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New Year's Resolutions: Crochet, etc.

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My crochet New Year's Resolution is to do some REAL stashbusting and wip busting!!! I also want to spend all year putting together Christmas gifts so that I can gift everyone without spending a couple of thousand dollars at Christmas!!! :D

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My New Year's Resolution is the same as Kraftnkrazy's (pretty much) I want to make 24 afghans (I have one done.) before Christmas so that I can gift my friends and family each an afghan.

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My New Year's Resolution is the same as Kraftnkrazy's (pretty much) I want to make 24 afghans (I have one done.) before Christmas so that I can gift my friends and family each an afghan.
24? Twenty-four afghans? That would be an amazing feat for me but I can't wait to watch you do it! :yay
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My crochet resolutions for 2012 are to do lots more charity work and to learn more to make more. :) However, my very first resolution is to find a LYS when I move. Priority 1!!!! :lol

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My main crochet resolutions for 2012 will be to go to my LYS for at least one project (prices are sky high here so I usually order online :(), to make hats for our local L&D ward, and to complete my kids' afghans, as well as a shawl for myself. Oh and then there's all the swaps I am planning on taking part in :lol

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My major one is to get my wips done. One afghan has been in progress for over 3 years. A Bugs Bunny that I put away till i could get the whiskers and eyes for it forgot where i put it but just found it. My step son says it has been 10 years but i don't think so.

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I have been making a list of things I want to accomplish, improve on, change, or do in the coming year. I don't really call them resolutions but maybe priorities. This list includes crocheting. I am trying really hard to only use what I have on hand and not buy any more yarn. So stash busting is on the list, as well as crochet faster. I want to make a lot of chemo caps, caps and scarves, squares for charity, dish cloths, and potholders. I also have an afghan to finish up. Actually there are two afghans to be finished but one is a gift that is long overdue. I put both afghans away last spring for health reasons. I also want to organize my yarn, crochet patterns, magazines, and books this year. But most of all I want to be able to crochet each and every day.

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My resolution is just to get back into my crochet work. That recent move has really knocked the pins out from under me and I'm finding it very difficult to make crochet work in the new place.

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My New Years resolution is to try new things. I've been intimidated by threadwork and making socks but no more. I've made myself a list of things I'm going to make this year and a doily is the top of the list. I'll make sure to post the results, hopefully by the end of the month :yay

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My resolutions are about the same as many of you!


Stash reduction is priority number 1! I work for an auction company, we constantly have estates that have yarn...I buy way too much! Most of it is vintage....I am currently working on an afghan out of some of it.


Number 2 is to donate more to charity. I donate several items a few times a year to sell through the auction hall that benefits our local hospice. I hope to look into some of the charities here and donate more this year.


Number 3 is to crochet more, hopefully if I keep my hands busy, I won't be stuffing my face with junk! I'd like to loose 20 pounds!


Good luck everyone with your resolutions!

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I don't do resolutions because they backfire on me. What I would like to do this year, though, is calm down, stop worrying about everything and panicking so much, and generally driving my family and myself crazy with unwarranted fear. (Really out of control stuff. If someone is five minutes late, I picture a horrible accident. I am scared one of my kids will have to deal with a disappointment so severe they will be harmed emotionally---and they are far more resilient than that. If there is a worst case situation, I will find it.) If I could come up with a way to just settle down, we would all be better off in my home.

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