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Our House Part Two


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Not sure who asked about the benefit concert on CMT, but it will be Thursday the 12th from 8-9 Central Time. Hank Jr., Alabama, Brad Paisley and a whole list of people performing to raise funds for the tornado victims. I know what I'll be doing!!!

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Cindy, I'm not a nurse but sure would like to wear scrubs for comfort daily! Been thinking of making some when my sight returns. :lol

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Cindy, I'm not a nurse but sure would like to wear scrubs for comfort daily! Been thinking of making some when my sight returns. :lol


I always tell people that it's like going to work in your pyjamas. And since we have a dress code of sorts, ( RNs wear navy blue, technicians wear burgundy, respiratory therapists wear green and so forth,), there isn't any decision at all to be made when I go to work. The first pair of scrubs I pull out is it.

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Marton made a deal with me. As long as he never had to go to a grocery store again and hear screaming, whining, complaining kids, he would do the laundry every time. Fine with me. I don't go when theres lots of people. :D


:hug Sorry you're missing your mom so much.

Sounds like a fun work week.


We were outside last evening and there was a bird sitting on the power lines chattering. Because of the backlighting on him all I could see was the shape. not quite a swallow, oo big for a chickadee. He flew down and looked in the bluebird house. When he flew off I could see it was in fact a Bluebird! :D Now the swallows chickadees and bluebirds have looked at that house. I think I need some more bluebird houses. Thats the first bluebird I've seen here since we moved here in '03!

How cool that you saw a bluebird!! Work was as fun as work can be!:lol


Slowly. Very Slowly. Also known as "What's free time?" :lol I figure I might finish the first sock in another month. :eek:(:lol
I know that well- free time is scarce!


'morning, peeps!


Mother's Day is always bittersweet for me, thinking of my mom and MIL, but having DS over and my furbabies make it good.


The last pic is how Heidi spends most of her time...:lol

Love the pics- and cute how Heidi spends most of her time!!!


Sounds like you've had a wonderful time indeed.


This is the hat that I bought for Kim to wear to the party.



However, John decided at the last minute to have her wear a different hat. She would have taken first place hands down if she'd worn the one I got her. Oh, well. Here is picture of Kim with the hat John chose and him in his antler hat.



And here is a picture of mine.



As things stood. John won for best guy's hat, hands down. Michelle's mom and I tied for best lady's hat. Hers was wacky and far out and fun.


Hugs to everyone in need of them. :hug :hug :hug Have to get Kim's routine going.

Bourbon Party for sure!! And I totally agree, the hat you bought for Kim was WAY better than the one John had her wear and would have won hands down. I really liked your hat too and the one you made for John was cool!!! Glad you got a little time to "run away" yesterday!!


. .,,,.,,. .

.//^ ^\\.



(,,,)^(,,,) Good Afternoon House!

How is everyone this warm afternoon?

I'm hangin' tough. Daughter was home all weekend with her sick kids. 2 youngest have pink eye on top of hacking all over my house.... :sigh

Now my youngest and I are sick. He's sneezing and coughing... I have croop.

Would be nice if I had help keeping the germs under control.

Anyway.......... in order to not have such a horrible mothers day... I spent time mentally with my daddy by making homemade strawberry/rhubarb jam... David went out and picked the rhubarb for me...............



and homemade rhubarb pie.... (which got dug into before I got a chance to take a pic .....LOL...... I think my family likes Rhubarb Pie!




:hug:hug Feel better soon! How frustrating!!!! Please take care of you!! Has DD made any moves on getting her own place? I am getting very hungry looking at those pics!!!


We had a wonderful time with Luke. He is such a happy little guy. We took him to Walmart and bought his first wagon - it has seats with seatbelts and great online reviews. He helped Gramps put it together and we had several long walks...Gracie loved that! Anytime someone says "Yay," he throws his hands in the air. :lol

Love the pics- soooo cute!!!!!

Hi everyone! Looks like everyone had a great day yesterday.




Joanne, :hug on missing your mom. We went to see mine yesterday and she's so frail now. She and sis are mostly living in living room. Sis sleeps on air mattress on floor. I took her a 6 pack of her favorite beer :lol Hospice will be there today, so will help my sister out a bit. Just wish I could go and give her a break a couple of times a week.


