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Our House Part Two


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Morning ladies

Quick stop in to say hello



Just now saw your post -- hope they can get the shot going if thats what it'll take to get you feeling better . Keep us updated .Sure hate to hear you arent feeling well .



Thanks for telling me about your friend so I know what to expect with this next thing . I guess I'm lucky in a way with the docs I have taking care of this. They are both very "all business " types. They tell you the black and white details ,and dont baby you,so you have to be tough and brave and handle it . That is probably a good thing for me, or I'd fall apart .



The photo of Luke is so precious. What a little sweetheart he is .



Glad you got a short day from work and hope your back is behaving better now . It makes you so tired when you have a backache, doesnt it ?



How'd your first night in your new place go ? I forgot you will be without internet for a bit ,but you will be able to read up on the posts when you get settled in better .



what's new down in the south ? Still bad hot ? It's gotten better here, in the 80's this week and a little rain here and there .


I got a call from the doc last evening and my blood level is already at 27 ,so they said they'd be calling today with instructions on what's next. They said I might have to go this coming week for the nuclear thing. Aren't looking forward to that, but it's something I have to do, so might as well get it over with .

V E R Y T I R E D ....sleep a lot and kinda fuzzy-headed ,but I'll be ok . Just gotta get through this yukky part and be able to eat regular food again .


Anyone got any recipes where you use a RUTABAGA and a marshmallow ? That's about what I'm allowed to eat .AMAZING what all you CAN'T have ..... oh, and I am allowed plain macaroni . Sounds like a tasty lunch.


NO CAKE on this menu .... I told Sam when I get this all over with I want a whole cake and a fork .

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Hi ladies

I saw this link the other day and meant to post it in here. I know everyone is busy and have lots going on,but I thought it was such a cute idea for knitters. Or those of us who are "sorta"beginning knitters.

I'm not sure how difficult the stitches are in this .I havent read through it all thoroughly but it looked so neat,since they have mystery authors to go along with the mystery squares,and you dont really know which square in the picture you are working on til you get a few rows done .


Anyhow, here for your viewing pleasure at least :





( Forgot to say,the links to print out the entire booklet are on the side on the right -- 4 parts to the booklet . )

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Me again.

Doc just called. They want me in the hospital for the nuclear thing Friday (YIKES) at 7:15 AM .

This is all moving too quickly.


At least I'm getting it all over with fast and I can eat regular food after that .

What a waste of rutabagas .

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Good Morning, Ladies.:)


We had wonderful rain last evening! My yard is very happy and I shouldn't need to water anything for at least a couple of days. :) Little bird is still coming to visit...he was out in the front yard this a.m. and still lets me walk right up to him!


Julie ~ It sounds like your doctor is keeping you informed and calling you...that's refreshing. :yes The diet sure doesn't sound fun.:hug The knitting link looks fun...but I don't think I'll try knitting again. :lol


Judy ~ :hug I hope you can get some relief from the pain soon.


Joanne ~ Time with Ryan would be a perfect mid-week break. :c9


Hi to everyone at the House! :ghug


I finished the first strip of the fish ghan last night and absolutely love this pattern...will try to get a picture later today. Errands for me this a.m.:)

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Good morning everyone. I had a good day at work yesterday, but came home with an awful headache so did not post. All is well today.


Julie, thanks for the link to the knitted squares. I am going to print off the booklet and MAYBE give them a try. (I just love new projects!) I find that smaller knitted projects have a higher likelihood of getting finished around here. Even though I have the skills to knit a simple sweater, I know that I would probably never finish one. At least with squares, I can always stop halfway and turn them into something.


I can understand that the thought of starting treatment is a bit scary, but at least you don't have to wait long. I can certainly understand that you are tired with that level! Still sending good thoughts.


Your mention of marshmallows reminded me of an article I read recently. Apparently marshmallows relieve a sore throat. Of course if you ate enough of them, you'd get all sorts of cavities, but I guess you can't have everything!


Linda, I know you said it would be a few days before you could post again, but I want you to know I am thinking of you.


Happy birthday, Purples. Hope you have a great day.


Judy, so sorry to hear how miserable you are. Hope your doctor can see you today, and that you get relief.


Well. better get a move along here, housework waits.

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Me again.

Doc just called. They want me in the hospital for the nuclear thing Friday (YIKES) at 7:15 AM .

This is all moving too quickly.


At least I'm getting it all over with fast and I can eat regular food after that .

What a waste of rutabagas .

Wow! Oh, but I think it's a good thing and you'll have less time to worry about it...and eat rutabagas with marshmallows. :D

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Mary, I'm jealous of the rain. It is soooo dry here. We haven't had even a few drops of rain in weeks. Haven't had to mow the grass in the back yard in about 4 weeks. (we water the front yard) It's all brown and crispy looking. Of course for some reason the weeds grow despite the drought.

