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How many of you finished your Christmas Crochet?

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I just had to stop because I needed to shop, bake, wrap, clean, etc. I have 3 projects that I did not start. 2 of them I won't see until next week, so I still may pull it off. My daughter wanted a Jessica Simpson Shawl, which I just could not get to so I will start it for her next week. I have other things for her so maybe she won't be too disappointed. I also have 2 projects that are finished but need the ends weaved in, or fring added.


Next year I am starting right after Labor Day and will work like a little elf and just put things away. My problem is that sometimes somebody sees what I am working on and begs me for it or I fall in love with it and keep it.


Have a great holiday all. Look forward to sharing next years projects with you fellow crocheters.

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I finished mine, but only because I didn't take on very many. I am giving my tunisian toddler sweater (shown in another post) to one of my neices and gave my Mom a Hat/Scarf set (also shown in another post.) I made an Afghan for my Step-MIL but didn't get a chance to take a pic of it. She loved it though and that made me Happy! I'm already planning for next year though. Usually I make alot of homemade things every Other year! I guess I'll have to get a head start!



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I finished my projects as well for the same reason, I didn't take on too many although I do wish I could have made more. :ctree I'll have to get an earlier start next year!!

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Well I'm kinda finished! I keep finding things I need to make! Even though I stuffed my DH's stocking with all kinds of computer games and such he said his stocking wasn't full enough so I added a pair of slippers to stuff in there... Then of course there is his family (we don't get together with them til Jan 1st) so I still have a few things to finish for them. Almost done though... Can't wait for Jan 1 to get here so I can start crocheting for ME with NO deadline!!!

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i never really "finish"


i am in a perpetual state of "christmas" crochet..

i start my list and schedule and january .. and usually finish by thanksging..

this is an every year thing.. its spread out so i dont get bogged down in the months right before the holidays..

of course i do have my business to run.. yarn to dye .. and things to crochet ALL the time.. so i have to make this schedule or something would suffer..

mainly my sanity LOL

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I actually crocheted more gifts this year than usual & have finished them all except for a lapghan. I ran out of yarn & had to order more, but I won't see them until New Year's Day, so should finish with no problem. Guess there is a first time for everything :)


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i'm almost done!!! down to the last slipper for my hubby. i'm almost there. lol. i've been doing it really early in the morning.... like 2 am, lol. so he doesn't see me. and during the day a bit here and there. i'm so happy i'm all done. i made a poncho for my little girl and a blanket for the new addition in our family. hopefully in a couple of weeks, i can't bare to carry this belly any longer!

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:yay I have to say I am finished with all of mine. I am giving out 4 Afghans, 3 ponchos, and 2 shrugs. I started a tissue box cover that is a lion. I was going to finish that and give it to my mom also. But not to sure if I want to give it to her for Christmas. I only have 2 legs to go so it would only take a little while to make. Still have to decide on that one. I have started an afghan for me and I am really enjoying working on that so I don’t want to take time away.:think

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This is my first Crochet Christmas, and I didn't take much on, so all I have to do tonight (after helping mum prepare food all day) is finish sewing in the lining of my sister's felted bag. I've already finished the handspun coin purses I'm giving to my girlfriends


I also have 2 other presents to get onto, but they neededn't be finished before February, and I don't even know what they'll be yet.

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no, way. the only thing i finished was some xmas towel toppers for my mom. i have an afghan for her (double irish chain quilt style) that ive been working on forever (and its TAKING forever) no way that things getting done anytime soon. i also have a ripple afghan for my sister that MAY be done by xmas if i work my butt off. its going really quick.

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I only had two items to crochet for Christmas because if I even *attempted* to give someone in my family a homemade gift it would be greeted with supreme disapproval. If it wasn't bought and wrapped in a nice Macy's box it's not worthy of the title "gift." Personally, I think this is a horrible attitude because there's nothing more precious than the time spent making something but apparently I'm the only one in my family who feels this way.


*Sigh* I envy those of you who get to experience the joy of making your own Christmas presents.


April :(

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Do you mean, done as in completed, as in have time to do what I want, work on presents for other ocassions? :rofl Close, but no potato. I have 3 hats for cousins to crochet, which still could possibly be in the running as I do not know when I will be seeing them. The shawl I am knitting for my mom, I decided to day she gets it for her birthday in March, gives me just over 2.5 months to finish it in. The shawl for my friend, well I've gotten maybe 4 rows done. Sigh... maybe I need to start in February. :think As most of you, there are always more things that my brain thinks of that my fingers have a hard time completing.



sakkasie, that does bite to have family with such an attitude. I'm sorry to hear that. :hug I guess that just means perhaps presents for friends or charities. I'm pretty blessed, I could do just about anything and no matter how good or horrific, my family would love it.

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Yes I am finished!!! Phew!!!

I did 5 afgahns, 4 hats, 2 fun fir scarfs(first ones ever) 6 t-towl toppers. 6 pot holders oh and I only started in November!!!! lol Plus this is all for only my husbands family. My family all are crafty but not his side!!!! I plan on posting photos on my blog next week!!!

