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Our House Part Two


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Hi all,

Dinner is done and dishes loaded in the dishwasher-


Cindy- that's a neat scarf you posted- too bad I don't knit! I'd like to get rid of our pool too- a lot of work and I'm the only one that goes in. Sometimes my DD's come over- but I'd say if they go in 4X over the summer that's alot!


Wrennie- Love the doily ghan you are working on


Julie- Glad you got the nebulizer and hope it helps you to breathe!!


Judy- Sorry to hear about Phyllis's hubby. Hope all is ok.


Linda- Happy to hear the the jaw is feeling better- and now you get the aromatic clove yet again- hopefully you can make it until the next scheduled appointment!


Just realized Idol is on- and now that it's down to the good singers, I like to watch while I crochet. Hope you all have a good night!

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Good morning and Happy Opening Day of Yankee Season!!! :cheerShould be interesting to see if they get to play today since there is :2rain in the forecast! Opening pitch scheduled for 1:05- and of course I'll be in Paradise- so Judy, enjoy the game for me if they play!


Kiyo- I forgot to comment last evening on your stamped card- it's beautiful:manyheart


Hope everyone had a good evening last night. I really enjoyed Idol last night since I love Elton John songs and each performer did a great rendition of the song they selected to perform. The contestants are all so talented and as someone who can't sing to save her life, I just love listening to those that can!


Off to paradise in a bit since I'll be moving today back to my old department. It's kind of a bittersweet feeling. Change is a part of life, though so it's onward and upward!


Have a wonderful day everyone!!!:hug


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Morning ladies

Thanks to those whp posted their summer answers. It's good to think about it since our winter just seems to drag on and on. It is supposed to get to 50 tomorrow so at least it sounds as if we are going back UP a little bit !


Not much new here to report .Another week almost gone,with not much accumplished. I do an awful lot of putzing around and get nothing done .


Like a tractor stuck in the mud .



Glad your tooth is still behaving --keep after it and the doc will get it to stop bothering you soon I bet .



Have a good day at work . I'm glad your baseball starts today since you enjoy it so much .



I love hydrangeas too .I never had much luck growing them, til I finally bought a really big pot of them at a greenhouse and planted it in the yard where we lived at the time. That was 2 houses ago . Now I drive by it every summer so I can see how big and pretty it is .


A big hello to everyone else . Seems that the posts have been getting less and less in here. Could be because people are busy or they have signed up for lots of other CAL's . There are sure a lot to choose from now !



Hope you all have a good day today .

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Your beginning doily ghan is very pretty !



I like that too - need to see how to SS...Youtube visit later:D

me too......


Judy, slipping a stitch just means that you move the stitch over to the other needle without doing anything to it.



Beautiful doilyghan. :clap :clap :clap



:yay:yayeven I can do that:lol

me too!! :cheer


Hey Wrennie----Love your doilyghan by the way----also---do I have to sign up on that forum to get the recipe?

Oh, shoot! Went andlogged off and find you cant see it unless you're logged in. let me see if I can send it to you......



Since you are such a fun-loving girl and add so much pizzazz to the House , I will get part of my ashes made into a ring for you too if you want. Or a necklace or a pierced body part piercing . That way you will NEVER forget me because I will always be stapled to you !

:rofl !!!


Alright folks

I have HAD it with snow . THIS is getting very tiresome at this point. This morning we had a beautiful blue sky and sun,then it got greyer ,colder ,and started spitting snow. THEN the spitting snow turned into a real snow ,which is now covering our grass . E N O U G H , I say .:angry


I agree!!!


So , I thought maybe it'd help if we talked about SUMMER stuff ...


1- What summer "garden" food do you look most forward to ? salad from the garden, real tomatoes that taste like tomatoes and not water, garlic, fresh herbs.


2-What is your favorite summer sport ? Theres no nfl in summer silly.:D


3-What do you like to grill out ? Kebabs, fresh trout, burgers, steak


4-Do any of you lay out to get a tan ? nope


5- Do you own a pool ? nope, we dunk in the stream


6-Do you grow a garden ? :yes What all do you grow in it ? flowers, vegies, herbs


7-How many beaches have you been to before ? a bunch


8-Least favorite part of summer ? humidity and biting bugs.


