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Our House Part Two


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hi, again!


Jules, I was on this morning...short post, so you may have missed it. ;)


Marlene, my mattress is on the firm side, though not the newest...thanks fpr the suggestion. I do flip it periodically.



Sorry you woke up with another ailment . As for Celebrex.,the knee guy put me on that for about 1- 2 wks right after my knee surgery . When my old doc's partner came in ( the one I didnt like ), he was yelling about me taking Celebrex,and that I shouldnt be taking it . I told him I didnt go out and STEAL it from the nurse's station,they brought it in and handed it to me . I was following the doc's orders. He told me not to be on it long because it is a dangerous drug . I don't remember feeling much different while on it,but I take many different ones, plus I just had surgery,so I probably wouldnt have noticed if it DID do anything weird to me .

I hope all this is is arthritis. I know my other knee is getting REALLY bad,but certainly dont wanna take on another surgery anytime soon,so will just have to deal with it for now.

No clebrex for me...yet, anyway. It makes me nervous....

My appt with the Cancer doc is today at 3:30. Hope I get some good news answers . Trying not to get frazzled and upset or I wont do well. I have to keep calm and level-headed .Make a list of your questions!

Sam says he feels like he should be doing something more to help,but there is really nothing he can do right now .Husbands always want to help and fix things if they can. You can always ask him to help on something so he feels part of your day. I may need some propping up somewhere down the road,but today probably wont be a big scarey thing,just getting answers as to what steps I need to make to do this .

I guess the only thing I wish is that my kids would be here for me. Still not a word from our girl to me . She did email Sam 4 days post-op ,saying she didnt know anything about it . I emailed her right before I went to the hospital for my surgery. Sam emailed her . (we have no phone number for them ). Steph also put it on her Face page that day and our girl is in there a lot . No comment from her to any of us . She just plain doesnt care.

The Cancer is manageable ,this heartbreak with our kids isn't . Not handling it well at all .

Well, enough moaning ,it is what it is .


Will drop in and update you when I get the chance . Will be getting home right at suppertime,so it'll be a bit before I can check in .

That stinks about your kids:hug:manyheart:hug:manyheart

Shout out to Jude

Hope your hip didnt give you more trouble . I noticed you havent been in yet today,but maybe you guys had something to do and I forgot you mentioned it. I AM really off on posts,so just a note to say you're missed . Hope you're ok .

The secret is to keep moving, despite pain...and it really helps...Thanks for your concern. I'll have to learn how to deal with it.:P

Good luck at the doctors:hug:manyheart:hug:manyheart


Off I go again...BBL

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And Lucy still limps after she's been inactive for a while...but no yelping or stuff, so we still hope it'll get better,but with her lifestyle it'll take a while.

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Just lost a long reply...:(:(

So lets see if I can remember what I said:


I worked only this morning. They were going to cancel another nurse who was scheduled to come in at 11. However, I know she needs the money, so I offered to go home if they would let her work. I was having a really nice day too.


And thanks to all who asked about my back. It's much better. A couple of days of limiting what I do and taking motrin usually helps.


As Marlene says, we are having more normal temperatures here this week. Still no desperately needed rain though, and none in the foreseeable future either.


Marlene, sounds like your family reunion was great. Too bad about your ex-dil's behavior. Sure hope the judge puts a stop to that soon. Happy anniversary. I also laughed at your pontoon boat remark.


Julie, I'm really sorry about your kids. I can't even imagine how much it hurts. However, you can't control someone else's actions and you need to use your energy towards getting better. I agree with Linda, that Sam needs to feel a part of this. And if it helps any, I care a lot about you, and I think the other ladies in "the house" do as well. :hug:manyheart:hug And if you need to talk or vent, feel free to "use" me.


Linda, hope signing the lease went smoothly and that moving is uneventful. What an exciting week for you!


