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Our House Part Two


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Hi Ladies,


Linda, Poor Rose! She will miss your friendship when she moves. You have a tough decision to make, but at least you have some time to think it over.


Cindy, Glad the boys weren't allergic to the bees. Once when I was at work I got stung twice. I put ice on them and one of my customers came in and she told me to put a slice of raw onion on it. So I put ice on one and raw onion on the other and the one with ice got an infection in it and I ended up going to the doctor. Now I use desitin that you use on babies and I get no infections.



Mary, Did they find out what was the problem with your uverse?


Judy, The color for your scarf sounds pretty.


Val, Hope you were able to finish your afghan today.


Sherry, Are morning started off the wrong way to. I hope the rest of your day has gotten better.


First thing this morning a little tube in the toilet broke and we had water all over the place. The doctors office called me this morning hubby has an appt with a surgeon and they didn't get the papers I mailed to them on the 24th. So I went through the papers again and made copies. Then I did what I have been wanting to. I organized and separated the VA and the UofM and put them in inserts and notebooks. It took me all day. The kids did pretty good with all that I had to do. Ds was gone all day.

The surgeon is pretty much are last step. There isn't any more test they can do. We don't know if he will have any answers either.

I hope everyone has a great tuesday!

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Oh, Sherry, what a day.  Hopefully, things will get better with time.  But I'm sure it's trying your patience no end.


Marlene, it sounds like quite a day at your house, too.  Getting all the paperwork in order will help in the long run.  Hope the surgeon has some answers for you.


I ran to the doctor's office, the bank, Walmart, and the apartment office to pay this month's rent.  Then spent a good bit of the day resting.  I've been having bad headaches for the last week to 10 days.  It's my blood pressure.  I had gotten a home blood pressure machine just before going up to DD's.  It was 147/71 when I took it at her place and today it was 153/63.  I won't be able to get in to see the kidney doctor for a couple of weeks.  Hoping it doesn't go much higher in the meantime.  At least I can track it.


Hope you all have a good night and an even better day tomorrow.

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Linda - be sure to write down your readings.  Do you take it more than once a day?  When I was tracking mine, I had to do it 3 times a day.  Hope it gets better soon.


Marlene - sounds like you had a busy day as well.  Keep us posted on DH.


Joanne - we've got the hot weather now--will be well over 100 today :(  but this is August weather for us. 


Mary - stay cool. 


Well, I'd better get ready for work.  Have a great day all!!  Hugs to all.

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Hi House. ♥  Just a quick note - our internet is "intermittent" until tomorrow when they come back and finish a conversion - whatever that means. :lol  At least the tvs work most the time!


We were notified yesterday that Dad's probate is tomorrow.  Someone dropped the ball on letting Sue and I know earlier, but of course we'll be there and hope to have the rest of the estate settled in a month or so.  Gracie had her teeth cleaned and I will pick her up at 4. 


Take care, everyone and I'll check in again soon. :manyheart

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Hmmm.... I KNOW I posted earlier today - not sure what happened to it!

ANywho - I'm alive and well....will check in later if I can.

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I've gotten the suitcases all unpacked.  And I'm settling in to my normal routine. 


Sweet Pea is sooo glad to have me back home.  She even let me do more trimming of her fur.  I'm trying to get it from winter length to summer length.  :P   NOT one of her favorite activities.  :lol

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Hi Ladies,


Mary, Good luck tomorrow! I will be thinking about you.


Linda, Can your family doctor help you with the blood pressure?


We seen the surgeon today and he order another Upper GI. The last one was done a year ago. He wants to compare the two to see if or what the changes are. He also need a new one to use for surgery. Hubby will be having his wrap done around the esophagus. He had the original surgery done in 2006. It will be done at the UofM hospital. He will be there for 4-5 days. We really liked the doctor. We have another early morning tomorrow. He's having the test done in Lansing instead of Ann Arbor and they could get us in at 8:15am. Just over an hour drive so it will be early.

I did get a ruffled scarf done. Hope everyone has a nice night and a great wednesday!

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Good luck tomorrow, Marlene.


Work tomorrow for me.  I open the store at 11:00 am.  Worked on a prayer shawl this evening while watching TV.

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Good morning,


Linda- Glad you are home safe and sound. I'm happy that you had a wonderful time with your DD and GS!! I would vote for moving closer to them- but totally understand the dilemma of having to then deal with the ice/cold of the Iowan winters. Myself? I don't mind the cold--it's only the ice I don't like. I much prefer to be cold than to be too hot.  And luckily, I don't seem to be bothered by arthritis---yet!  Hope you have a good day at work.


Mary- Good luck at the probate today- hope it all goes smoothly.


Marlene- Good luck to you and DH today- when is your DH's surgery planned for? Keeping him in my thoughts and prayers.


Marisa- Hope all goes well with your mom's procedure today- and hoping that they can get to the bottom of things. How's KtB? Must be very busy---the date is fast approaching!


