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What's your most prized crocheted possession?

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I'm sure we all have gifts that have been crocheted for us that we will cherish forever. What are they, how did you get them, why are they so special???


My most prized is a baby afghan that my mom made. She was working on this afghan for a friend when she died of cancer when I was 15 yrs old. The project was put away and most of us forgot about it. Several years later, my step-mom found it and paid a friend of hers that crocheted to finish it for me and gave it to me I believe for a birthday present. It's not that this is the most beautiful afghan in the world, but it's the most precious thing I own. The last thing my mom was working on and it will carry my child home from the hospital when the Lord finally blesses me and my hubby with a baby.


I also have a rather "ugly" afghan that I love dearly. For my high school graduation my Aunt Carolyn asked me what color I wanted my afghan (as she always made them as graduation gifts) I told her Orange and Black because those were my school colors. She kind of looked at me strange, but did it anyway. Not only did she use those 2 colors but she made it extra large (I always complained that all the afghans in our house were too small). I still have it to this day and whenever I get chilly, I use that to cuddle up with.


The only other "crocheted" prize possesion I have is an afghan that my Aunt Ruth made many years ago. After she passed away, my cousin gave it to me and said that she wanted me to have one of Aunt Ruth's afghans. It's the prettiest one I have in my fave colors.


Geez, I'm getting all teary eyed remembering all of these things... Anyone else wanna join me??? Would love to hear about your own prized possessions! Would also love to see pics of them! (I'll post mine in the next day or so)

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I feel deprived, lol. I don't own a single crochetted gift. My cousins both crochet and a friend of mine crochets and still I don't own anything made by them, lol. :shrug One of my cousins DID make me quilted potholders and my friend has made several quilted items for me.

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Mine is an afghan my mom made for me when I was a kid. Big granny square in the middle, surrounded by rounds (are they still called rounds when it's a rectangle? ;) ) of hdc, all done in some of my favoritest colors, green and yellow and green/yellow/white variegated. I love to curl up with this blanket when it's cold out.

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I have my share of crocheted afghans from my grandmother...about five all together. And each of my kids have an afghan and a baby doll sized one. I also have two crocheted afghans that my husband's aunt made, one when we married and one on our five year anniversary. I have doily's all over the house, lol But my most prized possession is a little wooden box my husband bought me in Poland to hold my crochet hooks, lol


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My most prized crocheted possession is the afghan that my grandmother made me. She is the only one that has ever given me anything that is crocheted. Probably because we are the only 2 in the family that crochet. She taught me when I was about 8. I wouldn't give it up for anything. Not only that, she used my favorite colors.

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I have a granny square afghan/bedspread in shades of green my grandma made for me when I was about 8. It fits a queen size bed, and is awesome. It needs to be stitched up in a few places, which I'll try to get around to when I take it out again for winter.


The thing I made that I like the most is a giant granny square "snuggleghan" in a load of colors. I started it thinking I had all this scrap yarn and would make a blankie to snuggle under for movie nights, and then ended up with only about a 12 inch square, so I just kept buying crazy colored yarn here and there, and stopped doing rounds when it was big enough to completely cover my son and me.

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The only crocheted gift I have is what I call a "fishnet" poncho from the friend who taught me to crochet. In fact, it was this gift that prompted me to ask her for lessons.


One of these days I'll have to get the pattern from her so I can make them in different colors.



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I thought long and hard on this one. I have so many wonderful pieces I have gathered through the years from my family and friends. But the two most cherished and that I hold most dear are

One: a doily my great Grandmother made that has swastikas on it. She made it before WWII and hid it when Hitler came into power. She was so afraid some one would think she was a Nazi. It sat in a Drawer the rest of her life. I guess before the war a swastika had a whole different meaning. But she was so afraid it would be taken wrong if anyone saw it. Now this was one of the kindest gentlest souls I will ever know. I now have it and cherish it not for the symbols on it, but for the gentle soul who worried so about it.

Second is a small cardtable size tablecloth my grandmother made. The center is solid white surrounded by a varigated section then white again. It is done in about a size 40 thread and is just beautiful. The motifs are so well joined you can't find an end if you tried. I marvel at it, as I hate doing motifs and hers is so well done. My grandmother was an advid knitter and only rarely crocheted but when she did it was awesome. So to have one of her few pieces of crochet. I feel honored.

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my most cherished crochet item is the afghan my grandmother made for me and my brother and sisters. she made it in the ripple stitch and it had over 100 colors in it. is a awesome piece and i am so glad i have it as my grandmother is no longer living:( , but will always have her cherished afghan that she made and gave to all of her grandkids. she made 7 of them all different. is a beautiful afghan:manyheart :manyheart

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At first I couldn't think of a crocheted gift. Though Grandma crocheted, the baby blankets she made for my daughter were knitted. I have them still. Then I remembered when I got married, my great aunt gave me a pair of crocheted doilies. The fact thay she didn't have much money for gift giving & was almost crippled by r. arthritis made these a very special gift. I sure miss listening to those two gossiping over coffee & hooks.