9-Favorite summer flowers ? snapdragons, sunflowers, bleeding hearts, lilacs


10-Favorite color of clothes you like in the summer ? whatevers in the clean pile


11-When you were a kid, did you get to spray each other with the water hose, or have a sprinkler to run through ? :yes


12 -A crochet item that is nice to work on when it is hot out . small things like dish cloths and snuggles.


13- Do you like doing the yardwork,or do you leave that to someone else ? I do it, don't like it all the time tho'.


14-Favorite thing in the parades ? I'm kinda indifferent with parades


15 - Favorite county fair food ? real handmade lemonade


Wrennie- Love the doily ghan you are working on



A big hello to everyone else . Seems that the posts have been getting less and less in here. Could be because people are busy or they have signed up for lots of other CAL's . There are sure a lot to choose from now !


Lots of cals, swaps, and spring cleaning I think. Except for those of us who have to get the snow shovels back out. :P

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So , I thought maybe it'd help if we talked about SUMMER stuff ...


1- What summer "garden" food do you look most forward to ?salad and peppers


2-What is your favorite summer sport ?ummmm....baseball!!!


3-What do you like to grill out ?I don't have a grill :( But at my parents....hamburgs and dogs :D


4-Do any of you lay out to get a tan ? nope


5- Do you own a pool ? nope


6-Do you grow a garden ? What all do you grow in it ?last year was my first with tomatoes and herbs....not really a garden, but more like pots outside my door :lol


7-How many beaches have you been to before ?Many


8-Least favorite part of summer ?Heat!!!!! Anything over the low 70's is too hot for me.....I'm not a summer person :eek


9-Favorite summer flowers ?Not sure about 'summer' flowers but my favorites are lilies


10-Favorite color of clothes you like in the summer ?brights


11-When you were a kid, did you get to spray each other with the water hose, or have a sprinkler to run through ?hose....but we also had a 4 ft above ground pool that my dad moved from my nanny's yard to ours when she was ready to get rid of it. Back in those days is wasn't common for people to have a pool, but my uncle was a sickly child and couldn't go to the public pool :no


12 -A crochet item that is nice to work on when it is hot out .Anythink smaller, unless my air is cranking :lol


13- Do you like doing the yardwork,or do you leave that to someone else ?I don't have a yard :shrug


14-Favorite thing in the parades ?I don't know the last parade I've seen....but anyone performing :yes


15 - Favorite county fair food ?

I guess funnel cake and our big fair has deep fried pickles :drool Otherwise, I'm not a huge fried food fan

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I love hydrangeas too .I never had much luck growing them, til I finally bought a really big pot of them at a greenhouse and planted it in the yard where we lived at the time. That was 2 houses ago . Now I drive by it every summer so I can see how big and pretty it is .



Julie, send Sam out to buy you an "Annabelle hydrangea". I had bad luck with them too, until I got one of these. I got mine as a division from my fil, and it is huge. I've also moved off shoots from it to several other places in our yard, and planted some at DD's house and given some away.


It is one of the sturdiest, no-brainer perennials that I've ever grown. it blooms on both old and new wood, so you can prune it or not. (lots of hydrangeas only bloom on old wood, so they need to be protected in winter.) However, instead of the pink and blue flowers that many expect from hydrangeas, it has ivory colored flowers that turn lime green in fall, and then fade to a light tan color. Mine has lots of huge blooms from early summer until frost, and there aren't many plants that bloom that long. Recently I read that a pink version has been introduced, and I'm hoping to buy one this year.


I also have an "endless summer" hydrangea, which is better than the ones I grew previously, but nowhere near as carefree as the "AnnaBelle". My "endless summer" does have either pink or blue flowers, depending on the soil pH, so it looks more like what you expect a hydrangea to look like.


(sorry, for the book, I love to grow flowers....)

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Good morning everyone. Nice bight sunny day here again. Its nice, but everywhere I look in here there is dust! Couldn't see that in the gloom of winter.


Joanne, I hope that your return to your "old home" at work goes well. Change is hard for me, so I feel for you. The thing I've noticed about change though, is that eventually things feel like they've always been that way, it just takes a little time.


Kiyo, cute card. Didn't you say you sold 85 pies? That's quite a few cards to make.