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Good morning housemates!


Julie - At least these doctors are on top of everything. I think it's a good thing to get it over with. Will continue to lift you up in prayer. I believe that everything is going to be alright. :hug


Joanne - I hope today is much better for you and noooo meetings. What a way to finish off mid week...RYAN! Have a good evening!


Cindy - How are you? Is the back completely healed? What are you working on?


Marlene - I'm working on an Auburn ghan and the Alabama football field ghan.


Mary - I'm glad little bird still knows you. How is your new computer working out? Do you like it?


Judy - I'm sorry you're going to need a shot. I, too, hate needles. Praying for you!:hug


Purple - Happy Birthday!


MARISA!!!!!! I'm missing you!


Linda - Hope everything is going well. I hope you were done before that big down pour yesterday.


Yesterday we had big thunderstorms with lightning and hail. Linda lives about 20 miles north of me so I'm hoping she got done before the storms. We have a 60% chance again today. The rain is much needed and it has cooled us down some. We're getting to the upper 80s now instead of the 90s & 100s.


Have a great day housemates!

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Good morning ladies :hi :hi


I haven't caught up on posts yet :blush I logged in Monday when I got here and am just getting back now :eek It's been a busy week in addition to working on getting everything ready for the surprise party for my parents on Saturday.


I do need to go back and read but I was afraid I might get caught up in something else again and not get back so I wanted to at least write a post to let you all know that I am back and we had a great time in Sandusky at the dance competition. Averie's studio won alot of awards as well as the studio excellence award :clap There were competitions all week Mon through Fri of about 900 entries and then the top 50 were invited back for the overall competition on Saturday and of those 50, 22 was Averie's studio. And 3 of the 4 she's in went too :clap So they did a great job. I still haven't gotten to sharing my pics from that either, but did post 1 or 2 on fb that day I think :think


Alright, going back to read up on what I've missed which will probably take me an hour :lol But off the top of my head, I hope Linda's move went well :xfin That should have just been yesterday, right?

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I'm back and yep, that was about an hour! I have a show playing on the ipad too though, so my attention is divided so I'm sure that's one reason why it took me a while :think


I forgot to tell you that someone broke into my car last week while I was away and stole my garmin. Almost like they knew it was there or something although I never leave it out, nor do I leave any accessories visible or even set it up or put it away at home. We took Steph's car to Ohio, so she had that to deal with Thursday morning and also that morning her email got hacked and she cannot get into it anymore so is now using a different one.


Linda - I hope your move went well and that you're starting to get settled now :hug Good luck with the games and getting your shawls completed, it'll give you break time from unpacking :yes Can't wait to see some pics of the new place.


Val - I agree, family is awesome! Happy belated birthday, I think I got you on fb on time :think Your cake was beautiful and I bet it was yummy too :D Thanks for your compliments on my pics on fb and I missed you guys too :hug


Marlene - Sorry to hear about the power outage, but glad you have a backup generator thingy for emergencies like that. Also sorry to hear that ex dil is still pulling her crap with ds and the kids :hug Glad to hear you had a great time at the reunion.


Judy - Sorry to hear about the bursitis and all the trouble it's giving you :hug Were you able to get in touch with your doc about the cortisone?


Julie - :hug Positive thoughts and prayers for your rigorous testing and treatment coming. I know you'll do great and just remember that we're here for you. Please keep us posted even if you're not up to keeping up with our posts and responding individually....it's ok :hug I always get anxious when having something new going on as well :yes Cam will love his new bedroom when he's able to see it :yes


Joanne - Sorry your vaca had to come to an end, but glad you got some rest in and I love cracker barrel breakfast :D WTG on the granny stripe and glad you made it to craft club on Monday :hug


Cindy - I hope your back is feeling better :hug I really like that log cabin ghan, are you going to switch to the new one from the one with squares?


Mary - :yay for the new computer. The fish ghan is cute, what colors are you using? Sorry to hear about the AC and garage door troubles :hug Luke is adorable :manyheart


That reminds me, my AC stopped working yesterday here at work and I hope they are able to get out here today. I called the landlord yesterday so he called the people and gave them my # so they should call before they come today.

