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Slipper gifts for co-workers


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OMGosh those are fabulous! Did you use free patterns or did they come from a book? I could soooo use some good slipper patterns right now for gifts!

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OMGosh those are fabulous! Did you use free patterns or did they come from a book? I could soooo use some good slipper patterns right now for gifts!



Yes, all free patterns....if you give me a little time, I can look them up and post the links :) They all worked up pretty fast, and were easily sized (I had a great time trying to sneak peeks at peoples' feet to figure out what size to make for them, lol!)

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Ok, here are some links....


The 4th pic and 2 prs in the last pic are this pattern


I used Premier Yarns Angel self-striping for the three prs in the 4th pic, and Cotton Ease for the 2 prs in the last pic


In the second pic, the lavendar ballet style are from a C'viller Sonny321


I used Caron SS for these.


The two pairs with flowers on them in the last pic is this pattern from Ravelry, I used Vanna's Choice for them.



The three pairs in the first pic are this pattern, I used RHSS.



The blue and white, and blue and brown strapped slippers in the second and third pics are this pattern. Using different yarns gave me a different look for the edging.



The turquoise mary janes are this pattern (I used Cotton Ease)



The two ribbed/textured pairs in the third pic are another pattern by Sonny321 :)


I used Premier yarns Serenity worsted for the purple, and a mix of the same plus Vanna's Glamour yarn for the bronze pair.


Whew, lol..I think that's all of them?

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What perfect gifts for folks who have to be on their feet most of the day! I'll bet you are going to be the hit of the hospital/clinic! They are all so nice but I really like the slipper socks in the first picture! Those are my kind of slippers! :) You have really been busy -- don't think I could make that many in 6 weeks!

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Glad to share the links....I purposely picked the ones I did because they are simple, versatile, and quick to work up....I dont think any of them took me more than one hour per slipper (give or take a few minutes). Plus I was able to use up some of my stash :D

The only yarn I bought specifically to make slippers was the Premier yarns Angel self-striping...I fell in love with those colors, and the smaller yarn helped me get the gauge to make smaller sizes (5-6) without changing the pattern at all. Some of my co-workers have tiny feet! LOL


I had a lot of fun making them...I just made them in between orders I had gotten. I have also made numerous hats, a couple scarves, a neckwarmer/cowl, several pairs of texting gloves, and some other various things in the past 8-10 weeks for Cmas orders.


Good thing I love to crochet, huh? :)


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