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granny Squarelovers and chatters

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as promised a brand new thread for us fully automated, roatated integrated and aereated lol   and comfotatated for you pleasure   d lol  Please old aneandw granny square lovers and chatters come visit us here  in a clean start room lol  welcome to all, and friendly to all new or seasoned chatters  from granny square chat thread!!  


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Hi All- Thank you Katy for taking the time to refresh and update this folder!

I'm taking on another project. This one being for my GS's cats. It's a cute cat house made from Granny squares and a preformed canvas storage box. It looks pretty simple, and I can take my time with it (like I always do- haha). I'm just waiting for DD's next trip to Walmart so she can pick the box up for me. If anyone is interested in it the link is in pink.

I hope everyone is doing well and those having health issues are on the mend.

Edited by ReniC
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Good morning! Hope everyone's health is improving or at least hanging in there.

It's spring break so no baby grand the next two weeks. Double apts Monday and Friday. Main objective these two weeks is getting ready for older DS and friends to visit for a weekend.

It was a gorgeous day yesterday--sun and moderate temps. Spent it out in the country at our "camp" visiting with some friends who hunt out there and help maintain it.

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Good Morning, sun is shinning and the trees are glistening.  We had a rain storm run thru here about 3 AM.  Very noisy, even just the rain.  So my pool is full and I do not have to worry about the watering the grass.:jumpyay  Looking for more rain Tuesday.

Yeah I saw a story about how the Police are going to crack down on the Spring Breakers, especially in Miami.

Strawberry Festival is going full swing and boy are the strawberries sweet even in the stores.

Almost finish one doll and on to the next.

Lightning won last night in a shoot out.  So all is sunny in the world.

Hope everyone is happy and well.

Love the blanket Katy

Have a fun day.


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Good Morning,

Rainy here today which is good, it is melting off all the snow.  Windows are open and it feels like spring.  Got the spring cleaning bug so going to start some of that today.  DH isn't impressed. lol

Reni- That is a cute cat box

Katy - Nice blanket

Mary Jo -  I had some of your state strawberries the other day, they are really sweet, Kali even liked them.

Have a great day everyone

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Posted (edited)

hi reni and tampa good to see you made it! 

taking a few hours though trying to refresh though my mind on this site, seems i have forgotten much lol  

qiuestion  for you all do we need a moderator if so, how do we go about that lol 

second question ok I would love to hear more on the villager people with no icon are they members or visitors and thirdly please, what are  you all interested in doing crochet or knit wise, what are your preferences, and what do you enjoy making most if you had to pick  ??

Do we all have dogs or cats, or llamas? Do we have hubbys or grandchioldren are we yarn magnets at stores. you k now cant stay away from those pretty skeins lol  

answer for myslef yes yes no grandkids they dont want any, one daughter, one cat one hubby , one dandy  son in law, one yarn/craft room full to the brim, and I love to nake squares lol  do you all have some where special charity you send to, and if  so can you share it and if so that,  cool for all of us  probably well known is my charity passion for an indian reservation im not pushing that one at all,i mail out to them every month, can get costly lol  it is entirely a different thing lol  or there is a nursing home i donate stuff too, the animal shelters locally,   them scome schools and a vets home when needed  other than that i seam squares to squarea to squares to make bigger squares lol for ghans  lol

so  tell us what are your preferences??  Oh i dont much care for water lol just a side note lol  But i like my coffee hot, and my diet coke cold!!😂

Edited by katyallen815
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Rennic, greyhoundgrndma, bailey4, bgs I want you to know that I am thinking of you and that you are all doing well. I missed being able to get cards out for the special occassions this year.  I am tired of being sick.  If I missed naming anybody at the top of this I am sorry.

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18 minutes ago, pineknott said:

Rennic, greyhoundgrndma, bailey4, bgs I want you to know that I am thinking of you and that you are all doing well. I missed being able to get cards out for the special occassions this year.  I am tired of being sick.  If I missed naming anybody at the top of this I am sorry.

Welcome back Lyn, we all missed you.

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Hi all,

Has anyone here ever tried their hand at paper quilling?  I have always loved the look of it.  As a lace crocheter who likes intricate, I was wondering if this is in or out of my element.  If anyone has tried it, is it as tedious as it look?

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Just now, Lacycrochet said:

Hi all,

Has anyone here ever tried their hand at paper quilling?  I have always loved the look of it.  As a lace crocheter who likes intricate, I was wondering if this is in or out of my element.  If anyone has tried it, is it as tedious as it look?

I've done quilling off and on for many years but not recently. I wouldn't call it tedious but it does take some time--rolling and gluing all the pieces then putting them together. I've made ornaments including snowflakes, a fairly elaborate framed cross, cards and misc odds and ends over the years. There are some folks that have definitely taken it from a craft into an art. https://www.artyulia.co.uk/    https://www.senaruna.com/   https://quantumartistic.com/

If you haven't run across them, there is an guild in England. http://quilling-guild.weebly.com/    And a North American one.  https://www.naqg.org/

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4 minutes ago, greyhoundgrandma said:

I've done quilling off and on for many years but not recently. I wouldn't call it tedious but it does take some time--rolling and gluing all the pieces then putting them together. I've made ornaments including snowflakes, a fairly elaborate framed cross, cards and misc odds and ends over the years. There are some folks that have definitely taken it from a craft into an art. https://www.artyulia.co.uk/    https://www.senaruna.com/   https://quantumartistic.com/

If you haven't run across them, there is an guild in England. http://quilling-guild.weebly.com/    And a North American one.  https://www.naqg.org/

Thanks Mona, it sounds promising.😊  Thanks for the links.