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Hi, everyone. I'm at JC's at the moment. Doing the last clean-up of what was my space. Now watching Kim while he runs errands. I took pictures of the apartment empty and then after the guys left yesterday. It feels like wall to wall boxes. :lol The guys all complemented me on my layout plans. It really made the unpacking go fast! There were a few changes but nothing too major. And I did unpack one big box before coming over here. Made a mistake with the bedboards. They were 6 inches too short! :lol Will have to make new ones before I can put the box springs and mattress on it. Oh, well, that's small stuff. I'm so stiff and sore I can barely move. :P


hi, ladies,

a short one for now...i'll be calling my internist later abot cortisone...he might want me to see my ortho guy for it, not sure. Don't know his experience.... I woke up to a not so nice morning:P


Have a good one, everybody.:hug

There are worse things than shots, Judy. :hug:hug:hug


How'd your first night in your new place go ? I forgot you will be without internet for a bit ,but you will be able to read up on the posts when you get settled in better .

The first night went well. Poor Sweet Pea is confused but otherwise doing well, too.


I got a call from the doc last evening and my blood level is already at 27 ,so they said they'd be calling today with instructions on what's next. They said I might have to go this coming week for the nuclear thing. Aren't looking forward to that, but it's something I have to do, so might as well get it over with .

V E R Y T I R E D ....sleep a lot and kinda fuzzy-headed ,but I'll be ok . Just gotta get through this yukky part and be able to eat regular food again .

That goes with the low thyroid level.

Anyone got any recipes where you use a RUTABAGA and a marshmallow ? That's about what I'm allowed to eat .AMAZING what all you CAN'T have ..... oh, and I am allowed plain macaroni . Sounds like a tasty lunch.


NO CAKE on this menu .... I told Sam when I get this all over with I want a whole cake and a fork .

Absolutely a whole cake with LOTS of frosting!


:birthday Have a great day, Purples! :birthday

Me again.

Doc just called. They want me in the hospital for the nuclear thing Friday (YIKES) at 7:15 AM .

This is all moving too quickly.


At least I'm getting it all over with fast and I can eat regular food after that .

What a waste of rutabagas .

Great news that you are down so quickly and can get on with the plan. I know it's scary, but we're here for you! :hug:hug:hug

I finished the first strip of the fish ghan last night and absolutely love this pattern...will try to get a picture later today. Errands for me this a.m.:)

Hooray! :cheer:clap:cheer

Linda - Hope everything is going well. I hope you were done before that big down pour yesterday.

We finished up just before it started to rain yesterday.

Yesterday we had big thunderstorms with lightning and hail. Linda lives about 20 miles north of me so I'm hoping she got done before the storms. We have a 60% chance again today. The rain is much needed and it has cooled us down some. We're getting to the upper 80s now instead of the 90s & 100s.


Have a great day housemates!

It was 95* for the moving day, but it got done successfully. Much cooler today. We missed out on the hail last night. We just had a nice, steady, gentle, soaking rain.

Good morning ladies :hi :hi


I haven't caught up on posts yet :blush I logged in Monday when I got here and am just getting back now :eek It's been a busy week in addition to working on getting everything ready for the surprise party for my parents on Saturday.


I do need to go back and read but I was afraid I might get caught up in something else again and not get back so I wanted to at least write a post to let you all know that I am back and we had a great time in Sandusky at the dance competition. Averie's studio won alot of awards as well as the studio excellence award :clap There were competitions all week Mon through Fri of about 900 entries and then the top 50 were invited back for the overall competition on Saturday and of those 50, 22 was Averie's studio. And 3 of the 4 she's in went too :clap So they did a great job. I still haven't gotten to sharing my pics from that either, but did post 1 or 2 on fb that day I think :think


Alright, going back to read up on what I've missed which will probably take me an hour :lol But off the top of my head, I hope Linda's move went well :xfin That should have just been yesterday, right?

Glad you're back, Marisa. You've been missed. Sounds like a great week for you niece.

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Jules, that's good of your doc to get everything going!! You'll be through all this before you know it!! Reach out to me whenever you want to:hug:manyheart:hugI like that knitting link....but it would be for sometime way in the future!


My doctor is off today - will see him tomorrow afternoon. I really feel the good wishes from all of you. I'm doing pretty good this afternoon, but am using ice anyway, so it will hopefully help later on. And for me to SEEK a shot for this....well, anything is better than dreading getting up in the morning because you know how you're going to feel...




Little bird is still coming to visit...he was out in the front yard this a.m. and still lets me walk right up to him!

That's amazing! He must think you're his mother!;)


I finished the first strip of the fish ghan last night and absolutely love this pattern...will try to get a picture later today. Errands for me this a.m.:)



Good morning everyone. I had a good day at work yesterday, but came home with an awful headache so did not post. All is well today
.Ouch...headaches are so horrible! Glad you're ok today:hug



PURPLES!!! Happy Birthday!!!!!!!:cake:party:fame

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Hi, Marissa!!!! Sorry about the car breakin and your sister's email! Stuff always seems to happen like that after you've had a nice time...then, WHAM!:hug:manyheart

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Judy, glad that your pain is at least bearable. Glad you can see the doctor tomorrow.


