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Our House Part Two


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You sound like us with Cam. When he was little, we turned the dining room into his room and it's been his ever since. He still calls it his room.It's gone through many changes, it used to be filled with toys and trains and a small picnic table ,but through the years, we have changed it up to an older boy's room,so now he has his tv and movies and books all back there. His own blankets and pillows and pj's for spending the night . It's nice for the grandkids to know they have their own special place .



Yea, I definitely remember that feeling all these years later . It was unusual for me,because back then I wasn't a crier,and still rarely do,but then it was just impossible to stop it . It should lessen soon and you'll feel as good as new . If it last very long, call your doc .

I guess right now, this might not make you feel better,but just look at it this way : If you love babies so much,by the time Elijah goes to school ,i bet you'll have some grandbabies ,so I doubt you'll be without babies at your house to visit for many years to come . It'll all be ok,you'll see .



You sound ornery tonite -- make sure and eat a big old slab of cake .

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Hi, ladies!

Our friends stopped by for an afternoon visit, so we've been occupied. It was fun but goes by way too fast.


Val - it's good to see you here again and we're here anytime you just need to chat. You've gone through alot!

As Jules said, the Bernat Mystery CAL will be starting soon, if you want to get into that Otherwise, if there's something you want to work on that doesn't fit in with the Christmas/Winter CAL maybe we can do a joint project?


Right now I'm working on a baby RR using Lynn's (I think) RR pattern.It's in brights - got the idea from Mary's pic of the one she finished - and will be going to the NICU.


Have a great night my friends!:hug:manyheart

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Hi all,

Val- Good to hear from you and so sorry about all you've been through the last year. As a few others mentioned, some of us will be doing the Bernat Mystery Ghan CAL which starts on Feb 15.


Marisa- Hope you had a great day so far- enjoy your Thai food!!!


Mary- I still have to organize something here for when my GS comes- but most of the time I just go to their house when I watch him!


Linda- That's great that you went to your prayer shawl ministry meeting last night. How are you feeling- after your fall the other day? continued prayers for Kim!!!


Dinner is ready -so off I go--hi to everyone and hope you all have a good night!

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Thanks guys. I hope I'll be around for a long time. I've signed up for the Bernat-mystery project. I have several wips I'm finishing up. It's good to be back!

:yay:clap I'm not sure if I'll be able to keep up with it due to working more hours at work for a project I'm managing, but I'm going to do my best!!!

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Hi!! Finally, a few minutes to check in. Work was super busy today and we went to DD's for dinner. We just got home a short time ago.


My parents are doing okay, not great, but managing. My dad is very weak, but claims he is getting stronger every day. (My brother says he is much better than he was a week ago.) They get a home care visit twice a day right now, although my dad wants it reduced to once a day. I think my dad may get back to his former self eventually. he lost about 50 pounds during his illness, but he is eating well, and hopefully will get some weight back on.


Tab, hang in there, not only do you have a new baby and all the stuff that entails, but you also have hormonal changes and sleep deprivation to deal with. How are the older boys doing with Elijah?:hug


Val!!! Great to see you again!


:bday:birthday:bday Marisa!!!

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Hi Ladies!


Val, Nice to see again! Sorry your family had to deal with so many deaths. Hope this year brings lots of joy. I'm going to be working on a flannelghan for are grandson. It's his graduation gift. I'm making hearts for my gd Maya's K class.


Mary, I talked to Maya for just a minute this morning. Her Mom called to tell me that Maya said she missed Roxy (we gave Roxy to are son and now his ex to be has given her away) and DD told her the story. And poor Maya cried because she won't see Roxy again. DD wanted us to have a heads up in case Maya brings it up.


Linda, Keeping all of you in my prayers. Glad you got to do something for you.


I have a busy day tomorrow. We are having hot pork sandwiches, mashed potatoes with gravy, a veggie or salad and dessert.

I'll catch you all tomorrow. Have a good weekend.

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Hi everyone! Been trying to catch up on the happenings in here!

Tab-congrats on baby Elijah! Keep your head up, things will get better.:hug

Linda-so glad to hear that Kim is doing so well,she is one tough cookie that's for sure!

Cindy and Marisa-:bday hope they were good for you both.

Julie-Glad to see you back:manyheart

Joanne-take it easy and try not to work too hard.


