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Our House Part Two


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Good morning House! :ghug


Gosh!  It's been awhile since I my last post.  I have been reading and catching up with what you all are up to but every time I try to post, I get distracted. :cry


Judy-your granny ghan is going to be so lovely!


Cindy-the time change has me flustered, I can't sleep at night but am feeling so run down during the day.  I am trying not to think about it but the afternoons seem to drag on.  Your vacation sounded wonderful


Marlene-you sure have a fun filled time!  I would love to be able to take a week off from work and the shops, one of these days I shall.


Joanne-happy late b-day to Robbie, how are the boys adjusting to the new baby?


Michelle-so glad that you are having good days!  Have you worked on your jewelry business?


Mary-dr appointments are my favorite time to crochet.  I like just sitting and working on a project with only a small interruption :lol


Hello to anyone else that I have missed.  Things of course are always busy, I am planning my son's graduation party. I have the invitations ordered, senior pictures are ready to go in the invitations once they arrive.  The location is rented, tables and chairs are ordered, the menu is planned.  Just need to start buying all of the decorations and supplies.  I am trying really hard to stay organized.


Off to paperwork land.  Oh, I did finish my second knit sock and another sock.  I am attaching pictures.   



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Hi peeps.


LeeAnn, I'm working on the edging now. I think it's going to be cute....

Your socks look great!  I still haven't picked up the knitting needles yet this year! Once this blankie is done I think I will. I'm so rusty I know I'll be spending some time on Youtube before I so much as cast on!


Time change is still a pill...we've been so slow getting going in the morning!


Not much else going on here.


Have a good night my friends!

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Hi all

DD is back in Boston and I miss her, but she will be back in April for my middle DD's shower. Last night we all went to friendly's for Robbie's birthday. They started that tradition with Ryan's first birthday. Can't believe he is 3 already!!! Both boys are adjusting to having a baby brother. Robbie is having a harder time than Ryan, but then again, Ryan has been through this all before !!! Lol


I've been going to bed earlier due to the time change and still having trouble getting up in the morning Hoping to "sleep in " on Saturday.


Mary, glad that DH can have both surgeries at the same time. Positive thoughts that all goes well!


Cindy. How did the spring cleaning go? I've got to start tackling some things around here!


Leeann. Seems like you have things very under control for the graduation party. Does he have plans for next year?


Marlene. Hope that the sinuses are doing ok


Judy I'm sure the blanket will be so cute. Speaking of knitting I'm making good progress on the knit blanket. It's a very easy rhythmic pattern.


Off to work on it a little before calling it a night

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Morning peeps!


Joanne, you certainly have your hands full of family these days! You are so lucky!

What pattern, if any, are you using for your knot blanket? I still haven't decided what to make first with the pointy sticks.


Cleaning some fur off the floors upstairs this morning, then hair color appt and tonight is book club - I didn't read the book (again). I get easily bored with the books that many ladies pick. I read the sample, then go "meh"....and read from my own pile. I'm going to the meeting just to visit....


Have a great day my friends.

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Good morning. Evidently I'm having time change issues too. I slept until 9:30 this morning. That's very unlike me.


We got quite a lot done at DDs yesterday. We did the entire kitchen and shampooed carpets and sofa in the living room. Now to get a little ambition to get stuff done around here.


Tonight dh and I are going to watch our grandkids while DD and dsil go out to dinner with his folks. We will be getting pizza for the kids, so no cooking for me.


Lee Ann, your socks are beautiful. I'm especially impressed by the fact that you managed to make a pair! I knit quite a bit, but haven't tackled socks, and I'm not sure that I ever will!


Have a great day, ladies.

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Good morning. It's a lovely sunny day here. I'm busily cleaning. I'm filling boxes for goodwill. I might even donate things from my sewing room! There is no way that I will ever use all the craft supplies that I have!


Later today we will visit mil and then tonight we are going to dinner with friends.


Tomorrow it's back to work. :(. I'm dreading that 5:30 AM alarm!

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Good evening House! :)

  Hope everyone is good! We awoke to a Major thunderstorm this morning and another one is due in just a bit--- but the sun has shone through parts of the day..I had to go to town and took DH's grandmother with me. I had to shop for my stuff and hers too so it took me quite awhile! Got home a a little while ago and feet hurting so I've got them propped up and hopefully in a bit I will be able to do a little cleaning.. Been seeing where many of you are doing some spring cleaning. So much needs to be done here, but with so much going I have to do and then when my heart wants to, the body doesn't seem to want to co-operate. Oh well, no need to get overwhelmed. At least I have a house to clean. We had some flooding in areas all around us with the downpours last week (and that's unusual here). And certainly when I saw the news of Louisiana folks, my heart goes out.