No real plans for today here, housework and laundry I guess. I might go out for a walk this afternoon. I need to start exercising again, because I might not have had issues with my back if I was. 4 or 5 years ago I had a significant back injury, (caused by gardening), and spent quite a few moinths going to physical therapy. Since then I had been faithfully doing the exercises they taught me, and I rarely even had a back ache. I got lazy and quit doing those exercises for the most part sometime last fall, and I think that's why I so easily pulled that muscle in my back.


I've been knitting and embroidering a bit lately. Yesterday I went looking for a crochet pattern to start, but couldn't decide on anything. Too many choices I think. I'll just work some more on my many WIPs, while I wait for a new project to jump out at me.

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Good morning, housemates. It's gray, but looks like it might maybe give us a little sun later. I went downstairs early last night.


I started another paryer shawl last night, this one is in dark teal. I like the look already. It's funny. This pattern looks great in any and all yarns, but the pattern shows up best when using solid colors. It tends to disappear when I use the variegated yarns. And any solid works great. I've used soft ones, fuzzy ones, glitzy ones and they all work.


Today's a more quiet day with no outings planned. I'm ready for a quiet day. This week has been extra busy.


John brought home fish from Captain D's last night for supper. Not the easiest meal to eat with a sore mouth, but boy did it taste good! Came with coleslaw and baked potato, cracklins and a bread stick. Kim had Tilapia with rice and Teriaki sauce, coleslaw and baked potato. John had his with hush puppies on the side.

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Good morning, peeps...:hug


Like Jules, I've been putzing this morning and getting nothing done. That's what happens when hubby goes out the door first thing for work. I've been playing on B&N with my online coupon and browsing on Herrschner's site:devil

The one thing I DID order from B&N was a Nook version of Eric Bonhoffer's The Cost of Discipleship. It's something I've always wanted to read and the price was right:D


Off I go to get dressed.



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Good Morning, Ladies. I was gone most of the day yesterday and will be gone today - but would much rather be here with you all. :)


Luke's 1st birthday party is Saturday at their house! His birthday was yesterday, but I don't think he'll notice that the party is late. :lol I'll help DD tomorrow for a few hours.


Cindy ~ I love gardening, too. Our summer heat is always a challenge - but we have several perennials that always make it beautifully.


Have to leave soon for that not-so-fun drive. :( Have a good day everyone. :manyheart

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Since you are such a fun-loving girl and add so much pizzazz to the House , I will get part of my ashes made into a ring for you too if you want. Or a necklace or a pierced body part piercing . That way you will NEVER forget me because I will always be stapled to you !




Julie, could you please have it made into a TINY diamond for my nose piercing??!!! that way, when the light hit it it would sparkle and I would be reminded that you are laughing at the stupid things I say and call me onry!!!! :yes

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Hey ladies :hi


My sixers won last night :clap:yay Not much to report, just finished working out and getting ready for work. Going to make a bfast sandwich to take with me since I don't have time to sit and eat here :( Also have to whip together a lunch so will try to be quick here :lol


Cindy - Thanks for the knit scarf pattern....I'm definately going to give it a whirl. Glad to hear your back is doing better and YES you need to get back to doing your exercised faithfully so the chances of this happening again severely decreases :yes:soap


Wrennie - Beautiful doilyghan :manyheart


Judy - Prayers for Phyllis' dh, is he ok? Enjoy your new book.


Linda - Glad your tooth is starting to feel better a bit and fish sounds yummy :drool


Kiyo - Very cute thank you cards :yes I think Kirstie will go far because alot of people just like her in general :yes


Julie- Did you try the nebulizer yet? Your stories totally crack me up!!!! :rofl


Joanne - I didn't get to watch Idol from last night yet but will watch it tonight before the elimination show :yes


Mary1 - Hey there young lady :waving

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Good Morning Ladies,


Wrennie, Beautiful doilyghan!


Julie, How is the neublizer working for you? Us cooks cooked the appreciation dinner.


Kiyo, Cute thank you cards. There is a group of ladies here who make cards and we all buy them.


Cindy, Glad your back is getting better. Will you turn the heat up well be home next week. 75 would be nice.


Linda, Glad your tooth is much better.


Mary1, Wow it's been a year already. Happy First Birthday to Luke!

What kind of perinnals do you plant for here?