Joanne, hope your first day back to work goes well, and that you can make it to craft club tonight. I was unable to open either of your links, but I looked at all the shawls on that site and there are some very nice ones there. Will the shawl be for you?


Val, your cake was beautiful. And you are such a sweetie, forcing down that piece of cake for Julie!:D


Judy, sorry about the hip pain. I have issues with my knees (osteo-arthritis), and I think the weather plays a part in how much pain I have. It's better today than it was last week. Ia gree that gentle motion helps. I guess we can take lessons from our dogs, since inactivity makes them limp as well!


Hi, Mary, you sound like you are having a busy day.


Marisa, hope you are doing well.

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Hi again. Yep, it's been busy. ;) One of our central air units went out yesterday and the company was able to come this morning...he replaced a part and it's running perfectly. Our garage door opener also broke yesterday and we had it fixed this morning, too. So not exactly a fun morning, but it sure could have been worse. DH's eye dr. appt. is at 2:30. We're usually there for a while, so I always take my crocheting with me. :)


Dad's party was nice. My sister has a gorgeous big home on a lake and the views are lovely. Luke was very entertaining at the party. He told everyone that he caught 5 fishies...of course, there was no hook on his pole - just a bobber. :lol


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Hi, again. Got the paperwork all taken care of. I've got lots of drinks in the refrigerator cooling down for tomorrow. I also got a rotisserie chicken and a peach pie so I won't have to go out tomorrow evening. Picked up a shower curtain and assorted rugs and ice cube trays for the freezer compartment. Made a jug of sun tea too. I've already met 2 of my 3 immediate neighbers, both very nice and both offered me help with moving in if I need it.


Hi again. Yep, it's been busy. ;) One of our central air units went out yesterday and the company was able to come this morning...he replaced a part and it's running perfectly. Our garage door opener also broke yesterday and we had it fixed this morning, too. So not exactly a fun morning, but it sure could have been worse. DH's eye dr. appt. is at 2:30. We're usually there for a while, so I always take my crocheting with me. :)


Dad's party was nice. My sister has a gorgeous big home on a lake and the views are lovely. Luke was very entertaining at the party. He told everyone that he caught 5 fishies...of course, there was no hook on his pole - just a bobber. :lol

Good luck to dh on the eye appointment. The picture of Luke with Grandpa is adorable.


Hope all went well with the cancer doc, Julie. We all love you. Feel free to vent as often and long as need be. We are here for you.


Cindy, sounds like you are taking good care of your back. :hug


The temps are in the mid-90's today and are to be about the same tomorrow. Rats! :blush

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Hi again. Yep, it's been busy. ;) One of our central air units went out yesterday and the company was able to come this morning...he replaced a part and it's running perfectly. Our garage door opener also broke yesterday and we had it fixed this morning, too. So not exactly a fun morning, but it sure could have been worse. I hope things don't really break in 3's as someoneone told me once!

DH's eye dr. appt. is at 2:30. We're usually there for a while, so I always take my crocheting with me. :)Good idea...I hope the visit is uneventful


Dad's party was nice. My sister has a gorgeous big home on a lake and the views are lovely. Luke was very entertaining at the party. He told everyone that he caught 5 fishies...of course, there was no hook on his pole - just a bobber. :lol

What a precious look on his face!!!!!

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Hi, again. Got the paperwork all taken care of. I've got lots of drinks in the refrigerator cooling down for tomorrow. I also got a rotisserie chicken and a peach pie so I won't have to go out tomorrow evening. Picked up a shower curtain and assorted rugs and ice cube trays for the freezer compartment. Made a jug of sun tea too. I've already met 2 of my 3 immediate neighbers, both very nice and both offered me help with moving in if I need it.

sounds like you're off to a great start!!! We'll be thinking of you tomorrow and hope that it all goes smoothly.:hug:manyheart

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I went to see DS for the hip pain...which is horredous when I first get moving in the morning...and after an exam and "20 questions" he belives it's bursitis. He has lots of runners who come in and he's seen the symptoms. Sitting on your butt too much, as in my case, can also lead to it! I'll have to be more mindful of how much time I spend sitting at one time.

