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Our House Part Two


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Hi Ladies,


Mary, Prayers and good thoughts for you and DH. 


Michelle, We probably won't head out for home until around April 13th. We have a Daisy she is a rat terrier. She is 2 years old. 


Today we took down St. Pat's decorations and put up Easter decorations. Sunday we have potluck. Next week weather permitting we will have are pond party. We have friends who live in upper Michigan who left for home sunday. There welcoming home will be up to a foot of snow. Lucky them! There realtor called them and told them there isn't many houses on the market and it might be a good idea to get there listed. They listed it last year. They have a beautiful home and it isn't all that old. They built it. 

Hope everyone has a nice rest of the week.

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Good morning, everyone. :)   Thanks so much for the well wishes. :manyheart   The surgery is tomorrow morning and he will come home Friday afternoon.  The hospital is lovely - privately owned by a large group of doctors including DH's doctor.  Their nursing/patient ratio is 4/1, so he should be in good hands.  I've been busy trying to get everything taken care of like desk stuff, laundry, etc. so I won't have to deal with that stuff for a while.


Even though I've been pretty quiet lately, I'm always reading posts and you know I care about all of you and your activities.  Lately, when I've had any free time, it's been spent with my hook and yarn...the best stress reliever ever! Lol


Off to the cleaners, post office and store!  Have a wonderful Wednesday, friends. ♥♥♥

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Morning peeps!


Mary, yes, crochet IS the best stress reliever.


Judy, I've probably packed up about 200 books for donation, and there are lots more than that left. I also just threw out some of my old college textbooks. They were more than 35 years old....but seriously...how much could an anatomy textbook really change? ​I have an at anomy textbook from when I was in Nursing school in 1966!!  Even my DDs college textbooks from 5 or 6 years ago are considered outdated.

Another thing...I got 3 inches cut off my hair yesterday and dh says it doesn't show! He just got new glasses......


Cindy, my hubby noticed when I got my hair cut short...it's talked about a lot.....

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Hi Ladies. :)


Cindy ~ We had literally hundreds of books that accumulated over the years.  My sister, Sue and her hubby helped start a county library when they retired to their lake house and guess where a lot of books came from. Lol  Now at least 15 years later, they have semi-annual book sales for fundraisers and I need to donate some more.  But who wants junior high yearbooks from Des Moines, Iowa. :lol   I've kept all of the first editions, childrens' books from the 50's and DD's children's books.


Marlene ~ Oh, I'm so glad you're not leaving Texas quite yet!  It would be hard to go home to all of that snow!


They called and moved our check in time from 9:45 to 7:00 tomorrow, so time to really get organized.  And...more storm warnings for tonight.  Not fun!


Have a good evening, everyone. :manyheart

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Mary, thinking of you guys this morning - good it got moved UP and not pushed to later! I can't stand waiting for things like that.

I'm sure you'll be bringing a small project to keep your nerves at bay :hug  :hug  :manyheart

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Mary, sending good thoughts for your dh....and for you too.


It's nasty, weather-wise here. We had freezing rain overnight, now it's just raining, and it's really dark. This is supposed to jeep up all day. We have power, but lots of people are without. Dh says springlike weather will be back by the weekend.


Work went well yesterday, and I stayed late, since staffing was tight and my assignment was fairly easy. My regular Wednesday meeting was cancelled, so I actually got home earlier than I expected.


Today will be more cleaning and decluttering. Tomorrow is work again.

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Thank you, everyone. ♥  The surgery lasted 2½ hours - it went well and the doctor was pleased.  She is amazing with both patients and family members.  I just came home to let Gracie out and am not sure if I'll go back today.  His nurse has one patient - DH!


What is everyone doing for Easter?  DH won't be going anywhere for a few days, but maybe the kids will come over this weekend.


Cindy ~ Your weather sounds horrible!  Stay safe. :yes   We had storms with 70 mph winds last night, but thankfully no hail this time.  Lots of people are still without power and there was major hail damage in many areas.


Time to get some things done.  I just talked to DH and he told me to stay home, so I will!

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Mary, that's great!

Your hubby undoubtedly needs some sleep and he knows you need to relax, too...I hope you slept well and got in some quality time with your hook. One patient for DH's nurse! Perfect ;)


No plans here for Easter other than making my usual turkey breast and my MIL's meat and rice stuffing.


I finished what I call my Sunshine round ripple last night. Will post a pic later.


