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2011 Stashbusting CAL


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Man, it's that time again. I did not do too well this week. I spent WAAAAY too much time looking at and downloading patterns this week and not enough time crocheting or knitting, although I did crochet or knit every day. Next week will be better :D.

WTD: -4

YTD: -33

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Wow! It's great to be posting again. The last Saturday in August, my family was in a car crash. I was in the front passenger seat. A huge truck ran a stop sign and we hit. Her front bumper hit my side front of the car. Luckily no one else was physically hurt. I was worried about my two kids, our little family friend and the other driver's little girls, but they were all okay; hubby too, and the other driver. I was sent via ambulance to the emergency room. By God's grace and protection, I survived with just a sprained back, neck and shoulder. I am so thankful. Things could have been so much worse. I've been in physical therapy, and last week could finally hold and use my crochet hook! :cheer:cheer:cheer


My dear hubby took me to Wally world to celebrate and I bought yarn for Special Olympics scarves and a prayer shawl.


On Wednesday, during one of the huge rain storms we've been getting lately, hubby was coming home from work and hydroplaned. He thought he hit a landscaping truck, but that guy backed up and left the scene. Mart's now thinking he missed the truck and went up the embankment and hit a pole next to the cement overpass wall. He said he shut his eyes when he saw the truck heading straight for him, felt the crash and then the car traveled backwards. He was diagnosed with chest and back contusions in the emergency room, but I think his back is worse. He's not walking or moving well. Again, God's protection was in effect. He goes to our family doctor on Tuesday. He may need physical therapy too.


Both cars are totaled, but the insurance company is paying for a rental car so we can get some groceries and go to the ATM and get to church.


Since I can crochet again (and hold a pen to write and use the mouse on the computer :clap) I was able to crochet a skein down into a ball.


Hey guys, you buckle up, be grateful for airbags and say a little prayer for EMS, police and medical personnel. Be careful out there!



Glad everyone is safe and alive...hope the injuries heal soon! :hug



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Had to send dh to HL to get me more yarn for an afghan. -8 for the 4 skeins. I'm heading to the moon! :lol


WTD: -29, WTD: -164




Hey! That looks like what I expect my score to be next week! :eek Your yarn is coming in then! :P

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Wow! It's great to be posting again. The last Saturday in August, my family was in a car crash. I was in the front passenger seat. A huge truck ran a stop sign and we hit. Her front bumper hit my side front of the car. Luckily no one else was physically hurt. I was worried about my two kids, our little family friend and the other driver's little girls, but they were all okay; hubby too, and the other driver. I was sent via ambulance to the emergency room. By God's grace and protection, I survived with just a sprained back, neck and shoulder. I am so thankful. Things could have been so much worse. I've been in physical therapy, and last week could finally hold and use my crochet hook! :cheer:cheer:cheer


My dear hubby took me to Wally world to celebrate and I bought yarn for Special Olympics scarves and a prayer shawl.


On Wednesday, during one of the huge rain storms we've been getting lately, hubby was coming home from work and hydroplaned. He thought he hit a landscaping truck, but that guy backed up and left the scene. Mart's now thinking he missed the truck and went up the embankment and hit a pole next to the cement overpass wall. He said he shut his eyes when he saw the truck heading straight for him, felt the crash and then the car traveled backwards. He was diagnosed with chest and back contusions in the emergency room, but I think his back is worse. He's not walking or moving well. Again, God's protection was in effect. He goes to our family doctor on Tuesday. He may need physical therapy too.


Both cars are totaled, but the insurance company is paying for a rental car so we can get some groceries and go to the ATM and get to church.


Since I can crochet again (and hold a pen to write and use the mouse on the computer :clap) I was able to crochet a skein down into a ball.


Hey guys, you buckle up, be grateful for airbags and say a little prayer for EMS, police and medical personnel. Be careful out there!


For week ending Oct. 1, 2011 (wow! Lost a month):


WTD: -17


Oh my gosh I'm sorry to hear all of this happened to you! I hope you both recover fully :hug and get back to... dare I say (these days) "normal"? :think I agree with you 100% about lifting up all rescue workers. We had a structure fire last week on the property and I swear I could just imagine all of the angels working feverishly to keep the flames from speading. EMS and two fire departments were there in no time. The 911 operator did an awesome job dispatching someone quickly, too. In the end I thanked God for taking care of ALL of us.:manyheart


So I'm happy to hear the kids and other driver were all okay and glad to hear you feel well enough to crochet. Now I hope the best for your husband getting better, too!!!

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What are HAP rectangles? Inquiring minds want to know.


"Handmade Afghan Project" The rectangles are put together into afghans that go to military hospitals.


Several years ago I ran across it on line while looking at charities. Since my son was about to deploy to Iraq and we have a lot of friends in the military, it seemed the perfect choice.

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I've been bad about posting lately...been busy and forgetful! Worst part is I have actually been using yarn and not buying any!!! :eek


WTD +20

YTD -308

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Hi all...slow moving on the yarn this week as I've been under the weather, as they say. Not sick enough to miss work, but exhausted and drained every evening. I think I have an infection in my body from my infected tooth :(:( Dentist appointment on Wednesday.


This WTD= 0

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Had to send dh to HL to get me more yarn for an afghan. -8 for the 4 skeins. I'm heading to the moon! :lol


WTD: -29, WTD: -164




Nope, you are stuck on Earth this week! :lol






My score in no way reflects it, but I did use up two skeins this past week. :blush




WTD: -104 :devil

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Had to send dh to HL to get me more yarn for an afghan. -8 for the 4 skeins. I'm heading to the moon! :lol


WTD: -29, WTD: -164




Do you have a vacation home on the moon? :rofl

With a HUGE craft room with LOTS of storage :rofl

Nope, you are stuck on Earth this week! :lol




My score in no way reflects it, but I did use up two skeins this past week. :blush





You are a woman after my own heart! This week I didn't get much of anything worked on. Sorry all but I want snow :eek:eek so I don't have to go work outside and I can get some serious :crocheting time in. I did get an ebay order ;) 4 skeins, beautiful wool blend. So -8 for the week

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Thanks everyone for your well wishes about our accidents. Every day brings us closer to healed.

TCarra, sorry to hear about your fire. That was pretty scarey! Glad to hear you're okay.

Crafty Witch, hope your Mom is feeling better. I bet she feels a little more comfortable having you around to help her.


Blessings everyone!

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I did manage to use up 2 skeins last night. Takes forever to get those one pounders used up. I'll add it to next weeks score. :)


Do you have a vacation home on the moon? :rofl


It's a time share. :rofl


Nope, you are stuck on Earth this week! :lol


Oh, I thought it was mine this week, but I guess I read the calendar wrong! :lol


With a HUGE craft room with LOTS of storage :rofl


And no crochet hooks since I seem to buy way more than I use! :rofl



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Went out to dinner with Jana last night and a quick run into Michael's. Didn't have much time to shop cause we didn't know they close at 7 on Sundays. Walked through the door at 6:40...2 skeins did manage to get into the cart. So I'm back at 0.


:blink:blink Did I miss something? It's Monday, right? Did last week's scores not get posted?


I didn't see any scores. Who's turn is it? :think



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It was a super busy weekend so I didn't get to post my score. It wouldn't have mattered. Big fat zero.


The yarn trip with Sue last night added 6 skeins to my total (+12) for this upcoming week. Hopefully I'll be able to get all the ends tied in on my little grannie ghan so I can start to use up some of the full skeins.

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