So...hot showers and ice...and Aleve or whatever works for me. If all that fails, a cortisone shot. Ick.


Have a good night ladies - :hug:manyheart

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Oh Judy, sorry to hear that he thinks its bursitis. I had it in my shoulder a few years ago, but it's a lot easier to take in a shoulder I'm sure, because you don't have to use your shoulder all the time. I can't imagine it in your hip.


Mary, that picture of Luke is so cute. Who is that with him?

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....craft club is the light at the end of your day....:c9


too hot to get in and out of a car to house hunt, that's for sure!



Nice pattern...would make a great afghan square:D


CU all later:hug:manyheart

I must have copied the link to the shawl incorrectly so posted it again.


I thought the same thing about the dishcloth when I made it that it would be a nice square!

Shawl pattern


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Julie- Big hugs to you my friend. And like many have mentioned, we love you and care for you and are here for you!!!:hug:hug


Cindy- Not sure who I will give the shawl to or if I will keep it. I'm actually trying it out to see how I like how it turns out and then we'll see if I make another one I'm making the "half lace shawl"


Judy- Bursitis is the pits. I've also had it in my shoulder and can't imagine the pain in your hip!! Hugs!


Linda- Oh, how exciting!!!!:clap You're all set for the big move in and I'm so happy that your neighbors are so nice!!!


Mary- Love the pic of Luke!!!:manyheart


Marlene- Glad you had a good time at the reunion.


Work was busy- took me all day to catch up on emails and had 2 meetings. Back to reality- but now I'm off to craft club. :hookIf I forgot to comment to someone, it's because I'm out of time!!


Have a good night!

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Hi all

Quick answer to what all the doc said today . I'm a little bit overwhelemd at the moment. Very tired and feel like an awful big mountain needs climbed,so I'll just post this ,then come in tomorrow to read up on what I missed .


The doc visit went ok I guess. I have lots of crap in store that needs done. First, he says I have to go on an iodine free diet . The selection of foods on it are about what they get to eat on Survivor. Very little of anything good. They will be doing weekly bloodwork until my TSH level is 30 or higher,which means my thyroid hormone will be totally depleted. He said by that point, I will feel very exhausted .


When it reaches that point,they give me a pill that has the radioactive nuclear whatever the heck it is, which should kill any remaining thyroid tissue or cells in my body. After getting that treatment,you are put on an odd system where I will actually have such high levels of radiation, I can't be closer than 6 feet to my husband or anyone else. Stay out of public places. No human contact, not even a touch .I have to sleep in a separate room, all my eating utensils must be washed separately .Same with all my clothing, towels, sheets, etc . No contact with Cam for 4 days, because this stuff is extremely dangerous to kids .


Once that test is completed, 10 days later they will do a complete body scan to see if any areas light up ( other than my neck area, he said it'd be common if that is lit up,but if someplac e else is, that will show that the cancer may have spread to that new location. He said it is highly unlikely,but not impossible.


If that shows ok,then I am allowed to eat regualr food the next day,and 2 days after, I start the thyroid meds.


In one year (if all this junk goes alright),they give me 2 shots of thyroid something or other,to test to see if it is cured. At that point ,they can tell me I am free of cancer,so for one year, I guess am considered to still be a cancer patient .


That's all I can remember that he said. It sounds like a pile of annoying things,but if it fixes me,it'll be worth it .


Thanks again for helping me out by listening and offering encouragement.. I really do appreciate it more than words can say .

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Julie - Thanks for coming in and sharing with us. I know you must be exhausted. I believe that everything is going to be alright. I will certainly keep you before the Lord in prayer. We are family and you can always come in here and say whatever you want. That's what friends are for. Have a good night.:hug:manyheart:hug


Cindy - I'm glad your back is better. You are such a sweetie to go home in order for the other nurse to work. God is going to bless you extra.


