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Our House Part Two


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as I was out in the yard on poop patrol I saw this...ran in to get my simple digital camera....and wow.


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Good afternoon all. Went to the post office this morning and got the stuff for switching my address. Picked up a few basics like laundry deterent, fabric softener, peanut butter & jam, paper towels, olive oil, and cooking spray. Got "Open House" balloons blown up for JC for tomorrow. It's hot (95*) with clouds and thunder moving in. JC went through the pantry and is giving me all the things that he doesn't want, like 10 cake mixes he bought, hamburger help and such. I'll probably give a lot of it to the local food bank. Can't imagine what I'd do with that many cake mixes!!?! :think


Hi all,

Home sweet home! Well actually got home around 12:30- we left New England early in the morning- then stopped about an hour 1/2 into the trip for a nice leisurely breakfast at Cracker Barrel! Got home, unpacked, and then spent the rest of the afternoon with my DD and Ryan!


Linda- I'm beyond excited for you!! Hope you get to sleep tonight! That's nice of JC to give you their 'old' microwave- and a tv (or two).


Well, back to the game!

I slept well last night. No leg cramps, thank goodness.

Hi Ladies,


Just getting back online. We came home thursday afternoon to no power and 102 and hotter yesterday. We have a generator so we did get the refrigerator, freezer, a light and a fan going. It was awful! We didn't start it up until 10 that night just waiting to see if it would come back on. Coming home we seen trees down and uprooted and kept wondering if we were effected. We had to take a small detour about 5 miles from homes. We brought the back roads home or we would of known there was a power pole down about a 1/2 mile away. I'm glad that we live on the lake so we could get in the water. But not before 5 because I would of burned badly. But it's over and everyone is happy and the house is cooled down.

I have to get some stuff done now. I'll catch you all later. Hapve a nice day!

Hope you've got power back by now. Glad you got home safely and didn't have any damage there.

Ladies, my youngest drove over from Bama and she, her husband, our other 2 sisters, my niece, nephew, and great niece gave me a family surprise party with a delicious cake. We are going to finish celebrating this afternoon so they can head home. FAMILY - gotta love em. Have a great day!!



Oh, what fun!

well, it seems the town was a tad premature in lifting the boil water advisory - by 4 days:P Everyone in the neighborhood has been checking in and seem ok. The township and the water company are pointing fingers at each other now.

We also have 2 water main breaks - one nearby. Sooooo we woke up to brown water...

I keep reminding myself...at least we have electricity!!!!!!!!!!!!:clap

At least you have electricity! :clap:clap:clap Sounds typical about beaurocrats pointing fingers at each other and blaming each other for the mistake.

as I was out in the yard on poop patrol I saw this...ran in to get my simple digital camera....and wow.



It just started to rain, something we could really use. I hope we get more than just enough to settle the dust. Maybe this will lower the heat a bit.

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Spent the day indoors except for an early morning run to TJ's and then a quick stop at Kohls and Starbucks. I've added some stripes to my granny stripe afghan and weaved in the ends as I go along.


Judy- That picture of the butterfly is awesome!! I saw one today also but by the time I went in to get my camera- it was gone! Can't believe that they lifted the water restriction too soon. Glad to hear everyone is ok.


Linda- 10 cake mixes?:eek I guess if your church has a bake sale they would come in handy! I'm glad that you slept well last night. It looks like it's going to rain here- we are under a thunder storm watch - and with the high over 100 temps and humidity, I wouldn't be surprised if it does. Just hoping the power stays on. I've been very comfortable INSIDE!


Off to make dinner- left over chicken on a salad. Still not cooking until vacation is officially over:lol

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Oh dear, Judy, sorry to hear about the water.


Joanne, I often grill extra chicken so that we can have it on a salad. One of my favorite summer time meals, actually. We had tacos tonight, not high on my list, (spicy doesn't agree with my stomach), but dh loves them.