Have a good day my friends.

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It's gorgeous, Judy!  :clap   The colors are lovely together and seeing it made me smile.  :manyheart 


We're home.  I was praying they'd keep him one more night, but no such luck. Lol 

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Mary. Glad all went well and that DH is home. I had to chuckle , though when you said you were praying they would keep him another night I get it!!! LOL. Hope all continues well with his recovery


The RR is so spring like. Love the colors, Judy!!! It is a happy blanket!!!! :-) Have you heard from Linda? Last I remember she couldn't get on to the ville and I .haven't seen any fb posts from her.


Cindy. I need to take your lead on the decluttering. but truth be told, after working all day,mall I want to do at night is knit or crochet.


Marlene did you get any bad weather on the coast? Enjoy your last few weeks there.


Michelle seems like you have been getting quite allot accomplished. Cute dog!!!


LeeAnn. Love the socks you posted on fb!!!!


I finished the crocheted baby blanket and have about 20 ish rows to go on the knit blanket.

Tomorrow I'm going to DD's in the afternoon. She and the boys were invited to her next door neighbors to dye Easter eggs with some of the other neighborhood children and I'm going to stay with Charlie so she and R&R can have some fun. My SIL is working so Grammie to the rescue. Lol


Have a good Saturday everyone.

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Joanne ~ Thank you. ♥  Congratulations on finishing one blanket and being so close on the other!  Have a wonderful time with little Charlie. :c9


I hope everyone has a good day!    :manyheart 

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Joanne, enjoy your one on one time with Charlie! That's going to be soon nice! Congrats on the finish and almost finish!


I'm going to email Linda - when I don't hear from her for a while I get concerned again.

It's gorgeous, Judy!  :clap   The colors are lovely together and seeing it made me smile.  :manyheart


We're home.  I was praying they'd keep him one more night, but no such luck. Lol 


Mary, that's what I did when I lay the blanket out for a picture - smile! A happy blanket as Joanne said.

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Hello House!! :)

  Just checking in for a moment before running again.. I went to an equipment auction with DH yesterday. We had a good day,, I was able to crochet a dishcloth for a friend on the ride and in between auction showings..

 This morning I got up and went to church and participated in the Cross Walk. We started walking at 8:00 and it was pretty chilly! We usually walk 5 miles on the route we take, but halfway I had to stop ( the restroom was calling!!) All my morning coffee really kicked in.. LOL!

 Fixing to get ready in a moment and drive into town. One of the little GS's has opening Day of his little T-ball or whatever they call the little baseball tykes before Little League. Then I guess I will come back home and make a dessert for tomorrow. We are planning on going to Sunrise Service at 6:30 with breakfast to follow.Then we will have regular time services and go to DH's mother's house for lunch. Mid-afternoon, 2 of the kids will stop by for dessert before everything will be over with for the holiday..

  I went to town the other day to pick up things for the kids baskets and of all things, looks like it is opening up for me to go back to work. I would really like to on one hand because I miss it and we could use the extra as well as the insurance. But I really am not looking forward to having to be on such strict schedule again, and I'm kind of concerned that standing on my feet all day will trigger the fibro flare-ups so that I may not can do it.. But if it's meant to be, it will open and if not, then I pray the Lord shuts the door to it. We shall see..

  Read the posts about all the books.. I have always loved to read but don't really have much time anymore, even on the Kindle. I have LOTS of books I really need to do something with. But I do love books! Something about just having them and being able to open and read them any time...

Marlene- I guess ya'll are planning for a Big Easter with a Big LUNCH!!

Mary-- I hope your DH is improving right along!! and Photo Fridays sounds great!! I prob won't have too much to post as it seems like I'm so slow with so much going on, but I sure enjoy seeing others projects that inspire ms so much.

Judy--I love your Sunshine 'ghan!! So cheery!!!

  Well hello to all those I didn't call out! and I read about Linda MIA.. what was her username? I think I remember her and I do hope all is well!!

Anyhow I hope that all is going well with everyone and that all has a HAPPY EASTER!!!


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so, I went through my yarn closet and found some UFO's.

One was a batch of saltines (two round grannies for the newer ladies here) in blues and the other, a smaller amount of yarn set aside for it is the same size squares in pink and white....so, my new projects are set, and I won't start anything else till these are finished.

