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Granny squares 2nd annual Happy Birthday Friendship/Comfortghan

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annmcc1976--Yay! I'm so glad she liked it! I was nervous about that because tweens and teens tend to be a bit picky but it was so pretty I hoped that would win her over. Here is a link to the pattern... http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/the-crocodile-flower

Check out some of the pics she has on there of other color combos! Absolutely stunning!


I just finished a square for the Harley Davidson comfortghan Skoggy is putting together for her IL's. It was a real pleasure to make!


Thank you Cindy! Can't wait til it gets here. Only need a few more for my Comfortghan for the inlaws. Can't wait til Mr Skoggy's payday... got some lovely squares going out. :hug

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Needs to say a big TY to Cindysweetthings!!!!

Mady got her package today and was so happy!!! the square is stunning!!! where did you find that pattern I so need to pick me up a copy!!! I love it!! i have a croc stitch book but not this squre.. here is a pic of mady with her square... she only needs 1 more square.. and we are going to make it into a Pillow ghan :)!!! she is so excited


That is a beautiful square!

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Good morning and wow that square is awesome! It is in my list....may have to bump it up towards the top! :manyheart


The Fiber Fair was awesome yesterday! Bought just a few things since the yarn was so expensive....but understandingly! People there raise their own alpacas/sheep and make their own yarn! I saw people spinning! Wow such a subculture! It was awesome to go, just wish I was made of money! Of course, it catered ONLY to knitters, but as a crochet-only person, I'm used to that. Sigh....:angry


Have a great day all! Hope to start Cindy's other square today! :cheer



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Gee I love how helpful my kids are. After dinner I went to go get their school clothes together for tomorrow and half of them were missing. What is it with kids throwing their dirty clothes back in their wardrobe? My eldest girl (10) cracks me up even more.She had actually taken hers off and hung them on coathangers!:ohdear:lol

Ahh well now I have some quiet time to get some crochet in. I want to get a few squares done this week. The kids start their two week winter holidays on Friday and I know hardly any crochet will be done then.

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annmcc1976--Yay! I'm so glad she liked it! I was nervous about that because tweens and teens tend to be a bit picky but it was so pretty I hoped that would win her over. Here is a link to the pattern... http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/the-crocodile-flower

Check out some of the pics she has on there of other color combos! Absolutely stunning!


I just finished a square for the Harley Davidson comfortghan Skoggy is putting together for her IL's. It was a real pleasure to make!



ohhh mady is not your typcial "tween" lol. she knows how to apricate crafts like crochet.. She has developmental delays. and adhd.. and I taught her to Loom knit.. so she is just as addicted to yarn as us :) and she hopes to learn to crochet someday

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Wellllllll, did ya make a square last nite?




I finished my square! One done and one to go! WOOT!


I'm such a :devil but that's why y'all love me!


Off to the Midwest Fiber and Art Show today in Grayslake, IL.....tons of yarn! People that have alpacas and spin their own yarn! :eek Can't wait to see it all in his plushy goodness!


Have a great day all! Work on squares!




I did!! Yay!! Got one done too! I tried a new pattern and it turned out really well. My plan is to get another one done tonight, before i get back to all the baby stuff i need to do. It's a start, right?? :)

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Hi all, did a little crocheting on a wip from a while back, a baby round ripple Im going to donate in August in honor of my daughters birth at that hospital 26 years ago, mine, a few more years ago, and my mother's even further back! Guess that hospital was very popular. It has changed a lot even since my daughter and I were there, I hear tell in the old days, didn't even have a restroom in the room! Had to go down the hall, now of course, they have modernized it and changed so many things, I don't think the ob floor is even in the same place anymore! There are probably 25 or more hospitals now in Omaha, or more actually if you count Boys Town and some outlying ones! :eek


And anyway, then i played around with a 12 inch square made up of four 6 inch, turned out really cute, and no rows askew either! I always am looking for something that works with 12 inchers, and doesnt skew or lean to one side a bit, not that it matters, as I heard it said that it straightens out when attatched to other sqaures! :yes

I have a small pork roast in the crock pot, so will be checking on that shortly, but wanted to come in and see what everyone is working on today!!


So, off to check on dinner, sure smells good, was too hot for the oven being on today, but i had a hankerin for that roast since i bought it, so popped it in the crock with some seasonings and onions, and potatos, a one pot meal in all! ;):yay


Hope you days went well, no snags, snafoos, or yarn throwup :yuck to deal with, I hate that, a brand new skein, and the whole center comes out all tangled! Grrr.....

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Received these two beautiful squares in the mail a couple of days ago! They are going to be PERFECT for my daughter's ghan!!! Thank you so much Katy! :hug




Certainly welcome, glad you can use them! :D


I am hoping to maybe make some squares this week but we will see, also I can't wait to start recieving some that I can start putting them together!

Ah, yes, that is always a fun part of the process, laying them out, and arranging them for like a month, lol before deciding on how they look best! LOVE IT! :cheer



forgot twice now to ask Cindy if she is getting buried in squares yet, lol probably under a pile right now!!!!!:laughroll

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Hi cindy, thanks for the update. Iam worried :ohdear that

some people may have worked off an old list for your addy, and they are all being returned!!!!


I sure hope not! It's important to get the current correct address right before you mail! Or, you are about to be bombarded in the last week here of June, ha ha....your square was lovely, saw it on ravelry, just didn't feel up to tackling it right now. lol but you did an excellent job!

