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granny Squarelovers and chatters

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I can't remember what I want to put on the grocery list when I walk from the fridge to the computer.

Hi everyone.  I am having to learn a lot, with DH in rehab.  I learned how to scan stuff into the computer and send them in an e-mail and put them on the desk top.

Next is the camera.  Taking pictures is easy, but moving them off the camera and on to computer is going to be fun.

Early tomorrow the guy is coming to fix my sprinklers.  I called the guy my neighbor used.  He can't see me till next month. I called the guy who did my back yard with pavers and he said they are to busy to do any sprinkler repair.  He gave me a name, I called with bated breath and he said he will be her tomorrow morning between 8 & 9:30.:elle  I was expecting late in the afternoon.  This time plays right into my hands.  After he leaves it is off to rehab.

Just wanted to stop in and say Hi and I hope you are all having a good night.

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I sure do sympathize with the "lists". I've found mine weeks and months down the road in the goofiest places, so they didn't help. Now I look up an item on the store's website on my cellphone, take a screenshot of it and stick it in my "shopping folder" on my photo gallery. My DD does my shopping for me, so I just text her the photos. I also put a lot of dates and reminders in my cellphone calendar. I hope I don't ever lose my cellphone! 🤣

The weather cooperated with us today and was wonderful. My roses are in bloom too- finally. In just 24 hours they burst open. I was getting concerned since they took forever this time to show anything. They are so pretty and fragrant.

GD is flying to South Carolina tomorrow for a family reunion with her half-sister and that part of her family. I sure hope they have good weather so she can sight-see a bit.

Over and out for now!


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Forgot to add: Do you ever get this feeling?

I made it.jpg

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 map of cemetery where dh has 4 plots that we probably will not use

I laughed myself hoarse when I read the above...I thought, what the hey, they aren't planning to die, just experience a direct Ascension from this physical world to heaven.   

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Good Morning.  Waiting for the sprinkler guy, then off for the day.

You guys make me feel like I am a dino.  I am lucky I can text on the cell and heaven forbid it should ring while I am useing it.  I know so little about the cell phone.  I am old fashion.  I still like the land line, but I am learning.

It is a beautiful day here.  The sun is shinning and not a cloud in the sky.  Sure wish there was, but nothing in site for maybe a week.

Well, have a fun day everyone.  I am off to make breakfast.

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 Waiting for the sprinkler guy, then off for the day.


Well?  I have found that trades people are notoriously unreliable.  They claim they'll show up at such & such a time but ...

When I was working (at a job) I would stay home all dam day to receive a trades or other person and they wouldn't show; I'd lose a day's pay.  

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4 hours ago, Tampa Doll said:

Good Morning.  Waiting for the sprinkler guy, then off for the day.

You guys make me feel like I am a dino.  I am lucky I can text on the cell and heaven forbid it should ring while I am useing it.  I know so little about the cell phone.  I am old fashion.  I still like the land line, but I am learning.

It is a beautiful day here.  The sun is shinning and not a cloud in the sky.  Sure wish there was, but nothing in site for maybe a week.

Well, have a fun day everyone.  I am off to make breakfast.

You are doing better then me.  I still have a land line and my cell phone is a pay as you go flip phone. We only use it for emergencies.  I am a proud dino. lol.  I tell all my friends, why would I get with the times when there are so many other wonderful decades to enjoy.

It is hot here today, went from 13 to 25 Celsius. 

Have a great day.

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17 hours ago, Horsy said:

 map of cemetery where dh has 4 plots that we probably will not use

I laughed myself hoarse when I read the above...I thought, what the hey, they aren't planning to die, just experience a direct Ascension from this physical world to heaven.   

I like your thoughts the best and would be choice # 1.  Dh bought these plots before we were married!  Its in a rural area, same county we lived in but 40 miles away on opposite side, no family buried there and not somewhere we were ever around.  He only took me there once (to check for claim jumpers).  He bought plots 1 thru 4 in row same letter as his last name and wanted deposited in plot 1.  I told him right off I dont want put there.  Made that real clear.  Since purchasing those he filled out paperwork to be sent to the Body Farm in NC (its a real thing, he saw it on original CSI) but now says cremation and scatter ashes at base of tree so his dog friends can visit him.   I have said cremation and give a bag to my two nieces and nephew (actually that was way back before it was a thing that is now done).  Also seriously considered having my ashes sent to Zurich and be turned into a diamond for the niece I am really close to.  It really seemed reasonable for airfare and conversion into diamond.  Thete are other places and closer that do that now but I was excited for the trip to Zurich since I rarely travel anywhere and never overseas.   Now just take me the few miles away over to the cemetery by the lake where my folks are or out the back door on the golf course.