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OH MORNING ALL I HAD A NIGHT I Didnt tSLEEP MUCH BUT FRESH AS A DAISY TODAY LOL FOR HOW LONG I DUNNO THOUGH mot meaning to yell its my tablet me thinks lol  its all her fault Luna is being a pain today might have to use the big boy, Huey hes a HP, Luna is an android sony  or is that sansong i dunno easier to use when she behaves 


so any thoughts and welcome back lyn, from where i have no clue what is going on but glad to see you

how are you all doing, and your garden, it must be starting to come alive   ok well i am busy today, time to get rollin lol  got some ghans to pack up to send out with handy tomorrow and first check all 3 out, fold properly lol and fit them all in the box need handy to help with the pis though  ok out and starting work, ill take a coffe break later too   see ya for now  


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Thank you Mary Jo for tell me about this group. I barely found it… So if you don't see our regulars someone needs to reach out to them or they might not be able to find us.

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As for me, I have embarked on a whole new world. I am adding a horse , a heifer and a bull (soon to be steer) to the farm tomorrow. I cannot be anymore excited. It has become a major passion of mine. Soon looking to add more geese and guineas …

I love to crochet and gearing up to crochet peeps and put in the store. I have a few made. I have 9 grandchildren and willing to share a couple if anyone wants too. I prefer dogs. I breed English Bulldogs they are the high light of a tuff day. But love other breeds as well. I have an assortment.

As for charity’s. I donate to foster children, women's shelter and baby clinic here local. I have also donated to vet hospitals. I keep hats, scarves and a bag of snacks to hand the homeless..

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well i had to chage up names and crap seems evey time i com in anymore, the ville doesnt work so iguess i am a villager again too lol  i cant explaint it but the last this happened i lost a lap top and my deak computer so       if it happens agaon soon i will have to quit the ville so keep fingers crossed my friends   lol  

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I decided to put it here, as most of you knew Peggy85225.

She lost her husban very suddenly.

Luckly she is not alone.  She has her daughter and sons and grandchildren.

She has not been here for a while, but I am sure many of you remember her.

Edited by Tampa Doll
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7 hours ago, katyallen815 said:

well i had to chage up names and crap seems evey time i com in anymore, the ville doesnt work so iguess i am a villager again too lol  i cant explaint it but the last this happened i lost a lap top and my deak computer so       if it happens agaon soon i will have to quit the ville so keep fingers crossed my friends   lol  

Did you remember that after the last upgrade

  • You will no longer be able to log in with your Display Name.
  • You will have to use your email address to log in going forward.

You have to use the email that you have on file here which you currently might be using a different email and never updated it here


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OH MY POOR PEGGY  i am glad she is not alone at this  time.  my thoughts are with her and family and my prayers for the family as well  


well i dont like the new upgrade at all  no way to change your name or password sucks  thanks hopefully to amy and donna and about a hundred emails to them maybe this will be ok we will see   


well that was a rather sad day starter, above huh sheesh  

how to jump to something more suitable is beyond me so i will close for now  if abd when i return hopefully i can lol  ill see you all then  my thoughts with Peggy right now  

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Hi everyone,

Quiet here lately, hope everyone is well.

Now that I can finely see the dirt in my gardens a weather warning come out today. Thursday and Friday is going to be a mixed bag of yuck falling from the sky.  First 80 mm rain, then flash freeze, then half a day of freezing rain before turning into snow.

Owlvamp - That sounds like a lot of fun with your new additions to the farm.

Have a great day

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9 hours ago, katyallen815 said:

well i dont like the new upgrade at all  no way to change your name or password sucks  thanks hopefully to amy and donna and about a hundred emails to them maybe this will be ok we will see   

In the top menu bar is your name. Click on it and a menu appears. Scroll down to and click on Account Settings. There you can click on "change" beside Display Name, Email Address, and Password.

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Today was an amazing day ! Adding the bull, heifer and horse was great and went smoothly. The bull was banded and his name is Rhino, the horse name is Jubilee and the heifer well haven’t named her yet.. I am so so so excited. Picked up some canning jars and lids . Sister will be coming down to help me can. Thinking about starting off with a small garden at the farm. Daughter is suppose to have a garden as well so will see how that goes. Adding the new chickens to farm was wonderful and the hens are already laying. Soon will be able to start selling them. Then adventure waits for us on the bee hives. Grandson and daughter want top get into that ,and we have a live honey nest going on… Lots ,lots of new things happening and I’m so grateful for it.

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That sounds so cool Sandra.  They tell me it helps with allergies, if you use honey from you area, since the bees go form flower to flower.

Got some good news this morning.  My Niece's daughter had her baby.  8 lbs. 11 ozs.  20 inches long.  I saw a picture on FB she is just adorable.  they say here sister is esctatic to have someone to play with.:rofl  Nice to get good news for a change.

Just a short stop, as it is getting late and I am getting sleepy.  See you all in the morning. 

Edited by Tampa Doll
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