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Granny Squares for those that need them cal 2018

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I made 22 mini stocking's for the Warmth for Warriors.

Now on to making things for Christmas. I see it might be a hard year for so I better

Start brain storming and making things. I have a few fleece blankets to make yet. I've already made a few too.

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Wow Sandra good job. You have been busy. It's good to have a purpose I do much more crocheting when I have a specific purpose for doing it such as a lady at the. Using home wants this or the baby who will use this. I did two of those fleece blankets oh several years ago now but o e was all kitties and the other was doggies foe some pet lovers I knew and instead of tie-I g off the ends off the ends like you do you know I punched small holes evenly spaced around all the edges an then had some really fluffy furry yarn I fringed them both with. They turned out. Very nice and they loved them!! They were I'd say twin sized plus so they were a while In The. Making especially fringing lol

Wonder if they both still have those blankets. Sometimes I don't wanna know though in case an answer like " oh no the dog chewed it up" or no that went years ago after the fire. "


I have. Truly heard both of those answers on other things trust me don't wanna know lol



I would just rather not know you know.

Storms a coming looks like a super cell. Well we have. NO tree anymore and guess what the tree person came. I am not however satisfied. What was a 3 to4 foot stump is now a 8 to 10 inch which is better but we wanted to the ground so handy will do the rest of the job I guess to orrow with the chin saw. I won't use them again for sure but I thought they are offering me a faster time to be here let's give it a shot. Oh well

Gives handy a chance to use the chain saw so he doesn't mind lol.

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Oh and once going to a gals house I had given a ghan to I got up the back door steps I saw the ghan. In the window well outside in the snow and the ice frozen to the ground and the dirt and I hardly knew cept for dirty frozen color way what it was. I was appalled. But. Needless to say I never made her another thing. Not ever. I. NEver let on to her and in her defense she had four small kids at the time and may. Never had known they used it like that but never. MAde her another thing to this day and won't. I don't know her anymore anyway. Just sayin' lol ok so horror time er I means story time is over unless you all have a story we"d love to hear lol. IGot my ears on!! And I know you all have them!!!

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That is horrible, Katie, to find a gift treated like that.


Jessicali- you're right that it is hard to find a basket pattern in yarn and not thread. There are some really nice thread ones that are small and if you use worsted weight cotton, they may work up nicely but you would have to stiffen it a bit.


I did find a really cute Easter one from Redheart.com that you could probably work up as a flower girl basket-





I'm so sorry for you, Owlvamp. You know the old saying, "when it rains, it pours." In your case, hopefully things get better soon.

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Happy Friday!  :yay  :dance


I'm hoping to spend most of the weekend, starting tonight, in my sewing room. I do need to take the car for an oil change tomorrow morning and I'll go to church Sunday morning but other than that I will be  :sew  :sew  :sew .

My cold is still hanging on but other than nasal and chest congestion I feel fine, I picked up Robitussin multi symptom yesterday and it really seems to be helping. Ok enough rambling, I will check in tomorrow. Have a great evening.

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I mailed off the adorable Sock Monkey set I made for a lady... Now I'm working on another "trade order". A lady wanted to trade $60 worth of Lula Roe (eeeep! I've heard the clothes are so comfy... I picked out the shirt & she found some leggings to match) for 3 slouchy beanies. I started the first one today and I am IN LOVE with the yarn she wanted.. It's ILTY Autumn Sunset and it's PERFECT for Fall! 


I don't think I'll do much else today. I just found out my best friend passed away. She has been battling a heart condition and epilepsy for the past 13 years since her daughter was born and her boyfriend messaged me today. I so wish there was a way I could get to North Carolina to her services, but he kknows I am there in spirit. 

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I mailed off the adorable Sock Monkey set I made for a lady... Now I'm working on another "trade order". A lady wanted to trade $60 worth of Lula Roe (eeeep! I've heard the clothes are so comfy... I picked out the shirt & she found some leggings to match) for 3 slouchy beanies. I started the first one today and I am IN LOVE with the yarn she wanted.. It's ILTY Autumn Sunset and it's PERFECT for Fall! 


