've got to say that one of the biggest decision points for me was the fact that many of the patterns go up in size to XL & 2XL. It can be difficult to find stylish (or even trendy!) designs for plus-size chicks. (So if any of ya'll have some pointers on how to find more, please let me know!)


Oh, and I hope that in another 20 or so years that I'm at least half as cool as Ms. Amethyst Unycorn is... rock on girlfriend! :hook

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Well hello from another Grandmother! My oldest grand daughter is 18, the youngest is 5. I live in Florida, and I grew up in Wisconsin. I started crocheting at age 17, and have been hooking away ever since. I have a bad habit of never making anything for myself. There is really nothing in the house that I have made, although I have beautiful gifts from others. Just wanted to let you know that there are many in here way past 30! It is a mixed bunch of age but seems to be everyone just gets along really well. This is a fun forum, and always something going on!! From your referral, I am going to order this book. I have to have everything there is Crochet. I love having a book collection also, but do not have near the things you do!! Wow! You can email me back if you like. Wondering where you are in Wisconsin?? I grew up in Fond du Lac. :manyheart Welcome!:hug

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Oh you quacked me up!! Faster than Lily Chin on acid!!!:lol :lol :lol :lol LMAO!!!

The colleges in Ontario are all on strike so my mom and I had to forgo our biweekly massage. We went straight to Chapters and I found the Happy Hooker faster than Lily Chin on acid! When I got home, I went through my stash and picked out some RH in fushia to make the YeeHaw lady hat (tres funky and I've just recently seen Brokeback!?). I'm about halfway through and have found a couple of mistakes. First, throughout the beginning it says to sk the first st, but then the stitch count is off, so I ignored that instruction. Then when you get to the band portion and refer to stitch instructions for the cluster stitch, it has an extra yo between the first portion and second portion of the stitch. This would have made for a double crochet then a treble crochet in the same cluster. So I ignored that as well. This isn't really a problem for me (and probably most of us) as I spotted the errors before I even started them. But for a novice (or even worse, a knitter!?) this might be a big issue.


Has anyone else found any errors in the individual patterns?

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Hello from Tennessee - I'm not a grandmother but definitely old enough to be. I'll be glad when this book makes it to my local library - I've sworn off buying any more - they arrive sooner than you'd think. . . . . Glenda

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I ordered the book from Amazon, now I just have to wait. When I have a pattern or book coming I am always waiting for the mailman. Now I am excited!!! Reading all the comments from everyone, as to the cool things in the book, well I am totally looking forward to it. As far as the knitting vs. crocheting thing goes, you know, my Godmother, she is also my Aunt, used to knit, and I cannot possibly put it down. The patterns and the stitches she did were absolutely gorgeous! I belong to another forum and we have a knitter that i was so fortunate to meet in person a few years ago. She had the absolute most gorgeous baby sweaters, they were all the modern cool looking sweaters, well, in my opinion they were, lol!!! I don't knit, as I said, I learned to crochet as a child and I wouldn't take to learning a whole new habit I don't think. As for thinking one is better than the other, oh hog wash. They are both beautiful, and I wish I had learned both. I love old fashioned embroidery, I learned that from my Gramma when I was about 12. I still love it and love to look at the patterns on ebay. The new ribbon embroidery is so pretty. I have a very good friend in TX that does all kinds of embroidery with the fancy machines, she sews all of her own clothes and her childrens fashion "wants" and the embroidery and lace work she can do is killer. She tells me that there are many forums and sites for those embroidery "freaks" as there are crochet. They go crazy for patterns/free patterns/shared patterns on the forums and sites. We are all of the same breed I think. I for one am very glad I am one of this breed, as we stand apart from the non-hobby people. Isn't is a great thing??? :cheer :cheer :yay

Well hello from another Grandmother! My oldest grand daughter is 18, the youngest is 5. I live in Florida, and I grew up in Wisconsin. I started crocheting at age 17, and have been hooking away ever since. I have a bad habit of never making anything for myself. There is really nothing in the house that I have made, although I have beautiful gifts from others. Just wanted to let you know that there are many in here way past 30! It is a mixed bunch of age but seems to be everyone just gets along really well. This is a fun forum, and always something going on!! From your referral, I am going to order this book. I have to have everything there is Crochet. I love having a book collection also, but do not have near the things you do!! Wow! You can email me back if you like. Wondering where you are in Wisconsin?? I grew up in Fond du Lac. :manyheart Welcome!:hug
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I live in Fond du Lac! Small world. How long since you've been up here? If you went to high school here, my granddaughters attend elementary school where the old high school is.


