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Our House Part Two


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Howdy. :D


Mary~Elijah is sleeping a little better, but he still has his moments. we try to keep him up more during the day so he sleeps easier at nights. Therefore we're dealing with his 6-8 hour fussy stretches during the day. :eek I did get to start & finish his hat today :hook.....a picture will follow below. :yes


Marisa~Uh......no, I did not schedule a second opinion. The pain has been a bit better lately, but is still there. I have an appt. next week & i'm going to have her draw blood to rule out any abnormalities that may point to an infection. :yes


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Hi all,

I had craft club tonight--and just made it home to do a quick change and head out the door-- It was one of the gals birthday today and she brought in a crumb cake so that was my dinner-:lol


Love that hat Tab- and Elijah is so cute!!! (and love the nickname Eli--you know there is a certain QB on a certain Super Bowl Champion team with that name ;))


Judy--Lucy sure sounds like such a pup! Love the stories!


Linda- A 'crash' sounds like just what you needed!!


Marisa- the weekend sounds like fun- and i hope that not one but 2 patients came in today!


Cindy- Nice that you didn't have to go into work and got some things taken care of How's the slipper coming along? That project looks like a lot of work- but how fun for a little boy!!! I'll bet you'll come up with something!!!


Mary- I love when it snows and it is pretty and then it melts!!!

Amy- take it easy with your back- the new floors are going to be awesome I'm sure!

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Hi Ladies,


Amy, Hope you get your new floor done tonight so you can enjoy it tomorrow and start your new ghan.


Cindy, Your GS would love that mat. It would be a lot of fun designing it to.


Joanne, Great finishes on your rr, scarf and tote.


Faile, That's an awesome spindle. Some really nice yarn to.


Judy, My neighbor and I are having something going on with are computers. It takes a awhile for some pages to load. Were not sure what is going on. I remember when I last posted it took forever for it to load. We don't get are internet from the park. But we do get it from the same company. We've been wondering if the work they been doing on the internet here in the park is causing are troubles.

Love the stories about the dogs. Reminds me of are labs.


Tab, What a cutie Elijah is and his hat is to. I hope you get to feeling better soon.


Mary, The dance was nice. Joann the lady who lost her husband. They plan a family cruise every year. This is the week for the cruise. Her 5 kids, there spouses, 2 brothers and there spouses along with 2 sisters all went. Two daughters and there spouses flew in here. One brohter and his wife drove in from California. A sister and brother and there spouses winter here. So it was a family gathering at the dance and we all had a great time.


Linda, Your body needed some r&r time. You've had quite a stressful few weeks. Hope you get the yarn you wanted soon.


Marisa, Sounds like a fun time with Mary. Your colors sound great together.


Today was a long busy day for us ladies. The cruise I was talking about at Mary, 3 of the ladies that went on it work in the kitchen. Valentine's Day dinner is a big deal here. But we got two other ladies to help and what a big help they were. We are having butterflied shrimp that we butterflied, chicken breast, baked potatoes, salad, fresh green beans, strawberry shortcake. Tomorrow will be another long day. I don't eat shrimp I don't like it. Hubby says I should try it I would like it. A lot of work goes into those shrimp. We shell them, we cut them so they are butterflied, wash them tomorrow we will batter them and deep fry them. I said I hope someone is making a fuss over my chicken like I'm there shrimp. We have 95 people coming for dinner. Sixty shrimp dinners and thirty five chicken dinners. It's a lot of work but I really do enjoy it.

Maya made us each are own valentines day card. There really cute!

I'm going to get ready for bed. Have a Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

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Hello Housemates,


I'm back! I had a wonderful time in "Sweet Home Alabama." My sister made sure I got every dish of food requested. My aunt and cousin spent Sunday evening with us. Friday night and Sunday morning, I spent time with my bff in church and out to eat. Saturday morning, my sister had to work but I didn't pull off my pjs and we spent all of Saturday afternoon and evening together. We spent the earlier part of Monday together.


My sister that traveled with me to "SHA" purchased her yarn for the Mystery CAL...RH Soft.


We got back about 11:10 pm. It was a great trip. I'm tired...going to bed. I'll check back in later today.