Judy, Hope Phyllis's husband will be okay.


Joanne and Judy, I think your Yankee's are playing the Tigers today if the ran lets them.


I did some packing yesterday and just a little bit today. It's cool here this morning. But it is going to be near 80 so I'm enjoying it. This afternoon I'm going to go get a manicure. I can't cut my own nails with my left hand and I don't like hubbys cut. Maya is going for a follow up to the doctor today. Hope they have an answer to her belly problem.

Have a nice day everyone!

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Alright folks

I have HAD it with snow . THIS is getting very tiresome at this point. This morning we had a beautiful blue sky and sun,then it got greyer ,colder ,and started spitting snow. THEN the spitting snow turned into a real snow ,which is now covering our grass . E N O U G H , I say .:angry


So , I thought maybe it'd help if we talked about SUMMER stuff ...


1- What summer "garden" food do you look most forward to ? tomatos, sweet corn and cucumbers.


2-What is your favorite summer sport ? fishing


3-What do you like to grill out ? burgers, steak, kabobs


4-Do any of you lay out to get a tan ? no


5- Do you own a pool ? live on a lake


6-Do you grow a garden ? What all do you grow in it ? a small one, tomatos, peppers, strawberrys, raspberries


7-How many beaches have you been to before ? a bunch


8-Least favorite part of summer ? mosquitos, humidty, rainy days that last all day


9-Favorite summer flowers ? lilacs, roses


10-Favorite color of clothes you like in the summer ? pink


11-When you were a kid, did you get to spray each other with the water hose, or have a sprinkler to run through ? both


12 -A crochet item that is nice to work on when it is hot out . doily


13- Do you like doing the yardwork,or do you leave that to someone else ? Hubby does it.


14-Favorite thing in the parades ? band


15 - Favorite county fair food ? carmel corn



I hope I can figure out how to get this posted. I keep getting an error that this message is to short. ??? Well it posted.

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:hi House! Just a quick note to let you know I'm okay and around. Been a very LONG week at work and I was to tired of looking at computer screen yesterday to post.


Today is vampire and doctor appt. I'll be back laer to catch up on all the posts. Oh, and it's another 3D day here :(

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Toni, I hope you find something fun to do today.


And yes...opening day! The YANKEES are playing this afternoon!!!! I have the pregame show on right now and already took Sparkie for a walk. I'm ready to hook and watch the game:c9:c9:c9:c9


Phyllis' husband had tests done and was discharged late yesterday, so it looks good. Thanks for asking.


I hope I can figure out how to get this posted. I keep getting an error that this message is to short. ??? Well it posted.

When you only post inside the quote it won't show up - need something outside the quotes...as you discovered. Took me a couple of times before I realized that:lol


Off I go - cu all later today:D

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Alright...vacuuming done, laundry almost done, and went for a walk. Now it's time to see what I can spend my gift certificate at Barnes and Noble on. I don't know why, but I always have a really hard time deciding what to spend a gift card on.


Marlene, dh told me that we might be getting some snow early next week. I don't see that in the on-line forecasts, but the local news was talking about it.

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**Hey ya'll!! Suuuuuuup~~~ Hope the day has been a glorious one for all! It's been in the 60's here today FINALLY, drove up town with my sunroof open and the sun a beating on me! And.......then we should have freezing weather again first of the week next week....booooo!

I have the weekend off but will be delivering pies tomorrow and sat. sooooo---maybe I will have a minute to get my tan on and enjoy!

Holla!!! -----I made my mom's "INGA"S bag pattern" bag last night, it's her Easter present but she has to line it herself! Have Aree's God-Mothers bag almost done too. Hmmmm maybe I could share some photos???? TOnight, I promise I will take some!

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Got back from town and doctor a little bit ago and ate my crab salad from Quizno's and a cup of cheese broccoli soup. YUM! I'm exhausted and going to go rest and crochet. I guess I'll save the catching up until tomorrow.


Good news! Blood work and protein spike doing good. After next chemo, will stop long enough to get my eyes done and healed and then will start again. Hopefully with me being able to see fully and drive myself! YEEHAWWW!!!! Doing the happy mountain clog dance!!! There is light at the end of the tunnel!!


Y'all have a great night. Catch you after I get off tomorrow. Not working that long and can spend time catching up here and on the Ville.