Linda, I envy you that rain. We desperately need some, we haven't had any rain in weeks and with all these 100 degree plus days, things are looking pretty sad around here.


Judy, pretty butterfly. I've never been able to get a picture of one. Actually its so hot and dry here, that I don;t see much in the way of wildlife around at all. I hear the birds int he morning, but after that I don;t see or hear them. They must be hiding in the woods. I've been keeping the birdbaths full and we also water the grass, so they are able to find some water around here.

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JC got a couple of birdbaths this week for the poor birds. Just went out and moved stuff from the garage to my car for Monday. The temp came down from about 95* to about 82* but the humidity went up to about 99% so it feels worse than before and we just got enough rain to settle the dust. I sure hope it cools down the beginning of the week like they call for or it will be miserable moving.

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Good morning!


Last day of 'vacation' for me! We had some mild storms come through last evening- but it still feels humid. The temps are 'only' supposed to hit 90 degrees---which is better than 100+!!


Linda- Last day for you under JC's roof!! Fingers crossed that it's not too hot when you move tomorrow and Tuesday!


Cindy- I also have to say that chicken on a salad is one of my favorite summer time meals too!!


Hope you all have a nice, peaceful, restful day which is what I'm planning for myself too.

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hi everybody


My hip has been very achy in the mornings so keeping this short. Not sure what's going on...opposite side where the scoliosis is.:think Once I get going it doesn't hurt nearly as bad.


The rain Joanne mentioned did water the grass this morning. It was short, but a downpour. Flowers should be okay for another day...


Going to Whole Foods this AM - a nice way to start the day:)



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Hi Ladies,


Judy, Your petunias are pretty. The butterfly is pretty. We were at a soccer game for Payton a couple of years ago and a butterfly kept landing on my shoe. I snapped a picture of it. Sorry your having water issues again.


Mary, Glad your enjoying your new computer. Hope you had a great time at your Dad's birthday party yesterday. The fishy afghan is cute.


Val, Happy belated birthday! How nice of your daughter and family to come and celebrate it with you. The cake sounds yummy!


Julie, Sorry to hear about the cancer. Were here for you. Keeping you in my prayers. Cam is going to love his new bedroom.


Cindy, Hope your back is better real soon. We don't like spicy tacos (actually hubby didn't so i've just gotten use to the way I make them now) I season my burger with pepper, garlic powder and a little bit of cumin. I add onion when the burger is about half done then drain if it needs to be. Then I mix a can of refried beans with the burger. I use this for same mixture when I make enchiladas or nachos.

The second log cabin pattern is a nice one to.


Linda, Thanks for the new addy. Moving day is just hours away now. The area of your apt sounds great. I hope the temps cool down for you and the movers.


Joanne, Glad you had a nice and relaxing vacation.


Today is my Dad's 85th family reunion. Lucky for us it's just 3 miles away. It's on a lake so kids can swim, it's a small park but all the kids seem to enjoy it and it has 2 pavillions. And it's free to use. I'm hoping my great aunt will be there. She is in her 90's.

Maya is back with us. Her Mom went home last night as she has to work today.

DS was suppose to pick up the kids yesterday, but she denied him. He was going to bring them over to visit us as Payton has been wanting to see us. On a sad but good note the kids were in the window and seen there Dad was there to get them. By them seeing him she can't tell them some made up story about him not showing up. Who knows what she told them why they couldn't go. But he'll file his paperwork with the friend of court. He said she use to do this to the older kids Dad also. As much as it angers us we can't let it control us.

I have to go get a shower and get things ready for the reunion. I'll try and get back later. Have a great day everyone! Stay cool!

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Judy- Sorry to hear about the achy hip- hopefully the trek around whole foods will have you feeling better!!!


Marlene- That stinks what your ex dil is doing- she is really hurting the kids. Good for your DS to file some paperwork and that's really good that the kids saw him coming to get them. Have fun at the reunion today!


Went out to breakfast to celebrate the last day of vacation. It's absolutely my favorite meal to go out for!!