I've gotten two sets of dishcloths and matching potholders done. Will get the towels before I make toppers to go with them. Plus, been working on diaper bag and changing mat, which are both about 75% done, started the little halter top and working on kitchen swap things. Busy hands keep my mind from being totally overwhelmed with it all.


Love, hugs, prayers and angels to all.

Thanks, Toni! Mother's Day is always tough- but I got through yesterday and today- and the sky was blue and the temperatures perfect- just like it was when she passed away! I know she was looking down today and smiling!!! I'm glad that hospice will be coming---We had hospice for my Mom and it was the best thing we did! Busy hands do keep the mind pre-occupied with positive things! Hang in there- and what is CMT? Is that a channel where the benefit is going to be on Thursday?


Hi there. I'm new to the "ville" and would love to join a nice group. Do you mind?

Absolutely not!!! We would love to have you MamaSwann! I'm Joanne, and I am married almost 10 years (the second time around). I have 3 adult DD's- the youngest is married to my wonderful SIL and they are expecting their first baby (a boy) in August and I'm going to be grandma for the first time!!! My oldest lives in Boston and is single and I love going to visit her and my middle DD is also single and lives with her BF. She is an artist who has gone back to school to get her Master's in Art Education. I'm a nurse (gee I guess you wouldn't guess that;)) I refer to my job as "Paradise" - I work for an insurance company as a supervisor in the Case Management dept. I taught myself to crochet about 2 years ago watching you tube videos. Glad you found our house!


I always tell people that it's like going to work in your pyjamas. And since we have a dress code of sorts, ( RNs wear navy blue, technicians wear burgundy, respiratory therapists wear green and so forth,), there isn't any decision at all to be made when I go to work. The first pair of scrubs I pull out is it.
I wish we could wear scrubs all the time. I actually didn't have any- I had donated them thinking I'd never fit back into them- and what do you know- I joined WW and lost weight and I would have. Thank goodness DD is a nurse and she lent me some of hers to wear this week!



It was a nice day in Paradise- I was busy, but not overwhelmed. I got out on time which is always a great thing! The weather again today was perfect!! I went outside at lunch time and boy was it hard to go back inside!!! When I got home, I planted some of the flowers I bought yesterday and now I am getting ready to settle in with some :crocheting


Have a great evening!

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Welcome to MamaSwann! :welcome We love new members! However, there is a favorite saying that I have to post..."We really do crochet here!" But we also like to talk a lot. :D


Thank you all for the sweet comments about Luke. :manyheart


I started another scarf for Kiyo - it's vertical rows of hdc ribbing instead of horizontal...shorter rows always look like more progress. :lol


Have a good night, everyone. :ghug

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Hi Ladies!


Joanne, :hug I lost an Aunt who was like a Mom and miss her dearly. I know she and my Grandma's are watching over me as I play the Grandma role. They were great teachers. Have fun at work this week!


Faile, Even slow is progress. I know about getting spare time to crochet. It isn't as often as I would like.


Linda, The hats turned out great! I agree Kim should of worn your hat. Glad you were able to get away for some me time yesterday.


Tam, Sorry you and your son are sick. Feel better soon. Hope DH and Michael don't get sick to. Glad you could have a mental escape and do something you enjoy and the family could benefit from to.


Toni, You may not be able to help your Mom and Sis, but you are helping others with all your crochet projects. It was me who asked about the concert. Thanks for the info.


Judy, Love the pics of Heidi and Sparkie! Glad your DS was able to come over yesterday.


Cindy, Hope your Mom was able to go to rehab today. Good news on your MIL to.


Mary1, Love the pics of Luke. He is getting big. I see you have a redhead grandbaby. Redheads run in my family and I so wanted a redheaded grandbaby and didn't get one. I love redheads! My Dad, one of my brothers, myself when I was a young, my son, (my brother has two kids that are redheads and it looks like my sisters grandbaby will be a redhead). What happened to me?


Mamaswan, :welcome to our house! I crochet, sew and can knit, love doing jigsaw puzzles. I've been married almost 15 years. This is are second marriage for both of us. I have a son and daughter and hubby has a daughter. Between the two of us we have 8 grandkids. Currently Iam at my sons helping them out. We take care of are GD Maya full time. We love having her. She is a Grandma's girl and a Grandpa's girl.