Mary - Luke is sooo cute.


Linda - It seems you have everything under control.


Judy - I'm hoping you and Lucy feel 100% soon.


Joanne - Hope you enjoy craft club.


Have a good night housemates!!!

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I must have copied the link to the shawl incorrectly so posted it again.

Shawl pattern


I saved the pattern, it looks like something that the Prayer Shawl group could use. Thanks so much.

Hi all

Quick answer to what all the doc said today . I'm a little bit overwhelemd at the moment. Very tired and feel like an awful big mountain needs climbed,so I'll just post this ,then come in tomorrow to read up on what I missed .


The doc visit went ok I guess. I have lots of crap in store that needs done. First, he says I have to go on an iodine free diet . The selection of foods on it are about what they get to eat on Survivor. Very little of anything good. They will be doing weekly bloodwork until my TSH level is 30 or higher,which means my thyroid hormone will be totally depleted. He said by that point, I will feel very exhausted .


When it reaches that point,they give me a pill that has the radioactive nuclear whatever the heck it is, which should kill any remaining thyroid tissue or cells in my body. After getting that treatment,you are put on an odd system where I will actually have such high levels of radiation, I can't be closer than 6 feet to my husband or anyone else. Stay out of public places. No human contact, not even a touch .I have to sleep in a separate room, all my eating utensils must be washed separately .Same with all my clothing, towels, sheets, etc . No contact with Cam for 4 days, because this stuff is extremely dangerous to kids .


Once that test is completed, 10 days later they will do a complete body scan to see if any areas light up ( other than my neck area, he said it'd be common if that is lit up,but if someplac e else is, that will show that the cancer may have spread to that new location. He said it is highly unlikely,but not impossible.


If that shows ok,then I am allowed to eat regualr food the next day,and 2 days after, I start the thyroid meds.


In one year (if all this junk goes alright),they give me 2 shots of thyroid something or other,to test to see if it is cured. At that point ,they can tell me I am free of cancer,so for one year, I guess am considered to still be a cancer patient .


That's all I can remember that he said. It sounds like a pile of annoying things,but if it fixes me,it'll be worth it .


Thanks again for helping me out by listening and offering encouragement.. I really do appreciate it more than words can say .

:hug:hug:hug That all sounds about right, Julie. Praying for you! :hug:hug:hug


I took some pictures of the mostly vacant apartment, but apparently left the camera there when I left to come home. Will take more tomorrow and as the settling in occurs. I've got a bunch of clothes and one chair there now and a few other things. Have some more last minute things to pack and then to bed. Will check back in when I can. :manyheart

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Hi all

Quick answer to what all the doc said today . I'm a little bit overwhelemd at the moment. Very tired and feel like an awful big mountain needs climbed,so I'll just post this ,then come in tomorrow to read up on what I missed . Totally understandable that you are slightly overwhelmed right now. It's a lot of information to have to take in.


The doc visit went ok I guess. I have lots of crap in store that needs done. First, he says I have to go on an iodine free diet . The selection of foods on it are about what they get to eat on Survivor. Very little of anything good. They will be doing weekly bloodwork until my TSH level is 30 or higher,which means my thyroid hormone will be totally depleted. He said by that point, I will feel very exhausted .


When it reaches that point,they give me a pill that has the radioactive nuclear whatever the heck it is, which should kill any remaining thyroid tissue or cells in my body. After getting that treatment,you are put on an odd system where I will actually have such high levels of radiation, I can't be closer than 6 feet to my husband or anyone else. Stay out of public places. No human contact, not even a touch .I have to sleep in a separate room, all my eating utensils must be washed separately .Same with all my clothing, towels, sheets, etc . No contact with Cam for 4 days, because this stuff is extremely dangerous to kids .


