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Our House Part Two


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~~Julie julie!~~ Essential oils- There are a ton of lines out there- I am a consultant for DoTerra it's a line that EVERYoil is used----You can apply them topically, some you can ingest. It just depends on what the oil is made for. There's an oil for EVERYTHING! He went to the doctor but......antibiotics been in him since last wed and he's a little better but could use some more to boost his immune system etc. We have an awesome protective blend which boosts. but he claims no voodoo!

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Hi all! Quick hello as I've been so busy today, just want to sit and crochet some baby hats for donation to the Lil Troopers for the military babies.


Judy, I'm having trouble at the beginning of round 10. Don't think I'm doing the leaves right because I don't see how she is using 4 stitches from the previous row and they look funky. Taken them out a few times. What I've done so far is really quite pretty.


Tam, have fun yarn shopping. When I get my taxes back, I have two different skeins of sock yarn picked out and another sock book to purchase. Hurry up the 19th *LOL*


Mary1, that 20 gauge has kept problems from happening a couple of times since I've lived here. No one wants to mess with a crazy old lady with a shotgun :rofl


Linda, glad it's not just me that's confused! It is a nice looking cozy, I will finish it somehow, my friend will get it and then those directions will disappear never to be seen again! :lol


Kiyo, give him a teaspoon of honey for his sore throat. It does help. If not, then I suggest a hot toddy :devil


It's raining again today and flood watches/warnings already out. Still saturated from the weekend rains. Oh, well, we need it and this summer when it's so hot and dry.....off to crochet. May be back later, not sure.


Hi to anyone I missed!

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lol Toni----I'm goin to give him HOT SOMETHING!!! lol- he wakes me up at 300 am to tell me his throat hurts and won't try anything! lol

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Hello...another horribly chaotic day at work. I'm not sure what is going on there, it seems like someone put a hex on the place or something. Anyhow, two days off coming up.


Oops, oven timer is dinging, better go check on dinner.



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lol Toni----I'm goin to give him HOT SOMETHING!!! lol- he wakes me up at 300 am to tell me his throat hurts and won't try anything! lol

Sounds like someone I know:lol

Judy, I'm having trouble at the beginning of round 10. Don't think I'm doing the leaves right because I don't see how she is using 4 stitches from the previous row and they look funky. Taken them out a few times. What I've done so far is really quite pretty.


I would have to make it to that point and see what I can discover....not sure when, though.

Maybe it's supposed to look funky?:think


Kiyo, give him a teaspoon of honey for his sore throat. It does help. My old veterinarian always recommended that for our dogs If not, then I suggest a hot toddy :devil

Oh, that'll work! At least it'll knock him out for the night and Kiyo can get some sleep:lol

I'll let you know when I get around to starting the tea cozy. It's a super pretty pattern!

Hello...another horribly chaotic day at work. I'm not sure what is going on there, it seems like someone put a hex on the place or something. Anyhow, two days off coming up.


Oops, oven timer is dinging, better go check on dinner.



I hope you have a relaxing evening!! It certainly sounds like the 2 days off are much-needed:hug



Off I go for the night. CU all tomorrow sometime. We have an early appointment so may not be on before we go out....

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Well good luck with the oils then. I'm not much into all the herbal type things, etc,because I dont know much about them. I have a friend who is really a big believer in the stuff . Hope you find something to make the throat quit hurting . Have him eat popsicles --that's what I give Cam when his throat hurts,so it kinda numbs the pain .




Sounds as if you have been pretty busy lately. Hope you can get the test pattern figured out !



Sorry things at work have been so crazy . Glad you get some days off to relax .




See you sometime tomorrow if you get the time to stop in ...if not, we will be here the next day as usual .


Gonna head off myself . Biggest Loser will be on in a bit. Can't miss it !

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Hi there everyone. I had a nice day today, Yes I mus say I felt relax with the lil darlings today. I was even mildly shoock when my SIL came and pick them up at 5, yipeeee for an early dinner and an earlier start of my evening and just maybe I can get back into crocheting my doily-ghan. My bronchitis is almost gone, but I still cough and my sense of taste is still missing. I'm hoping that my taste buds return back to me soon. :P I do read before I fall to sleep and most say having a NOOK is one of the nices luxury in life, especially if you are a reader. Yep, I'm still happy with my NOOK. A few in the group was mentioning about knitting, I finally brought the "Learn-to-Knit Afghan Book" by Barabara G. Walker and I'm working on square 1. The square is turning out nicely. I'm also working on a (WAL) weave along in my inkle groups. This is one of the inkle bands that I'm working on for the WAL :