I think you'll like the book. I only wish I had had that book when I started crocheting. It would have been a great to have a book to refer to, besides the C&C How to Crochet Booklet.

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O.K I'm reading this grandma thread with interest. I get a kick of this because I am one of the designers in the Happy Hooker book (Short n Sweet bolero) and I have been a Grandma (proud one too) for over 10 years. The women in our family have children early so I was one by 36! Friends of mine were absolutely mortified that I was so proud of being a grandmother. I think it depends on how you look at life. I had a grandmother who died last year that kept me on my toes because she (at heart) was younger than I, who told me she had a 27 year old admirer to which I realized she had finally lost her mind. But then I thought about it, this made her feel good and 'so be it'. I think I had shoes older that this guy! My Grandma always said 'You're as old as you feel'

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Very well put Lavonne. My mother and mother-in-law were also grandma's at 36, thanks to my oldest son, I almost was too. It is in how you look at it. Your grandma sounds like she was a wonderful lady. BTW am almost finished with the short and sweet, just doing the sleeves, great pattern as always. Thank you :)


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Has anyone tried the "Go For Baroque" yet (pg 216). I bought the book yesterday (finally!!!!) and I fell in love with this cardi. I was just curious as to what type of yarn that you used, since the type that they used in the book isn't available here. Thanks a bunch :D

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Has anyone tried the "Go For Baroque" yet (pg 216). I bought the book yesterday (finally!!!!) and I fell in love with this cardi. I was just curious as to what type of yarn that you used, since the type that they used in the book isn't available here. Thanks a bunch :D



I haven't started it yet but I bought some Lucci Wool Crepe from Smiley's for it.


It's a gorgeous pattern, isn't it?:)

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I haven't started it yet but I bought some Lucci Wool Crepe from Smiley's for it.


It's a gorgeous pattern' date=' isn't it?:)[/quote']


It's incredible. You can't get all the fun and fancy yarns here in my province, I am going to have to find somewhere to get some, or another substitution.

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I checked the book out from the library. I believe I put it on order for two, maybe two and half months before it was my turn to check it out. Although I like it, it didn't have the stories like the Knit book did. But I just love the crochet jewelry in it.

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Going to get mine today from a LYS because they have the author there today signing copies and chatting with local crocheters. I'm really looking forward to getting the book.

I'll stop back by with a review of my copy.

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O.K I'm reading this grandma thread with interest.

I like telling people that I'm a grandma in training. It's a genuine goal for me, one that I'll probably achieve with a few tweaks (for starters, I don't plan on having children, but I'm sure there will be plenty who can use an "adopted" grandma when I do get there). I loved both my grandmothers dearly, and now that both of them have passed on, doing "grandma" things helps me feel a little closer to them. Hmm. Perhaps I should be looking around for a grandma to adopt?

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I like telling people that I'm a grandma in training. It's a genuine goal for me, one that I'll probably achieve with a few tweaks (for starters, I don't plan on having children, but I'm sure there will be plenty who can use an "adopted" grandma when I do get there). I loved both my grandmothers dearly, and now that both of them have passed on, doing "grandma" things helps me feel a little closer to them. Hmm. Perhaps I should be looking around for a grandma to adopt?

I would also love to be a grandma but I do not and cannot have children. I'm hoping that someday I can find someone who wants a g'ma because I think I'd be a very cool one! :devil

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I gave in to the craze and ordered the book on Amazon along w/ the original Stitch 'n' Bitch book (because I finally wanna learn knitting!:lookout ). Can't wait!

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I changed the sock monkey face a little bit and added him (er... Her) to my niece's sweater.




My original post to Show and Tell Babies is here. One of my other sisters said that she wants a monkey cardigan too! lol Now THAT's interesting!

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hey hookers -

I did an interview with NPR yesterday, and it should (barring any national disasters which would take news precendence) air tomorrow as part of NPR's weekend edition Sunday. Check yer local listings if you wanna listen in. And yes, I did give a shout-out to the grannies!

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