Once that test is completed, 10 days later they will do a complete body scan to see if any areas light up ( other than my neck area, he said it'd be common if that is lit up,but if someplac e else is, that will show that the cancer may have spread to that new location. He said it is highly unlikely,but not impossible.


If that shows ok,then I am allowed to eat regualr food the next day,and 2 days after, I start the thyroid meds.


In one year (if all this junk goes alright),they give me 2 shots of thyroid something or other,to test to see if it is cured. At that point ,they can tell me I am free of cancer,so for one year, I guess am considered to still be a cancer patient .


That's all I can remember that he said. It sounds like a pile of annoying things,but if it fixes me,it'll be worth it .


Thanks again for helping me out by listening and offering encouragement.. I really do appreciate it more than words can say .

Everything you've said sounds about right. One of my co-worker's husband went through exactly what you have described a few years ago and I'm happy to report that he is cancer-free and doing fantastic!! you will be too!!! This is the friend that is now currently going through breast cancer treatment herself. She and her hubby stopped in a few weeks ago and can I just say that he is doing great---and so far so is she:)


I saved the pattern, it looks like something that the Prayer Shawl group could use. Thanks so much. You're welcome


:hug:hug:hug That all sounds about right, Julie. Praying for you! :hug:hug:hug


I took some pictures of the mostly vacant apartment, but apparently left the camera there when I left to come home. Will take more tomorrow and as the settling in occurs. I've got a bunch of clothes and one chair there now and a few other things. Have some more last minute things to pack and then to bed. Will check back in when I can. :manyheart

How exciting! Can't wait to see the 'before' decorating and 'after' decorating pictures. Hope all goes smoothly today for you!!!


Had a good time at craft club and enjoyed the friendship and camaraderie. Today is going to be a busy day with lots of meetings so I'd best get moving. IMO, meetings take away from actually getting something accomplished:lol


Have a good day everyone!

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Good morning all. We had thunderstorms last night and some rain, but I don't think it was much. It's really muggy outside. My knee was cramping last night so I put Tiger Balm on it and that really helped. I'll wear a brace on it today which will help prevent a repeat hopefully. The sun's up and we have blue skies for the move-in day. Joey should be calling from the truck place in about an hour. I've a few more boxes to pack this morning, but got most of it done last night. This will probably be my last post for at least a few days.


Hope you all have a terrific week. :hug:manyheart:hug:manyheart:hug

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Jules, at least you know the game plan - to me that's half the battle!

You're always in my thoughts and prayers.:hug:manyheart


Linda - way too much of an exciting day ahead for you today!!!!:clap


Joanne, thanks for the link for the shawl. I really like it! When I can sit long enough again, I'll be wanting to pick up my hook. Reading and hooking aren't fun standing up.



Oh Judy, sorry to hear that he thinks its bursitis. I had it in my shoulder a few years ago, but it's a lot easier to take in a shoulder I'm sure, because you don't have to use your shoulder all the time. I can't imagine it in your hip.


DS asked me over the phone before I went to see him for a treatment yesterday: "Is it the end-of the world pain?" Yup...till this morning, that's how bad it was. Today when I first got up it was almost 90 percent improved. Now it's only tolerable, since sitting makes it worse. Made me wish I was guy this morning when I ....well you get the drift.:P


A cortisone shot may be on the horizon, but I'm needle phobic, so we'll see.

I'm standing at the kitchen counter typing on my netbook right now, which is fine. Hopefully later this AM I'll fell better

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Good morning housemates!


Joanne - thanks for reposting the shawl site. I hated meetings as well. They usually drag out and you're sitting there thinking about all you could be accomplishing. Glad you enjoy craft club. Have a great day inspite of the meetings.


Judy - I'm sorry you're not able to sit comfortably. I hope the pain goes away soon.:hug


Linda - Today is moving day:cheer:clap freedom! Take care of yourself. Hope the knee is okay!


Good morning Cindy, Marisa, Julie, Marlene, Mary and the rest of the house gang. Have a great day!