Inkle Band WAL - March 2011


Marisa - glad that you got some rest, your body maybe needed it. :hug


Wrennie - Yipeeeee for almost finishing the sweater :cheer


Joanne - way to go on the weight loss. Hopefully one of these days it will be me who lost some weight. :hug


Mary - I hate when the lights start flickering, I usually gather up the candles just in case I need them. Did the power go off???????:eek


Kiyo - hope your significant other get better soon and that the oil work :manyheart


Julie - I also like to go out early and do my errands. I use to run around doing errands that by the time I was finish doing them I didn't have any time for me. So now I do me first and then do what ever errand I can get to. :hug


Cindy I like embrodiary also but I am much better with cross stitch. Are you embrodiarying pillowcases. I see them at AC Moore and they look so pretty. I hate hectic work days, I'm glad the day is over for you. :hug


Well to the rest of the house - :cheer:clap:cheerHey there House :hug:hug:hug

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Hey ladies :hi


I had a pretty good day at work today, it was busy, but the day went well which I'm sure is because I was well rested :lol


I hope to work on my sweater a bit tonight :xfin


Kiyo - Glad you talk with your bf and that you were able to figure out what you needed to :hug As for him being sick, did they culture his throat before giving him the meds? If it's not a bacterial infection then antibiotics won't have any effect :think Just a thought since he doesn't sound to be getting any better :shrug Just hide the ingestable oils in some tea and maybe he won't realize it :devil:lol


Linda - :yay for seeing Rosie last night. How did Kim's dentist appointment go today?


Julie - WTG on your errand :clap


Judy - How's your knitting coming along? I hope your appointment goes well in the morning :hug


Toni - Did the rain stop? We're supposed to get some more rain on thursday. I'm going to try to take a look at your round 10 and see if I can come up with anything :xfin


Cindy - :hug :hug 2 days off soon, you can do it, you can do it :wink


Cheeria - your inkle WAL is awesome!!!! Green and purple are my 2 favorite colors :D


Be back in a bit...........

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Hello house,


Commercial on so this will be quick. I'm "with Julie" watching Biggest Loser!


I read through all the posts but won't be posting to you all individually tonight-hope you don't mind.


I did maintain the same weight- and was happy with that. I went shopping after work- and ended up at JCPenney (kept looking around for Cheeria:lol) I was able to get 4 pairs of pants in my new size for 86.00 since I had a 15% off coupon. I was very happy with that!


Off to finish watching The Biggest Loser and I'll see you in the AM:hug:hug

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OK ladies, I'm back......


Toni - I attempted that portion of the tea cozy and it is a bit confusing. I just did a couple rows of sc to try that spot. From the instructions I also don't see how it uses 4 stitches either. I only get it using 3 and then being left unfinished at the end of the leaf before going into the 'sc dec' . It makes me feel like there's a step missing. I've tried an alteration if you will and it looked ok, but gave me a crooked leaf :( I would recommend sending her an email to ask if she could help you on that round. I saw her email address at the top of the webpage. Good luck :hug

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EvEnInG hOuSe..............

Well............... no yarn shopping today :(

long story................ babysat grandbaby.

didnt get much done on the pattern writting either :(

I really hope to get that done soon...... I will be looking for testers then.

okay... off to get caught up on a few things.......

check back later.



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EvEnInG hOuSe..............


Well............... no yarn shopping today :(

long story................ babysat grandbaby.


didnt get much done on the pattern writting either :(

I really hope to get that done soon...... I will be looking for testers then.


okay... off to get caught up on a few things.......

check back later.







I would be happy to test next week if you need :yes I don't want to commit myself before then since I'm going away this weekend.


Did your grandbaby keep you busy? :D

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Hello. I wanted to make a quick check in before running off to bed. We had an ice storm Sunday night that knocked out our power for over 12 hours. It was cold and the kids were restless. Not fun!


Sorry everytime I think time is going to be on my side POW time slaps me with more to do and no more time to do it in.


The kids were taking turns being sick for two weeks....that is over & now my niece Lily (8 months old) is having seizures. Lily has torticollis due to her delivery.....her nightmare of a delivery & now they think the seizures are due from her delivery issues too. She is in good spirits, but her Mom is besides herself in stress. So thoughts & prayers for Lily, my SIL, and brother are greatly appreciated. :manyheart


I hope things slow down a bit because I could use some relaxation, chatting with all of my happy house ladies. I miss ya'll. I hope all of you are in good health & spirits. :ghug


Good night! :manyheart

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Had a good day today..found my AWOL turtle..yes turtle. Tommy went a'walkin. Found him under a yarn pile. The turDle. He is getting to big for his britches.. If the water is to high in his tank he can climb out. Time for a bigger tank..and the next size i have is a 70 gallon!! He's already in a 35


well last post was 1.5 hours ago..pulling the curtains :D Since we have armed ladies in the house (with pms?? lolol) I won't bother with the door chain :rofl Pity anyone who tries to sneak in...