I missed you guys!

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Glad you had such a wonderful time in "SHA", Val!!!!


Marlene- Wow- you sure have a lot of work ahead of you today with all those dinners to prepare!!! Maya's cards must have made your day!!!!


Share the love today--:vheart

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:valday...to all my peeps!


I watched the 1st night of the Westminster Kennel Club last night and pushed myself to stay awake - I had to see who won the herding group. AND A BEAUTIFUL MALE GSD WON! He's now in the finals which are late tonight.:cheer


I never did end up having to go to work today. I got a few odds and ends of cleaning done, and cleaned the pantry and defrosted the freezer. the freezer was way overdue.


Now I'm going to knit on a slipper for a while and maybe watch some tv with DD. Tomorrow is a work day again.

I love productive days like that. I hope work is uneventful today:hug


Howdy. :D


Mary~Elijah is sleeping a little better, but he still has his moments. we try to keep him up more during the day so he sleeps easier at nights. Therefore we're dealing with his 6-8 hour fussy stretches during the day. :eek I did get to start & finish his hat today :hook.....a picture will follow below. :yes

Oh, he's toooooo cute! As is the hat. You can blackmail him with that pic when he's a teenager:lol:lol



Valerie, I'm glad you got back ok and had such a great time!!


Off I go - busy day as usual....


Have a great day, my friends:hug:manyheart

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Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! :manyheart I have to leave by 8:30 and I'm not ready, so this will be quick.


Tabby ~ Elijah is adorable. :c9 He looks so alert for his age! Great job on the hat. :clap


Valerie ~ We missed you, too. :yes Your weekend sounds just perfect!


Marlene ~ Wow! 95 for dinner...I don't envy you cleaning all that shrimp! Have fun at the party. :)


Okay, I have to go - should be back about 1. Have a great morning!

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Good morning! It's overcast, wet, and drizzling rain at present. :lol I'm hoping it quits and the sun comes out in a while. Kim has her heart doctor appointment this afternoon. I have to figure out where their office is yet, but I don't think it's all that far from here.


Monday was busy with all the accumulated laundry from the weekend to put away, dishes to put away, Kim's shower, and the speech therapist gal here. Kerrie will be back at lunch time on Thursday to observe Kim eating and drinking. Yesterday was an hour of paperwork and Kim being uncooperative. Everytime Kerrie tried to listen to her swallow, Kim would refuse to drink let alone swallow. She got that look on her face that says, "Who are you kidding? Not me!" :blush She'd screw her mouth up and refuse to even let the straw come close. :lol :lol :lol Hopefully we'll have better luck on Thursday.


Howdy. :D


Mary~Elijah is sleeping a little better, but he still has his moments. we try to keep him up more during the day so he sleeps easier at nights. Therefore we're dealing with his 6-8 hour fussy stretches during the day. :eek I did get to start & finish his hat today :hook.....a picture will follow below. :yes


Marisa~Uh......no, I did not schedule a second opinion. The pain has been a bit better lately, but is still there. I have an appt. next week & i'm going to have her draw blood to rule out any abnormalities that may point to an infection. :yes

That's an adorable hat and picture, Tabby. He looks very sweet there. And I agree that it will make a great blackmail picture for a teen or when he's engaged and the girlfriend wants to see some pictures of him when he was little.

Mary, The dance was nice. Joann the lady who lost her husband. They plan a family cruise every year. This is the week for the cruise. Her 5 kids, there spouses, 2 brothers and there spouses along with 2 sisters all went. Two daughters and there spouses flew in here. One brohter and his wife drove in from California. A sister and brother and there spouses winter here. So it was a family gathering at the dance and we all had a great time.

Sounds like a big, fun gathering.

Today was a long busy day for us ladies. The cruise I was talking about at Mary, 3 of the ladies that went on it work in the kitchen. Valentine's Day dinner is a big deal here. But we got two other ladies to help and what a big help they were. We are having butterflied shrimp that we butterflied, chicken breast, baked potatoes, salad, fresh green beans, strawberry shortcake. Tomorrow will be another long day. I don't eat shrimp I don't like it. Hubby says I should try it I would like it. A lot of work goes into those shrimp. We shell them, we cut them so they are butterflied, wash them tomorrow we will batter them and deep fry them. I said I hope someone is making a fuss over my chicken like I'm there shrimp. We have 95 people coming for dinner. Sixty shrimp dinners and thirty five chicken dinners. It's a lot of work but I really do enjoy it.