Hi to everyone else:hug


It's been some rough going but think maybe I'm feeling more like myself again. Hopefully I'll keep moving in the right direction. My emotions are all over the place these days and that's unusual for me.:P


Hope everyone has a great night.:hug:manyheart

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Happy Birthday Miss Mary !!!! LET THEM EAT CAKE ....:D



I hope you enjoy the new Bernat ghan. Did you do the one last year too ?



How are you doing today ? did you get your pup's slippers made for him ?



Sounds like you had a fun visit with friends. Thaat's always nice, isn't it ?



Glad you'll have a couple days off to regroup .



Hope you also get a bot of time this weekend to rest and gather yourself .



Come in and keep up with us. We'll all be here waiting to hear from you . It'll all be ok, just a difficult time phusically and emotionally .



You meal sounds tasty . If I lived a thousand miles closer, I'd drop in . :D



Glad your parents are hanging in there and staying level at least . Sounds like you had a good birthday .



Good to see you . Sorry to hear things have been tough emotion-wise. I hate when I get like that . I like to BE TOUGH ,like Attila the Hun .

(maybe not quite THAT tough,but close ) Then when I fall apart over stuff, it makes me angry at myself . In our family, TOUGH was important. Never show emotions, handle whatever is thrown your way and BE THE BEST at handling things. When you lose that attitude, you get angry at yourself for not STAYING tough .

We're here,come in and yak anytime . I'm trying to get back on track myself. It's been hot or miss for a long time now .


You all have a good day .

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Good morning!

Good to hear from you Trish!! Wow in one day we had visits from Val and Trish! Wonderful to have friends returning to the house!


Cindy- I'm glad to hear that your folks are doing ok. And positive thoughts that your Dad continues to make improvements!


Marlene- The dinner today sounds scrumptious- Like, Julie, if I lived closer, I'd sure be dropping by.


Linda- Continued good thoughts for Kim!!! And for you!!!


I'm going into work for a few hours this morning to get caught up on some things that just didn't get done during the week. I've set myself a deadline to leave by noon so I have the rest of the day and tomorrow off to re-group!


Mary-:bday:birthday:cake Enjoy the birthday weekend with Luke!!!

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'morning, peeps!





Jules, we had a nice visit...with eating out and a few books she passed on to me...there's nothing better:D

Mary, I talked to Maya for just a minute this morning. Her Mom called to tell me that Maya said she missed Roxy (we gave Roxy to are son and now his ex to be has given her away) and DD told her the story. And poor Maya cried because she won't see Roxy again. DD wanted us to have a heads up in case Maya brings it up.

That's so sad about Roxy - Maya has to be so heartbroken. And Roxy...how unfair to be shuffled off!

I have a busy day tomorrow. We are having hot pork sandwiches, mashed potatoes with gravy, a veggie or salad and dessert.

I'll catch you all tomorrow. Have a good weekend.

Enjoy that yummy-sounding meal!


Worked on the RR last night again. It's going to be very BRIGHT:lol


Later, gators:hug

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Good morning ladies :hi


We ended up having a late night :eek I just got to the office and my patient called to cancel due to an out of town emergency. I guess I should've checked my messages before I left the house :think Oh well, that just means I can go home and back to bed :lol


Thank you Cindy and Trish :hug

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Hi Ladies,


Trish, Nice to see you! Hope your feeling better soon.


Judy, Roxy was a protector. When we had her she watched over are house and both neighbors on each side of you. They live out in the country and have a bunch of cats and deer wander the yard at night so she probably didn't like Roxy wakeing her up all the time. But I'm sure she put her with a good family as she loves animals. They 4 dogs, a bunch of cats and a horse. Someone she works with took her. But it doesn't make it easier when your a little girl.


Cindy, Glad your parents are holding there own.


Joanne, I hope the morning so quickly so you can enjoy the rest of your weekend.


Have a nice day everyone! I'm off to get ready for my day.

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:bday Mary!!!


Good morning everyone. Snowing here at the moment and everything looks clean and white again.


I haven't been home at all this week, and will likely spend much of the day cleaning and doing laundry. Of course, so far all I've done is drink coffee and look on-line for new craft projects to do. I will need to get moving soon!


Marisa, sorry that you went into the office for nothing. Hope you got some more sleep.


Joanne, hope your work goes quickly, so you can get home and relax.


Linda, So glad that Kim has improved so quickly. Praying for that to continue.