Night house..see you all in the morning/afternoon!

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Good morning- curtains are drawn open!!


Tab- Good to hear from you- you must live in the same neck of the woods as Wrennie who also posted that she was without power over the weekend! Can't imagine that with 3 boys in the house. Glad it's back. I'll keep Lily and your SIL and Bro in my prayers.


Mary2- Still waiting to hear if you have new bunnies!! I'm happy that you found your wandering turtle- Good think that they walk s-l-o-w-l-y!!!


Cheeria- I love that winkle band that you are making- I also love purple and green together!!! I was in JCP last evening and kept looking around for you-:lol do you know what's going on with the store? They had things moved around and lots of empty spaces!


Marisa- Wow 12 hours sleep- you must have felt great yesterday!!! Have fun at the Sixer's game tonight! And then you are off to Pitt!!! :yay


Toni- Looks like you are getting help here with your tea cosy-it is really pretty so hope it works out.


Linda- How did Kim's dentist appt go? One more day till your quilting expo!!!:manyheart


Kiyo- HOw's the BF feeling today? (oh and did you show him your doily?:lol)


Julie- I agree about the baseball blanket- I think the stitching is too light also- I'll probably use a darker blue for the "seams" of the baseball (I'm thinking Navy- so it'll be the NY Yankee colors)


Mary1- Good news about DH's eye appointment!


Judy- Forgot to ask - did DS name that beautiful cat?


Tammy- Is yarn shopping on your agenda today?:hook


Cindy- Enjoy your day off- sounds like you really could use one after the last 2 chaotic days!


Busy day ahead in Paradise and then I want to stop at the library on the way home- never made it there last night after my shopping expedition!


Have a great Hump Day and see you later!:hug

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Good morning ladies :coffee


I feel pretty good, although I didn't sleep very well. Probably left over from the 12 hours the night before :lol Nothing new to report since last night. I worked on my sweater for a few rows.


Tab - Sorry to hear about the ice storm and that you were stuck without power for soo long. Keeping Lily in my prayers, and her mom :yes:hug


Mary2 - I always make sure I put my water level so they can't get out :think I don't know where I'd start looking if I had to find one of these turtles in this house. Mine should really be in a bigger tank as well, but if I do that, I won't be able to manage the upkeep myself :(


Joanne - you'd be surprised how those turtles can move :think That whole slow thing is just a myth. One of mine will really take off :lol A girlfriend of mine, her daughter used to love playing with them, but she'd only take the one out because she had trouble with the boy turtle. As soon as she put him down, he'd be gone :rofl


Well ladies, I won't be back until the morning. Game tongiht :clap Then I'll chat in the AM and also pack for the most part. I will have about an hour and a half afer work to finish up and check in before leaving as well :yes


Happy Ash Wednesday (to those who observe) and Hump Day to all :D

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didnt get much done on the pattern writting either :(

I really hope to get that done soon...... I will be looking for testers then.


What are you writing a pattern for? I may be able to help test too.


The kids were taking turns being sick for two weeks....that is over & now my niece Lily (8 months old) is having seizures. Lily has torticollis due to her delivery.....her nightmare of a delivery & now they think the seizures are due from her delivery issues too. She is in good spirits, but her Mom is besides herself in stress. So thoughts & prayers for Lily, my SIL, and brother are greatly appreciated. :manyheart

Hope Lily is better soon!


Since we have armed ladies in the house (with pms?? lolol) I won't bother with the door chain :rofl Pity anyone who tries to sneak in...

:rofl :rofl :rofl


Good morning- curtains are drawn open!!


Tab- Good to hear from you- you must live in the same neck of the woods as Wrennie who also posted that she was without power over the weekend!

Thats what was weird, the power didn't go out, neither did the cable but the phones were out. I have regular old fashioned landline phone, not that fancy through the cable or cell kind.

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Good morning everyone. Cold and gloomy here at the moment, and threatening rain, (or snow, or ice) I may go grocery shopping today. Or I may just hang around here, and craft. I want to try those baby shoes again.


Tab, sorry to hear about the power outage. It's nice to hear from you. Sending prayers and positive thoughts for Lily and family.


Joanne, and Marisa, hope work goes well today. Have a good time tonight, Marisa.


Cheeria, that winkel band is very pretty. The colors look nice together. Glad you are on the road to recovery.


Joanne, I was in our JC penney a couple of weeks ago and the entire store was re-arranged. maybe that's what's happening at yours.

