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burned out!

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I never thaught this would happen! But I am burned out on crochet. for the last month or so I have been so stressed about getting x-mas gifts done and the things I sold that now I dont know what to do. Heres how close it was for me. I was sitting in the back of the durango on the way to BIL's house wrapping the things I finished up x-mas day! I havent done anything that I just wanted to make in so long I sont know what to do know....Do any of you have this problem?

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I only just started crocheting in November and I kind of know what you mean. I decided last minute to make 4 presents...all easy scarves...and for a beginner like me, I felt pretty pressured. Xmas night I was fringing a triangle doggy scarf for my friend's Lab! I knew I loved to crochet but I felt so rushed I was second guessing myself on my new hobby...even though I had ordered enough yarn to last at least a year!


So on Monday, I just relaxed, surfed this forum and other websites for motivation and ideas.


Tuesday, I picked up my hook and am back at it...for fun! For ME!:clap

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It's normal to get tired of it once in a while. That's usually when I switch to do other crafts. But suddenly you see something cool you want to make, and you're right back at it. When I just started doing big projects, I could crochet every day for weeks, and then not pick it up for just as long. But you always start again. Just give it some time. :)

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I also had so many gifts to complete for Christmas (knit, crochet, cross stitch) that I am just going ah . . . right now. I did have to make my granddaughter some clothes for the American Girl doll she got for Christmas (sweater, skirt, pants, headband, scarf, shoes). She now wants a coat. We'll see. Every year after Christmas I kind of sit back and take stock of what I have in supplies, organize my patterns, buy magazines to relax with and get new ideas. I don't really get back into making too much for a while. just little stuff here and there. Then I will see something that strikes my fancy and get the itch all over again. Try something other than crochet for a while, learn a new stitch, use a different yarn or thread. Variety is the key.

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I think it's perfectly normal to feel this way especially after rushing to finish something you HAVE to like gifts.

Either don't worry and get a book to read or work on another crafting hobby or you can reorganize your patterns/books and maybe you'll be inspired.


Nothing in the world wrong with taking a break from crocheting, we've all done it before.

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I think it's pretty normal to get burned out, especially right after you've been working so hard trying to get a lot of things done by a deadline. In a way, rushing toward that deadline takes a lot of the fun out of crocheting (or whatever it is you're doing), at least for me. :( I always need a break after rushing through a bunch of stuff like that.


Sounds as if it's time to make something just for yourself, just for the pleasure of it. When I get like this, I like to sit down with a cup of coffee or tea, go through all my pattern books, browse around online, look through all the show-and-tell projects here, and find something I'd really like to make for myself. Usually a small to medium sized project is best for me, so I can quickly feel that sense of accomplishment and have the thrill of wearing/using whatever it is I've made.


I had a lot of things to get made in time for Christmas, and luckily I got them all done. I'm rewarding myself by making the Seraphina shawl that I've wanted to make for a long time. I ordered the Joann Sensations Rainbow Boucle yarn at the end of November/early December when it was on sale PLUS they had free shipping for any order! (Didn't want to pay $5 to ship one skein of yarn!) This shawl is working up so pretty!


Anyway, don't worry about the burnout. Just take a much-needed, well-deserved break. Browse around some patterns. Organize your stash. Take a trip to the store to pet some yarn. Do you have any local friends who crochet or do other crafts? Get together with them for an afternoon or evening.


If none of this works, try reverse psychology on yourself. Tell yourself you are not allowed to look at yarn, books, patterns, websites, anything crochet-related for some amount of time (two weeks, a month, whatever). I bet pretty soon, way before that time is up, you'll be dying to crochet something again! :lol

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I am definitely on burn out, but am just relaxing and working on some fun things that I kept thinking about when I was rushing around doing Christmas presents. I still have alot of projects that have time deadlines, but I am just going at my own pace and figure it'll all take care of itself and if somethings are a little late, that is life. (I have 3 weeks to finish 2 purses, not started yet, and a stuffed CareBear.) They are for birthday presents in January, but I won't feel bad if they are a little late, because bday presents can be later than Christmas presents can be. LOL

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I have done that as well. I usually find a good book to read, and maybe try something else to make. Recently it was baby items (dresses, sweaters, booties) Sometimes i do nothing at all and that is nice too

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I'm a little burned out myself. Although, I am not sure if it is burnout or just feeling overwhelmed! I have so many things I want to do now, and there is only one me!