Cindy- What a scare with the boys getting stung so many times by the bees!! Glad they are ok!!


Val It's good to see you posting again.


Sherry- We've had nice cool temps for August so far....and like Judy said- had the windows open a few days. Humidity is creeping back though....glad we had the nice reprieve.


I've been beyond busy at work and the days are just running into each other......


Have a good day, everyone!

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'morning, peeps!


DS stopped by after 7 last night, and of course he never had a chance for a proper meal, so I fed him :D


Mary and Marlene - thinking of you guys today....


Have to dash - want to walk Lucy befre I start my day in earnest!


Hugs to all of my friends :manyheart  :hug

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Good morning. The day started off with thunder and lightening and lots of rain, but the sun is shinig now. I have laundry going and some cleaning done, but lots more to do. Work was busy yesterday, tomorrow I have to teach an all day class, and Friday I am going outlet mall shopping. So I guess I ought to be getting a few things done today.


Joanne, when is the end of this project? Seems like it has been going on forever! Hope you get this weekend off.


Mary, and Marlene, sending good thoughts for you both.


Sherri, I'm so sorry that work continues to be such a source of stress.


Linda, I bet they'll be glad to see you back at the store!


Val, hope you continue to feel better.


Judy, I guess that mother urge to feed our "babies" never leaves us. When ds lived in Detroit, I always sent a few meals home with him when he came to visit.


Have a good day everyone.

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Hi Ladies,


Cindy, Good luck with your class tomorrow. Have fun shopping friday!


Linda, Hope first day back to work was an easy one. I bet there happy to have you back.


Joanne, Hope your project doesn't take a toll on you. And you have an end in site. Thanks for the prayers for DH. We won't know a date yet until the doctor gets the test results (a cd) that I fed ex to him this morning. I really am not expecting a call until next week.


Judy, I bet DS enjoyed his meal.


Marisa, Hope your Mom received good news today.


Val, Hope you had a good day!


Mary, Hope everything went smoothly today.


Today after I got the cd sent to the doctor we met MIL and SIL for lunch. We went to Bob Evans. Maya had her favorite chocolate chip pancakes and bacon. After we set down another customer came over and gave us a coupon for a free kids meal. We had her birthday coupon to use, so now she gets to go again. Bob Evans is one of her favorite places to eat. I had the salad and soup (cheese potato soup, it was good). Hubby had the soup to.

Mary is hope from the hospital. We may go see her tomorrow, if not then friday.

I hope everyone has a nice night and a great thursday!

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Work went well today and it was good to be back.  It was awfully quiet today, but a lot of that could be blamed on the weather I think.  Last night on the weather they were giving us a 20% chance of rain today, most probably during the night.  It started doing a misty rain about 11:30 last night and rained all night long leaving us with lots of big puddles by morning and a misty rain still falling.  Well soon after I got to work it turned harder, and then harder, and then even harder, accompanied by lots of lightening and thunder.  Tonight there is lots of flooding going on with more rain forecast for tonight and tomorrow.   :reyes


Hope you get good results from today's tests Marlene.


Hope your mom gets some better news with these tests, Marisa.  Are you ready for KtB?  Be sure and take pictures for us.


Good luck with your class tomorrow, Cindy.


Hugs to you all.   :ghug

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Cindy - good luck with your class.  Hope it goes well.


Judy - I'm sure DS enjoyed his meal--seems likes moms always want to feed their young'uns.  LOL  (My MIL always wanted to feed as soon as we got to their house, even it was after 10 pm).


Joanne - hope things slow down soon for you.


I forgot to tell you all that my new boss got "yarn bombed" the other day.  The other church has a crochet/knit group that meets weekly and they made a cover for her spare tire and an antenna cover--it's really cute and she was so proud of it. 


DD wants me to make some shower scrubbies--anyone made any before?  I'm also looking for a pattern for them.  The ones you buy just don't stay together for more than a couple of weeks.


Have a great evening all!  Hugs to all! 

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Good morning!  It's still misting outside.  I thought I was going to get drenched while walking Sweet Pea, but it let up before I got more than thoroughly sprinkled on.  Still calling for more rain and flash floods.  They showed gaping holes in a number of roads do to all the rain and several places where back yards suddenly had huge holes in them from the water eroding the soil that had been there.  I'm glad none of that is in my immediate vicinity, although Forsyth county (where I live) had lots of them.


Hope you all stay dry and have a good day.


Sherry, the yarn bombing sounds great.

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Happy Thursday, all. :manyheart   AT&T was here for another 5 hours yesterday - hopefully they won't ever have to come back. :lol   I was gone all day, but thankfully DH was here so they could complete the conversion. (Still don't know why they didn't do this before!)