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Morning gang

Looks like we have the House under control,with a closer and opener ,so I can just wander in and out whenever . I stopped in earlier ,but strangely, not much to say. THAT is odd for me .


Neat to see we have 2 turtle people,so they can compare notes. I know a total of nothing about turtles as pets, so it's all interesting to me .


What did you guys name your turtles ?


Marisa you may have said ,but I forgot, as is my usual state of mind lately .



The navy or darker blue sounds good for the stitching !



Sorry to hear about little Lily --sure hope they figure out what the problem is and can treat it properly so she will be ok. Must be pretty scarey,especially if they are first time parents -- difficult when you have a new baby and trying to learn everything, then find out there is an illness to deal with too .



Well, today is one of those weather days that bug you -- yesterday-beautiful,today,grey,dark and yekky looking .Springtime in our state is a challenge .


Not sure what I will find to get into today .Guess I'll get bathed up and dressed and go out for a bit . I need a little AWAY time each day . Nothing that NEEDS done, but just to get out for a bit .


You all have a good day. I'll try to think of something interesting to toss in here later !:yes

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A really quick Hi from me this a.m. - I went back to sleep, which I never do! :blush


Miss Tabby ~ So sorry to read about Lily - hopefully they'll figure out how to make her better very soon. :hug


On my way to babysit now and will check in later. Have a good day, everyone. :manyheart

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Good Morning House..................

:sigh... well.. no yarn shopping today either.

Have the grandbaby again. Hubby had a doc appointment today too and was going to go with.. but its so darn yucky outside... its best to keep the baby home. ( not a great moment here....... love my grandbabies... but just because my child may need to move back home for a while with their kids... doent make me the built in babysitter. )


Maybe I can get more writting done on my drawstring backpack pattern today.

have a great day all........

Check back later!



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~~Julie julie!~~ Essential oils- There are a ton of lines out there- I am a consultant for DoTerra it's a line that EVERYoil is used----You can apply them topically, some you can ingest. It just depends on what the oil is made for. There's an oil for EVERYTHING! He went to the doctor but......antibiotics been in him since last wed and he's a little better but could use some more to boost his immune system etc. We have an awesome protective blend which boosts. but he claims no voodoo!

Since when is using oils VooDoo? I have quite a few friends who use them and swear by them.

I'm also working on a (WAL) weave along in my inkle groups. This is one of the inkle bands that I'm working on for the WAL :


Inkle Band WAL - March 2011



That is absolutely gorgeous, Cheeria! :clap :clap :clap

EvEnInG hOuSe..............


Well............... no yarn shopping today :(

long story................ babysat grandbaby.


didnt get much done on the pattern writting either :(

I really hope to get that done soon...... I will be looking for testers then.


okay... off to get caught up on a few things.......

check back later.






I'll volunteer to test it for you, Tammy.

Hello. I wanted to make a quick check in before running off to bed. We had an ice storm Sunday night that knocked out our power for over 12 hours. It was cold and the kids were restless. Not fun!

Now my niece Lily (8 months old) is having seizures. Lily has torticollis due to her delivery.....her nightmare of a delivery & now they think the seizures are due from her delivery issues too. She is in good spirits, but her Mom is besides herself in stress. So thoughts & prayers for Lily, my SIL, and brother are greatly appreciated. :manyheart:manyheart

:hug :hug :hug Poor Lily.

Had a good day today..found my AWOL turtle..yes turtle. Tommy went a'walkin. Found him under a yarn pile. The turDle. He is getting to big for his britches.. If the water is to high in his tank he can climb out. Time for a bigger tank..and the next size i have is a 70 gallon!! He's already in a 35

:lol :lol :lol

Hi, gang! It is RAINING! Big time! I sure hope it gets it out of its system today so that we don't have to cope with it tomorrow for the Sewing & Quilt Expo. We're behind on rainfall, but it's really coming down out there. I'll be very surprised if there aren't some flood watches &/or warnings out if this keeps up all day long.


I'm very excited about the Expo. Have to gather some things together to take for the classes and have to practice my free motion quilting some more too. Rosie's going to come over later and give me some pointers on the latter.

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Well, good (late) morning, peeps! It's so nice when appointments run on schedule...home again now!


I read all the posts....


Poor baby Lily....Tab, Hugs to her mom and everyone...


Cheeria, nice colors on your project!


Joanne, no name on the kitty yet...


Marisa, I got past the first pattern section for the basket weave Knit square...and didn't have to frog. I actually paid attention to the pattern:lol


Tam, a while ago I had a talk with DS about any future grandkids. He already knew I wan't going to be a built in baby sitter if that ever happens,:lol


Linda, enjoy the expo! I can feel your excitement:D


Okie dokie...BBL

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