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Ok those are all good idea's Brenda.  You can go so much with the ashes now a day.

We have 3 plots in the cemetery where we use to live and his Mother is buried there.  I already told him, that will not happen with all I read about flying and such.  He is staying in Florida.

Now I have a friend who just lost her husband and he told her exactally where to scatter his ashes.  It was a beautiful hill in AZ over looking a trail that people use all the time.  Now that my friend is cool.

More than likely we will both be creamated and put somewhere down here.  

It doesn't hurt to be prepared.

We have to redo our wills, but other than that we are ready.

On a lighter note, I got my sprinklers fixed and now on to TruGreen.

Have a fun night.  Off to watch the Hockey.

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41 minutes ago, Tampa Doll said:

Ok those are all good idea's Brenda.  You can go so much with the ashes now a day.

We have 3 plots in the cemetery where we use to live and his Mother is buried there.  I already told him, that will not happen with all I read about flying and such.  He is staying in Florida.

Now I have a friend who just lost her husband and he told her exactally where to scatter his ashes.  It was a beautiful hill in AZ over looking a trail that people use all the time.  Now that my friend is cool.

More than likely we will both be creamated and put somewhere down here.  

It doesn't hurt to be prepared.

We have to redo our wills, but other than that we are ready.

On a lighter note, I got my sprinklers fixed and now on to TruGreen.

Have a fun night.  Off to watch the Hockey.

Years ago in going over ideas with one niece I told her should she inherit my IRA to travel and throw out a fist full of ashes everywhere she went since I never made it much of anywhere when I was alive.  That was about when  I found the info about being turned into a diamond and at that time I really liked the thought of being a diamond.

My sister was the first in my immediate family to be cremated.  She wanted her ashes to be scattered at the farm.  I dont know if that has happened yet.  Her husband, kids, stepkids and my other sisters got some of her ashes.  I didnt ask for any.  Sis and I took flowers to the cemetery today for our mom and dad.  Since there is no place to leave flowers for our sister we leave flowers for her with mom and dad.  She always left red flowers or red, white, and blue ones which in no way went with the flowers already there or the new ones we would leave for Memorial Day.  Its not that we didnt like red flowers.  Its just they always faded out and looked bad much faster than pinks, whites, and yellows.  They all go together in the vase and it was fine. Her daughter likes having the ashes and has a special display with them and also wears a necklace with the ashes inside.

I have seen now there tree programs where you can be tree fertilizer.  

And gosh how many of us remember when we used plastic flowers? 

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I use to tell everyone that when I go, NO FLOWERS.  I have allergies, especially roses.  Just us plastic. :rofl

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 I already told him, that will not happen with all I read about flying and such. 


Good decision. 

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22 hours ago, Lacycrochet said:

You are doing better then me.  I still have a land line and my cell phone is a pay as you go flip phone. We only use it for emergencies.  I am a proud dino. lol.  I tell all my friends, why would I get with the times when there are so many other wonderful decades to enjoy.

It is hot here today, went from 13 to 25 Celsius. 

Have a great day.

Same here. We have no idea how to even turn on a I phone?  We have a TracFone, that's confusing enough for us! 


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I've told me kids that I would rather be cremated and then it doesn't matter what you do with the ashes. Of course, when it gets to that point I'll no longer have a say and they can do what they like anyway.

I like the diamond idea but who would get it. Fertilizer for a tree is a nice idea, too.

We got rain last night with some strong wind. The storm front is just now over us today. We've missed the worst of it.

I had all 5 grands for four hours this morning. Why are some kids just naturally loud!?

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Happy Friday everyone

Had lots of rain and thunder storms last night.  Needed the rain, it is pretty dry out there. Some of the big storms from your country are hitting South of us in New Brunswick, glad I am not in that path this time.  They are calling for a very active hurricane season this year, let the fun begin.

DH mowed the lawn after work last night and Kali went out and got the zoomies.  So after running around in the yard for 10 minutes she ran up on the deck.  I went to go let her in and she was green from the paws to the shoulders. UGH!  Have you ever tried to get grass stains off a white dog? lol.  DH laughs and says, oh look, she looks like a little leprechaun.  Yeah, hilarious.

Planting tomatoes and tomatillos today when the heat and humidity settle later.  Garden season is starting here, so exciting.

Have a great weekend everyone.