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Hi everyone. :) Thank you for the sweet comments about Luke. ♥♥♥ That is his Daddy in the picture...the sweetest son-in-law in the world.


Julie ~ I don't blame you for being overwhelmed! That is a lot of info all at once, but maybe the "one day at a time" plan can help here, too. :hug:manyheart


Marlene ~ Happy Belated Anniversary! :)


Judy ~ So sorry about your hip. :hug


Linda ~ We'll miss you until you get your internet...but have fun unpacking and doing things on your schedule!


I've been making pesto this a.m. and just cleaned up the mess. My basil was taking over, so it was time! :lol

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Hi Ladies,


Julie, Glad I could give guys a chuckle. I'm sure everything is over whelming to take in. But I think the doctor is right one day at a time will make things easier. I have a friend in Texas/Michigan and she had to have the radiation treatments last summer. Her thyroid was enlarged way to much and they wanted to kill it. She was worn out all winter. She took naps and never use to and stayed inside when she would of rather been outside but didn't feel up to getting out. This to shall pass. I believe you will be okay when all is done. You can share the good and bad with us. Were all here for you. Keeping you in my prayers. :hug


Mary, Luke is learning early how to tell fishing stories. Maya has to. Her bluegills are pretty big. That's a cute pic of Luke and his Daddy. Glad your ac and garage door could be fixed so quickly for you. Hope DH's eye appt went well.


Judy, Glad you were better this morning. Hope your don't suffer to much longer. How about one of those rings little kids use in the pool to sit on. It would soften your sitting. I don't like needles either.


Cindy, Glad your back is getting better. Nice of you to go home and let the other lady come in. Hot weather is on it's way.


Joanne, That will be a pretty shawl. Glad your friends are doing well.


Linda, Glad you have some nice neighbors. Hope moving day is going smoothly. Now your a free woman and out from under John's thumb. How is Kim doing with you moving out? She is really going to miss you.


Val, What are you up to this week?


I started here this morning, but have been sidetracked many times. DS called and I almost had to go pick up parts to get to my brother who is fixing his car. My sister lives closer and she got back to him and said she would do it as she was going that way anyways.

Been doing laundry all day with one more load to go. Maya and I had grilled cheese for lunch and she came back for seconds. Sometimes she hardly eats much and then she'll surprise you and you can't fill her up. Maybe she is in a growing spurt again.

I need to accomplish some more today so I will catch you all later. Have a good day everyone. Stay cool!

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thanks for the good wishes, ladies.


Marlene, my son said that when I sit on the floor (we play Scrabble on the carpeted Living Room floor) I should sit on a pillow...I did that, and so far so good. It's the mornings that have been the horror and it takes hours for the pain to disipate. Ice packs have been working...and today was hopefully the beginning of my feeling better.


Have a great night everyone.:hug:manyheart

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Hi all,

Judy- I sure hope that the bursitis is starting to ease up and you don't have to get the cortisone shot!


Linda - Will miss you but can't wait till you can tell us all about your own new place!


Marlene Sounds like Maya is having a growing spurt! That was great that your sis-in-law was able to pick up the parts and you didn't have to go get them.


Val- Ended up with 4 meetings today- that's half the day taken up in meetings. I didn't leave until 6 tonight!!


Off to relax a bit and sending good wishes to ALL!

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Good morning and Happy Hump Day!!!


Happy first day waking up in your new place, Linda!!!!


I decided to work on the shawl that I started last night (the one I posted the link to) I like it so far and think I may give it to my boss for her birthday in a few weeks.


Sending positive thoughts to everyone for a good day today. I think I may stop after work at DD's for some Ryan time!

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hi, ladies,

a short one for now...i'll be calling my internist later abot cortisone...he might want me to see my ortho guy for it, not sure. Don't know his experience.... I woke up to a not so nice morning:P


Have a good one, everybody.:hug

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