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granny Squarelovers and chatters

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Lea sounds like great plans for your birthday.  Sorry about Chris.

Mary Jo I hope John keeps improving.  Glad you are doing well enough to drive to the rehab unit and spend the day.  

Both you girls take good care of yourselves.  Keeping you in my prayers.

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Wow! Everyone is going through some heavy daily trials. I'm so sorry! And yet, all of you always make a point to check on everyone here on the 'Ville. Thank you! I feel so blessed to know such great people!

The gout is finally gone! Faster than usual too. I haven't had a flare-up in over a year so the meds must be doing something since a flare-up usually would last longer previously. Now I need to figure out what brought it on.

Each evening, I add a round or two on the square for the cat box. Someday it will be complete! LOL.............

Have a giggle or two. It's good for the soul!

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Reni,  glad to hear the medication is working.

I am shutting down for the night.  The only thing not turned off is the phone.

I sat all day at the Rehab today.  Tomorrow the garage door motor will be replaced.

Just wanted to drop in and say Good night everyone.

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Oh my goodness there is a lot going on.

Lea, I hope you and your granddaughter have a wonderful birthday. I hope Chris is doing better.

Mary Jo, I hope John is well and home again very soon.

Reni, I'm glad your meds are working and you're feeling better.

Owlvamp, you are one busy lady.

I hope everyone else is doing well.

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Happy May Day everyone.  Thought I would drop in and say Hi!

I am getting ready to go watch the hockey game.

Have a fun night.

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I'm doing well today. I hope everyone else is also.

I switched the AC back on yesterday as I just couldn't take the heat. It was 81° outside and 80° inside. Now I'll see if I can tolerate the thermostat set at 77° with the ceiling fans running.

Not much else going on here so I'm going to go in the kitchen for dinner. 

Happy Evening!


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Posted (edited)

First we had a little floral arrangement outside our door this morning wishing us a Happy May Day.  

We are in a weather loop with rain, storms, and tornadoes but today we got a break which was good for our planned field trip.  Left at 9am and got back home at 8pm.  We went to sis's and then she drove to our niece's and her SO's place.  Its a 90 minute drive.  They bought 40 acres almost a year ago.  They said the mowed trail we walked was 3/4 mile.  I found a quail nest on the ground with 5 eggs in it.  She had some of her mom's scrap books she wanted us to look thru and wanted to know where my grandmother's farm was.  I was able to show it to her on Google maps on satellite.  You havent been able to drive to it for years as the access road has grown over with trees.


Edited by bgs
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Good late evening!! I hope everyone is doing well.

Just finishing up with some stuff here art home. Mowed the grass. Goslings are in my bathroom getting so big. Soon they will be transferred to the farm. I will so miss them so much. Told hubby thinking about keeping them inside permanently and getting a harness and leash to walk them. They know my voice and talk to me as soon as i go in. I put my hand down for them to jump up and they snuggle me and then love to pick my hair. I love them so… Goodness gracious I’m in trouble..

Good night everyone!

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Good morning! So much going on with everyone!

I skipped the chiro apt yesterday. A friend is helping us sell our RV and a boat and he had a buyer coming to look. The guy bought it and the friend is delivering it today. DS came over with two of the grands and chainsawed a couple of things for me. I have to pay the 6 year olds a little to keep their interest in coming back for the next job. LOL But it seems like I just don't have the stamina anymore for dragging limbs around.

DS took the 3 middle grands to the camp to spend the night. They learned that you can kill wood bees with a fly swatter. You know it spring, headed to summer when the wasps, wood bees and mosquitoes appear.

I'm running to a small local garden store today to hopefully find a plant for my best friend's birthday and maybe something for me, too.

I hope everyone with health issues is improving, their caretakers are taking care of themselves also, the weather is getting better for all and you can enjoy some nice spring weather.

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1 hour ago, minwifeof4boys said:

Happy Birthday in Heaven Lyn.... just not the same without you..

:hug:wangelShe is getting all the good yarn and crochet hooks ready for us to oin her.