I'm currently crocheting on a rr (round ripple afghan). What are you working on?


Today was a busy one for me before I headed to sons house. I went over to the next town and picked up a gazebo we ordered last week. Then I went to the cable companies office. Picked up an HD box and a new router for the computer. Had some trouble last year before we left and they said mine wasn't very fast. I setup the HD box, hooked up the router and put the other cable box in the bedroom and hooked it up. By then it was time to leave. The kids were all excited and happy to see me.

Well I'm off for the night. See everyone tomorrow.

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Good morning!


Marlene- Sure sounds like you were busy before heading over to DS's house! Hopefully with your new router you will notice that your computer is now faster and HD TV is great!


Judy- Have you been able to get any more done on that beautiful shawl while keeping up after Heidi?


Marisa- Did you get to Boscov's last night? Any leads on possible offices?


Julie- I've been thinking about you and sending some hugs!


Tammy- How are you feeling today?


Kiyo- Are your Aussie friends still visiting?


Wrennie- I meant to comment yesterday that I also go grocery shopping early in the morning and the only laundry I let DH do is the whites. He ruined two of my shirts once so since then, I gladly do the laundry!!


Have a wonderful Tuesday!

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The last pic is how Heidi spends most of her time...:lol

nice pictures!


Wrennie ~ Love how you and Morton compromised on the shopping and laundry. :yes How fun to see a Bluebird! My sister has a lake house and they have several of them show up every year.

Thats the first i've seen at this house.


We had a wonderful time with Luke. He is such a happy little guy. We took him to Walmart and bought his first wagon - it has seats with seatbelts and great online reviews. He helped Gramps put it together and we had several long walks...Gracie loved that! Anytime someone says "Yay," he throws his hands in the air. :lol




Hi there. I'm new to the "ville" and would love to join a nice group. Do you mind?

:hi Welcome aboard!



Wrennie, the first year I put a bluebird house out, I had a pair move in, and hatch some eggs. The next year I added a few more houses, and I've never seen another bluebird.

hmmm, thats strange. Has anything about the surrounding landscape changed? Trees planted? houses built?


Wrennie- I meant to comment yesterday that I also go grocery shopping early in the morning and the only laundry I let DH do is the whites. He ruined two of my shirts once so since then, I gladly do the laundry!!


Have a wonderful Tuesday!

Early morning is the best time :yes This past sunday I left the house at 6am to go to wally world & the grocery store, & craft stores of course!

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Hi there. I'm new to the "ville" and would love to join a nice group. Do you mind?




Hi there from Northern Utah- I'm Kiyo---WELCOME!!! LOVE these ladies in here! We chat about EVERYTHING, sometimes we forget we are even here for crafting! You may have to use a lil notepad at first until you figure out who is who and what is what lol.

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~HEY GIRLIES!!~~ HOW IS EVERYONE?! I've missed you all!

All is well here! Yes, my friends are still here and I love every minute we get to spend together! They still have 2 weeks. Then a week after that hopefully I will get some time with my honey!! An eventful month (in the midst of all of this- we have softball tournaments, and dance competetion for Aree here in the next week--everyday consists of one or both practices!) Poor Aree is beat!

Other than that all is well! Tired of the rain, rain, rain, rain! Hope you are all doing well-

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Good morning housemates. It's sunny and supposed to get into the upper 80's today. Kim has her monthly check-up with the doctor this afternoon.


I opened another box to sort last night and got quite a shock. I thought it was just another assorted box of stuff. Boy was I wrong. After the top layer, I found my partner's billfold, which brought lots of tears to my eyes. Then it was a whole lot of geneology stuff. Pictures going back to my Great-Great-Grandmother who was dressed all in black and looks mean and sour. My Grandmother grew up with her, helping take care of her. There was also two Bibles and a New Testament from 1901 to 1922 that belonged to my Grandmother and Great-Great-Grandmother. Also found some absolutely marvelous certificates awarded to my Grandmother and her high school graduation certificate for completing all 10 grades. They are large and ornate with lovely writing. Also notes from the 1920's and 1930's when Grandma was the secretary of the Women's Missionary Aid Society. She had beautiful handwriting! It brings history to life as I read about all the outreach that they did with so little. There are lists of things that they sent to Africa and China. Dues were $0.25, which in the 1920's was a lot. There is an envelope with a letter from my Grandfather's doctor that was sent with three one cent stamps. There was a cross-stitch picture that my Grandmother did when she was 85 years old. Truly a treasure trove.