  Mary-- how is your DH and have they done his surgeries yet? Prayers going out to you!

  Judy -- that is a beautiful baby blanket!!! I just love all kinds of grannies!!!

  Cindy-- I know you enjoyed watching your grands... and I especially like the part of no cooking while you have them! :D

  Hi Joanne!! So glad the newest grand is getting along okay and the older boys are warming up... They will all be best buds before long..

 LeeAnn -- I LOVE your socks!!! They look great! I tried knitting before...  didn't work out well and had no interest to pick back up! LOL!! I will stick with the crochet!

as far as my jewelry inspiration/store-- still hasn't gotten off the ground... I think I am just too busy right now because I have to just tell everybody NO! Leave me alone! and then just put off the things that need to be done just to go play with my jewelry!! Know what I mean? But I do have one order I need to work on over the weekend for a lady... wish it was a way to take care of responsibilities and still do more of what I want..

  Well I guess I better get up and try now..

  We are leaving about 8:00 in the morning to go to Montgomery (about 3 hours away). My DD got chosen to receive a $250 prize ( through 4H) so they will have a small awards ceremony with a lunch and then she will receive a ticket for the SLE Rodeo that night which we will stay for, so won't be home until way after midnight.. One reason I really wanted the house cleaned up before we go... oh well. but we will really enjoy it and I'm very proud of her, so it will be good!

  We are supposed to have another bad thunderstorm in the next little bit so I guess I better get up from here and get to moving...

Hope everyone has an awesome weekend!!

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wow, Michelle....you are one very busy lady!!  When this house seems to be too much I catch myself and also tell myself how blessed we are to have a nice house! We grew up in very humble circumstances....


Have a good night everyone - colder weather is coming our way so the geraniums are back in the garage. They enjoyed the heat and sun for a while, anyway...loL!

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Good Morning!  So sorry to have been mia - hailstorms, power outages and so much more fun around here the last few days. Lol  We're safe and the sun is shining this a.m.  We only had one window broken from the storm, but so many people are missing roofs and car windows.


Judy ~ The baby afghan is adorable! :c9   Your border is perfect.


I'm going to do some yard clean-up this morning and will check in later on. :)

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Morning peeps.  Mary, sounds like you dodged a bullet with just the one window broken! 

I wanted to make an effort to work on a nice border pattern for the ghan, and this one had room for funding if my base stitch count was off...lol!


Well, it's cold today. The snow forecast for tomorrow should be minimal for us - we're close to the shore, so sometimes it works in our favor. We'll see, though...


I have a yellow and white RR going. I wasn't in the mood to pay attention to a pattern like the Paris ghan and this RR is mindless and good for working on downstairs.


Sparkie has been hurting since yesterday. Not sure what/how it happened, but from the way he yelps when he moves a certain way I'm thinking he dis something to the top left shoulder. I've been massaging it off and on and he stands still for it, so it must feel good. He doesn't seem in quite as much pain as yesterday, so hopefully it'll heal itself with time. Poor old guy :(

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Hi ,


Judy. Sorry that sparkie is hurting! The baby ghan is so pretty!


Michelle, congrats to your daughter!!! Definitely a proud mom moment!


Mary. I had no idea you had such bad weather. Glad it was only one window broken!!!


Cindy. Hope work wasn't too busy today. It's hard to get back in the swing of things after so much time off!!!


We went to the outlets today and scored some good buys. DH and I each got new sneakers for 35 each!! I also got some pants, a spring sweater and a few tops. DH got a couple pair of pants. He has lost weight and is slowly replenishing his wardrobe. Goodwill got a few bags of clothes from him. After the outlets we went to trader joes and now we are back home watching March madness games. I'm going to work on both blankets and relax the rest of the evening


We were supposed to go down to the beach at pt pleasant tomorrow with DD, SIL and he boys for tthe annual Easter egg hunt , but they have already rescheduled since the weather for tomorrow isn't supposed to be good. Not sure what we'll do instead. R&R were really looking forward to it!


Lol, while I was typing, DH has switched channels to the Rangers hockey game. Lol.

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Hi Ladies,


Mary, Glad to hear you only had one window broken. We had storms during the night and I was awake for most of it. We lost power at 3:43am for about 4 hours.


Cindy, I'll be ready for some down time when we get home. I have another busy week this week to. My house will need some spring cleaning when I get home. Pizza always makes the grandkids happy and us grandmas to since we don't have to cook. 


