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Our House Part Two


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LeeAnn, when I walked into our LYS last week I had to restrain myself....it's expensive, so I would have to want to make something special if I bought any.


Mary did say it took her a couple of days before her hands felt better after she stopped her meds, so I'm hoping...  They ache a bit, but not as bad as they did two days ago.


No hook time today, just to be careful. I decided to make bran muffins while I was just hanging around. I add raisins, walnuts and cinnamon to them. Yummy.

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Hi, my friends,

I heard from Linda overnight. Would you keep all of them in your prayers? It's been hard trying to get the help GS needs and they are facing a lot in trying to keep him safe at home.

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On a better front, my hands feel normal this morning after being off Lipitor for 48 hours. I have my old statins waiting for me at the pharmacy :D

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'Morning, friends. :)


Linda ~ Sending special hugs and prayers to you all. :hug   It must be so stressful and scary at the same time.  Just know we're here for you and we're all keeping you guys in our thoughts and prayers. :manyheart


Judy ~ What wonderful news about your hands!  I can just picture you trying to make up for lost time with your hook and yarn. :wink


Marlene ~ Can't wait to hear about your shopping excursion!  I'm assuming you went to Corpus Christi? 


LeeAnn ~ Funny how those wips can suddenly appear.   My sewing room closet has at least 3 that may stay there forever. :lol   How was craft night?  How many do you usually have?


Cindy ~ I hope your drive is a good one!


Joanne ~ How is the new little guy? :c9


Staying with Zach was fun...one on one is nice once in a while.  My dental appt. was easy - it was the final xray and scan to check the bone graft.  Implants are scheduled in April.  DH has an appt. at 11, so better get moving.

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Top of the morning House!


Mary-My WIPS are taking over my closet, drawers and cupboard space, really going to try to give myself a push to get them to a more manageable pile.  But it is so exciting to be re-united with them.   :manyheart   Craft Night was so much fun, we had a small group only 4 other ladies and yours truly.  Some times we have over 15!  I love getting to just chat and relax.  When I first started hosting, I was on and popping, most of the ladies were just learning how to crochet, 2 years later they are so independent and helpful with each other.  I can now sit and relax with them instead of teaching.  I love it!  I like having new folks but the "loyals" as I call them are just wonderful.  


Judy-what's on your agenda for the day?  Lots of hooky time?


Linda-sending you hugs and warmest of wishes!


Guess I better get to my paperwork, I have decided to work on my knit socks but first want to dust another display shelf.  Talk to you all soon! :ghug

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Hi, peeps.

I just brought out my bag of the pink and green granny squares to play with. It's been a busy morning already; an errand to the store (after brushing the snow off the car), laundry and I made potato salad to go with the cooked chicken we bought. All finished now, so there's some time left for me.

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LeeAnn ~ Your craft group sounds just perfect!  Can't get much better than friends crocheting and chatting together. :)


Judy ~ Okay...now you have me craving potato salad. Lol  As warm as our weather has been, we could have a picnic!


Have a good evening, everyone. ♥♥♥♥♥

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Good morning!

Happy Saturday everyone! 

Hope that Cindy is having a wonderful time in the Smokies!


Sorry to read that Linda and her DD are going through a difficult time with GS- will definitely keep them in my thoughts and prayers-


Mary- I bet it was nice to have some one on one time with Zach!  Speaking of dentists, I have to call to reschedule an appointment that I had to cancel since I was babysitting the boys so that DD could welcome Charlie into the world! Will have to do that on Monday-


LeeAnn- Love the cowl- easy in knit stitch, but so pretty and drapey! I'm working on a knit blanket and a crochet blanket now for Grandson #4- I like alternating between the 2 crafts-


Michelle- Glad to hear that the fibro has been giving you a break- hope that it stays that way!


Judy- Glad you figured out that it was the statin giving your hands fits. I am going to have to pay a higher copay for my bp med, but am not switching because I've been on this one for about 5-6 years w/out any side effects and don't want to take any chances! 


Marlene- Was surprised to see that they are considering putting Maya on cholesterol meds. I would think diet maybe could lower it- or maybe there are some natural things she could take instead. When will you be leaving TX?


Next week I have to work 9:30-6 since one of my co-workers on the team I'm on decided to up and quit and she was the 9:30-6 person. . Not looking forward to it, but it is what it is. We will have to alternate working those hours until she is replaced. They will hire the next person to work those hours.  So every 3 wks, I'll be working those hours. Guess the dentist appt will have to be the following week, now that I think of it. I wouldn't be able to get there till about 6:45.


Going to start the weekly chores, then we'll head over to spend some time with the boys-- all three of them!! I was thinking of bringing R&R back to our house and keeping them for dinner to give DD and SIL the chance to rest when Charlie is sleeping. Not sure what is on their agenda for the day, though, so we'll see.