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Well, I was done. I'm crocheting 99% of my girls' gifts this year. Esther's getting the octopus I posted here long before she was born, & a legless caterpillar (decided at the last minute I didn't want to fight with putting legs on it), & a sun/moon/star grabby toy set. Bobbie and Linda are each getting a poncho & matching purse, & 2 "new" (bought from eBay) Cabbage Patch Kids with mommy-made outfits. Oh, & also 2 headbands and 2 lei, which were spur-of-the-moment things.


And that would have been great, but then this past Sunday apparently the last of my brain cells leaked out into my breastmilk, because I decided I just had to make them dolly-sized afghans for Christmas. I finished the first day-before-yesterday, & I'm almost done with the other, but I started falling asleep over the edging on it, so I'll be finishing it up tomorrow (mind you, I'm in Hawaii, so it's still the 23rd for me, though my post will show up as the 24th for most of you). Which is great, considering that totally aside from crocheting things, I need to make the masa for Christmas tamales, and cook a special breakfast, and stage a very nice under-the-tree display of unwrapped gifts for Christmas. (Which last will necessitate staying up late tomorrow.)

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" I did 5 afgahns, 4 hats, 2 fun fir scarfs(first ones ever) 6 t-towl toppers. 6 pot holders oh and I only started in November!!!!"


Wowy! That's wonderfull!


Like Beth, I have a business running year round. So timing things is interesting

Last year I told Mom that I would make her a tree skirt for our tree. So I set about it this year, had a yarn crisis and if it weren't for Fran here, I wouldn't have it done! Right now I have to finish one row of edging (slight chance of having to undo it and work it a different stitch) and finish weaving in ends, which, Thank goodness!, My sister is helping me with. (she also sewed the motifs together)

I have 2 scarves done, and 2 to finish before Christmas. (One is in my lap right now) then the brilliant idea flashed before my mind the other day to make little scarves for the girls out of my scrap fun fur. Very colorfull...

That doens't include the scarf/bag set for my cousin which has to be done by Tuesday. And, I'm making 2 sets and letting her pick, if all works well.


looks like my 4 year old sister might inherit this, last minute ideas thing. She wants me to teach her how to "yarn" (although yesterday she said crochet) and wants to make a blanket for Emily's baby doll, for this Christmas. I pursuaded her to wait until next Christmas. :)


Okay, better get back to the scarves before people get up!

Merry Christmas all!



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Man I have made 20 pairs of slippers all shapes and sizes and styles, A couple hats and a scarf. Need to make another pair and mail 2 more so I did not make it as far as Deadline went. When this over I wanted to try the car coat for me. I got that pattern through link on this forum. :sheepxmas

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i kept my crocheting to a minimum this year, too. it's my first crochet christmas and i didn't want to burn out. i made 3 hat/scarf sets, a cell phone pouch, and a poncho. i finished a few days ago, so i've had time to make 6 scarves for the red scarf project. gotta get those mailed off next week. now i'm working on the grandmothers flower garden CAL and starting my skein a week CAL project. finally, something just for fun and no hurry. of course, in a couple of months i gotta get the greenhouse straightened up and ready to start seeds for the spring. gotta crochet while i can. i'm looking forward to the new year with you great folks.:hook

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As of 10:20 p.m. last night, I am done! I made 1 afghan, 4 scarves, 2 stoles, 6 placemats, 3 potholders, 1 tie, and 8 scrunchies. Everyone got handmade gifts this year, except my mom also got a pair of slippers and some towels that say "I (heart) pierogi" and "I (heart) kielbasa" on them. (Luckily, we givbe small, cheap gifts in my family.) I started this only handmade gift thing for philosophical reasons, but it wound up being good for practical reasons as well. Next year, the sisters and girlfriends are all getting felted totes, so I need to start now! :lol No rest for the weary hook.

:menorah:kinara:santa to all, and to all, a good (and peaceful) night! Patty

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Wellllllll, lol. I finished all that I have to give out now. I have a party at work and didn't know that my co-workers did gifts until yesterday!! Now I have to whip up a couple of scarves for the 27th. Shouldn't be a problem though, I'm going to do one later and the rest over the next 2 days, so I'm resting from the last minute marathon I did last night and today(until about 10 minutes ago, lol).:tired

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Still not quite there.

Just finished two small scarves for the baby girls. very wild, I think they will like them. :)

I have in my lap a scarf for Mom that is over 2 thirds done, but not there yet.

I plan on finishing the edging on the tree skirt tonight, on the couch (in "bed") watching something. Not sure what, Mom picked something out. We will all be in the living room, so I can't work late unless I go elswhere in the house. I'm pretty tired right now. Didn't know two small scarves could take so long!!

Okay, next time I check in, I hope to be posting what gifts were open. :)

(oh yes, and then wrap the gifts. )



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The one thing I wanted to finish was the one thing I didn't! I cried when I wrapped what I had. I have been making a blanket for my hubby to take when he deploys to Afghanistan. I had to order the camou yarn and it came in way late. I have been up until 3am every night for a week, but with 4 kids and a hubby, just not enough of me to go around! He leaves in just 3 weeks, but he is going to AL for 10 weeks before deploying and then is leaving for his year deployment after that. I will have it done in plenty of time!

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