Marisa, good to hear from you. Sounds like Averie had a wonderful week. Sorry about the car break-in and your sisters email.


Linda, it's so nice to hear from you. Hope you get all settled in quickly.


Hi Val and Mary.

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Hi Marisa! We've missed you. :manyheart So sorry about the car break-in...the same thing happened to DH last year. His GPS was in the truck console, so they got that and broke out two windows. :(


Judy ~ I'm glad you got an appt. for tomorrow. :) Keeping fingers crossed that he can help with the pain. :hug


Linda! I was so happy to see your post today...already in withdrawal thinking we may not hear from you for a few days. :lol


Valerie ~ I absolutely love my new computer! Old Dell was so incredibly slow and this one is incredibly fast...what took me so long? :D


Cindy ~ You guys are definitely having the drought conditions we had last year! It's very unusual for us to get rain in July and August, so last night was a very welcome surprise. :) How is your back feeling?


Here is the first strip of the fish baby 'ghan. :hook



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Mary, your fishy ghan looks great!


And my back is fine, thanks for asking. It's never completely well, since I injured it quite badly about three years ago, but it's as good as it gets. I am supposed to do daily exercises for it, but I typically quit doing them when things feel pretty good. If I do them faithfully and am careful about how I move and lift, I don't have too many problems. It's also helpful if I go for a walk every day, but I did not walk in the 100 degree heat we were having. So really, it was sheer laziness on my part, that precipitated my backache! Unfortunately, I don't learn from experience. In a few weeks I will undoubtedly "forget" to do my exercises.

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Judy ~ I'm glad you got an appt. for tomorrow. :) Keeping fingers crossed that he can help with the pain. :hugMe, too - he sees lots of patients so hopefully is skilled in dealing with this. I had felt so much better the day after PT with DS, so it was a great help, but I can't do that every day.

Valerie ~ I absolutely love my new computer! Old Dell was so incredibly slow and this one is incredibly fast...what took me so long? :D

You're like me - get stuck in routine and habit! Enjoy your new toy:)

Here is the first strip of the fish baby 'ghan. :hook

That is so cute!!!

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Hi all,

So good to see posts from Linda and from Marisa!


Julie- I'm glad that they are moving forward so quickly- the quicker you start the quicker you will be finished and then can have whatever cake you want. You know we are all here for you--and like Marisa said, don't feel like you have to respond individually to each of us. !!!


Judy- Glad you will get to see the doc tomorrow and hopefully be out of your pain! Hugs, my friend--gentle ones!!!:hug


Marisa- Sounds like Averie's dance competition went very well:clap Sorry about the GPS--we never leave ours out and don't even have one of those things that goes on the windshield. I've been hearing of others who have their cars broken into for GPS's! It really stinks!! Hope the AC gets fixed pronto!


Mary- That fishy ghan is soooo adorable!!! And it's NY Mets colors- of course I'm not a METS fan, but that's the first thing I thought of. :lol


Cindy- Hope you had a good day today- I hate headaches! They just drain you! Our temps are on the rise again:( The last two days were nice, but the humidity is creeping up as well again.


I didn't stop to see Ryan since DD was out visiting with a friend --oh well, I'll see him Saturday!

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Good morning!

Belated happy birthday, Purples!! Sorry I forgot to mention that yesterday.


Gentle hugs, Judy- hope that the cortisone shot does the trick for you!


Nothing much else to report other than I went to bed early last night- I guess all this work after a week off has worn me out!

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hi ya peeps.


Joanne, I hope you get to see Ryan soon!


Jules...here's hoping you can get some rest tonight before tomorrow....you have lots of prayers and positive energy coming from so many people that we're confident you'll fly through all of this!


I'll check in later this afternoon after my appointment.


Take care everyone, and stay cool!:hug:manyheart

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Hi House. :) Thanks to all for the compliments on the fish 'ghan. :manyheart DD and Luke came over yesterday afternoon and we discovered that the strip makes the perfect toddler scarf!


I'm in the cleaning mode, so better keep going while it lasts. :lol I'll be here all day and will check in later.:ghug

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Good morning. Dd and the boys are coming over for a while today. DD and I are going to go to Sams later this afternoon, while DD #2 watches the boys. DD and family are going camping next week, and she wants to get some snack stuff at Sams. Also, since they will be using our camper, she's going to give it a good cleaning, since it has been sitting unused for two years.


I have laundry and vacuuming on the agenda for today, plus bathroom cleaning.


Julie, continuing to send good thoughts. I'll be thinking about you tomorrow morning.


Judy, hope the doc helps your pain.

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