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Got a Crochet Job!

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This is soooooooo amazingly exciting! I've only been crocheting for a while, but I got a job recently. It'll be teaching a four week workshop in October, on Saturday mornings. It's how to make hats, and using it as an intro to crochet and crochet in the round. I typed up a syllabus yesterday (I feel so Teacherly!) and e-mailed it to the couple that runs the shop I'll be at. I'm so excited!!


The most AMAZING thing and probably the part I care the least about is the money. If I get the maximum number of students for this class, I'll do about 6 and a half hours of work and earn over two hundred dollars!!! :eek But I'm WAY more excited to be teaching others something that I love so much.

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That is fantastic. You will do great. I am curious about how the class works -- do the students sign up with the store and then the store pays you so much per student? Do you get to set the class times? And do the students buy and bring their own yarn and hooks? I assume you provide copies of the pattern you plan to work on?

Sounds exciting for you. :-)

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how cool! i love teaching! it's great to get paid for what you love...and so rewarding when your students bring back their work, or tell others to take your classes! :cheer

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That is fantastic. You will do great. I am curious about how the class works -- do the students sign up with the store and then the store pays you so much per student? Do you get to set the class times? And do the students buy and bring their own yarn and hooks? I assume you provide copies of the pattern you plan to work on?

Sounds exciting for you. :-)

The students enroll at the store and pay 6 dollars for every hour that I teach them (An hour and a half) and I get 70% of that money. They have to buy their own hooks and materials from the store. I set the class times. If I couldn't have set class times, I probably wouldn't have been able to take the job because my evenings are full I have to have these classes in the morning.


Actually, I'm not going to give them a pattern so much as a formula. Because I don't want them to be limited to whatever pattern I design. I'm going to give them all the information they'll need to make any kind of hat they want without having to find a pattern for it.

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>> I'm not going to give them a pattern so much as a formula. Because I don't want them to be limited to whatever pattern I design. I'm going to give them all the information they'll need to make any kind of hat they want without having to find a pattern for it. <<


WOW! That will be both challenging and very satisfying for you, I am sure. You are bound to start dreaming about crocheting now (if you aren't already doing so, that is) :-)

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