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Good morning again. I finally got sleep about 2:30. Up at 8:30 and cleaned the downstairs for JC's open house today. Had to run to the balloon place again today as the balloons deflated overnight. They refilled them free of charge and replaced the one that had a leak, also free of charge. As soon as JC gets back from putting them out I'm leaving and don't plan to return until the open house is over.


Today is my Dad's 85th family reunion. Lucky for us it's just 3 miles away. It's on a lake so kids can swim, it's a small park but all the kids seem to enjoy it and it has 2 pavillions. And it's free to use. I'm hoping my great aunt will be there. She is in her 90's.

Maya is back with us. Her Mom went home last night as she has to work today.

Hope you have a wonderful time at the party.

DS was suppose to pick up the kids yesterday, but she denied him. He was going to bring them over to visit us as Payton has been wanting to see us. On a sad but good note the kids were in the window and seen there Dad was there to get them. By them seeing him she can't tell them some made up story about him not showing up. Who knows what she told them why they couldn't go. But he'll file his paperwork with the friend of court. He said she use to do this to the older kids Dad also. As much as it angers us we can't let it control us.

That is really nasty of her. Hope the judge comes down on her big time for her antics.


JC's back so I'm taking off. Have a great day. :manyheart

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Good afternoon housemates!


Linda - Thank God you had a good rest on Friday night and hopefully last night as well. I hope there's relief in the temp and that the rain holds off until you finish your move. Enjoy your outing today!


Mary - I hope your dad's party was a huge success.


Judianne - Sorry you're having to boil water again. I love the picture of the butterfly. I hope your hip is feeling better.:hug


Marlene - I left out the word sister after youngest. I don't have any kids. I'm sorry your grandkids won't be able to join you at the family reunion but enjoy yourself anyways.


Joanne - When do you go to Boston for your cousin's 70th BD party? I'm glad you're taking advantage of your vacation time. My youngest sister had the same vacation period as you. She'll return to work on tomorrow as well. I love eating breakfast out as well.


Cindy - I had too much spicy food this weekend and I'm paying for it too.:lol


Marisa - I hope you're enjoying your weekend. I've missed you post and can hardly wait until you're back.


Julie - I hope you're feeling well and keeping cool:hug.


Have a great day all!

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DS was suppose to pick up the kids yesterday, but she denied him. He was going to bring them over to visit us as Payton has been wanting to see us. On a sad but good note the kids were in the window and seen there Dad was there to get them. By them seeing him she can't tell them some made up story about him not showing up. Who knows what she told them why they couldn't go. But he'll file his paperwork with the friend of court. He said she use to do this to the older kids Dad also. As much as it angers us we can't let it control us.

that's terrible!:angry


Judy- Sorry to hear about the achy hip- hopefully the trek around whole foods will have you feeling better!!!

it took longer than yesterday, but by lunchtime I was feeling better. The walking seems to help - and if I rmemeber correctly, if the pain diappears like that - or disipates - it's arthritis.

I really don't want to go to a doctor anytime soon...Anyone had any experience with celebrex?:think My internist recommended it but #1: not in our plan #2: the side effects make me nervous.


Here is a picture of my beautiful and delicious birthday cake.

Oh, that is PERFECT!!:clap

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Here is a picture of my beautiful and delicious birthday cake.

What a beautiful cake!


No takers on the open house so far, but it's so beastly hot I'm not surprised.

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Beautiful cake, Val!!!! Wait till Julie sees it!!!!


Linda- I'm not surprised about the open house either. Who wants to go looking at houses when it's so hot out?


Judy- Yup, may be arthritis. I have no experience with Celebrex. I don't like medications for the side effects. I have to take Blood pressure medication and the one that my internist prescribed works great, no side effects for me- and even though my insurance tries to get me to take a generic brand, I won't. I'd rather pay more knowing that it has been working great for me!