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1 hour ago, Lacycrochet said:

 Have you ever tried to get grass stains off a white dog? lol.  DH laughs and says, oh look, she looks like a little leprechaun.  

Yes, yes we have.  Dh walked a little Westiepoo as the neighbor called it.  He had just been to the groomers and dh took him out for a walk.  Before he knew it Wesley rolled in the grass.  Dh brought Wesley here before taking him home wanting to know if we could get it off.  We wiped him down with a wet washcloth which helped.  Told dh just take him home I was sure this wasnt a first time as he was 13 years old then.  We really missed the little guy when he moved.  Dh used to wonder what the people that would be walking would think when they got to street corner and Wesley stopped.  In summer when pavement was hot dh picked him up and carried him across. 20200717_124453.thumb.jpg.f20ab5f812584a35f83d7e413f624330.jpg

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Sounds to me like DH spoiled the little bugger.

Sorry Tina, I found that so funny.  It really made my day, even DH laughed when I told him.

Beautiful day, looking at it from the inside.  Bright, Sunny and not a cloud in the sky.

Everyone who came in complained about the heat and humidity.

Wanted to come in and say Hi to everyone.

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I was super busy today dog sitting and trying to get a couple of chores done and will be until GD returns from So. Carolina on Tuesday. I forgot how demanding pets can get. Grand-dog is such a good dog though. Very obedient and doesn't bark much. She is good company too.

I cannot seem to get to my crochet or painting. I'm not really sure why other than something keeps coming up and by nighttime, I'm bushed.

Brenda- That's a cutie pie of a dog. When we had our little Maltese, she wasn't allowed on the lawn when mowed until the next day because she'd roll on it! She'd be mad at both of us until she could get out onto "her" yard.

Mona- My youngest Grt-GD is loud, but can she ever belt out a song at her young age of 9. The other 3 kids are all soft spoken. It's amazing to me how they can all be so different.

I hope all are doing well and enjoying this Spring season.

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Our Fri afternoon practices can be somewhat stressful on a good day.  We get there early in case we the room isnt set up right and if someone shows up early wanting help.  We knew yesterday might be more chaotic because we were expecting a new guy and would need to focus on getting him started.  We also had a beginner coming from our class at the monthly club to meet up with someone wanting to sell a dulcimer and there was also a chance a lady would walk in with her autoharp.  We got up there extra early to find them laying carpet.  Our r[m was available but we could not get to it the easy way.  We were able to park and then walk around to another side of the building carrying our stands, instruments and music.   To use the bathroom you had to go out that door walk around to door we usually use, go into swimming pool area and access the bathroom thru the showers.  It all worked out but was very glad and tired when that practice was over.  Thankfully the autoharp didnt show.

We have no plans for the weekend and its generally pretty dead around here on weekends and more so on holiday weekends.  It was so nice to not have to get up and rush out the door to something.  All I really have to do today is feed dh and most likely he will be walking up to get carryout tonight using our dining credit.


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16 hours ago, Tampa Doll said:

Sounds to me like DH spoiled the little bugger.

Sorry Tina, I found that so funny.  It really made my day, even DH laughed when I told him.

Beautiful day, looking at it from the inside.  Bright, Sunny and not a cloud in the sky.

Everyone who came in complained about the heat and humidity.

Wanted to come in and say Hi to everyone.

Dh carried a water bottle and a cup for Wesley to drink out of.  That little old dog really liked to walk!  He hasnt carried water for the others as they dont go as far.  

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18 minutes ago, bgs said:

Dh carried a water bottle and a cup for Wesley to drink out of.  That little old dog really liked to walk!  He hasnt carried water for the others as they dont go as far.  

I carry water and a cup for Kali as well.  It is now just getting warm enough that we really need it.  What can I say, she is a princess.  Good news is after her bath, she is no long a green and white princess.

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hi all  did every one make it through all the stormd lately// WE HAVE HAD WIND, RAIN, HAIL AND WARNERS GS AALL ARO U Iowa sure got the storms too huh  hope all of you are in good health and good physical condition and no more storms headed our way huh 


other than that peple, whats happening in your lives, got a big mem. day outing planned bbq maybe??  Hubbs hurt his back a bit on the ladder replacing shingles but is recooping good   always sumthin huh lol  all for now but watch the skies all, take heed, and take it easy!!  katie  














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I am in the middle of an audio book kind of a mild Stephen King / Jack Reacher mix, with  TOUCH OF home style  sausage gravy lol  its called Light of the World  but i fogot who its written by  lol  was that on purpse ya think any way over and out ok  for now  

Edited by katyallen815
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