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morning all  maybe  we are   done  with that t bad weather now that May   IS HERE HUH   sorry wsnt shouting I just finished paying some bills by phone and noe finally drinking my cuppa lol its still warm i have a mug warmer on my table lol  cheats are  great huh!! 

i Noticed A LOT OF BIRDS must have Parrished 

in those storms and all that ind we had  poor things huh 

2 of the bunnies both female had their babies    they are so cute just exactly like  tribble swit a tail lol  

now we have  pair f wid ducks traversing the game trail now and then lol cute quackers just waddling along in no hurry l  

Oh boy well life goes on,  i guess huh, till it  doesn't

I wonder how Rene ' and Bill are doing?? anyone hear about them? 

well not really much to say today lol so will clear the board and move on for now  take care lall of you ok  




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A pair of mallard ducks nested under a small bush along the sidewalk just outside one of the apartment doors.  They had 12 hatchlings.  Now what I thought was hysterical was the fancy restaurant that is only open Fri and Sat evenings put Duck Confit on their menu just a few weeks prior......

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Good Evening,  Got home a little while ago. 

It was a busy day.  They got him out of the bed and into a wheelchair, which the PT girls came and took him down to the  gym.  He worked on a machine that only works your hands, then the machine that works you legs.

He is still week, but I can see he is getting stronger.

I pop in when I can in the morning and then at night.

Have a good night.

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23 hours ago, Tampa Doll said:

Good Evening,  Got home a little while ago. 

It was a busy day.  They got him out of the bed and into a wheelchair, which the PT girls came and took him down to the  gym.  He worked on a machine that only works your hands, then the machine that works you legs.

He is still week, but I can see he is getting stronger.

I pop in when I can in the morning and then at night.

Have a good night.

I'm so glad to hear he is getting stronger. 

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Got a little time this morning, before I have to leave for the day.

It is one beautiful morning here.  We could use some rain, but none in sight.

Hope everyone has a great and fun day.

Keeping you all in my thoghts.

Have a fun day.

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Mary Jo- I do hope you are taking good care of yourself while going through this extremely busy time. You and Tampa Guy are both in my prayers.

Not much going on here except the temps dropped again to the low 60's, and 30's at night with huge wind gusts. Threats of rain but I don't think so as the clouds are too scattered, and that wind is blowing them right on through. My windchime is getting an extra workout. I don't dare go outside. Those 50 MPH gusts might knock even me over! LOL

I hope everyone is A-Okay and had a great weekend!

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Good morning!

Mary Jo and Lea, hope your DHs are improving and you are taking care of yourselves. 

It's been a rainy/humid weekend. I went to the older son's house Saturday after a quick run thru Joann's to return a couple of things. We went to an Asian restaurant that was really good and then ice cream at a shop where everything is local/homemade. It was nice to visit with them for the afternoon.

I splurged coming home and stopped at Baskin Robbins for some ice cream--one of pralines and cream and one gold medal swirl. They only sell quarts now and not half-gallons any more. Inflation has definitely hit there. We used to get two half-gallons for $9 and now it's almost $16 for half that much!

It's time to get an appointment for a haircut, reschedule the chiro and talk to the allergy clinic about allergy shots, so I'll be filling in the calendar this week. Hope everyone has a good one!

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I sat down about 7:30 with a cup of tea to relax, then I was going to write the e-mail to the family and let them know what is going on.  It is now 12:30 and I am sitting here wide awake with cold tea at my elbow.

All is going well, they are working John hard, but with the end game of him coming home.  He was able to push himself up off the chair.  So progress.  

It is hard and he is wroking so hard.  We have no idea when he will be coming home, but he is getting closer to that goal.

Well, off to tell the family.

Hope all you all are doing good.  It sure is weird cooking for only one.

Have a great day and a fun day.

Love you all and thank you for thinking of us.

Lea, hope Chris is getting better.  Hugs to both of you.

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Good Morning everyone,

Sunny warm day here for a couple days, then the rains start for the next couple weeks.  I am ok with that, forest fire season is starting and we don't want a repeat of last year.

Working out in the gardens again today, so much work getting them up and running.  Love every minute of it.

Mary Jo, that is good news that John is improving, sad he has to be in so much pain.

Lea, hope you and Chris are ok.

Stay safe everyone in the path of tornadoes, scary storms you are having in your states.

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Good Morning.

I am waiting for the garage door people to get me a new replacement.

Thank you all for the thoughts, good vibes.  Keep them coming for him.

As soon as the garage is done, I will be out of here.

Well, in hockey news.  Guess the Fl. Panthers are not so cocky now.  They lost 5-1 last night and most of the Panther players said Boston will be easy to beat.  Yeah, Right!!!:rofl

Dallas plays Colorado tonight and the second Ranger/ Hurricane game.  

Have a fun day.

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