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Hi cindy, thanks for the update. Iam worried :ohdear that

some people may have worked off an old list for your addy, and they are all being returned!!!!


I sure hope not! It's important to get the current correct address right before you mail! Or, you are about to be bombarded in the last week here of June, ha ha....your square was lovely, saw it on ravelry, just didn't feel up to tackling it right now. lol but you did an excellent job!


:lol like me!!


Cindy.....I am pm-ing you!

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Hi cindy, thanks for the update. Iam worried :ohdear that

some people may have worked off an old list for your addy, and they are all being returned!!!!


I sure hope not! It's important to get the current correct address right before you mail! Or, you are about to be bombarded in the last week here of June, ha ha....your square was lovely, saw it on ravelry, just didn't feel up to tackling it right now. lol but you did an excellent job!



Well, Bubbe sent to my old addy and it got forwarded. I think the forwards are good for a year, so, not a problem. I'm worried that the Postie is a yarnhead and discovered what was in all the packages being sent my way and is keeping them for herself :lol.


As for the square on ravelry, it is not my pattern. I just did a good job following it :D. I don't want anyone thinking I came up with such an awesome square on my own.


Smith--Got your pm!

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Cindy, no no, i didn't mean YOUR square, as in you designed it, i meant your square as in the one you sent, lol easily confusing, i do agree, I had seen that square a while back, and loved all her varieties as well, but you really did do a nice job on it....lol sorry for the confusion!

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Drum roll please..................:dance


I got the second square done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cindy, I will be mailing your two squares today or tomorrow! Woot! And I didn't know you were a fellow Illinoisan! Here's some Illinois :manyheart!


Have a great day all!



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ARGH!! I hate moving!!!!! :yell


I need to fix something of dh's and I can't find the pkg of sewing needles I JUST bought a few weeks ago!! The two old ones in my "tomato" are too short and not tough enough. RAHR!!! :thair


I've still got a few unpacked boxes they could be in or I tucked them into one of my tubs of crochet stuff last minute (which are stuffed in the back of the storage closet to make room for the unpacked boxes :ohdear). Oh, I wish I had a better memory! When I get into one of my cleaning/packing modes, my brain goes into auto-pilot and I can't remember I thing I do.


EDITED 2.5 hrs later: I totally forgot my mom gave me my grandmother's sewing stool! It has TONS of sewing goodies in it! Including a nice strong needle. YAY! Dh will be so happy!

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I hear ya!



ARGH!! I hate moving!!!!! :yell


I need to fix something of dh's and I can't find the pkg of sewing needles I JUST bought a few weeks ago!! The two old ones in my "tomato" are too short and not tough enough. RAHR!!! :thair


I've still got a few unpacked boxes they could be in or I tucked them into one of my tubs of crochet stuff last minute (which are stuffed in the back of the storage closet to make room for the unpacked boxes :ohdear). Oh, I wish I had a better memory! When I get into one of my cleaning/packing modes, my brain goes into auto-pilot and I can't remember I thing I do.


EDITED 2.5 hrs later: I totally forgot my mom gave me my grandmother's sewing stool! It has TONS of sewing goodies in it! Including a nice strong needle. YAY! Dh will be so happy!

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I totally know where you are coming from :hug


I moved countries in January and then 5 months later moved out of my Mums to my own apartment. First I had to remember what we'd left in Sweden instead of bringing it to the UK with us, then it was what box it was in when we moved out of my Mum's. Still got 5 boxes still needing to be unpacked but we just have no storage space left.


Oh well, atleast I knew exactly where my yarn and stuff was... no way I wa loosing track of that. I'd go insane if I didn't have my yarnie stuff.


ARGH!! I hate moving!!!!! :yell


I need to fix something of dh's and I can't find the pkg of sewing needles I JUST bought a few weeks ago!! The two old ones in my "tomato" are too short and not tough enough. RAHR!!! :thair


I've still got a few unpacked boxes they could be in or I tucked them into one of my tubs of crochet stuff last minute (which are stuffed in the back of the storage closet to make room for the unpacked boxes :ohdear). Oh, I wish I had a better memory! When I get into one of my cleaning/packing modes, my brain goes into auto-pilot and I can't remember I thing I do.


EDITED 2.5 hrs later: I totally forgot my mom gave me my grandmother's sewing stool! It has TONS of sewing goodies in it! Including a nice strong needle. YAY! Dh will be so happy!

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your squares are mailed,postman kept saying it wasn't a valid zip code,I told him the person I'm sending this to,sent it to me,it took three tries before it accepted your zip code

three other puffies were mailed too.

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:mail I GOT THREE PUFFIES IN THE MAIL!!! :cheer:clap


I got 6 squares from cshort, 4 from Shawrer, and 3 from Katie!! Thats a total of 28 received during this square bomb so far. WOW!


I've got to hurry up and go to the store while the little ones are napping (gma is watching them). I'll post pics later.



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Well, since I just joined, I am going through the list to see what I can do for whom! I have bought a lot of yarn lately, mostly cotton, but I keep going into the Hobby Lobby in my town and they have lots of yarn and cotton yarn on clearance! Gotta watch myself, just got a new credit card this past weekend and I could use it all on yarn!!!

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I was away from home for awhile and I just got handed two very pretty squares from katyallen!

Thank you sooooo much. They will have a good home in my friendshipghan <3

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