Had a good day! Worked on my granny stripe for a bit, then started a shawl that I found here: http://engineeredcrochet.blogspot.co...ch/label/Shawl


Then I made a dishcloth that I found here: http://ambassadorcrochet.com/2010/02...ripple-stitch/


My DD and GS came over and just left a little while ago. A perfect way to end my vacation!!!!

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Quick stop in to wish you all a good Monday! Back to work for me today:( But at least there is craft club tonight to look forward to!:)


Linda- Good luck moving some of your things today- hope the temperatures are not too hot!

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Quick stop in to wish you all a good Monday! Back to work for me today:( But at least there is craft club tonight to look forward to!:)

....craft club is the light at the end of your day....:c9


What a beautiful cake!


No takers on the open house so far, but it's so beastly hot I'm not surprised.

too hot to get in and out of a car to house hunt, that's for sure!


Judy- Yup, may be arthritis. I have no experience with Celebrex. I don't like medications for the side effects. I have to take Blood pressure medication and the one that my internist prescribed works great, no side effects for me- and even though my insurance tries to get me to take a generic brand, I won't. I'd rather pay more knowing that it has been working great for me!Thanks for the input. I took an Aleve last night and this morning the pain didn't quite take my breath away when I got up and started walking. I don't like taking it every night, but I may have to.


Had a good day! Worked on my granny stripe for a bit, then started a shawl that I found here: http://engineeredcrochet.blogspot.co...ch/label/Shawl

Link didn't work - copyight issues with CV??:think

Then I made a dishcloth that I found here: http://ambassadorcrochet.com/2010/02...ripple-stitch/


My DD and GS came over and just left a little while ago. A perfect way to end my vacation!!!!

Nice pattern...would make a great afghan square:D


CU all later:hug:manyheart

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Morning all

I meant to get in here to post before this,so I wouldnt be a gazillion posts behind,but here I am .... WAY behind again.

I'll just try to remember what to post,so if I forget you,it doesnt mean I am ignoring you ,it means I am too scatterbrained to keep up lately .



Your vacation sounds like it was great .



Sorry you woke up with another ailment . As for Celebrex.,the knee guy put me on that for about 1- 2 wks right after my knee surgery . When my old doc's partner came in ( the one I didnt like ), he was yelling about me taking Celebrex,and that I shouldnt be taking it . I told him I didnt go out and STEAL it from the nurse's station,they brought it in and handed it to me . I was following the doc's orders. He told me not to be on it long because it is a dangerous drug . I don't remember feeling much different while on it,but I take many different ones, plus I just had surgery,so I probably wouldnt have noticed if it DID do anything weird to me .

I hope all this is is arthritis. I know my other knee is getting REALLY bad,but certainly dont wanna take on another surgery anytime soon,so will just have to deal with it for now.



My gosh,that cake looks SO good !



Moving week ! Can't wait to see pics of the new place all set up .



Hope you had a good weekend and that your back let up for you .



How'd the birthday party go ?



So sorry to hear of your son's problems with getting to spend time with his kids. Girls like that make me so angry,when the dad wants time with his kids and she uses them as weapons against him. NOT GOOD .

I'm glad the kids know he is trying to see them,but it was also probably pretty hard for them seeing it happen. Sure hope he can take their mom back to court so they can nail her behind for behaving like this .


Sorry, I'm coming up with a blank on everything else. I should have taken notes or posted sooner . Too far behind again .


My appt with the Cancer doc is today at 3:30. Hope I get some good news answers . Trying not to get frazzled and upset or I wont do well. I have to keep calm and level-headed .

Sam was gonna take work off today to go with me,but I told him to go to work. No sense in him missing the whole day,when I dont get in til the end of the day. Besides, I think for now at least, I need to be tough and deal with it by myself. If I go alone, I give myself a peptalk the whole drive. A cross between good cop/bad cop. By the time I get there, it'll be Suck it up and get a grip ... that should do me til I get done and out in the car to come home .