More later. :manyheart

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Good morning ladies :hi


I read through the posts before my workout, but by the time I caught up I had to get moving or would be running late, which I think I still will be :(


Wrennie - :yay for seeing the bluebird


Faile - :cheer you can do it :cheer you can do it :cheer


Judy - Heidi and Sparkie are just too cute :manyheart


Linda - Great hats and I agree that the one you picked for Kim would have been much better :yes Awesome find with your 'treasure' box :clap


Mary1 - Luke is such a cutie pie :manyheart


Tam - Hope you're feeling better :hug Your pie and jam look amazing :drool


Toni - Prayers going out to your mom :hug


MamaSwann - :welcome I'll introduce myself later since I'm short on time.


Cindy - glad to hear your mil is improving a bit :hug


Joanne - nothing at boscov's last night, we didn't even stop to look....in and out :lol


Marlene - oooo, a new gazebo :manyheart How's your rr coming along?


Kiyo - Wow, I'm tired just reading about all the practices :whew I can just imagine how tired Aree is :lol

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~HEY GIRLIES!!~~ HOW IS EVERYONE?! I've missed you all!

All is well here! Yes, my friends are still here and I love every minute we get to spend together! They still have 2 weeks. Then a week after that hopefully I will get some time with my honey!! An eventful month (in the midst of all of this- we have softball tournaments, and dance competetion for Aree here in the next week--everyday consists of one or both practices!) Poor Aree is beat!

Other than that all is well! Tired of the rain, rain, rain, rain! Hope you are all doing well-

Busy times for you and Aree. Hang in there.:hug

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'morning, peeps!:hook


Good morning housemates. It's sunny and supposed to get into the upper 80's today. Kim has her monthly check-up with the doctor this afternoon.

I hope she gets a good report!

I opened another box to sort last night and got quite a shock. I thought it was just another assorted box of stuff. Boy was I wrong. After the top layer, I found my partner's billfold, which brought lots of tears to my eyes. Then it was a whole lot of geneology stuff. Pictures going back to my Great-Great-Grandmother who was dressed all in black and looks mean and sour. My Grandmother grew up with her, helping take care of her. There was also two Bibles and a New Testament from 1901 to 1922 that belonged to my Grandmother and Great-Great-Grandmother. Also found some absolutely marvelous certificates awarded to my Grandmother and her high school graduation certificate for completing all 10 grades. They are large and ornate with lovely writing. Also notes from the 1920's and 1930's when Grandma was the secretary of the Women's Missionary Aid Society. She had beautiful handwriting! It brings history to life as I read about all the outreach that they did with so little. There are lists of things that they sent to Africa and China. Dues were $0.25, which in the 1920's was a lot. There is an envelope with a letter from my Grandfather's doctor that was sent with three one cent stamps. There was a cross-stitch picture that my Grandmother did when she was 85 years old. Truly a treasure trove.


Oh, that's wonderful:c9:c9

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Not being able to spend much time on the computer so I can keep an eye on Heidi has worked out for me - I'm actually crocheting more now and am getting close to finishing the first half of my shawl. THe second half is started on the other side of the foundation chain.

I also pulled out some yarn I had set aside for a baby RR - and am using a 16 point RR pattern I found online. Can't locate the pattern right now to tell you whose design it is.


Baby is still sleeping...and I have a long overdue hair appt at 2:30...that's my day....


be back when I can!

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·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸Good Morning House¸.·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸

Thank you everyone for the love... well wishes... concern and compliments!!!

I finally got a chance to sit with my sewing machine this weekend.... and line one of the StashBuster Totes I made.


It was stinkin' simple and I really like how it came out!!! I hope to find time again with my sewing machine to line a few other totes I made.

Well.. just wanted to pop in real quick... I stop back in a bit... I have laundry to check on... need to check my living room carpet to see if its dry from cleaning it this morning and get a refill on my :mug



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Kim and I just got back from her doctor check-up. Everything was good. And she's lost 10 pounds in 6 months. Yay! What we're doing is working. Of course, some of that is weight she lost while in the hospital and barely eating. But she's down and I'm down! Made both our doctors happy.