Judy, I hope Sparky is feeling better soon. Love your baby blanket. It's very pretty! 


LeeAnn, Your socks are cute. I barely knit. I did 4-H when I was a kid and did knitting then. I made a pair of mittens on double pointed needles. 


Michelle, Congratulations to your daughter! I hope you enjoy your day away and have good weather.


Joanne, Have a fun day with the boys tomorrow. It sounds like you guys found some good bargins.


We served 93 people for St. Patrick's Day dinner. Then we played beanbag baseball. Today we went for a ride with some friends and stopped for dinner at a new restaurant in town.

Baby G is sick again. He has pink eye in both eyes and an ear infection. Maya and her daddy attended daddy/daughter dance last night. It was rescheduled due to an ice storm. 

Five us girls went to the movie yesterday afternoon. We seen Miracles from Heaven. It's a true story. It was really good and a tear jerker. 

I finished the bunny booties and delivered them. She loved them. 

Hope everyone has a great week!

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good morning, peeps!


Cold this morning and the clouds are moving in....


Joanne, poor R&R - t's so tough being little and getting disappointed like that. I'm sure you'll make up for it. That's what Grandma's do ;)


Spark didn't need to eat and drink off the stepstool this morning! He's moving better too - and no yelping. So glad he's not had a setback. Now it's just his ears...as usual...and less than a week after his well vet appointment. And she did ask how his ears were! I think they have radar...


Have a great day, my friends.

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Morning House!!

  Hope everyone is good and looking forward to a great Easter week!  Thank you JOANNE and MARLENE for the congratulations on DD! We did have a great fun day.. we had a nice trip up there which I crocheted a dishcloth to match a dishtowel along the way. I got to meet a new friend whose husband didn't get to come and her daughter was the other recipient for our county ( they only gave 2 per county). Her DD hit it off well with my DD so we just had an extremely fun day. Went to the big rodeo that night ( part of the prize was free tickets for the teen and their parents.) Very pleasurable!!! and yes proud of my DD! ;)

  Yesterday was overcast and the wind was blowing seemed like 30 miles an hour making it quite chilly after us getting used to 70's.. Church on Sundays takes up most all of my Sunday, but that was good...

 Today is the first in quite a while that I don't have to go somewhere. I have a lot of work to do as usual, but early this evening I am setting a cut off time and I need to make some jewelry for a customer order, and also have a DIL's birthday March 25. She wants some handmade jewelry also, so I am going to have some fun time!

  JUDY I hope your little Sparky is feeling lots better! Our little Daisy ( jack russell) has been having days like that too, only with her hip.. she is about 7 years old, so I've been thinking arthritis because it comes and goes.. Today she's jumping around like nothing's wrong at all.

  MARY, you sure have had an extremely rough year weather-wise at your place! I am so glad that all you have is 1 broken window and main thing is ya'll are all safe!!

    MARLENE, serving 93 people for St Patrick's Day! :sweat Lots of work! But sounds so fun... You have the greatest times where you "winter"... I take it you haven't gone back north for the summer yet... You entertain me so much..sometimes I would love to just pick up and go back and forth.. but Lord I can't keep up with one place let alone two!! :blink

     JOANNE, that is great that you found such great deals on your shopping with DH! I just :heart  those kinds of shopping days!

   JUDY, did you have any rain out of those clouds yesterday? I think you shared some of your winds whipping down here also!! Kind of made it seem really cold after we had gotten used to the high 70's... All of the flowering trees around here like the pears, redbuds, maples, stuff like that are blooming and so pretty!!

   Well, hope everyone else is doing good and today will be a good kick-off to Easter.. I need to get Easter goodies for the grands and DD at 16 still always looks for something from the Easter bunny herself. I doubt we have a dinner here this year though. DD will be at her father's because that is their weekend. One of the kids that is their anniversary and she has plans with her family. The other ones do too.. DH's mother wants to have dinner at her house for HER family so I guess we will do that after cantata at church. I still plan on having something sweet or such and dying some eggs because I have a feeling that the kids who live close to us (DH's son and family) will come back by here after we get back from the MIL's..

  Anyway, enough rambling, hoping everyone has a Fantastic DAY!!!!


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Hi peeps.


Michelle, I started giving Sparkie Fish Oil capsules on the recommendation of the vet. He's definitely more alert and comfortable since taking them. Though with you having a Jack Russel - you don't need any more alertness...lol!

and his injury, whatever it is, is improving....until Miss Lucy decides to jump on his head or neck!!! Only one yelp last night as he changed position and one this morning....Miss Lucy being the culprit :irk


We had a little wet snow overnight and except for the arts of our yard that haven't seen the sun yet it's all gone, leaving a muddy yard in its wake. Thursday we should have 70 degrees. A tad too warm for me...though it will be nice to sit outside.