Marlene ~ Thinking of you both and hope they can schedule the surgery before too long.♥  Is the hospital very far from you?  WTG on finishing another scarf. :clap


Cindy ~ I'm so glad the little guys are okay!  My mom used the baking soda paste - so I've used it, too.  Have fun shopping tomorrow!


Linda ~ Stay safe in all that rain. :yes   We are parched and in the 100s* - would gladly welcome some of your rain. ;)  Rose sounds like such a sweetheart - I hope all goes well for her. :hug


Sherry ~ Your boss's car must be so cute!  How is your knee?


Valerie ~ Lots of crocheting going on! :cheer   I have a scarf going and have started a hexagon afghan...not making much progress lately, though.


Judy ~ How is the scarf coming along?  Your DS must miss your home cooking - I'm glad he came for a visit!


Hi to Joanne, Marisa and anyone I may have missed. :manyheart











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Sorry - the phone keeps ringing. 


A big thank you to all of you for the hugs and caring. :ghug   Dad's probate went fine - our lawyer explained everything before hand and the judge was very nice.  The emotional part is the hardest.  Now, we just have to mail some things to our sister in Virginia for her to sign and have notarized and then have utilities, insurance, etc. taken out of the dad's estate's name and dear brother will finally have to do something if he wants water, electric, etc.  


DH flew to Chicago this a.m. and will be back Sunday.  He and two old friends have planned to meet in Chicago for months and he is super excited. He called the DFW Shuttle to pick him up and bring him home...I'm fine with not making that drive!   So I hope to have most of the estate paperwork done and take time to crochet, too.  Better get back to it!  Have a good day, friends. :manyheart

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DD wants me to make some shower scrubbies--anyone made any before?  I'm also looking for a pattern for them.  The ones you buy just don't stay together for more than a couple of weeks.


Have a great evening all!  Hugs to all! 

I made one a few years ago. I can't find the pattern I used, but it was similar to this:



I did not find it to be very functional though. The cotton yarn was very heavy when it was wet, and took forever to dry. There are patterns online for other style scrubbies as well. I would not make one like this one again, unless I used a sport weight yarn or something other than cotton.

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Hi everyone. Gorgeous weather here today. Class went very well, I even let them out early, they were doing so well.


Linda, I feel like you've had a lot of rain this summer. We've had more than usual, but we haven't had any of the problems you are having,


Mary, I hope your dh has a great time in Chicago,. Is it a trip just for fun? We are only about 3 hours drive from Chicago, maybe even less, but we rarely go there. Glad probate went well.


Marlene, I kind of like Bob Evans too. Nothing particularly special there, but the food is tasty, and the price is right.


Well, better go work on dinner. Might check back later.

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Oh, Mary asked about the scarf. it's coming along well....but is boring, except for the color. I have a long way to go so I started a baby RR for quick gratification :lol  Whie, tangerine, bright yellow and some royal blue. I'm working the color changes on the fly. I tried mapping it out with my colored pencils, but it wasn't working for me.

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We had quite a lot more rain today off and on.  More in the forecast for tonight and tomorrow afternoon.  We've had way more than normal this summer, following a winter with far more than normal rain as well.


Mary ~ glad to hear that probate went well.  Enjoy your time alone while hubby is in Chicago.


I have tomorrow off, with a potluck at noon with ladies from my church.

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Good Morning Ladies,


Sherry, Your bosses car sounds cute.


Mary, Hope hubby has a fun time in Chicago with his buddies. Home you enjoy your me time. The UofM hospital is 2 1/2 hours from us.


Linda,You guys have had a lot of rain this year. Enjoy your day out at the potluck today.


Judy, Your new baby rr colors sound lovely.


Cindy, Joanne, Marisa, Val I hope you all have a great day!


The other day at the hospital I showed Maya how to play hangman. She liked it so we've been playing it to teach her spelling words. Today were going to go check out some garage sales. The next town over is celebrating there 100th birthday. Tomorrow we will go to the car show.

Hope everyone has a great day!


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This morning did not go as planned.  When the alarm went off, I turned it off instead of hitting the snooze button as planned. :P​    Went back to sleep and woke up at 11:00.  It wouldn't have been so bad except for the fact that I had forgotten about today's luncheon meeting for which I had not yet bought the fruit.   :eek   Got dressed.  Took Sweet Pea for her morning constitutional.  Drove to the grocery store.  Got the  fruit.  Drove home.  Fixed the fruit salad.  Changed clothes (I had gotten juice on myself.)    :rolleyes  And made it to the luncheon only 3 minutes late.  Had lunch and visited.  Am now back home and am taking my morning pills and letting out a sigh of relief.   :sigh


This afternoon's plans include a trip to a yarn and fiber store that is supposed to carry spinning wheels, too.  Joy located it on the internet for me while I was there.  It's about a half hour from here which isn't bad.  Have to do a couple of other things first and then plan on heading down there to check it out.  Will have to get some gas first as I'm low.


Hope the day is going well for all of you.  Will check back in later.   :hug

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