Sam says he feels like he should be doing something more to help,but there is really nothing he can do right now . I may need some propping up somewhere down the road,but today probably wont be a big scarey thing,just getting answers as to what steps I need to make to do this .

I guess the only thing I wish is that my kids would be here for me. Still not a word from our girl to me . She did email Sam 4 days post-op ,saying she didnt know anything about it . I emailed her right before I went to the hospital for my surgery. Sam emailed her . (we have no phone number for them ). Steph also put it on her Face page that day and our girl is in there a lot . No comment from her to any of us . She just plain doesnt care.

The Cancer is manageable ,this heartbreak with our kids isn't . Not handling it well at all .

Well, enough moaning ,it is what it is .


Will drop in and update you when I get the chance . Will be getting home right at suppertime,so it'll be a bit before I can check in .

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Good morning. My stomach is tied in knots and I am WIRED! 10:30 is the time to sign the lease, pay this months rent, and get the keys. I'm beyond excited. The car is just about packed full although I do have some more room in the front seat.


My appt with the Cancer doc is today at 3:30. Hope I get some good news answers . Trying not to get frazzled and upset or I wont do well. I have to keep calm and level-headed .

Sam was gonna take work off today to go with me,but I told him to go to work. No sense in him missing the whole day,when I dont get in til the end of the day. Besides, I think for now at least, I need to be tough and deal with it by myself. If I go alone, I give myself a peptalk the whole drive. A cross between good cop/bad cop. By the time I get there, it'll be Suck it up and get a grip ... that should do me til I get done and out in the car to come home .

Sam says he feels like he should be doing something more to help,but there is really nothing he can do right now . I may need some propping up somewhere down the road,but today probably wont be a big scarey thing,just getting answers as to what steps I need to make to do this .

I guess the only thing I wish is that my kids would be here for me. Still not a word from our girl to me . She did email Sam 4 days post-op ,saying she didnt know anything about it . I emailed her right before I went to the hospital for my surgery. Sam emailed her . (we have no phone number for them ). Steph also put it on her Face page that day and our girl is in there a lot . No comment from her to any of us . She just plain doesnt care.

The Cancer is manageable ,this heartbreak with our kids isn't . Not handling it well at all .

Well, enough moaning ,it is what it is .


Will drop in and update you when I get the chance . Will be getting home right at suppertime,so it'll be a bit before I can check in .

:hug:hug:hug Julie you are in my prayers. Good luck with the doctor this afternoon. Don't forget that Sam needs to feel needed in all of this, too. It's scary for him too. So sorry about the problems with the kids. :hug:hug:hug

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Thanks Linda

Have an exciting day today . Moving is always a new and fun adventure . This will be great for you to finally have your own place again,and be on your own schedule .

Dont try to do too much in one day. I usually do that when we move, because I am impatient and want to get everything done as fast as possible.

Thanks for the input on Sam. I understand he wants to help and he does . I think I can handle this one ,though . After this, I may need more backup .

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Good Morning, House. :)


Julie ~ Sending lots of positive thoughts and hugs to you.:hug You are one strong lady! :manyheart I'm so sorry about your kids...that would be the hardest thing for me to deal with, too. Is Cam still at camp?


Judy ~ I hope the Aleve helps. :hug Your butterfly picture was beautiful!


Valerie ~ What a gorgeous cake! Your surprise party sounds so fun...your family is extra special.


Marlene ~ I hope you had a great time at the reunion. :)


Linda ~ It's finally time for the move! :cheer I'm so excited for you - hope everything goes smoothly. :)


Joanne ~ How is the Granny Stripes coming along? Are you doing random colors? I copied Lucy's almost exactly, because I was afraid I'd mess it up otherwise. :blush:lol


Cindy ~ I sure hope you get some relief from the heat soon. We always keep the birdbaths full...we have a fountain by the patio and love watching the birds come. :)


Hi to anyone I may have missed. :manyheart Lots going on here today, so I'll check back in later. :)

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Hi Ladies,


Val, The cake is beautiful!


