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crochet tote addicts CAL


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Good Morning ladies!


I see more beautiful totes today! :cheer Love them all! I'm planning to actually start on a baby ghan today, but I also have colors for a tote swirling in my head! We'll see which one wins out! :lol Have a great day everyone! :hook

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heading towards 20...here is #18 :D:hook:rofl


Do you crochet in your sleep or something?? :lol Another beauty!!


Good morning!


Go to sleep and wake up and Mary has another tote done!:lol:lol It's another beauty!


Have a good day everyone!!! Keep on hookin!!!:hook


I know! She's a SBT crocheting :eek!!! LOL

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Awesome! Can't wait to see it!!


I started my ribbon stash buster....well I restarted it. I tried it with a lighter pink base but the ribbon yarn has hot pink in it so......just HAD to stop at Wally World and picked up RHSS hot pink and did the base in that, holding it with the ribbon yarn. Let's just say if someone likes pink, they are gonna LOVE this bag! LOL


Have a great day everyone!



Can't wait to see that one!! sounds..very pink! :lol


Good morning!


Go to sleep and wake up and Mary has another tote done!:lol:lol It's another beauty!


Have a good day everyone!!! Keep on hookin!!!:hook


Hopefully when you wake up tomorrow there will be a baby blanket done :lol but it may be a couple of nights. I've got to get this one done..but need one more tote to send to my sis, nephews wife and her daughter :cheer Sounds like an excuse to me..doesn't it to you??


PS ignore the post way above about doing wip between totes ok??

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I'm back with sbt #3. this is rhss in frosty green and watercolor.




also a pic of totes 1,2 and 3. the other pics colors were a bit off, and I wanted to show the size difference with the one in homespun. (it's a bit wider than the others) http://i346.photobucket.com/albums/p403/mva549308/IMG_0442.jpg


off to start number 4:devil I believe I am hooked lol

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OK, the cat is mocking me!!!!! :angry


I'm back with sbt #3. this is rhss in frosty green and watercolor.




also a pic of totes 1,2 and 3. the other pics colors were a bit off, and I wanted to show the size difference with the one in homespun. (it's a bit wider than the others) http://i346.photobucket.com/albums/p403/mva549308/IMG_0442.jpg


off to start number 4:devil I believe I am hooked lol


All nice but love that middle one. I'm about to start #4 too. They make great gifts. :)

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Here's the ILTC one. Then a regular sized one on top. :)








I just finished #7 this one is done in Red Heart Hot Red and Red Heart Christmas red/silver sparkle. I am giving this to one of the ladies that works next door to where I work. I mashed my finger in the door a month or so ago and now its popping off so she put some acrylic powder on it to help it stay put so this is just a Thank You for your help since she wouldn't let me pay her. I asked one of the other ladies what color she liked and they told me red so here it is :) [ATTACH]39134[/ATTACH]


heading towards 20...here is #18 :D:hook:rofl


All these bags are wonderful.

Mary I like this one, I'm always drawn to neutral colors. (although I like colorful as well.)

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Oh My Gosh!! My hubby bought me a Ipad2 for mothers day from my kids....even though I told him give me the money for yarn! lol and I have gotten sucked into playing angry birds. We have a contest going lol..

What a great hubby!!

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I'm back with sbt #3. this is rhss in frosty green and watercolor.




also a pic of totes 1,2 and 3. the other pics colors were a bit off, and I wanted to show the size difference with the one in homespun. (it's a bit wider than the others) http://i346.photobucket.com/albums/p403/mva549308/IMG_0442.jpg


off to start number 4:devil I believe I am hooked lol



Nice totes. I have a bunch of homespun leftover from a project, and hadn't considered using it for a tote until I saw yours.

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Can't wait to see that one!! sounds..very pink! :lol



PS ignore the post way above about doing wip between totes ok??


OMG it is SOOOOOO HOT pink! But I think it will be pretty! Got about 12 rows done last nite.


And what post? Above where? Doing what?



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I'm back with sbt #3. this is rhss in frosty green and watercolor.




also a pic of totes 1,2 and 3. the other pics colors were a bit off, and I wanted to show the size difference with the one in homespun. (it's a bit wider than the others) http://i346.photobucket.com/albums/p403/mva549308/IMG_0442.jpg


off to start number 4:devil I believe I am hooked lol


Love all 3! The green/watercolor one looks like waves. :)



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finished my first one started this morning and :eek after actually reading the pattern I finished around 2 still deciding if I want to line it. and the colors are vannas dark plum and then a variegated purple that I think is sensations


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finished my first one started this morning and :eek after actually reading the pattern I finished around 2 still deciding if I want to line it. and the colors are vannas dark plum and then a variegated purple that I think is sensations


Very pretty!