It's at least 94* outside. Sheesh! Too hot. We just came right home and got back in the air conditioning. The weather this year is CRAZY!!!!!

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Hi everyone. They called today with the time I have to be at surgery center tomorrow, what to bring with me and nothing after midnight. No :coffee:eek :eek I have to be at the center at 10:30 and they do surgery about hour to hour and a half later. Then have to pick up the eyecare kit and meds and then home. Thursday is early morning follow-up on surgery, vampire nurse and doctor appt and then home. So for two days, may be MIA and don't want you to worry. Will let you know how surgery goes on Friday, hopefully.


Thank you for all the prayers for my mama, they are very much appreciated.


Joanne, CMT is Country Music Television station.


Marlene, sorry I couldn't remember who asked about the concert. My brain is mush lately.


Kiyo, sounds like you are extremely busy with Aree's practices and your friends visiting. But it also sounds like you are very happy and soon, your honey will be there.


Linda, what a wonderful treasure of memories you found. WOW! All that family history is so very precious.


So glad Kim's appt. went well and you are both doing good at the weight loss and making the drs. happy.


My AC is definitely on. I hate summer :-( Love the flowers and the hummingbirds and bluebirds and all, just do NOT like the heat. I hibernate as much as I can.


Judy, aren't puppies fun! It's like having a baby around the house again. You have to baby proof and watch them every minute :lol Glad you're getting some :crocheting time in for you.

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it's almost warm today here. DH said it's the latest bloom time he can remember for the apple trees.


My name is Mary..and I am an addict..of Sue's Stash buster tote :rofl...is what takes up a lot of my time!


Out to work in the barn this afternoon. Might have to make sure the barn cooling is ready to go..might get up to 75 :rolleyes

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Hi everyone. They called today with the time I have to be at surgery center tomorrow, what to bring with me and nothing after midnight. No :coffee:eek :eek I have to be at the center at 10:30 and they do surgery about hour to hour and a half later. Then have to pick up the eyecare kit and meds and then home. Thursday is early morning follow-up on surgery, vampire nurse and doctor appt and then home. So for two days, may be MIA and don't want you to worry. Will let you know how surgery goes on Friday, hopefully.


My AC is definitely on. I hate summer :-( Love the flowers and the hummingbirds and bluebirds and all, just do NOT like the heat. I hibernate as much as I can.

Toni, good luck with the surgery and follow-up appointments. Keeping you and yours in my prayers.:hug :hug :hug

it's almost warm today here. DH said it's the latest bloom time he can remember for the apple trees.


My name is Mary..and I am an addict..of Sue's Stash buster tote :rofl...is what takes up a lot of my time!


Out to work in the barn this afternoon. Might have to make sure the barn cooling is ready to go..might get up to 75 :rolleyes

Crazy weather everywhere. :hug

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hmmm, thats strange. Has anything about the surrounding landscape changed? Trees planted? houses built?




We live in the middle of 10 acres of woods, as do all of our neighbors, and the woods have grown taller and thicker. I think bluebirds like their surroundings to be a little more open. The only open area around here is our yard.

we ahve lots of different birds, so I suppose that it may have been too crowded as well.

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Hello everyone. Very busy at work today, and then after work I went grocery shopping. That means I can play tomorrow.


My mil had quite a setback last night. Her heart rhythm changed and she had a little extra fluid in her body, that they needed to give medicine (lasix) for. They got that all stabilized, but it doesn't sound like she will be coming home this week.


Linda, what a nice surprise that box turned out to be. Glad Kim's checkup was good.


Toni, good luck with the eye surgery.

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Good afternoon ~


How is everyone this fine Tuesday? I read through everyone's posts and was preparing to write responses, when my agenda for the day was up-ended -- for a good reason, though. The girls' school won a grant, allowing a few different 'lifetime sports' to be introduced to the students, and this month, the students are rollerskating. The grant allows for a company to come in with skates, wrist guards, knee pads and helmets for the students, as well as an overlay to protect our auditorium's wood flooring. The school sent out an S.O.S. for any parent willing to come in to put down the floor and stay to help students with finding skates and getting them on for this first lesson. Today, each class had 45 minutes of instruction, but going forward, skating time will last 90 minutes. Lots of giggles, some frustration from the children who expected to be pros, as they play hockey in the winter, when they realized that different motions are needed to skate and stop with 4 wheels attached to each foot. I did not think to bring my camera, but there were big grins at the end of the lesson. Great program! I really wanted to lace up a pair, myself, and skate with the students...Friday, maybe???