Judy, I've never been on celebrex so no help here. Hope your pain goes away soon. Have you tried flipping your mattress? How old is your mattress? We bought an 8" foam mattress form walmart online for a trailer in Texas as I was having trouble sleeping on the mattress they come with.


Joanne, Nice dishcloth pattern. I couldn't get the link for the shawl go work either, but I did go there and she has 4 pretty shawls. You will be ready for craft club tonight, enjoy.


Linda, Good luck with the move today. It has to be super exciting. I hope the weather isn't to hot. Will you be staying there tonight?


Julie, Good luck with the doctors appt. Sam is such a sweetheart! Sorry the kids are the way they are. It would break my heart to. Were here for you anytime day or night.:hug


Mary, Cindy, Marisa, Hope your having a nice day.


The reunion was a nice time. We only had 30 people all but 26 of them were my immediate family members. My family always has the most there. My great aunt who I was hoping was going to be there wasn't. She had a stroke in november and is in a nursing home. She never married. One of my great uncles married late in life and had a son. That great uncle and his wife have both passed so there son (Richard) looks after my great aunt. He does a great job and he is young maybe around 30.

My sisters, there kids and grandkids came over to are house. My brothers had to get home. We had a nice visit. My nephew and nephew to be fixed are pontoon. The carburetor need a cleaning. They told me to buy some stablizer and put it in each tank of gas. The pontoon hasn't been around the lake in 2 1/2 years and neither have I. I'm picking up a part for the tank to and we should be able to use it tonight or tomorrow. The best anniversary gift I could get was to get the pontoon fixed.

Yesterday was are 16th anniversary. Spending it with family-can't get much better than that.

Maya and I have to make a trip to the store for a few things. Hope everyone has a nice day. Are temps are back to normal this week in the 80's.:clap

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Thanks for the encouragement . I am trying to be tough . I feel like my TOUGH is slipping a bit,but still hanging in there for now . The Surgeon told me to take on day at a time and not try to look at the whole situation because it'd be too much to handle at once,so just get through one day,then on to the next .




Thanks for making me chuckle today,when you said your boat hasnt been around the lake in years and neither have you ! Pretty funny !

Happy anniversary,and I hope you get that trip around the lake you have been waiting for .

A pontoon boat would be so nice. My cousin has one,but we've never been on it .He took Steph and Cam and some of the kids on it the day we came home from reunion,but we didnt take the time to stop ( he lives about halfway from reunion to here ). So maybe another time .

Thanks for the offer of support . :)

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Shout out to Jude

Hope your hip didnt give you more trouble . I noticed you havent been in yet today,but maybe you guys had something to do and I forgot you mentioned it. I AM really off on posts,so just a note to say you're missed . Hope you're ok .

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Good afternoon housemates!


Joanne - I'm glad you ended your vacation with a bang (GS & DD). I hope your first day back at work is easy for you. I had problems with the websites. I hope you have a great time at craft club tonight.


Linda - Hoping you get a break with the weather for your move. Is Rosie and John still out of town?


Julie - That cake was soooooo good! Per your earlier request, my first piece was a corner piece in your honor. I'm not a cake person except when it comes to this particular cake. I also usually don't get the edge (only for you)...my second piece was in the middle for me. I think I like this because the icing is not tooo sweet. It's butter cream and the cake also had strawberries in the middle. I'm sorry your kids don't realize what they have in you. Lifting you and the family up in prayer.:hug:manyheart:hug


Mary - Thanks...it was fun and my fam is special. How was your dad's birthday party?


Marlene - Happy belated anniversary. I'm so glad you had a great time at the family reunion. I'm glad you and the pontoon will get to go around the lake again.:lol


Judy - Hope you're feeling better. How is Lucy doing?


Marisa - Saw your pictures on fb...you were beautiful...love the color of your hair.


Have a good afternoon mates!

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