I don't think I'll do much else today. I just found out my best friend passed away. She has been battling a heart condition and epilepsy for the past 13 years since her daughter was born and her boyfriend messaged me today. I so wish there was a way I could get to North Carolina to her services, but he kknows I am there in spirit. 

sorry for your loss

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Sandra way to go on the 22 stockings. Sorry dh lost his job. Hopefully a better one will come his way soon.


jessicali sorry for your loss. The sock monkey set is cute. I liked the basket #1 pointed out.


Katy when you said stump removal I thought they were going to grind it out not just make it shorter. I wouldnt have been happy with the ones that took the tree down and left the stump that tall to begin with. Its fascinating watching shows about ancient civilizations and seeing how advanced some were. It certainly makes you wonder. How awful to find your work thrown outside frozen to the ground. Add me to the achy list. My hands are bothering me some but allergies are in full swing and the increased medication is making me feel tired.


Its raining now with lots of thunder and lightening. TC is on high alert as I am hearing a cricket. There will be no rest for me until we catch it.

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So sorry to hear that, Jessicali. So sad.


Katy, i never realized iP addresses changed! For some reason I thought it was a permanent the address unless you got a new computer.


Snowbear!!!! Thank you so much for the wonderful little potholder I received in the mail today! I love it, it has such pretty colors! I will use it the first chance I get. Thank you again. And the note that came with it was so sweet.



Been busy girls,hope to be able to check in again sometime tomorrow. Doing it daily makes it much easier to keep track of who I need to respond to. ☺

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First Big Hugs and lots of them for those of you who need them :hug  :hug  :hug :hug  


Katy, I remember someone saying they went to a friends house and found the afghan they made nailed up to cover a window in the garage.  Don't know which is worse, having the item misused or put in a drawer never to be used.


Up very early this morning. Working on a gift to a friend.


Jessica, I was worried the squares I made were wrong after I sent them.  I made them with only color only.


Well, off to finish a gift I am working on.


Have a fun day.

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Good Morning

more tropical warmth here,I'm so looking forward to Nov. and Dec. temps.

A library run in my plan,different city this time,its nice to have 3 choices,one if you aren't a resident of that city they charge you a yearly fee,I don't think thats right,theirs I mainly use for their swap shelf

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Good morning everyone. Sorry I haven't been on here. I have been visiting with my Mother. She is doing good. She has her surgery on the 21st. They canceled the first time. Then rescheduled it. I had a great time over her apartment. It was just me and Mother. We act like to teen age girls. Stay up late eating ice cream. Playing cards. Which of course I let her win.Watching Lone Ranger, Gene Autries movies. She loves those movies. Then during the day we watch Price is right. We see who bids the closes. Any ways we do have a lot of laughs. I just thank the Lord for the time I got to spend with my wonderful Mother.

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Snowbird, so glad you had a good time with your Mom.  Will keep her in mind for her surgery.


Finished my Lighted Jack-O-Lantern.http://www.crochetville.com/community/topic/157789-lighted-jack-o-lantern/#entry2714654


Got the pattern from Crochet World the new one that just came out.

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I mailed off the adorable Sock Monkey set I made for a lady... Now I'm working on another "trade order". A lady wanted to trade $60 worth of Lula Roe (eeeep! I've heard the clothes are so comfy... I picked out the shirt & she found some leggings to match) for 3 slouchy beanies. I started the first one today and I am IN LOVE with the yarn she wanted.. It's ILTY Autumn Sunset and it's PERFECT for Fall! 


I don't think I'll do much else today. I just found out my best friend passed away. She has been battling a heart condition and epilepsy for the past 13 years since her daughter was born and her boyfriend messaged me today. I so wish there was a way I could get to North Carolina to her services, but he kknows I am there in spirit. 