Well, I've procrastinated enough- time to get moving.!


Have a good day everyone!

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Hi peeps.

Joanne, when the pharmacist asst started to ring up the meds she stopped, her eyes bugged out, and she looked at me. I said, I know....but it works and doesn't give me any side effects....We're just lucky we can afford it. Without insurance the cost for a three month supply is almost 700.....

Have a good day with the boys!


I worked on the GSs a bit last night. It was so nice to have a hook and a pretty design in my lap again!


The sun is shining and it's warming up a bit today - though that's all relative...lol!


Have a good one, my friends.

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Good Morning!  This morning is beautiful - the calm before predicted storms tomorrow through Wednesday.


Joanne ~ Hopefully the rotating work schedule won't last too long.  Leaving work and driving home when it's dark can't be fun.  Were you able to spend time with the boys yesterday?


Judy ~ What a relief to know it was the pills causing the pain.  So far we've been lucky to be on meds that are covered under Part D.  Of all things, the prep kit for my colonoscopy wasn't and it was $125!  Gee, that much money should have been for something much more fun. Lol


'Hope everyone is having a good weekend!


We're going to brunch and the grocery store after while.  I plan on finishing a baby 'ghan and then getting back to the hexie 'ghan.

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Good morning  we've been here since Friday, but this is the first time the internet has come anywhere close to working.  So far it's been way to slow to bother with.  Today is a checkout day here at the condos.  Everyone leaving has to be out by ten and check in doesn't start until four.  I think that's why the internet works halfway decently.  Not as much demand for it. 


The weather is beautiful  The sun is shining  Its supposed to be in the 60s today and tomorrow and in the 70s the rest of the week.  The outdoor pools are open here, but I'm not that hardy!  We went into the national park yesterday and hiked to a waterfall.  Then we went into town and bought a puzzle.  I haven't made a puzzle in at leat 25 years, but we have this one almost done.    Dh is trying to put in the last pieces now.  Then we plan to go drive around Cades Cove and do some more hiking.


I had read the previous posts on my phone, so Ive been thinking of Linda and the issues with her dgs.  Hope that there is some solution for them soon.


Joanne, hope they find a new employee to cover that shift soon, so that the rest of you can go back to your normal hours.


Judy, glad that hand pain is improving off that med. 


Well, Im going to hit post....hopefully it will go through.

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Good morning

Cindy, glad to see that you are having a good time on vacation!!! Enjoy!


Mary, yes I did get to see the boys yesterday. Charlie is doing well and sleeping in 4 hour clips at night. So that is good. DD wanted me to take her to kohls since she had a 30% off coupon and all clearance was an additional 40% off. She wanted to get clothes for Ryan for next fall. She got a ton of things including winter coat for very little $. She was thrilled


This morning I went to DD's friends house to have my hair trimmed and colored. She told me is is expecting her 2nd child in October. Well actually, she didn't tell me, her 3 year old told me she is going to be a big sister lol


Now DH and I are off to do grocery shopping.


Have a good day!!!

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Hi Ladies,


Judy, Glad your hands are feeling better. Your muffins sound yummy. A friend her said she goes to Costco for her prescriptions for what she takes it is cheaper for her.


LeeAnn, Your crochet group sounds like the group I was in when we lived in my hometown. Maya likes some fruits, corn, turkey, chicken, hot dogs, cheese pizza, peanut butter, cereals. She will try new things but she always says she doesn't like them. She is more active at this school than the other one she was attending. She goes before school and after school to curious kids and they can play in the gym. And she does. Joanne suggested something natural may help her so I will check that out. I just remembered she has been taking fish oil since they found this out. So maybe she will have lower numbers this time. Hoping so.


Linda, Lots of good thoughts and prayers for you, DD and DGS.


Mary, We went to Calallen to a quilt store then headed to Corpus Christie. In CC we went to Michael's, Hobby Lobby, and JoAnn's. For lunch we went to Logan's. I skein of scrubby yarn, some red, white and blue flowers and 2 American flags for the golf cart. We are having a golf cart parade wednesday (weather permitting). I picked up some beads for hubby. He makes birds (cardinals, blue jays and robins). He starts with a board with drilled holes, string, then strings the beads on. He's been giving them different friends here in the park.


Joanne, Maya asked me today when we are leaving for home. We will probably leave on or after the 13th of april. Hope you won't be stuck working that new shift for long. 


Cindy, Sounds like you guys are having a nice time on your vacation.


We had 73 for are lunch on friday. Yesterday I went to the Oyster Fest Parade. It lasted an hour. I got a nice sunburn. Didn't even think about that before I left. They threw beads like you can get a Mardi Gras. My friend Kathy and I picked them up and I will take them home for Maya and Jocelyn. I went and got my hair cut. Came back and hubby and I went up to Calallen to the hobby lobby store to return the beads. I picked up the wrong size. I also went looking for a pair of shoes, but with no luck. And we went out for dinner to Applebee's. 