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Ya know, I think I am going to make something for my little boy, Matt(3) I started crocheting when I was pregnant with Anna, and I have made things for my older 2 girls, but it occured to me earlier that I havent made ANYTHING fo rMatt. I think I may make him a bath robe from the LB site.....

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I believe Im entering the burn-out phase...a co-worker purchased a hat & scarf set from me...and for the last 3 weeks have been on a non-stop crochet marathon of orders...luckily my daughter is helping out...looking forward to relaxing the first week of the new year....and suggest others do the same...:c9

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I think being burned out happens to each of us, or anyone that has a craft or talent they enjoy. Like my writing, there are days where I can't stand to pick up a pen. There are days where the thought of knitting or crocheting makes me want to scream. Just put your hooks away for a few days, find something else to occupy your time. Take a walk with the kids, play catch in the backyard, cook something you normally wouldn't, catch up on your reading, or start a new hobby! In a few days, you will want to crochet again :)


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val, i agree with the others. just give yourself some time sending you:hug :hug :hug :hug :hug for a more relaxed month ahead. matty will love a bathrobe, but then don't forget, the girls are going to want one too, maybe you could help carol ann make one for herself. if she has that ability yet. good luck:hug :hug :hug :hug

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I so know what you mean of being burnt out. I made 6 afghans for Christmas presents. When I was finally done with them my DH wanted one and started that. I had to put it down thought for like a week. I read a book and watched some movies. Now I am back at it again. It passes.

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Have you tried using the Knifty Knitters? I've had so much fun with them, and it's been a great break from crochet, especially since I don't needle knit.

I have found burnout is a problem for me if I try to do too much, or too big of a project. Smaller projects are rewarding for me ( I'm not a very patient person:blush)

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Me too! I crocheted sooo much over the past 2 months that I needed a break this week. I haven't stitched anything from Christmas eve until today. I'm cross stitching on a hospice square. Hoping to finish it by this weekend so that I can start a new crochet project!! :clap

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I got a little burned out after making a bunch of the same kind of scarf, so I started knitting like a madwoman instead. I'm much better at knitting now, but still find crocheting easier and faster. I just crocheted a little doll sweater and scarf, and that is really instant gratification to make something small.

Try something little or just do another craft you're good at, or one you want to get better at.

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I'm suffering a little from burnout too- for months I have things I had to be working on and now I can finally start on something just for myself I just can't decide what to do. I'm using this time to work on my knitting a little- no time pressure so it doesn't matter that it seems to take so long to get any done.


On the plus side I did crochet some fingerless gloves/hand warmers the other night- got a pair done in an evening- just in time for the snow :)


I'm full of ideas at the moment so I'm making sure I write all these ideas down so that when I do feel the urge to crochet again I'll have things to do. I'm just seeing this time as a well earned break and I'm having fun with the kids.

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I am burned out too. I was really excited to start a striped scarf for myself, and got about 1/3 of the way through and just fizzled out. I made sooo many things for gifts that I too am a tad burned out. Though I'm sure it'll only last a week or two. :lol So instead, right now I'm learning how to knit ( :eek ).

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I think that's the thing to do.....try something new for a bit and then you'll come back to crochet when you see something fabulous you want to make next. I used to alternate from cross-stitch, knitting, plastic canvas and beading, now I've been sticking to crochet for the last 10 months........wow I think that's a record, I must really love it...the burnout should pass after a while :hook in the mean time try:knit :compute:book:photo:shop

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