Maya made us each are own valentines day card. There really cute!

I'm going to get ready for bed. Have a Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

You are making me ever so hungry! I'll gladly take one of the shrimp dinners. Sounds scrumptious!

Hello Housemates,


I'm back! I had a wonderful time in "Sweet Home Alabama." My sister made sure I got every dish of food requested. My aunt and cousin spent Sunday evening with us. Friday night and Sunday morning, I spent time with my bff in church and out to eat. Saturday morning, my sister had to work but I didn't pull off my pjs and we spent all of Saturday afternoon and evening together. We spent the earlier part of Monday together.

check back in later today.


I missed you guys!

Glad you had such a nice trip and made it there and back safely. Sounds like lots of good food and fun was had by all.


:bheart :flower:2magic Happy Valentine's Day! :2magic :flower :bheart


Hope everyone has a marvelous day. Love to you all. :manyheart

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Good morning housemates :hi


I finished up my sunflower ghan last night :clap Tonight, my sister and I are going to the movies to see the one we've been meaning to get out to see and we picked tonight since there's a show her bf really wants to see :lol Funny that it falls on V day :think


One of the guys that works next door in the Enterprise saw me outside and said he's going to try to stop over later because his back is bothering him, but he couldn't remember what his insurance is :think:xfin


Judy and Joanne - my patient came with both of her kids....so I saw 3 patients yesterday (the 2 kids were new ones) :clap:yay


Cindy - Glad you got some needed chores done yesterday :hug


Tab - Elijah is just toooooo adorable :manyheart


Marlene - Your V day dinner sounds wonderful :yes


Val - Glad to hear your trip was great :yay


Linda - Sorry to hear that Kim was being stubborn at the dr's yesterday, :xfin for Thursday


Mary - I hope you got where you needed to be on time.


Amy - How far along did you get on your floors last night?

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Linda ~ I hope Kim's appointment goes well. :manyheart


Marisa ~ Your ghan is stunning! :clap I love the colors and the border is perfect!


I made a quick trip to the parents...well, it's over an hour each way, so not too quick.:lol I stopped at Hobby Lobby for a little retail therapy (cheaper than a therapist after going to my parents :yell) and got some yarn for more scarves. :yarn


I hope everyone is having a wonderful Valentine's Day! :manyheart

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That it a very beautiful Phalenopsis Orchid. Does it have a tag stating the specific variety?


Thumbs up to your hubby for giving you such a delightful gift!

It's called "Just add ice" orchids....:lol 3 ice cubes added to the pot every week....that's all the care...and no name on the tag.

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Oops, forgot to attach the pics of the ghan :blush

Beautiful 'ghan and hooray for more new patients/clients.

Some pics: the RR is 42 inches across and for the NICU. There are 2 pics of the beautiful orchid hubby got me for V day....

Love the RR and gorgeous orchid!


Kim did well for the doctor today. His first comment was, "She walks!?! I didn't know she walks!" Turns out he thought she was in bed all the time from talk in the hospital. Now that he knows that she's mobile and goes out to parties and restaurants and shopping when the weather is nice, he's thinking that it will definitely be worthwhile to do a cardiac cath to find the blockage and put in a stent to open it up, which would improve her mode of living significantly. We're going to continue to monitor her for another month and build up her strength and then see about doing that. "She does a LOT more than I thought she did! This changes things totally." Her BP was a little high, but otherwise was doing great. :lol :lol :lol


Thanks for all the birthday wishes everyone. :manyheart

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Linda, :bday Glad Kim did well for the doctor.


Val, glad you had such a great weekend.


Marlene, that dinner sounds like a lot of work, (but yummy!!)


Marisa, WTG on the new patient!


Judy, that is a lovely RR, and a gorgeous orchid. (I got a dozen roses.)


Good day at work for me today, although very busy. I have the next three days off though.

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