Dinner is almost ready, but we are doing fine on this end. I finished the baby blanket and a hat for Annika's classroom teacher, and I am working on a little purse for the 'big sister,' using RHSS Melonberry. MIL's gift bag? I had to scratch the project, because I could not find either of the shades of cotton I had used to make the first 2/3. I did not expect it to be impossible to find Sugar and Cream cotton at either JoAnn's or Michael's. :( Ah well, a recycled gift bag from my mum's collection, some new tissue paper, and the gift was ready to give on Saturday morning.


Toni ~ good luck with your surgery and follow-up check this week. I'll be praying for you. :hug


MamaSwann ~ Welcome! I am a 34-year-old, stay-at-home mum to two girls. We live about 25 miles from the nearest town, where my DH works and our daughters attend school, so I am, often, running back and forth with them. I started crocheting about 5 years ago, and if I am not doing that, I am cooking, baking or writing letters. Jump in any time. We are happy to have you here.


Mary ~ ADORABLE pics of Luke! He looks so happy. And his wagon was a great gift idea. We bought larger tires for ours, since I was only using it on our dirt roads or over our property, but we logged many miles on those tires, back in the day.


Mary2 ~ Your Stashbuster tote collection is impressive :clap How are your baby bunnies doing?


Linda ~ what lovely mementoes you found in last night's box :manyheart Glad the doctors are happy with your weight loss and Kim's, as well. Fancy hats you came up with, again, this year. Sorry Kim did not get to wear the hat you chose, but you went above-and-beyond to fashion John's with the antlers. Good job.


Cindy ~ Continued prayers for your mother. I hope she felt well enough to attend therapy, yesterday, and that she is doing better. Will MIL really be ready to come home, tomorrow?


Joanne ~ lucky DD had some spare scrubs to loan you. :lol Did you get your new plants into the ground? DH and the girls gave me 5 pots of ruffly tulips for Mother's Day (my favorite flower of all time). For the past couple of nights, they have been working to till up the garden, plant my zinnias and strawberries.


Wrennie ~ Hope your week is going well :)


Kiyo ~ How nice your friends from Australia can stay so long, especially after braving the long flight! Give Aree a hug -- her week sounds B-U-S-Y!


Judy ~ Heidi looks so comfortable and adorable in your pics. I am glad you are enjoying your new pup. :yay for crochet-time.


To Tam, Faile, Julie and everyone else I ran out of time to mention this go-'round ~ :ghug

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Good morning housemates. It's sunny and supposed to get into the upper 80's today. Kim has her monthly check-up with the doctor this afternoon. Glad to hear it went well and WTG on the weight loss for both of you!!! I had WW again today- before our nurses lunch- I lost another lb (and wasn't even trying) Then went to hace lunch- It was delicious --and healthy--salad, wraps and fruit salad.


I opened another box to sort last night and got quite a shock. I thought it was just another assorted box of stuff. Boy was I wrong. After the top layer, I found my partner's billfold, which brought lots of tears to my eyes. Then it was a whole lot of geneology stuff. Pictures going back to my Great-Great-Grandmother who was dressed all in black and looks mean and sour. My Grandmother grew up with her, helping take care of her. There was also two Bibles and a New Testament from 1901 to 1922 that belonged to my Grandmother and Great-Great-Grandmother. Also found some absolutely marvelous certificates awarded to my Grandmother and her high school graduation certificate for completing all 10 grades. They are large and ornate with lovely writing. Also notes from the 1920's and 1930's when Grandma was the secretary of the Women's Missionary Aid Society. She had beautiful handwriting! It brings history to life as I read about all the outreach that they did with so little. There are lists of things that they sent to Africa and China. Dues were $0.25, which in the 1920's was a lot. There is an envelope with a letter from my Grandfather's doctor that was sent with three one cent stamps. There was a cross-stitch picture that my Grandmother did when she was 85 years old. Truly a treasure trove.