Cindy, I hope that your return to work wasn't too much for you. It's tough switching gears like that.


Hi to everyone else! 

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Hi Ladies. :)   So much for me coming back to visit on Saturday!  I stayed in the yard much longer than planned, but it felt so good.  Then yesterday we ran errands and bought groceries and the day was gone.  DH had labs this a.m. and his surgery is

Thursday morning.  I'm going to pick up Luke from school after while -


At least I've read everyone's news. ;)  Thinking of you all and I will be back when I can!♥♥♥

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Hi Ladies. :)   So much for me coming back to visit on Saturday!  I stayed in the yard much longer than planned, but it felt so good.  Then yesterday we ran errands and bought groceries and the day was gone.  DH had labs this a.m. and his surgery is

Thursday morning.  I'm going to pick up Luke from school after while -


At least I've read everyone's news. ;)  Thinking of you all and I will be back when I can!♥♥♥

:hug  :manyheart

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Thank you Judy for that tip!!  Actually Daisy is pretty calm.. She has manners out of this world and that has to be her temperament, because I really don't know how to train! LOL! She is an inside/outside dog. kind of whatever she wants to do. We live on a dirt road out in the country and she doesnt' leave home. Inside she only barks when someone comes up, she never jumps up on people (although when excited she will jump around them, begging for attention), never potties in house always letting us know when she wants out... but when she is outside and one of us comes driving up she will start barking and "herding" up the cows like she's been working all day and then when she thinks we've seen her she comes greeting us ready to come in.. I think I will try these capsules..post-26273-0-03171500-1458660362_thumb.jpg  She looks humiliated in photo because she doesn't like taking pictures! LOL!!

   Hi Mary!! Yesterday was like that here. I cleaned house all day. which is a good thing because it meant I felt well and could... although I only got half of it cleaned (the hardest parts, like kitchen, bathrooms scrubbed and most all laundry caught up). So I will try to finish most today. Then DD came in from school and blowed the leaves and dirt all out of carport and raked and burned and cleaned up... Beautiful productive day!! and yes I was even able to make 1 bracelet for an order... The order was for 2 bracelets so planning on making the other today...

    Hi to everyone else and wishing you all a great one!!


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Hello ladies. Work wasn't too bad this weekend. Yesterday I ran errands and went to the local botanical gardens and sculpture park to walk. Today I worked more on de-cluttering and went for a walk around a nearby lake with DD. I'm trying hard to get 10,000 steps in each day.


I'm getting rid of most of my books. I love to read, but my reading is at least 80% ebooks now, so it's not very likely that I will be re-reading very many of the books I own. I don't use most of my cookbooks anymore either, so a lot of those will be leaving as well. Dh says that he is getting rid of most of his books too. Not much time for crocheting.....:(


Tomorrow is a work day for me, plus I have a meeting from 4 to 6.


Michelle, your pup does look just slightly embarrassed! She's cute.


Judy, I hope Sparkie continues to feel better.


There is a winter weather watch here from 8 PM tomorrow until 8 AM on Thursday morning. Some reports say we could get as much as 8 inches of snow, but it looks more like it will be mostly rain although that rain might be freezing rain...... Luckily, I have Thursday off.


Well, back to the de-cluttering....

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Michelle, just check with the vet re dosage...Your pup is so cute!


Sparkie is feeling better today - not one yelp! He even tried to climb on Lucy...loL! He's 100 pounds and I give him 2, 1200 mg gel caps twice a day. She recommended Nature Made brand.


Cindy, I still read about 50/50 "real" books to electronic reader. Hubby actually has more than me, and they are mostly old books that could be dumped. He doesn't ever reread books...he also has ancient College textbooks on law, too! I DO need to throw out old cook books, though. You can get anything you need on the internet, anyway. I have a few small ones that are held together with duct tape and I won't part with them!


Off I go for the night.


Mary - thoughts and prayers for you and DH. I how you have a good night.

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Judy, I've probably packed up about 200 books for donation, and there are lots more than that left. I also just threw out some of my old college textbooks. They were more than 35 years old....but seriously...how much could an anatomy textbook really change? Even my DDs college textbooks from 5 or 6 years ago are considered outdated.


Another thing...I got 3 inches cut off my hair yesterday and dh says it doesn't show! He just got new glasses......

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