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I've never been given anything crocheted. My daughters have two blankets each that my mother made them, but that's it. Honestly, my most cherished crocheted possession is something I made...Linda's coming-home from the hospital outfit. I only wish I had made something for her big sister when she was born, but I wasn't really crocheting much then.

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My most treasured crochet item is the afghan my paternal grandmother made for me many years ago. My mom and dad were divorced when I was 2, and we never had contact with my father, but did see my grandparents from time to time. Grandmother Cleo is gone now, but did magnificent knitting and crochet, and my mom always swears I got my talents from her since I am the only one on my mom's side of the family who has ever learned and enjoyed creating with yarn or thread. I have two items that I made which I also treasure...The afghan I made in high school home ec. that was my first crochet project (a huge single granny square with fringe all around in bright yellow, orange and kelly green...so 70's!) I also have the lapghan that I made for my maternal grandfather a few months before he died...



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I have several crocheted gifts that I cherish and all made by my mother who passed away in 2000. 2 thread tablecloths (1 is the very first one she ever made & had given to my Aunt who had passed away 17 years ago), 1 yarn tablecloth, 1 black granny square afghan, several dolls & clowns, a large pig head (made for the local radio station where she lived, it got so much publicity at the time, she couldn't keep up with the demands of making more for the station's fans) and my favorite is a black granny square shawl with fringe she made for me my last year in high school. I used to wear that shawl on the coldest days and it kept me so warm.


Prized possessions I made are the baby afghans I made for each of my 3 children when they were born. They will each be given to their children when they are born.

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Mine is a afghan my grandmother made out of crochet thread. It took her 15 years to finish it, between work and things. She passed away in 1985. My hope is this afghan will become an heirloom.

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My most charished crocheted possession is a doily my fiance's great grandmother made. He never met her but it had gotten passed down and wound up in a box he got from his late grandmother, when he pulled it out a month ago my jaw dropped. It is turning yellow but I am afraid :scared to wash it, I am scared to destroy it.

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I don't think anyone ever gave me anything crocheted either. Oh, yes, a stuffed green snake when I was a child made by my father's secretary.


My most prized crocheted possession is the Christening dress, booties and hat I made for my last granddaughter Tiffany 7 years ago. Its made out of white thread and has a pink ribbon threaded thru the midriff area. Has tiny pink rosebuds in satin around the bottom of the dress, one at the collar and one on each sleeve. Also around the hat and one on each bootie. Now, my new granddaughter (Tiffany's sister), Courtney Grace who is just 3 weeks old will wear it for her Christening!:clap



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I am sad to say I have never been given a crocheted or knitted gift and all the things I make I have given away. But my most prized possesion is the special spot my husband made me for all my yarn. He took a jigsaw to the corner unit of our sofa (it's a large corner coffee table that is part of the sofa sectional) and cut out a lid on top. Since its hollow inside I am able to put in all my yarn, and any extra I buy, and it keeps it safe from our two little ones and the kitten. That he took the time to do that just makes me smile everytime I look at the corner unit and think of my hidden treasures.

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I have quite a few doilies made by my mom and grandma, but my favourite crocheted thing is an afghan my mom made for me years ago. It's made of a bunch of circular rounds, all of which have sort of a swirly pattern. The whole thing is done in cream-coloured yarn. It's lovely.


One day I want to crochet that pattern myself. It used to seem hard, but recently I took a look at the directions. And you know? It's all just single crochet and chaining. That should be easy enough. So yeah, one day.

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The one that tops the list is the comfortghan made for me by a group I'm in Heartmade Blessings. It was sent to me after my miscarriage. I will treasure that always. I thought I had a pic of it in Photobucket though. Hmm.:think I also received a small blanket with matching booties and hat to honor my baby from 2 women in the group.


Next in line, the Bearghan sent to my daughter Megan by Heartmade Blessings when she was born, the bolero sent to me by a great friend, the most wonderful afghan sent to me by a great friend, and of course the bookmarks and RAOK's that have been sent to me.



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My most treasured thing that I ever crocheted is an Afghan that I made for my Mother 27 years ago (now). It was my first. A basic sc ripple. I made it big enough to cover, and go over the sides of her bed. Here is a few pics of it. As some of you here already know, I lost my Mom back in March to cancer. When she found out that she had no hope, she surprised me by mailing it to me. I will treasure it always.



















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Wow! What a huge first time project you took on! The colors are very pretty and it looks like you did a wonderful job. Bet that was your mom's most treasured possession too!


You have a gorgeous cat too! She looks soooo sweet!



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