I'm sorry for your loss.  :hug


The oil has been changed in the car along with fluids topped off and tires rotated so I'll be ready to travel again later in the week. I'm working on bodices from muslin for my oldest granddaughter to try on so I know what size to make her Rapunzel costume. Then I'll probably work on some things for baby granddaughter. I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend.

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well can[t get back that long post i lost, darn it, and cant remember all it said, but it is a bright day out today, i know that is how it started, lol  


I answered all, mary jo, darling pumpkin, i love it, you always make such darn cute things!! I used to make christmas ornaments sorta like that and i used stiffy too, and balloons, lol 

Bgs, yes, i plan on taking pics of how he left the stump, and then after handy finishes the job and demanding some sort of compensation for  finishing up his job, on monday... 


Horrible about the ghan  in the garage, that poor ghan was nailed up, cruxified, i tell ya, breaks my heart. 


i read too, here on the ville somwhere that  someone that gave a ghan to some one, later discovered that they had used it in the gaage for an oil drop on the floor, and another had used it to cover a tractor.......shameless, all that work and love into something, to hear it end up on the oily garage floor, or wose, huh..

Snowbear good you are making memories with mom, while you can.. I won't go into it again  with the story i told in the post I lost, but make them while you can... I have still have a lot of good ones with my mom.. May she rest in pace.. 


Tribble, yep, its better for me too, to check in often, as i couldn't keep up if I didn't, lol sometimes we are talkies in here, and sometimes, quiet as a  library...( what a perfect yet un- intended sugue huh   )


I too have to pay a fee linda at our library, as i don' tlive inside the city limits, i guess, we are and have always been in a subburb, and we have most city rights, but apparently a  free library card isn't one of them, lol  

Tribble, i didn't know either, till i started to keep track, that ip addys change all the time.. I wanted someone else to keep track too, so i could see if it is just me, or everyone you know, mine changes a lot, which i think is the cause of a lot of the probs in the past for me, with the ville, from now on, im letting them know whenever it changes, so they can add that one onto my list of them, to avoid any signing in probs... hope I will be ok from here on out.. and why do they change all the time???   another call to the internet provider tomorrow, and see what they can recomend or offer about that.. 

well that is the abbridged   version of the previous post i lost, so more later, if and when I remember anything else, lol see ya after while!!!  

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I'm sorry for your loss.  :hug


The oil has been changed in the car along with fluids topped off and tires rotated so I'll be ready to travel again later in the week. I'm working on bodices from muslin for my oldest granddaughter to try on so I know what size to make her Rapunzel costume. Then I'll probably work on some things for baby granddaughter. I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend.

i gotta do that this month too , my only second oil change, lol and that is going by milage, lol so I dont go far when i do, or often, apparently lol   last time i did it, they really couldn't believe the low milage, and checked 32 things for  me too, lol royal treatment that dealership!! I will call them tomorrow too...im glad you are set to go now carol...

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Mary Jo love the pumpkin. Wonder if I have some orange thread. I have been pretty good this year and have refrained from buying yarn or thread except for the two skeins of scrubby yarn.


Carol you are sounding like life is getting back to normal. Glad you are back to your sewing machine.


Snowbear those will be precious memories you made with your mom. Glad she came through it ok.


Guess we are lucky they dont charge us for cards at mid continent or kc library as they reciprocate with the system for where we live. Mid continent has branches in kc and in many surrounding cities and the genealogy library in Independence. Its been a nice day here. We have done the mowing at my dads house and cleaned out some more trash stepmom left. I wish I was back home in my chair so I could doze for a bit.

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Oh, I am sorry to mislead you all. I just went to spend the night with her. She don't have surgery until the 21st of this month. But I know the Lord will take care of my Mother. Thank you for your concern, though.  :hug post-62818-0-13445300-1473556725_thumb.jpg   I wanted to you all a picture of my beautiful Mother, 85 yrs old.

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