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Crochet Distractions

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I love to crochet and really love looking through crochet books, booklets, magazines, etc. (Not to mention Ravelry!) :c9 But lately I've discovered that I get so distracted by looking at patterns and what not that it cuts into my hooking time! lol :eek


I can't be the only one! Do you find yourself distracted by everything crochet or do you spend all of your crochet time actually hooking? :crocheting

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I'm easily distracted by the latest patterns and other people's projects. I've decided that i to finish up my current projects before starting anything else new! We'll see how long my will power will last......:think

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humm, isnt' checking out patterns, ravelry, and the ville a part of the hookin' process!!! I think it should be! We need that for inspiration, creativity, and actually, the eye candy does one good, so I say, the actual hookin part, is just that, a part of a very integral and necessary process!!!!!:cheer:clap

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JustAddlitter, you are definitly not alone, once I start looking at patterns........it's all over.......I lose all sense of time. LOL!!!!!


lol There's definitely lost time at my house looking at everyone else's stuff!


And you're right, katyallen8090 it is all part of the process, isn't it? :cheer


I'm become so obsessed with looking through magazines and books or even worse, stalking ebay to find more vintage crochet booklets! :manyheart

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I love to crochet and really love looking through crochet books, booklets, magazines, etc. (Not to mention Ravelry!) :c9 But lately I've discovered that I get so distracted by looking at patterns and what not that it cuts into my hooking time! lol :eek


I can't be the only one! Do you find yourself distracted by everything crochet or do you spend all of you crochet time actually hooking? :crocheting

Maggi -- You are definitely NOT the only one! I too, am guilty of spending more time looking at patterns online than crocheting! I have been thinking about this very thing lately and realizing I am not getting near as much crochet done as I used to. I may have to pare down some of my sites I visit most days. When I get really into a project, I do skip a few days online viewing. So, I am not a lost cause yet. :)


Good luck to us both in finding more time for a hook in our hand instead of a keyboard! :hook

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Good luck to us both in finding more time for a hook in our hand instead of a keyboard! :hook


Amen sister! :hug LOL Although I did finish a pair of flip flops I started from a pattern in the latest issue of Crochet Today magazine so I got something hooked today! lol

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I also find I spend many hours surfing for new patterns like I really need more. It is like eye candy can't get enough of it. I saw a phrase one time that said "The one that dies and has the most patterns wins." I thought that was funny thinking about it.

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I find the magazines are great to take places when crocheting isn't practical. It is nice to have something to read. I can get lost on the Internet looking at online patterns though. There are so many wonderful ones to explore.

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I guess I have to join in, I spend way too much time on eye candy!

I have to check out all the patterns,(already have way more than I could

do in several lifetimes.) But I don't want to miss one!:rofl


I love checking everything out on Crochetville.

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I'm a pattern addict. it's so true. i think i could never get enough of looking at other peoples projects. i think i enjoy this as much as crocheting.

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I love looking at patterns and have two giant binders full of crochet and kjnitting patterns. It would take me and several other folks several lifetimes to complete all the patterns that I have collected over the years. :eek

Oh well....I still get in time for actually completeing some of the projects that I have printed out. Maybe when I retire I'll have more time??? :manyheart

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Crochet in all formats can be soooooo consuming...LOL. I collect old fiber craft books, magazines and leaflets. The perfect day for me is to hide in my library surrounded by file after file of patterns, cup of tea at my elbow and the door "locked"...wiggling eyebrows and grinning!!!! Just so I don't feel overly guilty for NOT hooking, I do take a project with me but generally it stays in the tote....shrugging. That kind of day doesn't happen very often and that's probably a good thing. The upside of such a day, however, is that it charges my creative batteries. The downside is that I always find at least a half-dozen more projects I want to try out....sigh.

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I thought I was the only one who does that, only thing is I got my sticky notes :yes. When I get more books in the mail towards to finishing up my collection, I get a real good cup of tea, the books, blue pen, sticky notes. As I am browsing thru the pages. Lets say I like this one, ok I write down on sticky note.. the book, what issue, what page, name of pattern.

Then I also make notes what color I would like to crochet it with. I write down if I "do the whole doily" or certain rows lets say 1-18 or 1-5 or what then I'll say maybe change the border or whats. I also write my notes down about what colors --if using 1 color or more..if I am changing and what row I am changing it on etc... next thing I know couple or +plus hours have went on by...the last batch was 10 books......I did it in 2 days , 5 books per day... and yes, I do make time to crochet ~~


My hubby says how can you see all that by looking at the picture of the doily or especially the chart? He just:think don't get it :eek.


Those MC n DC books makes time go to no where-- **TIME ZONE**

.........flying on by me~~~~

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Guilty as charged! I often tell myself that I'll be on here "for just a few minutes" to browse new patterns, and before I know it, it's bedtime ... I am behind on all my projects with deadlines! So I guess I better pick up my hook.

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:whew Boy, am I glad to find out I am not the only one who gets easily distracted by looking at patterns. I have loads and loads of patterns, books, and pamphlets in my personal collection. Then I also like to look at Crochet Pattern Central and, of course, Crochetville. I also have a huge stash of yarn but still love looking at the sales online. Because of mobility problems I don't go out shopping much so love to shop online. I guess like everyone else says "It's all part of the process of hooking." And boy do I love it.
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