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Toni, that's great news!!!! I know how much you miss driving yourself around.:hug


Kiyo - pics would be great!:cheer


Nite all....had a wonderful time watching the NY Yankees' opening day game this afternoon - esp since they won!

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Hi Cindy

Thanks for the info on the hydrangeas. That name will be easy to remember .Annabelle . It will remind me of the Edgar Alan Poe poem, Annabelle Lee .




Sounds like my bad habits are rubbing off on you. I always wake up with lots of junk in mind that needs done ,but never get around to most of it . Not sure WHAT I do all day .




Your dinner sounds good. Can I ask what cracklin is ? Is it pork rinds ?



Hi Mary1

Yep, Luke wont know what day his actualy birthday is,so you can sneak it in any old time. Once he gets a little older, he will remind you about 3 months ahead of time !



Miss Kiyo

I was thinking about getting about a one karat belly-button piercing doodad for you . That way it will be hard to forget me-- the sun will shine on it and blind people ! Everyone will be jealous and want one just like it .



Hi Marisa

Have used the nebulizer 3 times so far (twice a day ) and not much difference noticed yet. It said on the medicine that it would take anywhere from 3-8 days to begin noticing a difference ,so I am keeping my fingers crossed .



Wow, I didnt know you guys had to make the appreciation dinner ! They should have picked a group of men out to make it for you guys !


Dont work too hard packing up !



Glad your tests came back good ! Will keep hoping you can soon get your eyes worked on so you can see to drive again .



Joanne and Jude

You will be on cloud 9 now with your baseball games ! Good luck to your team .

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Hello there everyone!!!

Boy, am I tired-:tired and so much left to do to get ready for my trip! I got into work early- and I woke up at 3:45AM and couldn't fall back asleep- :eek I had lots to do at work today for my last day on this team and ended up leaving work at about 6:15~ plus I had to move my things- tomorrow the IT dept will move my phone and computer. I didn't want to come back to work on Wednesday and have to do all the moving in to my new "home away from home"!


Judy- Glad to hear that the Yankees won-:clap I sure wish I could have watched it- but glad that you enjoyed it! That's the way to start the season!!!:cheer


Toni- That's great news:yes I'm so glad that you can finally "see" the light at the end of the tunnel. Enjoy your evening!


Cindy- Thanks for the tip on the Annabelle Hydrageneas. That's good to know- I used to get lots of annuals, but the last couple of years I only get a few annuals and buy more perennials so that they come back year after year! Today was a bittersweet day. I'm glad that I had planned on taking a few days off in between "jobs". My director is very excited to have me back and I'm glad that I'll be reporting directly to her and not the manager. I think that she realizes how valuable I was to her and the dept after I was gone for almost 2 years. Enjoy your evening!


Wrennie- :eek No more SNOW!!! Just checked the forecast - Boston is supposed to get 2-4 inches- so I think we'll be heading up tomorrow- We'll make the final decision tomorrow morning and see what it is actually doing out there.


Julie- I think everyone is busy and there sure are alot of CALS out there . But the way I feel, there is no place like "OUR HOUSE"!!! How's the nebulizer working out?


Marlene- Wow- it seems like you just left for TX and now it's almost time to come home. Hope that the doc has figured out what's ailing Maya!


Mary1- :birthday to Luke!! Wow- he's a year old already!!! The party should be fun!!! Hope your day wasn't too bad today!


Cheeria- Thinking about you- and wondering how you are doing with your navajo weaving?


Tammy- How's things in your neck of the woods?


Linda- Your dinner last night sounds really yummy- plus I'm really hungry now!!! Hope the jaw is continuing to improve and I'm glad you had a nice quiet day planned. What shawl pattern are you using?


Kiyo- Wow- you have lots of cards to make for all those pies! Have a good weekend- and I can't wait to see pics of your Inga bag!! You sure do crank out projects quickly- considering you work full time and then some plus have Aree! You are an inspiration!


Marisa- I'm happy that your Sixers won!! Can you believe it's almost time for the playoff's? Maybe when you move to Pittsburgh, you can go to some hockey games. I hear the Penguins have a pretty good team;)


I think I should go get something to eat, and get comfy in my pj's and then settle in to see who gets eliminated from Idol.


Have a good night everyone!

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