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Joanne, Judy, Phyllis, Cheeria (if you're reading these at all) ---


OK, so a friend of mine is getting married in April and I'll be making 3 trips to Newark between March and April for the shower, the bachelorette party, and the wedding. I'm not sure what the agendas look like for each weekend, but am thinking that saturday morning may just work for a meetup. I doubt they'll have morning activities for the first 2 and I'm not sure yet on the time of day for the wedding, but that day of course would be busy.


So, if any of you are free the shower is on March 10 - I just pulled out the invitation and the shower is 1-5 that day in Saddle Brook. The bachelorette party is March 24 and is going to be dinner, out dancing, and of course the strip club all in NYC :clap:lol


On that note, the 24th might be better. But, I figure this is ahead of time enough for us to be able to hopefully make one of them work :think I'm thinking the actual wedding weekend would be tough for all of us and I know Sunday's are bad for Judy (but we could always do Sunday on the wedding weekend, which is April 15th.


OK, now that I threw all that at you ladies, compile your thoughts and let me know what you think :bounce

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Good morning all,


Cindy - Thanks, it's good to be back among my friends. You and I have to make time to finish that 63 square afghan.


Marlene - Thanks, it's good to be back.


TrishH - Nice to meet you and I hope you're 100% soon.


Julie - No, I didn't work on the Bernat last year. I downloaded the pattern yesterday to work on in the future.


Joanne - It's good to have a place to come back to. Hope noon comes soon for you. Have a great day!


Mary - Have a Happy Birthday and fun day with Luke.


Judy - Can't wait to see pictures of your RR.


Marisa - Sorry you made a voidable trip into work. Well now you can catch up on sleep and get some hooking in as well. Have a great day!


Today, I'm going to work on the Heartwarming fans afghan in the LA's A Year of Afghans, Book 3, page 24. This one is white with 2 shades of Red hearts. I made in once in Aran and 2 shades of pink hearts. I might even start the RR from the 2012 Christmas CAL if I get bored and need a change.


Have a great day all. I'll stop in later!

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It sure was fun to see all of the birthday greetings! :tyThank you so much! :manyheart We're leaving in a few to meet DD, SIL and Luke for brunch and then we'll bring Luke home with us. :D It's cold and windy, so I think a blanket tent in the den may be on the agenda.


I will check in later and catch up on posts. Have a good morning, everyone. :)

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Good morning everyone. I'm reading the posts, but for the most part haven't been able to concentrate enough to respond like usual. I slept the clock around again last night. My reserves are shot. The puppies are both cuddling with every chance they get which helps no end. And your support is invaluable.


Good to see both of you back with us, Trish and Val. Maybe one of these days we'll actually be able to get together Val.


:birthday:cake Happy Birthday, Mary! :cake:birthday Hope you have a wonderful birthday weekend with Luke.


Tabby, hang in there. You had a rough pregnancy and delivery. Give yourself time. Tears are normal. I know it doesn't feel like it, but they are. How are the older boys doing now that Elijah is actually here?


Kim is definitely a fighter. She is recovering enough that the heart doc is now able to make some plans for evaluating her heart and seeing where we need to go with it. They decided to wait until today to move her out of ICU. She should be moving sometime this afternoon. Not sure just when yet. The barium swallow and xray of her hernia and stomach went well yesterday and they are allowing her to have pureed food. She doesn't have a lot of appetite, but is tolerating it well. Previously they wanted her to be sitting up for 1 to 1 1/2 hours after eating, now they want it to be 3 hours. Even with her left arm restrained, she has managed to pull off her oxygen multiple times. She's being feisty. Her blood oxygen level drops pretty fast when she's not on it, so the alarms go off every time she does it. Jonathan will be heading back to Texas either today or tomorrow, depending on how late in the day they move her out of ICU.


Thank you for being there for me. :hug :hug

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Hi again gang


Quick note for Amy :


I found a pattern that might be useable for your pup's booties :



This same web page has a pattern for dog leg-warmers. Maybe one of them would work .

You might have already seen these but thought I'd show them to you in case you haven't .

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Morning Linda

Sounds like maybe everything has finally caught up to you all at once. No wonder you are so exhausted . I hope they keep Kim long enough so she is stable and everything has been dealt with properly.

I know up here, the hospitals really don't keep patients very long at all,and they seem to send some home that aren't really in the condition to be released so early .

Take good care of yourself so you'll be back up to par in time for her to come back home .

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