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Awesome! Can't wait to see it!!


I started my ribbon stash buster....well I restarted it. I tried it with a lighter pink base but the ribbon yarn has hot pink in it so......just HAD to stop at Wally World and picked up RHSS hot pink and did the base in that, holding it with the ribbon yarn. Let's just say if someone likes pink, they are gonna LOVE this bag! LOL


Have a great day everyone!



Can't wait to see the Hot Pink with the ribbon yarn!!!


My MIL taught me that trick...and hubby has been known to call me "Lucy":lol


Gorgeous totes ladies!!!!

Been busy with the pup, so other than working on my shawl, not much else in the way of crocheting is getting done.

I do it all the time!! I know you are having fun with Heidi!!


Good Morning ladies!


I see more beautiful totes today! :cheer Love them all! I'm planning to actually start on a baby ghan today, but I also have colors for a tote swirling in my head! We'll see which one wins out! :lol Have a great day everyone! :hook

I vote for tote!!!


Can't wait to see that one!! sounds..very pink! :lol




Hopefully when you wake up tomorrow there will be a baby blanket done :lol but it may be a couple of nights. I've got to get this one done..but need one more tote to send to my sis, nephews wife and her daughter :cheer Sounds like an excuse to me..doesn't it to you??


PS ignore the post way above about doing wip between totes ok??

I know you are crocheting a tote!!!:hook


I'm back with sbt #3. this is rhss in frosty green and watercolor.




also a pic of totes 1,2 and 3. the other pics colors were a bit off, and I wanted to show the size difference with the one in homespun. (it's a bit wider than the others) http://i346.photobucket.com/albums/p403/mva549308/IMG_0442.jpg


off to start number 4:devil I believe I am hooked lol

I believe you are hooked to (and remember- it's all Sue's fault:lol) They are all beautiful!!!


finished my first one started this morning and :eek after actually reading the pattern I finished around 2 still deciding if I want to line it. and the colors are vannas dark plum and then a variegated purple that I think is sensations
Very, very pretty!!!
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I'm back with sbt #3. this is rhss in frosty green and watercolor.




also a pic of totes 1,2 and 3. the other pics colors were a bit off, and I wanted to show the size difference with the one in homespun. (it's a bit wider than the others) http://i346.photobucket.com/albums/p403/mva549308/IMG_0442.jpg


off to start number 4:devil I believe I am hooked lol


finished my first one started this morning and :eek after actually reading the pattern I finished around 2 still deciding if I want to line it. and the colors are vannas dark plum and then a variegated purple that I think is sensations


Here's my SBT #6 that I finished the other night. I'm working on #7 in Cotton Ease and cotton!



Once again ladies....I love all these totes :manyheart The color combos are totally endless :think (not that that's a challenge :devil )

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At least if you were grounded, you'd have yarn to play with.




All these bags are wonderful.

Mary I like this one, I'm always drawn to neutral colors. (although I like colorful as well.)


Wait til you see the next one..neutral it is NOT :lol


:think uh...no :no I'm working on the baby blanket..yeah that's right... :lol


Once again ladies....I love all these totes :manyheart The color combos are totally endless :think (not that that's a challenge :devil )


Sounds like a challenge to me....:cheer:cheer:lol:lol:lol:yay:hook

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Still looking forward to starting one of these soon, once i'm done working the excessive OT at least (12+ hrs a day). Hopefully have next weekend off (I requested it at the beginning of the month).


Everyones totes look GREAT!

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@ sue ...did i mention that DH DID ask how is sue anyway? when he found my stash...its kinda cool he has finally learned your name....you used to be "that turtle lady"


well my day was shot all to heck! hubby went back to work today and worked a 1/2 hour and they sent him home! i was still semi asleep and heard my BIL talking to somebody...thne i heard what i thought was hubby but thought how in heck hes supposed to be at work!!! so later in the morning i woke up to the tune of hubby standing over me saying well they sent me home! (insert angry tone here) i though oh **** he got fired! but then he explained to me that the plant DID send him honme and he had already been back to the dr to get a restriction slip and back to the plant to turn it in (covering their own rear ends)

so i was gonna crochet today but ended up grounding a cat! hayley got IN my zebra bag after i specifically told her yesterday not to! funny thing is shes the same color of the bag (black & white)

im still winding the yarn i got for my next four totes. and i discovered i ordered two wrong shades but not to worry theyll be put to good use!

sorry ladies for all my long ramblings lately but you all are like sisters to me and as stressed as i am lately i need sisters to lean on :hug

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