Today is hubby's birthday. Were just going to have a laid back day. We do have ice cream social tonight. Hope everyone has a good week.

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Hi House. :)


Joanne ~ So glad all is well with the new baby.  4 hours sleep is a lot for such a little guy!  Yay for a haircut and color...I finally got mine cut this a.m. and it feels so good. :yes


Marlene ~ Oh, eat lots of oysters for me. :D   I hope your weather is good for the parade tomorrow!


Cindy ~ Those temps must feel wonderful!  Enjoy your time away. :)


Judy ~ I hope your hands continue to be pain free.  What are you working on?


It's been forever since I posted pics.  Zach loves to sleep under my roll top desk with all his blankies and an ipad. Lol  And Gracie and Zoe love my crochet chair anytime I'm not in it. :)



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Mary, I'm making these grannies. The dark color is green

Zack is soon cute!!! And I see your fur babies do the same thing Lucy does: when hubby gets up from chair or bed she has to jump up and sit in his spot! We still can't figure it out...lol!


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morning, peeps.


Lea...ouch....I hope you feel better today. At least you made it a productive day...lol!


It's going to go up into the 60's today - at least. Feels balmy out there!


Have a good day, my friends....and I'm keeping in touch with Linda. They seem to have a handle on things for now, but are still on tenterhooks.

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Good morning house!


Judy-lovely square! so pretty with just the perfect pop of color!


Mary-your fur babies are beautiful and Zach, well he's just adorable!  If only we could sleep like that huh?  


Joanne-wow!  Your grandson is sleeping well!  My dd woke up all hours of the night, I always tease her and tell her that is why I never had any more kiddos.  I was so sleep deprived for 2 years that I couldn't imagine adding another little one.   :lol I need a color, had a cut and got a perm..haven't had one in ages makes styling super easy.


Marlene-you all have so much fun!  I would love to see the Oyster Parade, Mardi Gras would be nice too!


Cindy-your vacation sounds just perfect!  Enjoy your days off!


As usual I have been running, had the weekend off now it's time to get back to some serious work. Off to work on paper work, dusting and pricing new soapies.   :ghug

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Internet is working...at least for the moment! It was 79 degrees here today!


We went to dinner at Paula Deens restaurant tonight. It was okay, but not as good as I hoped. It was family style, all you can eat, and I thought that the food was very ordinary. My meatloaf and porkchops are better than hers. Her fried chicken was really good though.


I finished my Hitchiker scarf. The only other project that I have with me is a knit dishcloth. I havent had much time to craft. We've been reading, playing games or watching old "I Love Lucy" shows in the evenings. (We usually hang around the condo after dinner.). We have also made two puzzles. We actually bought them for mil, but we decided to make them first. I don't think I've done a puzzle since I was a child. It was more fun than I expected.


Well, I'm going to hit post before the Internet poops out.....

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Hi Ladies,


Mary, I hope you are safe after those storms up there today. We are suppose to get storms all night. It will most likely be a short night for me. I usually can't sleep through them. Zach is so cute!  The fur babies are so cute.


Cindy, I started a puzzle up at the club house. I just have edge done it for almost a week and no one else has touched either. I enjoy doing them.


Judy, Nice looking granny square.


Joanne, DD is lucky Charlie is sleeping that much. Baby G only slept a couple of hours at a time for a long time. Last time I asked he was sleeping four hours straight. 


LeeAnn, Spring is in the air we all are getting are hair done. 


Linda, Praying for all of you. Hugs!


I went with a couple of the other girls yesterday and had my nails done. It's probably been 10 years or more since I've went to a salon. I wanted nails like the other girls. There's has sparkle in the powder, but I didn't get it. So the girl put sparkle polish on and it's to much for me. Next time I know what to ask for. Then we went out for lunch. Today I mailed baby G his blanket and bunny slippers and Maya a bunny pin. I'll post picks in a bit. Hope everyone has a nice week.

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Not sure why these pics are sideways. The car seat cover did not lay flat. I sent a note and told DD to wash it. Maybe it will then. I wasn't to happy with this pattern. She has you crochet it one way then when your done crocheting it you turn it. Then you have to go around the edges. Which wasn't easy getting in them. I decided not to put the straps and buttons on it so it could be used for a blanket for him.

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Hi House.  A quick post for me tonight....


The sirens went off for almost two hours this a.m.  One more time we were lucky as there were houses blown away about 3 miles from us. Our power was off 3 different times during the day which means no uverse. Thank goodness for cell phones!


Happy Birthday, Michelle! :cake


More severe weather predicted between midnight and 5 a.m.  I'm getting too old for this. ;)

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