More later. :manyheart

How fun to find all those interesting things! I have boxes in my attic from my Mom and Dad's house and one day when all three of my DD's were here, I pulled some down and we looked through them- some really neat old pictures- and my DD's each took some things that they wanted to have.


~HEY GIRLIES!!~~ HOW IS EVERYONE?! I've missed you all!

All is well here! Yes, my friends are still here and I love every minute we get to spend together! They still have 2 weeks. Then a week after that hopefully I will get some time with my honey!! An eventful month (in the midst of all of this- we have softball tournaments, and dance competetion for Aree here in the next week--everyday consists of one or both practices!) Poor Aree is beat!

Other than that all is well! Tired of the rain, rain, rain, rain! Hope you are all doing well-

Glad you are having fun with your friends and Yes, this is surely a busy time of year with the kiddies and sports/dance etc. Before you know it , she'll be all grown up- that's how I feel- I felt like I'd never survive all the running around with 3 DD's to all their various activities- but you do- and it is SO worth it!!!


·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸Good Morning House¸.·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸


Thank you everyone for the love... well wishes... concern and compliments!!!

I finally got a chance to sit with my sewing machine this weekend.... and line one of the StashBuster Totes I made.



It was stinkin' simple and I really like how it came out!!! I hope to find time again with my sewing machine to line a few other totes I made. Love how you say it's stinkin simple!!! I guess that would be IF you have a sewing machine!:lol (and of course, although I had asked my DD forgot to bring hers on Sunday) I was not surprised- I should have called her right before she was scheduled to leave her house and reminded her!





Not being able to spend much time on the computer so I can keep an eye on Heidi has worked out for me - I'm actually crocheting more now and am getting close to finishing the first half of my shawl. THe second half is started on the other side of the foundation chain.

I also pulled out some yarn I had set aside for a baby RR - and am using a 16 point RR pattern I found online. Can't locate the pattern right now to tell you whose design it is.


Baby is still sleeping...and I have a long overdue hair appt at 2:30...that's my day....


be back when I can!

Hope your hair appointment went well! And yes, the computer time does eat into my crochet time too- but I feel like my day isn't complete without it!!:lol You sound so happy with Heidi in your life!!!:c9


Hi everyone. They called today with the time I have to be at surgery center tomorrow, what to bring with me and nothing after midnight. No :coffee:eek :eek I have to be at the center at 10:30 and they do surgery about hour to hour and a half later. Then have to pick up the eyecare kit and meds and then home. Thursday is early morning follow-up on surgery, vampire nurse and doctor appt and then home. So for two days, may be MIA and don't want you to worry. Will let you know how surgery goes on Friday, hopefully. Prayers and postive thoughts for you Toni!!


Thank you for all the prayers for my mama, they are very much appreciated. And they will continue


Joanne, CMT is Country Music Television station. I'll have to see if we get that station.


My AC is definitely on. I hate summer :-( Love the flowers and the hummingbirds and bluebirds and all, just do NOT like the heat. I hibernate as much as I can. I love the longer days of summer because I feel like I'm not only working- in the winter- I leave in the dark and come home in the dark! I DO NOT like heat/humidity- the weather the last few days is perfection- 70's low humidity, blue skies, sunshine, nice gentle breeze!!!:manyheart



Marisa- Good for you "in and out" at Boscov's!!!


Cindy- What' have you been working on? Are you off now for a couple of days?


I found a skein of turqua yarn in my garage totes and will be able to finish the SBT tonight- and then start another!


Off to grab dinner and then :crocheting for a bit!!!

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Hello everyone. Very busy at work today, and then after work I went grocery shopping. That means I can play tomorrow.


My mil had quite a setback last night. Her heart rhythm changed and she had a little extra fluid in her body, that they needed to give medicine (lasix) for. They got that all stabilized, but it doesn't sound like she will be coming home this week.


Linda, what a nice surprise that box turned out to be. Glad Kim's checkup was good.


Toni, good luck with the eye surgery.


Enjoy your "Play Day" tomorrow Cindy!!! :yaySorry to hear about your MIL- sounds like maybe CHF? Glad that they got her stabilized, though, and you are right- I'd be surprised if she comes home this week!

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