Maybe  :lol

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Beautiful spring day here. We spent nearly all of it outside. Dh worked, I mostly sat in the sun and read a book..... Also took a two mile walk. There is rain in the forecast, so I thought I'd take advantage.


Nothing much happening here. We have our children coming for dinner after church tomorrow. I'm making a roast. I thought about ham, but I still have ham leftovers in the freezer from Christmas....


Hope everyone is having a great weekend.

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Happy Easter!

Had wonderful time yesterday with the boys and they had a blast at their neighbors house. I enjoyed time with Charlie. We are going to DD's MIL house for Easter dinner and Easter egg hunt this afternoon.


Wishing you all blessings!!!

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Hi Ladies,


Mary, Glad DH's surgery went well. How is he doing now? 


Cindy, I colored my hair this fall. Hubby was up to Gordy and Mary's when I did it. The next day he asked me if I wanted him to help me color my hair. I said I did it yesterday while he was gone. He said it doesn't look like it. Men! We were with out power at home. 


Judy, Love the RR! 


Michelle, I'm hoping when baby G is old enough he will play sports. My kids did and I missed going to there games after they graduated. Payton and Jocelyn don't play sports any more. Mom and dad divorcing and not living in the same town it don't work out. Maya did cheerleading but the leader they had isn't the right person and it has ended. 


Joanne, We did have storms a week ago and lost power for a few hours, but nothing this week. They really need some rain here, but I hope it doesn't happen until after we go home.  Congratulations on finishing your blanket and almost on another one. Have a fun day with your family today.


:rabbit Happy Easter everyone! We have a potluck today. Suna furnishes the ham. Yesterday we had 91 signed up for dinner. I started a new project. It's a Horsin' Around Scarf for Maya's teacher. I'm also going to make one for the teachers sister, she has ALS and they both love horses. Every year the teacher picks a theme for the year for her classroom and this year it is horses. 

In crafts wednesday we made coasters. We started with a white ceramic tile, mixed some elmer's glue with some water, painted the tile generously with it and then laid a piece of scrapbook paper on top of it then painted some more glue on it. Kathy took them home with her as they need to dry for 24 hours. Then she sprayed a sealer on them. Wednesday we will finish them off. 

Hope everyone has a great day!

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Happy Easter everyone!


Enjoy your time with friends and family....or if it's just the two of you, make it a good one!

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Good Morning and Happy Easter!  The Easter bunny didn't come to our house...Gracie and I were looking for goodies this a.m. :lol


Judy ~ Oh, what fun to find some saltines already made!  I know I have a whole ziploc of them somewhere upstairs. :) 


Michelle ~  The first thing I thought of when you mentioned working was your fibro. :hug    Do you have some time before you have to let them know?  Your Easter Sunday sounds like a lovely day!


Cindy ~ I'm so glad you're having some good weather - I hope the rain stays away at least for today!


Joanne ~ Have a great day with family. :yes


Marlene ~ Potluck sounds yummy.  Yes, the boys sports games are the best entertainment ever. Lol  Luke is back in baseball and Zach is playing soccer - so cute at this age. 


Luke will be 6 on Wednesday!  DD had his party on Friday since there was no school.  She rented a Star Wars bouncy house and the weather was perfect.  We will see him this week. :)


DH is rather grumpy today, to put it mildly. :lol   Laundry is going and I have some soup simmering away.  Have a great day, everyone. :manyheart

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Good Morning and Happy Easter!  The Easter bunny didn't come to our house...Gracie and I were looking for goodies this a.m. :lol


Judy ~ Oh, what fun to find some saltines already made!  I know I have a whole ziploc of them somewhere upstairs. :)


Michelle ~  The first thing I thought of when you mentioned working was your fibro. :hug    Do you have some time before you have to let them know?  Your Easter Sunday sounds like a lovely day!


Cindy ~ I'm so glad you're having some good weather - I hope the rain stays away at least for today!


Joanne ~ Have a great day with family. :yes


Marlene ~ Potluck sounds yummy.  Yes, the boys sports games are the best entertainment ever. Lol  Luke is back in baseball and Zach is playing soccer - so cute at this age. 


Luke will be 6 on Wednesday!  DD had his party on Friday since there was no school.  She rented a Star Wars bouncy house and the weather was perfect.  We will see him this week. :) Sweet!


DH is rather grumpy today, to put it mildly. :lol   Laundry is going and I have some soup simmering away.  Have a great day, everyone. :manyheart

men are not good patients!

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